679 research outputs found

    Seeking the Real Adam Smith and Milton Friedman

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    In this paper we will analyze the relationship between free market principles and ethics through an exploration of how too many business managers often approach the ideas of Adam Smith and Milton Friedman. In doing so, we aim to provide a thoughtful foundation for future discussions of how we ought to navigate this intersection. We briefly examine questions such as: What is the relationship between the “best” economy in terms of efficiency and the common good for society? Is pursuing one’s individual economic advantage the same as promoting the general interest? As we analyze and discuss these questions, specifically in the context of Smith and Friedman, we also make some alternative normative assertions, grounded in social welfare, about adopting a broader societal perspective for the purpose of business

    Can patient decision aids reduce decisional conflict in a de-escalation of breast radiotherapy clinical trial? The PRIMETIME Study Within a Trial implemented using a cluster stepped-wedge trial design

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    Background For patients with early breast cancer considered at very-low risk of local relapse, risks of radiotherapy may outweigh the benefits. Decisions regarding treatment omission can lead to patient uncertainty (decisional conflict), which may be lessened with patient decision aids (PDA). PRIMETIME (ISRCTN 41579286) is a UK-led biomarker-directed study evaluating omission of adjuvant radiotherapy in breast cancer; an embedded Study Within A Trial (SWAT) investigated whether PDA reduces decisional conflict using a cluster stepped-wedge trial design.Methods PDA diagrams and a video explaining risks and benefits of radiotherapy were developed in close collaboration between patient advocates and PRIMETIME trialists. The SWAT used a cluster stepped-wedge trial design, where each cluster represented the radiotherapy centre and referring peripheral centres. All clusters began in the standard information group (patient information and diagrams) and were randomised to cross-over to the enhanced information group (standard information plus video) at 2, 4 or 6 months. Primary endpoint was the decisional conflict scale (0-100, higher scores indicating greater conflict) which was assessed on an individual participant level. Multilevel mixed effects models used a random effect for cluster and a fixed effect for each step to adjust for calendar time and clustering. Robust standard errors were also adjusted for the clustering effect.Results Five hundred twenty-one evaluable questionnaires were returned from 809 eligible patients (64%) in 24 clusters between April 2018 and October 2019. Mean decisional conflict scores in the standard group (N = 184) were 10.88 (SD 11.82) and 8.99 (SD 11.82) in the enhanced group (N = 337), with no statistically significant difference [mean difference - 1.78, 95%CI - 3.82-0.25, p = 0.09]. Compliance with patient information and diagrams was high in both groups although in the enhanced group only 121/337 (36%) reported watching the video.Conclusion The low levels of decisional conflict in PRIMETIME are reassuring and may reflect the high-quality information provision, such that not everyone required the video. This reinforces the importance of working with patients as partners in clinical trials especially in the development of patient-centred information and decision aids

    Is breast seroma after tumour resection associated with patient-reported breast appearance change following radiotherapy? Results from the IMPORT HIGH (CRUK/06/003) trial.

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    Background Seroma describes a collection of serous fluid within a cavity, occurring following surgery. Seroma is associated with normal tissue effects (NTE) following breast radiotherapy, as reported by clinicians and on photographs. This study investigates the association between seroma and the NTE breast appearance change collected using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in IMPORT HIGH, as well as investigating the association between breast appearance change and patient/tumour/treatment factors.Methods Case-control methodology was used for seroma analysis within IMPORT HIGH. Cases were patients reporting moderate/marked breast appearance change and controls reported none/mild changes at year-3. One control was selected at random for each case. Seromas were graded as not visible/subtle or visible/highly visible on CT radiotherapy planning scans. Logistic regression tested associations, adjusting for patient/tumour/treatment factors.Results 1078/1149 patients consented to PROMs, of whom 836 (78%) reported whether they had 3-year breast appearance change; 231 cases and 231 controls were identified. 304/462 (66%) patients received chemotherapy. Seroma prevalence was 20% (41/202) in cases and 16% (32/205) in controls, and less frequent in patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy [10% (24/246) compared with 29% (40/138) without]. Visible seroma was not significantly associated with breast appearance change [OR 1.38 (95%CI 0.83-2.29), p = 0.219]. Larger tumour size, haematoma, current smoking and body image concerns at baseline were independent risk factors.Conclusions Seroma was not associated with patient-reported breast appearance change, but haematoma and smoking were significant risk factors. Lack of association may be related to lower prevalence of seroma compared with previous reports, perhaps reflecting patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy in whom seroma resolves prior to radiotherapy

    Patient advocate involvement in the design and conduct of breast cancer clinical trials requiring the collection of multiple biopsies.

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    Plain english summary Breast cancer is a diverse and varied disease. Recent research has shown that the collection of multiple biopsies before surgery can help researchers determine how the cancer is responding to treatment and can predict for long-term outcomes. However biopsies can be uncomfortable, and sometimes clinicians and research teams in hospitals may be reluctant to offer clinical trials requiring several biopsies to patients who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU) oversees a large number of breast cancer clinical trials where multiple biopsies are required. ICR-CTSU recognises that patient advocates (patients who have previously had, or cared for someone with, cancer) are key members of the trial design group and should be involved in the clinical trial throughout its lifespan. Patient advocates can provide reassurance regarding the acceptability of trial designs involving multiple biopsies from a patient perspective. This paper summarises patient advocate involvement in ICR-CTSU breast cancer trials activity and how this has benefited our research.Abstract The importance of collecting tissue samples in breast cancer has become increasingly recognised, as the diversity of the disease has become better known. It has been documented in recent research that tumours may change in response to treatment prior to surgery (the neoadjuvant treatment setting). The collection of sequential biopsies over time can identify changes within tumours and potentially predict how the tumour may respond to certain treatments. However, the acceptability of multiple biopsies amongst patients, clinicians and other research staff in hospitals is variable and recruitment into clinical trials requiring multiple biopsies may be challenging.The Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU) is responsible for a portfolio of breast cancer trials where multiple biopsies are key to the trial design. Patient advocate involvement has been essential in helping us to design and deliver complex and innovative cancer trials which require multiple invasive tissue biopsies, often without any direct benefit to the trial participants. The views expressed by patient advocates involved in ICR-CTSU trials supports the published evidence that patients are willing to donate additional tissue for research and that clinicians' concerns about approaching patients for trials involving multiple biopsies are often unfounded.Patient advocate involvement in ICR-CTSU trials activity takes various forms, from membership on protocol development groups and trial management groups, attendance at focus groups and forums, and presentations at trial development and launch meetings. This involvement has provided reassurance to research teams within the NHS and research ethics committees of the importance and acceptability of our trials from a patient perspective. Patient advocate involvement throughout the lifetime of our trials ensures that the patient remains central to our research considerations

    Autotaxin-lysophosphatidic acid receptor signalling regulates hepatitis C virus replication

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    Background & Aims Chronic hepatitis C is a global health problem with an estimated 170 million hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected individuals at risk of progressive liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Autotaxin (ATX, gene name: ENPP2) is a phospholipase with diverse roles in the physiological and pathological processes including inflammation and oncogenesis. Clinical studies have reported increased ATX expression in chronic hepatitis C, however, the pathways regulating ATX and its role in the viral life cycle are not well understood. Methods In vitro hepatocyte and ex vivo liver culture systems along with chimeric humanized liver mice and HCC tissue enabled us to assess the interplay between ATX and the HCV life cycle. Results HCV infection increased hepatocellular ATX RNA and protein expression. HCV infection stabilizes hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) and we investigated a role for these transcription factors to regulate ATX. In vitro studies show that low oxygen increases hepatocellular ATX expression and transcriptome analysis showed a positive correlation between ATX mRNA levels and hypoxia gene score in HCC tumour tissue associated with HCV and other aetiologies. Importantly, inhibiting ATX-lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signalling reduced HCV replication, demonstrating a positive role for this phospholipase in the viral life cycle. LPA activates phosphoinositide-3-kinase that stabilizes HIF-1α and inhibiting the HIF signalling pathway abrogates the pro-viral activity of LPA. Conclusions Our data support a model where HCV infection increases ATX expression which supports viral replication and HCC progression. Lay summary Chronic hepatitis C is a global health problem with infected individuals at risk of developing liver disease that can progress to hepatocellular carcinoma. Autotaxin generates the biologically active lipid lysophosphatidic acid that has been reported to play a tumorigenic role in a wide number of cancers. In this study we show that hepatitis C virus infection increases autotaxin expression via hypoxia inducible transcription factor and provides an environment in the liver that promotes fibrosis and liver injury. Importantly, we show a new role for lysophosphatidic acid in positively regulating hepatitis C virus replication.Research in the McKeating laboratory was funded by the MRC, NIHR Birmingham Liver BRU, EU FP7 PathCO and H2020 grant Hep-CAR. Research in the Wakelam lab is supported by BBSRC and Hep-CAR. Stephanie Roessler was supported by Hep-CAR, DFG grant RO4673, the Olympia-Morata Programme, a Brigitte-Schieben-Lange Fellowship and a Heidelberg School of Oncology Fellowship

    Binary and Millisecond Pulsars at the New Millennium

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    We review the properties and applications of binary and millisecond pulsars. Our knowledge of these exciting objects has greatly increased in recent years, mainly due to successful surveys which have brought the known pulsar population to over 1300. There are now 56 binary and millisecond pulsars in the Galactic disk and a further 47 in globular clusters. This review is concerned primarily with the results and spin-offs from these surveys which are of particular interest to the relativity community.Comment: 59 pages, 26 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Living Reviews in Relativity (http://www.livingreviews.org

    Single-nucleotide polymorphism associations with preterm delivery: a case-control replication study and meta-analysis

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to replicate single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations with preterm birth (PTB; birth at MethodsSpontaneous PTB cases and controls were selected from an existing cohort. Candidate SNPs were taken from an existing genotype panel. A systematic review was conducted for each SNP in the panel to determine suitability as a PTB candidate. Those with significant associations previously reported in Caucasians were selected for replication. Candidate SNPs were already genotyped in cases and controls and clinical data were accessed from state perinatal and cerebral palsy databases. Association analysis was conducted between each SNP and PTB, and meta-analysis was conducted if there were ≥ 3 studies in the literature. Maternal and fetal SNPs were considered as separate candidates.ResultsA cohort of 170 cases and 583 controls was formed. Eight SNPs from the original panel of genotyped SNPs were selected as PTB candidates and for replication on the basis of systematic literature review results. In our cohort, fetal factor V Leiden (FVL) was significantly associated with PTB (odds ratio (OR): 2.6, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.31-5.17), and meta-analysis confirmed this association (OR: 2.71, 95% CI: 1.15-6.4).ConclusionReplication and meta-analysis support an increased risk of PTB in Caucasians with the fetal FVL mutation.Michael E. O’Callaghan, Alastair H. MacLennan, Gai L. McMichael, Eric A. Haan and Gustaaf A. Dekke
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