55 research outputs found

    Análise da postura cranio-cervical em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare head positioning and cervical spine alignment between individuals with and without temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), by means of positional evaluation using photographs, radiographs and visual observation, and to investigate whether the type of TMD influences head posture and cervical spine positioning. METHODS: Ninety randomly chosen women were diagnosed using the research diagnostic criteria for TMDs (RDC/TMD) by a trained examiner and were divided into three groups: Group 1, with a diagnosis of myofascial dysfunction (group I of RDC axis I); Group 2, with mixed TMD (groups I, II and III of RDC axis I); and Control, without TMD. Following this, the participants were photographed in frontal and lateral views by a single examiner. To produce these photos, the following anatomical points were marked out on the skin: occipital protuberance, C4, C7, acromioclavicular joint and sternoclavicular joint. From these points, different angles were analyzed by means of the ALCimagem-2000 application. These same photos were then evaluated qualitatively (visual evaluation). Next, lateral teleradiography and radiography of the cervical spine was requested. The examiner was blind when analyzing the images. To compare the results, the chi-squared test and analysis of variance were used, with significance levels of 5%. RESULTS: Regardless of the method used, the results revealed that head and cervical spine posture did not differ between the groups with and without TMD, independent of the diagnostic group. CONCLUSION: The posture of individuals with myogenic or arthrogenous TMD does not differ from the posture of individuals without TMD. The presence of TMD does not influence the head and cervical spine posture.OBJETIVO: Comparar o posicionamento da cabeça e o alinhamento da coluna cervical em indivíduos com e sem DTM, por meio da avaliação postural por fotografias, radiografias e por observação visual e verificar se o tipo de DTM influencia na postura da cabeça e no posicionamento da coluna cervical. MÉTODOS: Noventa mulheres escolhidas aleatoriamente foram diagnosticadas por meio dos Critérios para Diagnóstico em Pesquisa para Disfunções Temporomandibulares (RDC/TMD) por um examinador treinado e divididas em três grupos: grupo 1, diagnóstico de disfunção miofascial (grupo I do eixo I do RDC); grupo 2, com DTM mista (grupo I, II e III do eixo I do RDC) e controle, sem DTM . Em seguida, foram fotografadas em vista anterior e em perfil por um único examinador. Para a realização dessas fotografias, foram demarcados sobre a pele os seguintes pontos anatômicos: protuberância occiptal, C4, C7, articulação acromioclavicular e esternoclavicular. A partir desses pontos, foram analisados diferentes ângulos por meio do aplicativo ALCimagem-2000. Essas mesmas fotos foram posteriormente avaliadas qualitativamente (avaliação visual). Em seguida, foi solicitada uma radiografia e uma telerradiografia em perfil. O examinador foi cego ao analisar as imagens. Para comparação dos resultados, foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado e a análise de variância com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Independentemente do método utilizado, os resultados revelaram que a postura da cabeça e da coluna cervical não diferem entre o grupo com DTM e sem DTM, independentemente do grupo diagnosticado. CONCLUSÃO: A postura do indivíduo com DTM miogênica ou artrogênica não é diferente do indivíduo sem DTM. A presença da DTM não influencia na postura da cabeça e da coluna cervical

    Comparative analysis between visual and computerized photogrammetry postural assessment

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    OBJETIVOS: Comparar a concordância interobservador da avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria e verificar se os resultados quantitativos da fotogrametria correspondem à detecção de simetrias e assimetrias pela avaliação postural visual qualitativa. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um voluntários (24±1,9 anos) foram inicialmente avaliados visualmente por três fisioterapeutas experientes que preencheram um protocolo de avaliação postural. Em seguida tiveram fotografados a face e o corpo todo nos planos frontal anterior, posterior e sagital. As fotos foram utilizadas para traçar ângulos a partir de marcadores fixados à pele, em vários pontos anatômicos, que são referências frequentes na avaliação postural tradicional. Essas fotografias foram analisadas por três examinadores diferentes da avaliação postural visual. A concordância de cada método de avaliação postural foi avaliada pelos Coeficientes de Cramer V ou de PHI, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma concordância entre os examinadores que utilizaram a fotogrametria para todos os segmentos avaliados. Não apresentaram concordância os segmentos comissura labial (p=0,00), acrômio clavicular (p=0,01), esternoclavicular (p=0,00), espinhas ilíacas anterior e posterior (p=0,00 e p=0,01) e ângulo inferior da escápula (p=0,00), que foram analizados por meio da avaliação postural visual. A comparação entre a fotogrametria e a avaliação postural visual demonstrou que o grau de concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação foi pouco significativo para alguns segmentos do membro inferior e pelve. CONCLUSÕES: Nessas condições experimentais, os dados da fotogrametria não podem ser correlacionados com os dados da avaliação postural visual. A avaliação postural visual apresentou dados menos concordantes do que a fotogrametria, devendo ser questionada sua utilização como gold-standart.OBJECTIVES: To compare the interobserver agreement between visual and photogrammetry postural assessment and to determine whether the quantitative photogrammetry results correspond to the symmetries and asymmetries detected through qualitative visual postural assessment. METHODS: Twenty-one volunteers (mean age 24±1.9 years) were visually evaluated by three experienced physical therapists, who completed a postural assessment form. The participants' face and whole body were then photographed in the anterior and posterior frontal and sagittal planes. The photographs were used to draw angles from markers fixed to the skin at various anatomical points that are frequent references in traditional postural assessment. These photographs were analyzed by three examiners (other than the ones who performed the visual assessment). The agreement in each postural assessment method was determined using Cramer's V or the Phi coefficient, with the significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: There was agreement between the examiners who used photogrammetry, for all segments analyzed. No agreement was found for the labial commissure (p=0.00), acromioclavicular joint (p=0.01), sternoclavicular joint (p=0.00), anterior and posterior iliac spines (p=0.00 and p=0.01) or inferior angle of the scapula (p=0.00) when assessed visually. The comparison between photogrammetry and visual postural assessment showed that the agreement level between the two assessment methods was poor for some segments of the lower limb and pelvis. CONCLUSIONS: Under these experimental conditions, the photogrammetry data were not correlated with the results from the visual postural assessment. The visual postural assessment produced data that were in less agreement than the photogrammetry data, and its use as a gold standard must be questioned

    Reliability intra-and inter-examiner of the head postural assessment by computerized photogrammetry

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    Scientific articles about reliability of photogrammetry for cervical spine posture evaluation are infrequent. The aim of the present investigation is to verify intra-and inter-examiner reliability of the computerized photogrammetry method for head postural evaluation in lateral view. Twenty-five young women, between 20 and 30 years old, were positioned seated in an upright position and photographed in lateral view. The photographs were imported to Corel Draw X13 program for postural evaluation by computerized photogrammetry. Analyses of intra-and inter-examiner reliability were performed for the angles: condyle-acromion (ACA), menton-sternum (AME) and Frankfurt (AF). The photogrammetry was performed by two examiners: EA and EB. For intra-examiner analyses, EA assessed the pictures twice (A1 and A2) for the same angles within 3 months. For the inter-examiner analyses, EB performed the photogrammetry for the same angles (B1) in order to compare with the data from EA. Using the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) we observed an excellent correlation in the intra-examiner analysis (A1 and A2) for the angles: ACA and AME (both with ICC=1.0); and AF (ICC=0.78). For the inter-examiner analyses between A1 and B1, it was observed: ACA (ICC=0.24), AME (ICC=0.26) and AF (ICC=0.00). For the comparison between A2 and B1, the ICC values were: 0.23; 0.27 and 0.00, respectively for ACA, AME and AF, classified as weak correlations. In conclusion, the photogrammetry is reliable when performed by the same examiner. The inter-examiner assess showed low reliability, what could have been compromised by the reduced experience of the EB in applying the method
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