152 research outputs found

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    Contributions to the knowledge of the venous circulation of the lower limbs

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie V. Babes, Timișoara, România, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Circulația venoasă a membrelor inferioare este recunoscută a fi centripetă spre inima dreaptă. În condiții patologice ori congenitale se poate instala reflux venos. Din ecuația țesuturilor membrelor inferioare este exclus țesutul osos şi țesutul muscular.Între țesutul medular, hematoformator, producător de macromolecule biologic active, precum şi țesutul osos trebuie să existe relații cu toate celelalte țesuturi inclusiv pielea. În acest context am cercetat în mod experimental pe 38 de membre inferioare amputate circulația venoasă.Injectarea de soluție colorată cu albastru de metilen în spongioasa maleolelor tibială şi peronieră evidențiază:- Rețea veno-venoasă de la măduvă transperiostal şi pe la nivelul inserțiilor musculare ori tendinoase.- Relație circulatorie venoasă cu toate țesuturile componente ale membrului inferior, muşchi, fascii, aponevroze, sinoviale, nervi, artere, vene. Deci de la măduva osoasă celulele şi macromoleculele biologic active ajung direct în toate țesuturile înconjurătoare (nu trebuie urmată circulația venoasă completă şi cardio-aortică).Venous circulation to the legs is known to be centripetal to the right heart. In pathological or congenital conditions may occur venous reflux. From equation tissue is excluded leg bone and muscle tissue. Between medullary tissue, producer of biologically active macromolecules, and bone must be relations with all other tissues including skin.In this context we studied experimentally venous circulation on 38 legs amputated.Injection of methylene blue dye solution in tibial and peroneal maleolelor foam highlights: - Veno-venous network of transperiostal bone and muscle or tendon to the inserts. - Venous circulation relationship to all parts of the leg tissues, muscles, fascia, synovial, nerves, arteries and veins. So from bone marrow cells and biologically active macromolecules go directly into all the surrounding tissues (not followed by complete venous and cardio-aortic circulation)

    Considerations on venous ulcers of the claf with numerous iteration surgery

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    Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie V. Babes, Timișoara, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Ulcerele gambiere venoase recunosc ca fiziopatologie insuficiența venoasă cronică exprimată prin reflux, hipertensiune venoasă şi microangiopatie. Ca etiologie sunt incriminate boli congenitale (de valvulare, fistule a-v, agenezie, atrezie) boala venoasă primitivă şi secundară şi boala postflebitică. Ca terapie chirurgicală țintele sunt: sistemul venos superficial, tratamentul venelor profunde (valvuloplastii, grefe) sistemul venelor perforante şi intervenții asociate. La bolnavii cu ulcere venoase recidivate cu numeroase intervenții chirurgicale în antecedente şi legat de cercetarea anterioară am optat pentru: -Scleroterapie cu spumă a venelor superficiale ți perforante cu reflux. -Grefe parțiale cu piele liberă despicată. -Masaj periostal, epifizar şi a ulcerelor gambiere de 3-4 ori pe zi. Timpul de vindecare se reduce la jumătate. Compresia externă la vindecarea ulcerului întreține starea de bine. Pacientul în plus execută de 3-4 ori pe zi masaj periostal, tibio-pronier şi epifizar.Venous leg ulcers, admit as Pathophysiology chronic venous insufficiency expressed trough reflux, venous hypertension and microangiopathy. As the etiology are incriminated: congenital diseases (AV fistula, agenesis, atresia) primitive and secondary venous disease and post-thrombotic disease. As surgical therapy targets are: superficial venous system, the treatment of deep vein (valvuloplasty, grafts) perforating vein system and associated interventions.In patients with recurrent venous ulcers with a history of numerous surgical and related our previous research we opted for: - Foam sclerotherapy of superficial veins and perforating veins with reflux. - Registry partial free split skin. - Massage periosteal, leg ulcers epifizar, 3-4 times per day. Healing time is reduced by half. External compression to maintain well-healing of the ulcers is necessary. Patient in addition runs periosteal massage 3-4 times a day, tibio-pronier and epifizar

    A No-Tribunal SDRM and the Means of Binding Creditors to the Terms of a Restructuring Plan

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    The paper addresses two discrete but related and essential attributes of a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism (SDRM). It first considers the merits and feasibility of an SDRM that would provide a procedure for proposing and adopting a restructuring plan for a sovereign debtor’s debt which would not involve any tribunal or administrator (a No-Tribunal SDRM). The No-Tribunal SDRM would undertake the restructuring as if the sovereign debtor and its creditors were subject to the Model CAC regime. In addition to embodying a novel and interesting structure for an SDRM—and one that eliminates the difficult hurdle of identifying a satisfactory tribunal—adoption of a No-Tribunal SDRM would accommodate flexibility in selecting the manner of implementing the SDRM, i.e., causing it to be binding on the sovereign debtor’s creditors. Second, the paper addresses the means by which a sovereign debt restructuring plan may become legally binding on a sovereign debtor’s creditors. Earlier SDRM proposals generally have described and assessed the details of the formulation and content of a sovereign debt restructuring plan and the procedural steps involved in a making a restructuring plan effective. The paper generally leaves these details aside. Instead, it focuses primarily on the various legal structures that could be employed to cause a sovereign debtor’s creditors to be legally bound by a restructuring plan—i.e., the implementation of a restructuring plan. Aside from contractual approaches to restructuring, this matter of binding creditors is an area of legal analysis that is somewhat underdeveloped and neglected in the literature. The paper focuses on implementation of a restructuring plan under a statutory approach imposed by rule of law. The implementation scheme or schemes chosen for an SDRM are enormously important for the acceptability of the SDRM to political actors and market participants, the effectiveness of the operation of an SDRM, and the costs of devising and adopting an SDRM

    ICMA Datasets

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    Municipal Forms of Government 2001, 2006; ICMA 2016 Smart Cities Survey; Innovations and Emerging Practices in Local Government 2016 Survey Dataset; Economic Development 2014 - Full Dataset; Economic Development 2009 - Full Dataset; Economic Development 200

    Systemic Risk in the US and European Banking Sectors in Recent Crises

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    In this paper we measure systemic risk in the banking sector by taking into account relevant bank characteristics such as size, leverage and interconnectedness. We analyse both aggregate and individual systemic risk for US and European banks. At the aggregate level, a new indicator of banking system fragility based on the “effective ” level of short term debt in the industry reveals markedly different systemic risk patterns in the US and Europe over time. At the firm level, 9 months before the Lehman Brothers failure we are able to identify the most systemically important US banks that later either defaulted or received the largest bailouts from the US Treasury. We also find that a bank’s balance sheet characteristics can help to predict its systemic importance and, as a result, may be useful early warning indicators. Interestingly, the systemic risk of US and European banks appears to be driven by different factors

    Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA)

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    Folleto divulgativo.Peer Reviewe

    ICMA 2016 Smart Cities Survey

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    In 2016 ICMA, International City/County Management Association, conducted a survey in partnership with the Smart Cities Council to learn more about the priorities and activities of U.S. local governments related to smart-city technologies. The results of this survey provide insight into the current use of smart city technologies in the U.S., as well as key motivators and barriers to the adoption of these solutions

    Multi-touch - the future of design interaction

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    The next major revolution for design is to bring the natural user interaction into design activities. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) brought a new approach that was more effective compared to their conventional predecessors. In recent years, Natural User Interfaces (NUI) have advanced user experiences and multi-touch and gesture technologies provide new opportunities for a variety of potential uses in design. Much attention has been paid to leverage in the design of interactive interfaces. The mouse input and desktop screen metaphors limit the information sharing for multiple users and also delayed the direct interaction for communication between each other. This paper proposes the innovative method by integrating game engine �Unity3D� with multi-touch tangible interfaces. Unity3D provides a game development tool as part of its application package that has been designed to let users to focus on creating new games. However, it does not limit the usage of area to design additional game scenarios since the benefits of Unity3D is allowing users to build 3D environments with its customizable and easy to use editor, graphical pipelines to openGL (http://unity3d.com/, 2010 ). It creates Virtual Reality (VR) environments which can simulates places in the real world, as well as the virtual environments helping architects and designers to vividly represent their design concepts through 3D visualizations, and interactive media installations in a detailed multi-sensory experience. Stereoscopic displays advanced their spatial ability while solving issues to design e.g. urban spaces. The paper presents how a multi-touch tabletop can be used for these design collaboration and communication tasks. By using natural gestures, designers can now communicate and share their ideas by manipulating the same reference simultaneously using their own input simultaneously. Further studies showed that 3Dl forms are perceived and understood more readily through haptic and proprioceptive perception of tangible representations than through visual representation alone (Gillet et al, 2005). Based on the authors� framework presented at the last CAADFutures, the benefits of integrating 3D visualization and tactile sensory can be illustrated in this platform (Chen and Wang, 2009), For instance, more than one designer can manipulate the 3D geometry objects on tabletop directly and can communicate successfully their ideas freely without having to waiting for the next person response. It made the work more effective which increases the overall efficiency. Designers can also collect the real-time data by any change they make instantly. The possibilities of Uniy3D make designing very flexible and fun, it is deeply engaging and expressive. Furthermore, the unity3D is revolutionizing the game development industry, its breakthrough development platform for creating highly interactive 3D content on the web (http://unity3d.com/ , 2010) or similar to the interface of modern multimedia devices such as the iPhone, therefore it allows the designers to work remotely in a collaborative way to integrate the design process by using the individual mobile devices while interacting design in a common platform. In design activities, people create an external representation of a domain, often of their own ideas and understanding. This platform helps learners to make their ideas concrete and explicit, and once externalized, subsequently they reflect upon their work how well it sits the real situation. The paper demonstrates how this tabletop innovatively replaces the typical desktop metaphor. In summary, the paper addresses two major issues through samples of collaborative design: firstly presenting aspects of learners� interactions with physical objects, whereby tangible interfaces enables them constructing expressive representations passively (Marshall, 2007), while focussing on other tasks; and secondly showing how this novel design tool allows designers to actively create constructions that might not be possible with conventional media