45 research outputs found

    Antioxidant activity of safflower leaves and its modification by abiotic factors

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    The purpose of this research was to study the changes in antioxidant activity of safflower leaves extracts under influences of various abiotic factors: a) meteorological conditions of vegetation season; b) time of sowing (fall or spring); c) pre-sowing treatment of seeds with different doses of γ-radiation. The antioxidant activity was determined by potentiometric methods against peroxyl free radicals and expressed as gallic acid equivalent (µMGAE) per g of dry residue of extract. Obtained data showed that the antioxidant activity of extracts from leaves of safflower growing in the same vegetation season had no differences and did not depend on time of sowing (fall or spring). If to compare the different vegetation seasons the differences in antioxidant activity indices was approximately by 2.0 times (in season of 2015-2016 years the antioxidant activity of leaves extracts was in medium 32-34µMGAE/g, but in season of 2016-2017 this index was equal 61-62µMGAE/g. The extracts of leaves collected from safflower, seeds of which were pre-sowing treated with different doses of γ-radiation (50, 100, 150Gy), possessed higher antioxidant activity than the extracts of safflower leaves derived from untreated seeds

    Studies regarding antioxidant properties of vegetal glycosides

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    Institutului de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor al Academiei de Ştiinţe a MoldoveiRezumat. Scopul lucrării a fost evidenţierea proprietăţilor antioxidante ale compoziţiilor glicozidice naturale izolate din flora autohtonă. S-a aplicat metoda potenţiometrică de determinare in vitro a capacităţii de captare a radicalilor liberi bazată pe generarea radicalilor peroxi ROO· cu ajutorul 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropan)dihidrocloridului. Conform indicelor de activitate antioxidantă glicozidele testate s-au aranjat în următoarea consecutivitate: glicozide fenolice > glicozide steroidice furostanolice > glicozide iridoidice > glicozide steroidice spirostanolice. Verbascozida, tomatozida şi capsicozida posed activitatea antioxidantă înaltă şi pot fi recomandate pentru utilizarea in calitatea de adaptogeni.Abstact. The purpose of the paper was to reveal the antioxidant properties of natural glycoside compositions isolated from indigenous flora. Potentiometric method of in vitro determination the free radicals scavenging capacity based on generating of peroxy radicals ROO • by using 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrocloride was applied. According to antioxidant activity indexes tested glycosides were arranged in the following sequence: phenolic glycosides > steroid furostanolic glycosides > iridoid glycosides > steroid spirostanolic glycosides. Verbascozide, capsicozide and tomatoside possess high antioxidant activity and can be recommended for use as adaptogens

    Approaches to the determination of antioxidant activity of extracts from bee bread and safflower leaves and flowers

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    The main objective of this study was to develop approaches for the determination of total antioxidant activity of natural products (bee bread and safflower extracts) using DPPH radical scavenging assay. Considering that analytical procedures and results related to this assay and reported by many authors are significally differed between each other and depend on many factors (the nature of tested extracts, the nature of solvents for extraction, a reaction time of DPPH with a sample, DPPH solvents and concentration, ratio between DPPH and an extract, etc.), the methodology of the evaluation of antioxidant capacity of different origin extracts by DPPH radical scavenging assay was developed. Ascorbic acid (AA) was used as standard antioxidant and the correlation between the percentage of DPPH scavenging and AA concentration was determined at two different initial absorbances of DPPH solution. Average concentration of AA which inhibited 50% of DPPH radicals (IC50) was equal to 156.0 - 171.26 µg.mL-1. The reaction kinetics of DPPH inhibition by bee bread and safflower extracts was described by the curves of the dependence of the total antioxidant activity on time with squared correlation coefficients (R2) in the range of 0.89 - 0.98. The reaction times for these extracts were from 40 to 70 min at the correct ratio of volumes between the tested extracts and a DPPH solution. These studies demonstrated that the extracts obtained from bee bread of 2016 year of pollen collection had significantly higher the total antioxidant activity compared with the extracts of bee bread of pollen collection of 2015 considering the ratio of bee bread and the solvent in the extracts and volume of the extract for the procedure. This fact is explained not only botanical origin bun also the time of the storage of bee bread before the preparation of extracts. There was not found significant differences in the total antioxidant activity of extracts from flowers of safflower sown in fall and in spring. Antioxidant activity of the extracts from leaves of spring sown safflower was higher compared with the total antioxidant activity of the extracts from fall sown plants. Ascorbic acid equivalents of the tested extracts could be ranged as follows: bee bread of 2016 pollen collection >bee bread of 2015 pollen collection >leaves of safflower spring sown >flowers of safflower spring sown >flowers of safflower fall sown >leaves of safflower fall sown.&nbsp

    Studying Supply Chain and Tourism Cluster Development

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    Supply chain and tourism cluster are the two important ways to enhance the competitiveness of regions or industries. By discussing the differences and links between the two, this paper concludes that tourism cluster and supply chain carry features of compatibility and symbiosis. The importance of this research paper is determined by the fact that a significant number of tourism clusters established in the territory of the Russian Federation are not always successful as catalysts for the tourism sector development. This study aims to determine methods for conducting research on specialization as a factor in tourism cluster development, taking into consideration the existing research approaches and findings in this area. The systemic, structural, functional and analysis methods were used, along with a general theoretic approach to researching tourism cluster development. The selected methods made it possible to identify approaches to forming the relevant research methodologies. Based on the presented approaches, it is possible to choose research methods and the coherence of research activities in this area, with a view to identify key development indicators for tourism development and various tourism-related processes taking place within the territory of a tourism cluster. The research findings will provide necessary tools and mechanisms for developing tourism clusters based on the diversification of their specialization. The findings of the study are directed at increasing the effectiveness of decisions taken to assess and forecast tourism cluster development and can also be of use to all those interested in this field. The materials of the present study can be used by regional administrations to monitor and make effective management decisions aimed at improving regional tourism development programs. Experts and scholars could also benefit from the findings of this study to analyze and develop projections and to promote topic-related methodological approaches. The article will be of practical value for the specialists in tourism planning, tourism administration and tourism enterprise managers

    Quality changes in oil of walnut (Juglans regia L.) during storage

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    The purpose of investigation was to appreciate the changes in quality of walnut oil obtained by cold pressing of kernels. The kinetics of chemical reactions of oil oxidation was studied. The accumulation of the primary and secondary compounds of oxidation process depending on the storage life was analyzed. The oil quality is subjected to permanent changes predominantly in the direction of nutritional quality losses. It has been established that the chemical and biochemical reactions of the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the triglyceride structure are irreversible and consecutive. At the same time, it has been determined that during oil storage the reaction of primary compounds (hydroperoxides) formation by oxidation is of zero order, but the reaction rate is variable. At the initial stage of storage (20-21 days) the increasing of reaction rate constant (K, days-1 ) of hydroperoxides formation from K3=0.042days-1 at t=3°C to K60=1.82days-1 at t=60°C has been detected. The activation energy of the reactions was equal to 52.1kj/mol. However, the acidity index of oil increased in limited diapason from 0.12mgKOH/g to 0.19mgKOH/g

    Formation of communicative and social and cultural competence in the conditions of multilingualism (the case of preschool educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic)

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    In modern Russian education the issues of forming a personality capable of being tolerant, ready for a dialogue of cultures, mastering the ways of the intercultural communication in the global information multicultural space are actively discussed. The relevance of studying on a multilingual basis is determined both by the global integration processes in different spheres of an individual’s life, and by the need to preserve national languages and cultures. A multilingual educational and developmental environment is an important condition for the development of communicative skills and cognitive abilities in children. The purpose of the research is to analyze the formation of communicative and social and cultural competence among pupils in the context of the introduction of a multilingual model of multicultural education in preschool educational institutions.The working group of the BSPU named after M. Akmulla developed diagnostic materials that test the skills of speaking, listening, vocabulary in native and foreign languages, knowledge of nationaltraditions and realities. Preschoolers of multilingual groups of the Chuvash Republic took part in the diagnostic study. The analysis of the results of the level of formation of communicative and socio-cultural competencies allowed us to conclude that children have sufficient knowledge of lexical units on the topic “My family”, “Account”, “Animals”, are able to answer questions both in Chuvash and in English.It should be noted that the level of formation of communicative and social and cultural competencies of preschoolers depends on the creation of an appropriate developing multilingual environment in a preschool institution. The introduction of multilingual educational trajectories of learning allows students to form a civic identity, promotes the development of a tolerant attitude to linguistic and cultural diversity

    The ethanol extracts and essential oils from Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra

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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the extraction of dry substances and essential oils from the needles of P. sylvestris and P. nigra, growing under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova. The moisture content in needle samples of both plant species Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra increased from March to September, while the concentration of solid compounds decreases. Nevertheless, the dry substances in the extracts obtained from needles collected in spring and autumn was not significantly different. The solids content in extracts of 96 % ethanol in ratio raw materials: solvent 1: 5 after their decantation and filtration was 4.4–4.6 % for P. sylvestris and 5.0–5.1 % for P. nigra. It was found that the optimal duration for extraction of essential oils from previous dried needles of both species P. sylvestris and P. nigra using the hydrodistillation method is 4.0 hours. The maximal yield of essential oil extracted by studied procedure was about 0.6 and 0.5% for P. sylvestris and P. nigra, respectivel

    Ethanolic extract and essential oils from Monarda fistulosa L. with ovicidal, insecticidal and antifeedant activity against Colorado potato beetle

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    Species Monarda fistulosa L. (Lamiaceae), which is currently successfully cultivated in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, is of great interest due to the content of various components that possess biological activity. Studying the effect of ethanolic extract and essential oils from M fistulosa in the laboratory conditions showed the presence of ovicidal, insecticidal, and antifeedant properties against the Colorado potato beetle. Hatching of larvae of L. decemlineata in all experimental variants was completely suppressed (100 %) in comparison with the control. Essential oils showed higher insecticidal activity than ethanol extract. The death of the larvae of L. decemlineata in the variant with 5 % ethanol extract is 13.3 %, and in the variants with essential oils (with and without timoquinone) – 93.3 and 60.0%, respectively. It was established that the essential oil with thymoquinone has a higher insecticidal properties (by 33.3%) than the oil without thymoquinone.Mathematical analyses revealed some significant differences of insecticidal activity between variants: ethanolic extract, essential oils and control (р≤0,05, LSD0.05= 6.7). The larvae in the variants with essential oils did not feed on the treated leaves of potatoes. In the variant with ethanolic extract treatment (EE), the larvae tried to feed, but the damage to the leaf plate did not exceed 10 %. In the control the leaves damage was 100 %