180 research outputs found

    Primera cita de Amaranthus powellii subsp. powellii (Amaranthaceae) para la región del Lazio (Italia Central) con observaciones taxonómicas, morfológicas, corológicas y ecológicas

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    Amaranthus L. (Amaranthaceae) is a genus consisting of about 70 species, about 40 of which are native to America, while the remaining ones are native to the other continents (Costea et al. 2001). Most of the species recorded in Europe are considered alien species causing social (allergenic plants), economical (crop weeds) and ecological impacts (loss of biodiversity). Moreover, the whole genus is considered critical as for taxonomy and nomenclature, and for the frequent misapplication of names. The Amaranthus hybridus group includes six closely related species (sensu Costea et al. 2001) that are considered the most critical ones both for taxonomy and for morphological variability. Consequently, the identification of the species within this group is very difficult. In this paper, A. powellii S. Watson subsp. powellii is recorded for Lazio region (central Italy) for the first time. The morphology of the species, its distribution, its invasive status, ecological features for Italy and taxonomical notes are also treated. Moreover, a comparison with the related subspecies A. powellii S. Watson subsp. bouchonii (Thell.) Costea & Carretero is provided

    Note ecologiche su Amaranthus Bliotoides S. Watson (Amaranthaceae) E Suoi Caratteri D‘Invasività

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    Se discute sobre la biología, ecología y corología de Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson. Originaria del Norte de América (probablemente de U.S.A.) esta especie ha sido entroducida en Italia. En la ciudad de Roma y alrededores, A. blitoides es una especie común y se adapta fácilmente a muchos hábitats. La producción, dispersión y germinación de las semillas depende de dos factores: temperatura y luz. La humedad podría ser un factor limitante: la especie está ausente en las orillas ríos y lagos y en los prados húmedos. El desarrollo es rápido y las plantas producen un gran número de semillas. En algunos países de Europa (como en España) la especie ha desarrollado resistencia a los herbicidas atrazina y simazina.A review of biological, ecological and chorological information is provided for Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson (Amaranthaceae). This species is native to the North America (probably U.S.A) and it was introduced in Italy. In Rome and adiacent areas, A. blitoides is common species and it easly adapt to a moltitude of ruderal and agrestal habitats. Production, dispersal and germination of the seeds are connected with two pricipal environmental factors: temperature and light. Umidity may be a limiting ecological factor: the entity is in fact absent in banks and wet fallows. Growth is rapid and the plants produce a consistent number of viable seeds. In some europeas countries (such as Spain) the species has developed resistance to atrazina and simazina herbicides

    Vicia incisa (Fabaceae). Taxonomical and chorological notes

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    The classification of the Vicia sativa aggregate is unsatisfactory. Concerning the taxonomic value and choice of rank of some of these taxa, there are disagreements among botanists. Vicia incisa, which was originally described at species level, was mostly treated at subspecies rank of V. sativa. However, chemical and molecular data pointed out that this taxon, not only should be treated at species rank, but it should be removed from the group of V. sativa, being more related to V. barbazitae, V. grandiflora, and V. sepium. Based on morphometric measurements and cultivation tests, as well as nomenclatural investigations, the present research was carried out with the main aim to define the better taxonomic rank for the studied taxon. The results obtained support the published molecular data concerning both the recognition of the studied taxon at species level and the morphological similarity among V. incisa, V. barbazitae, V. grandiflora and V. sepium

    On the presence of dysphania pumilio (R. BR) mosyakin & clemants (amaranthaceae) in Italy

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    Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants ha sido recolectado en la región de Lazio, lo que constituye la primera cita de esta especie para la región, como se ha confirmado por el estudio de citas bibliográficas y del material de herbario previos. Se incluye la descripción de la especie, su distribución, ecología y el grado de invasión en Italia.Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants was recorded for the first time in Lazio region (central Italy), based on floristic surveys, analysis of literature and examination of herbarium specimens. Morphology, distribution, invasive status, ecological features of this species in Italy are here presented

    Italian endemic Caryophyllaceae: a review

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    Se analizan los taxones endémicos de Italia pertenecientes a la familia Caryophllaceae, con un total de 92 taxones (aproximadamente el 24.5% del total de Caryophyllaceae italianas), pertenecientes a 13 géneros. Los generos que tienen el mayor número de taxones son Dianthus (27 taxones que representan el 29.35% del total de los endemismos), Silene (26, 28.26%) y Cerastium (10, 10.87%). Los taxones endémicos incluidos en Dianthus representan aproximadamente el 60% del total del los taxones italianos de Dianthus, seguido de Moheringia L. (42,86%), Herniaria L. (36.36%), Gypsophyla L. (33.33%), Scleranthus L. (30%), Silene (26%), Cerastium (23.26%) y Minuartia L. (21.43%). La mayor parte del los taxones se distribuye en el centro-sur de Italia (55.49%), y en Sicilia y Cerdeña (28.14%), mientras los demás taxones se encuentran en el norte (17.37%). La flora de la isla Cerdeña incluye el mayor número de taxones endémicos (26); le seguien en número cuatro regiones que tienen más de 10 taxones [Sicilia (21 taxones), Calabria and Abruzzo (14), Campania (12), y Lazio (11)]. Se indican los tipos de 68 nombres, mientras que los otros 25 necesitan la designación de un lectotipo o un neotipo. La tipificación de dos de los nombres (Cerastium scaranii y Dianthus paniculatus) ha sido revisada y se han designado neotipos sobre pliegos conservado en los herbarios M y NAP. Se aporta un cuadro sinóptico que incluye los nombres correctos, basiónimos, tipos, cuando han sido designados, y distribución a nivel regional. Se incluye un cuadro con 32 nombres de posibles taxones endémicos de valor taxonómico dudoso.Italian endemic Caryophyllaceae: a review. A review of the Italian endemic Caryophyllaceae is presented. The list includes 92 taxa (about the 24.5% of the Italian Caryophyllaceae) which belong to 13 genera. The richest genera are Dianthus, Silene, and Cerastium, with 27 (29.35% of the total Italian endemics Caryophyllaceae), 26 (28.26%), and 10 (10.87%) taxa respectively. The endemics Dianthus represents about the 60% of the total Italian Dianthus taxa, followed by Moheringia L. (42.86%), Herniaria L. (36.36%), Gypsophyla L. (33.33%), Scleranthus L. (30%), Silene (26%), Cerastium (23.26%), and Minuartia L. (21.43%). Most taxa occur in central and southern Italy (55.49%), and in Sicily and Sardinia (28.14%), while the remaining ones occur in northern Italy (17.37%). At regional level, the Sardinia flora comprises the higher number of endemics (26); four regions have floras with more than 10 endemic taxa [Sicily (21 taxa), Calabria and Abruzzo (14), Campania (12), and Lazio (11)]. 65 taxa have already been typified, while the other 27 need the designation of one lecto- or neotype. The typification of two names (Cerastium scaranii, and Dianthus paniculatus) was here revised and the names neotypified on specimens kept in M, and NAP. A table with 32 potentially endemic taxa of doubtful taxonomic value is also included. A comprehensive synoptical table including accepted names, basyonims, types, when designated, and regional distribution is include

    Updating to the checklist of the italian vascular flora: Asteraceae, Ghaphalieae

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    Se propone una actualización de los géneros italianos de la tribu Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae). Cuatro géneros (dos nativos y dos alóctonos) son novedadeas para la flora de Italia. Se indican sus nombres correctos, protólogos, principales sinónimos, comparación con los géneros afines y la lista de las especies italianas (se incluye la distribución regional). Se incluye también el catálogo de géneros y especies italianas de Gnaphalieae.The checklist of the Gnaphalieae genera (Asteraceae) occurring in Italy is updated. Four genera (two native and two exotic) are new for the flora of Italy. Their accepted names, references, main synonyms, comparison with related genera and the list of the Italian species (including the distribution at regional level) are provided. The complete list (genera and species) of Italian Gnaphalieae is also given

    Studies on the genus Atriplex L. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy. IV. Atriplex bocconei Guss.

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    Studies on the genus Atriplex L. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy. IV. Atriplex bocconei Guss. – Atriplex bocconei Guss. is here typified on one herbarium specimen kept in NAP. The identity of the species is also clarified on the basis of literature analysis and examination of type material and other specimens that allowed to include it in the synonym of A. glauca L. An extensive synonymy of A. glauca was also reported, including two new combinations. Notes on the ecology and present distribution of the species are also provided.Keywords: Atriplex glauca L., Atriplex halimus L., new combination, new synonymy, typificatio

    Studies on the Genus Atriplex L. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy. I. Atriplex Platysepala Guss

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    Se tipifica Atriplex platysepala Guss. sobre un pliego conservado en el Hebario de la Universidad de Napoli “Federico II” (NAP). La consulta de la bibliografía, la comparación del material tipo y del protólogo con la de A. prostrata Boucher ex DC. y el estudio de otros material de herbario han permitido considerar A. platysepala sinónimo de A. prostrata.Atriplex platysepala Guss. is typifi ed on one herbarium specimen kept in NAP. The identity of the species is also clarifi ed based on literature analysis, examination of type material and other specimens that allowed to include it in the synonim of A. prostrata Boucher ex DC

    Studies on the genus Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) in Italy. VIII. Names published by Vincenzo Tineo and Michele Lojacono-Pojero

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    The typification of the Atriplex names published by Vincenzo Tineo and Michele LojaconoPojero is discussed. Atriplex ambigua, A. dealbata, A. graeci, A. halimoides, A halimoides var. glomerata, A. halimoides var. perglauca, A. polyphylla, and A. ratundifolia are neo- or lectotypified on specimens preserved at FI or PAL and ynonymized with A. glauca (= A. dealbata), A. halimus (= A. halimoides = A. halimoides var. glomerata = A. halimoides var. perglauca), A. rosea (= A. ambigua = A. graeci) and A. tornabenei (= A. polyphylla = A. rotundifolia). The Tineo’s A. arenaria, previously considered as replaced synonym of A. tornabenei, is clarified and typified (neotype) on a specimens deposited at FI

    Nuevas alóctonas en Malvaceae para la flora africana del norte, con notas nomenclaturales

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    As part of ongoing studies on Tunisian Malvaceae, populations of two Hibiscus species (H. Rosa-sinensis and H. Syriacus) and Lagunaria patersonia were discovered in northern Tunisia, representing first records for the national and North African flora. Morphological characters, as well as ecological and chorological data are given. Nomenclatural notes about the names H. acerifolius (= H. syriacus), H. chinensis (= H. syriacus), H. patersonius (basionym of L. Patersonia), and H. rhombifolius (= H. syriacus) are provided, i.e. indication of the holotype for Hibiscus chinensis (van Braam Houckgeest’s illustration), and designation of lectotypes for H. Acerifolius (a Salisbury’s illustration), H. Rhombifolius (Cavanilles’s illustration), and H. Patersonius (Andrew’s illustration). Further illegitimate and invalid names (Althaea frutex, H. floridus, Ketmia syrorum, K. Arborea, and K. Arborescens) are also treated.Como parte de los estudios en curso sobre las Malvaceae de Túnez, se descubrieron poblaciones de dos especies de Hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis y H. syriacus) y de Lagunaria patersonia en el norte de Túnez, que representan los primeros registros de la flora nacional y norteafricana. Se describen caracteres morfológicos, así como datos ecológicos y corológicos. Se proporcionan notas nomenclaturales sobre los nombres H. acerifolius (= H. syriacus), H. chinensis (= H. syriacus), H. patersonius (basiónimo de L. Patersonia) y H. rhombifolius (= H. syriacus), incluida la designación de holótipo para H. Chinensis (ilustración de van Braam Houckgeest), y designación de lectótipos para H. Acerifolius (una ilustración de Salisbury), H. Rhombifolius (ilustración de Cavanilles) y H. Patersonius (ilustración de Andrew). También se tratan otros nombres ilegítimos e inválidos (Althaea frutex, H. floridus, Ketmia syrorum, K. Arborea y K. Arborescens)