64 research outputs found

    Caracterización clonal de aislamientos clínicos de Stenotrophomonas maltophilia productores de biopelícula

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia es un importante patógeno nosocomial con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Posee diversos factores de virulencia como la producción de biopelícula en superficies abióticas y bióticas. Además, la resistencia de S. maltophilia a los antibióticos complica la elección de tratamiento. Debido a la importancia de este microorganismo en infecciones hospitalarias, el estudio de su epidemiología molecular es de alta importancia. Para el análisis de la diversidad genética de S. maltophilia se han usado técnicas de tipificación comunes tales como electroforesis en gel de campos pulsados (PFGE, por sus siglas en inglés) y tipificación multilocus de secuencia (MLST). El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la diversidad clonal de aislamientos clínicos de S. maltophilia productores de biopelícula. Los aislamientos fueron recolectados en un periodo de enero 2007 a diciembre 2017 en dos hospitales de tercer nivel en México, con un total de 235 aislamientos, 47% provenientes de Jalisco y 53% de Monterrey. Se identificaron mediante espectrometría de masas MALDI-TOF. Se determinó la producción de biopelícula de todos los aislamientos recolectados. Se seleccionaron 50 aislamientos para el análisis de PFGE y 14 aislamientos para el análisis de MLST. El 96% (n=226) de los aislamientos fueron productores de biopelícula. Dentro de los aislamientos productores, el 14% (n=34) fueron productores débiles, el 29% (n=67) moderados y 53% (n=125) productores fuertes. El análisis filogenético demostró solo una clona y alta diversidad genética, donde se encontró 12 ST diferentes y solo uno (ST186) relacionado a la única clona encontrada. En conclusión, los aislamientos de S. maltophilia recolectados en un periodo de 7 años en dos hospitales de tercer nivel del país presentaron alta producción de biopelícula (96%) y en su mayoría se presentaron de origen respiratorio. Y los aislamientos de pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos presentaron baja clonalidad y alta diversidad genética, sugiriendo nula transmisión de infecciones dentro del hospital. Abstract Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an important nosocomial pathogen with high morbidity and mortality. It has several virulence factors such as biofilm production on abiotic and biotic surfaces. In addition, the resistance of S. maltophilia to antibiotics complicates the choice of treatment. Due to the importance of this microorganism inhospital infections, the study of its molecular epidemiology is of high importance. For the analysis of the genetic diversity of S. maltophilia, common typing techniques such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) have been used. The objective of this work was to determine the clonal diversity of clinical isolates of S. maltophilia biofilm producers. The isolates were collected in a period from January 2007 to December 2017 in two third-level hospitals in Mexico, with a total of 235 isolates, 47% from Jalisco and 53% from Monterrey. They were identified by MALDITOF mass spectrometry. The biofilm production of all the collected isolates was determined. 50 isolates were selected for the PFGE analysis and 14 isolates for the MLST analysis. 96% (n = 226) of the isolates were biofilm producers. Within the producer isolates, 14% (n = 34) were weak producers, 29% (n = 67) moderate and 53% (n = 125) strong producers. The phylogenetic analysis showed only one clone and high genetic diversity, where 12 different STs were found and only one (ST186) related to the only clone found. In conclusion, the isolates of S. maltophilia collected over a period of 7 years in two third-level hospitals in the country had high biofilm production (96%) and were mostly of respiratory origin. And the isolates of hospitalized patients in the intensive care unit presented low clonality and high genetic diversity, suggesting no transmission of infections within the hospital

    Desarrollo de red de sensores de irradiación solar

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    Este proyecto engloba la idea de desplegar una red de nodos solares, formados por varios sensores, que repartidos por una zona geográfica realicen la recogida de muestras de varias magnitudes físicas, siendo la irradiación solar la más importante de ellas en este proyecto. Los datos recogidos por los distintos nodos solares que conforman la red serán procesados por un sistema predictivo, que predecirá la radiación solar del área geográfica donde estén situados los nodos en un futuro próximo. De manera más concreta, este trabajo se centra en el despliegue de la red de nodos solares y en la recogida de magnitudes físicas procedentes de los distintos sensores, para su posterior envío a un servidor a través de un gateway. La red de nodos solares utiliza la tecnología LoRa para la comunicación entre los nodos y un gateway que les da salida a Internet. Dicho gateway utiliza el protocolo MQTT para la comunicación con el servidor utilizando un broker como intermediario. En el servidor se utiliza la plataforma ThingsBoard como cliente suscrito al broker MQTT, que permitirá almacenar y representar gráficamente los datos recibidos

    A cathodoluminescence study on the diffusion length in AlGaInP/InGaP/AlInP solar cell heterostructures

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    Producción CientíficaThe diffusion length of minority carriers in a p-doped InGaP layer is derived from the cathodoluminescence (CL) intensity profiles. Two procedures are used. First, the CL profile is recorded along a line crossing the intersection between a thin metallic mask and the semiconductor; a second approach consists of the measurement of the intensity profile around an intentional scratch on the surface of the sample. A longer diffusion length is measured when using the metallic mask as compared with the scratch. We discuss the role of non-radiative recombination centers in the reduction of the diffusion length around the scratch. The temperature dependence of the diffusion length is also measured, and the length is found to decrease with temperature.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA283P18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project ENE2017- 89561-C4-3-R

    A wot-based method for creating digital sentinel twins of iot devices

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    The data produced by sensors of IoT devices are becoming keystones for organizations to conduct critical decision-making processes. However, delivering information to these processes in real-time represents two challenges for the organizations: the first one is achieving a constant dataflow from IoT to the cloud and the second one is enabling decision-making processes to retrieve data from dataflows in real-time. This paper presents a cloud-based Web of Things method for creating digital twins of IoT devices (named sentinels).The novelty of the proposed approach is that sentinels create an abstract window for decision-making processes to: (a) find data (e.g., properties, events, and data from sensors of IoT devices) or (b) invoke functions (e.g., actions and tasks) from physical devices (PD), as well as from virtual devices (VD). In this approach, the applications and services of decision-making processes deal with sentinels instead of managing complex details associated with the PDs, VDs, and cloud computing infrastructures. A prototype based on the proposed method was implemented to conduct a case study based on a blockchain system for verifying contract violation in sensors used in product transportation logistics. The evaluation showed the effectiveness of sentinels enabling organizations to attain data from IoT sensors and the dataflows used by decision-making processes to convert these data into useful information.This research was partially funded by the project Num.41756 “Plataforma tecnológica para la gestión, aseguramiento, intercambio y preservación de grandes volúmenes de datos en salud y construcción de un repositorio nacional de servicios de análisis de datos de salud” by FORDECYT-PRONACES, Conacyt (México

    Teorías, modelos y estrategias de desarrollo en América Latina y El Caribe. Períodos presidenciales: Jamil Mahuad, Gustavo Noboa

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    Ecuador es un país suramericano en vías de desarrollo que durante años ha tenido cambios sustanciales en las gestiones de gobierno los cuales han dado como consecuencia que muchos de los habitantes sean beneficiados y otros desmejorados, de acuerdo con la posición de cada uno. El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer los cambios que ocurrieron durante la gestión presidencial de Jamil Mahuad (1998-2000), Gustavo Noboa (2000-2003), los cuales fueron los líderes del gobierno en periodos trascendentales para el Ecuador. El estudio que se presenta se enmarco en el diseño documental, de manera que se realizo una revisión de tesis, investigaciones previas contemporáneas con el tiempo de desarrollo de los presidentes referidos. Se encontró como resultados de la revisión documental, que los dos presidentes tomaron medidas económicas similares ambas caracterizadas por distinguir la dolarización y apoyar tal aspecto y las consecuencias de la misma

    Invarianza Factorial del Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ-M) en Hombres y Mujeres Universitarios Mexicanos

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal analizar las propiedades psicométricas versión española del Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire propuesta por Blanco, Viciana, Aguirre, Zueck, and Benavides (2017) en hombres y mujeres universitarios, para población mexicana. La muestra total fue de 1221 participantes; 653 mujeres y 568 hombres, con una edad media de 20.39 años (DE= 1.83) y 20.76 años (DE= 1.95) respectivamente. De acuerdo a los requisitos psicométricos establecidos, los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que una estructura bifactorial (importancia subjetiva de la apariencia física e importancia subjetiva de la forma física) es viable y adecuada para ambas poblaciones (mujeres y hombres). Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes en las dos poblaciones; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre las poblaciones para las medias de los factores importancia subjetiva de la apariencia física e importancia subjetiva de la forma física.   This paper focuses on analyzing the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire proposed by Blanco, Viciana, Aguirre, Zueck and Benavides (2017) in Mexican university men and women. The total sample consisted of 1221 participants (653 women and 568 men) with a mean age of 20.39 years (SD = 1.83) and 20.76 years (SD = 1.95), respectively. Based on the established psychometric requirements, confirmatory factor analysis show that a twofactor structure (subjective importance of physical appearance and subjective importance of physical form) is feasible and adequate for both populations (women and men). Furthermore, the factor structure, the factor loadings, and the intercepts are considered to be invariant in the two populations. There are differences between populations for the means of the factors, i.e., subjective importance of physical appearance and subjective importance of physical form

    Protein Inputs of Animal Origin Used in the Substitution of Fish Meal in Aquaculture Feed

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    Objective: Indicate researches results carried out with alternative sources of protein from by-products of animal origin to replace fishmeal in the nutrition of aquaculture species. Design / methodology / approach: A search was carried out on new sources of protein of animal origin that have been carried out experimentally with species of aquaculture interest; using an information search methodology through an analysis of metadata stored in databases of the world wide web. Results: The advantages and disadvantages of the inclusion of flours of by-products of animal origin in the diet of aquatic organisms are referenced, however, it is essential for global aquaculture to emphasize that this exchange of proteins should not affect aquatic ecosystems, but on the contrary mitigate the effects of environmental impact and favor the sustainability of aquaculture activity. Limitations of the study / implications: The good results of the inclusions of meals of animal origin in substitution of fishmeal, but to date there are no reports indicating this importance to the substitution in commercially balanced food. Findings / conclusions: Each of the food alternatives described in this compilation works at certain nutritional levels, decreases costs and increases the digestibility index, which allows better water quality by discharging less nitrogen to the aquatic environment, without sacrificing quality of the diets and their energy content of the final products.  Objective: To highlight some studies carried out with alternative protein sources frombyproducts of animal origin to replace fish meal (FM) in the nutrition of aquaculturespecies.Design/Methodology/Approach: A search for new protein sources of animal origin wascarried out and experimentally evaluated with species of aquaculture interest, employingan information search methodology through the analysis of metadata kept in databasesthroughout the World Wide Web.Results: Advantages and disadvantages of including byproduct flours of animal origin inthe diet of aquatic organisms are pointed out. However, for worldwide aquaculture it isessential to emphasize that this protein exchange should not affect aquatic ecosystemsbut rather mitigate the effects of environmental impacts and promote the sustainability ofaquaculture.Study Limitations/Implications: The results of incorporating flours of animal origin insubstitution of FM in the diets of aquaculture species are experimentally indicated, whilespecifying that there are no reports indicating the transcendence of such substitution incommercially balanced meals.Findings/conclusions: Each of the dietary alternatives described here works at certainnutritional levels, decreases costs and increases the digestibility index, allowing for 2better water quality by disposing less nitrogen into the aquatic environment, withoutsacrificing the quality of the diets or the energy content of the final products