37 research outputs found

    The analysis of European lacquer : optimization of thermochemolysis temperature of natural resins

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    In order to optimize chromatographic analysis of European lacquer, thermochemolysis temperature was evaluated for the analysis of natural resins. Five main ingredients of lacquer were studied: sandarac, mastic, colophony, Manila copal and Congo copal. For each, five temperature programs were tested: four fixed temperatures (350, 480, 550, 650 degrees C) and one ultrafast thermal desorption (UFD), in which the temperature rises from 350 to 660 degrees C in 1 min. In total, the integrated signals of 27 molecules, partially characterizing the five resins, were monitored to compare the different methods. A compromise between detection of compounds released at low temperatures and compounds formed at high temperatures was searched. 650 degrees C is too high for both groups, 350 degrees C is best for the first, and 550 degrees C for the second. Fixed temperatures of 480 degrees C or UFD proved to be a consensus in order to detect most marker molecules. UFD was slightly better for the molecules released at low temperatures, while 480 degrees C showed best compounds formed at high temperatures

    The ionized gas in nearby galaxies as traced by the [NII] 122 and 205 ÎŒm transitions

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    The [NII] 122 and 205 \mu m transitions are powerful tracers of the ionized gas in the interstellar medium. By combining data from 21 galaxies selected from the Herschel KINGFISH and Beyond the Peak surveys, we have compiled 141 spatially resolved regions with a typical size of ~1 kiloparsec, with observations of both [NII] far-infrared lines. We measure [NII] 122/205 line ratios in the ~0.6-6 range, which corresponds to electron gas densities nen_e~1-300 cm−3^{-3}, with a median value of nen_e=30 cm−3^{-3}. Variations in the electron density within individual galaxies can be as a high as a factor of ~50, frequently with strong radial gradients. We find that nen_e increases as a function of infrared color, dust-weighted mean starlight intensity, and star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR}). As the intensity of the [NII] transitions is related to the ionizing photon flux, we investigate their reliability as tracers of the star formation rate (SFR). We derive relations between the [NII] emission and SFR in the low-density limit and in the case of a log-normal distribution of densities. The scatter in the correlation between [NII] surface brightness and ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR} can be understood as a property of the nen_e distribution. For regions with nen_e close to or higher than the [NII] line critical densities, the low-density limit [NII]-based SFR calibration systematically underestimates the SFR since [NII] emission is collisionally quenched. Finally, we investigate the relation between [NII] emission, SFR, and nen_e by comparing our observations to predictions from the MAPPINGS-III code.Fulbright-CONICYT grantThis is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Institute of Physics

    Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey: Selection and Characterization of Luminous Interstellar Medium Reservoirs in the z > 6.5 Universe

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    The Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey (REBELS) is a cycle-7 ALMA Large Program (LP) that is identifying and performing a first characterization of many of the most luminous star-forming galaxies known in the z > 6.5 universe. REBELS is providing this probe by systematically scanning 40 of the brightest UV-selected galaxies identified over a 7 deg2 area for bright [C ii]158 ÎŒm and [O iii]88 ÎŒm lines and dust-continuum emission. Selection of the 40 REBELS targets was done by combining our own and other photometric selections, each of which is subject to extensive vetting using three completely independent sets of photometry and template-fitting codes. Building on the observational strategy deployed in two pilot programs, we are increasing the number of massive interstellar medium (ISM) reservoirs known at z > 6.5 by ∌4-5× to >30. In this manuscript, we motivate the observational strategy deployed in the REBELS program and present initial results. Based on the first-year observations, 18 highly significant ≄ 7σ [C ii]158 ÎŒm lines have already been discovered, the bulk of which (13/18) also show ≄3.3σ dust-continuum emission. These newly discovered lines more than triple the number of bright ISM-cooling lines known in the z > 6.5 universe, such that the number of ALMA-derived redshifts at z > 6.5 rival Lyα discoveries. An analysis of the completeness of our search results versus star formation rate (SFR) suggests an ∌79% efficiency in scanning for [C ii]158 ÎŒm when the SFRUV+IR is >28 M yr-1. These new LP results further demonstrate ALMA's efficiency as a "redshift machine,"particularly in the Epoch of Reionization

    Do physician outcome judgments and judgment biases contribute to inappropriate use of treatments? Study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are many examples of physicians using treatments inappropriately, despite clear evidence about the circumstances under which the benefits of such treatments outweigh their harms. When such over- or under- use of treatments occurs for common diseases, the burden to the healthcare system and risks to patients can be substantial. We propose that a major contributor to inappropriate treatment may be how clinicians judge the likelihood of important treatment outcomes, and how these judgments influence their treatment decisions. The current study will examine the role of judged outcome probabilities and other cognitive factors in the context of two clinical treatment decisions: 1) prescription of antibiotics for sore throat, where we hypothesize overestimation of benefit and underestimation of harm leads to over-prescription of antibiotics; and 2) initiation of anticoagulation for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), where we hypothesize that underestimation of benefit and overestimation of harm leads to under-prescription of warfarin.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For each of the two conditions, we will administer surveys of two types (Type 1 and Type 2) to different samples of Canadian physicians. The primary goal of the Type 1 survey is to assess physicians' perceived outcome probabilities (both good and bad outcomes) for the target treatment. Type 1 surveys will assess judged outcome probabilities in the context of a representative patient, and include questions about how physicians currently treat such cases, the recollection of rare or vivid outcomes, as well as practice and demographic details. The primary goal of the Type 2 surveys is to measure the specific factors that drive individual clinical judgments and treatment decisions, using a 'clinical judgment analysis' or 'lens modeling' approach. This survey will manipulate eight clinical variables across a series of sixteen realistic case vignettes. Based on the survey responses, we will be able to identify which variables have the greatest effect on physician judgments, and whether judgments are affected by inappropriate cues or incorrect weighting of appropriate cues. We will send antibiotics surveys to family physicians (300 per survey), and warfarin surveys to both family physicians and internal medicine specialists (300 per group per survey), for a total of 1,800 physicians. Each Type 1 survey will be two to four pages in length and take about fifteen minutes to complete, while each Type 2 survey will be eight to ten pages in length and take about thirty minutes to complete.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This work will provide insight into the extent to which clinicians' judgments about the likelihood of important treatment outcomes explain inappropriate treatment decisions. This work will also provide information necessary for the development of an individualized feedback tool designed to improve treatment decisions. The techniques developed here have the potential to be applicable to a wide range of clinical areas where inappropriate utilization stems from biased judgments.</p

    Observation of the 1S–2P Lyman-α transition in antihydrogen

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    International audienceIn 1906, Theodore Lyman discovered his eponymous series of transitions in the extreme-ultraviolet region of the atomic hydrogen spectrum 1,^{,}2 . The patterns in the hydrogen spectrum helped to establish the emerging theory of quantum mechanics, which we now know governs the world at the atomic scale. Since then, studies involving the Lyman-α line—the 1S–2P transition at a wavelength of 121.6 nanometres—have played an important part in physics and astronomy, as one of the most fundamental atomic transitions in the Universe. For example, this transition has long been used by astronomers studying the intergalactic medium and testing cosmological models via the so-called ‘Lyman-α forest’ 3 of absorption lines at different redshifts. Here we report the observation of the Lyman-α transition in the antihydrogen atom, the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. Using narrow-line-width, nanosecond-pulsed laser radiation, the 1S–2P transition was excited in magnetically trapped antihydrogen. The transition frequency at a field of 1.033 tesla was determined to be 2,466,051.7 ± 0.12 gigahertz (1σ uncertainty) and agrees with the prediction for hydrogen to a precision of 5 × 10−8^{−8}. Comparisons of the properties of antihydrogen with those of its well-studied matter equivalent allow precision tests of fundamental symmetries between matter and antimatter. Alongside the ground-state hyperfine 4,^{,}5 and 1S–2S transitions 6,^{,}7 recently observed in antihydrogen, the Lyman-α transition will permit laser cooling of antihydrogen 8,^{,}9 , thus providing a cold and dense sample of anti-atoms for precision spectroscopy and gravity measurements 10 . In addition to the observation of this fundamental transition, this work represents both a decisive technological step towards laser cooling of antihydrogen, and the extension of antimatter spectroscopy to quantum states possessing orbital angular momentum

    Alley coppice—a new system with ancient roots

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    Chemical characterisation of spray paints by a multi-analytical (Py/GC-MS, FTIR, Ό-Raman) approach

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    This study outlines the chemical characterisation of a large number of commercial spray paints as used in street art, graffiti vandalism and for decoration purposes. The analyses were focused on the identification of the synthetic binding media, pigments and additives such as plasticisers and fillers, providing a database as well as a methodology which could remarkably help investigations in a broad panorama of case studies, ranging from forensic science to cultural heritage. A protocol has been developed based on a multi-technique approach. In particular, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Pyrolysis/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Py/GC-MS) and Ό- Raman spectroscopy were applied and their strength and weakness points as to the identification of all spray paints components are outlined. Each sample was first examined with FTIR spectroscopy as a preliminary screening step to obtain indications on the main binder, which could then be confirmed and detailed using Py/GC-MS. Some pigments and extenders could be efficiently identified by examination of the FTIR spectra and pyrolysis products. However, for most samples a Ό-Raman spectroscopy investigation was required in addition to the mentioned techniques in order to achieve the complete chemical characterisation of organic and inorganic pigments, extenders and fillers. Differences and common features among brands/colours are highlighted and discussed