33 research outputs found
Observation Of Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Families In Emulsion Chambers At High Mountain Altitudes (i)
Characteristics of cosmic-ray hadronic interactions in the 1015 - 1017 eV range are studied by observing a total of 429 cosmic-ray families of visible energy greater than 100 TeV found in emulsion chamber experiments at high mountain altitudes, Chacaltaya (5200 m above sea level) and the Pamirs (4300 m above sea level). Extensive comparisons were made with simulated families based on models so far proposed, concentrating on the relation between the observed family flux and the behaviour of high-energy showers in the families, hadronic and electromagnetic components. It is concluded that there must be global change in characteristics of hadronic interactions at around 1016 eV deviating from thise known in the accelerator energy range, specially in the forwardmost angular region of the collision. A detailed study of a new shower phenomenon of small-pT particle emissions, pT being of the order of 10 MeV/c, is carried out and its relation to the origin of huge "halo" phenomena associated with extremely high energy families is discussed as one of the possibilities. General characteristics of such super-families are surveyed. © 1992.3702365431Borisov, (1981) Nucl. Phys., 191 BBaybrina, (1984) Trudy FIAN 154, p. 1. , [in Russian], Nauka, MoscowLattes, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151Hasegawa, ICR-Report-151-87-5 (1987) presented at FNAL CDF Seminar, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Yamashita, Ohsawa, Chinellato, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 30. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 1. , Tokyo, 1984Baradzei, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 136. , Tokyo, 1984Yamashita, (1985) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, p. 529Bolisov, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic rays and Particle Physics, p. 248. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, Tomaszewski, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 324. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo, PolandHasegawa, (1989) ICR-Report-197-89-14, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Okamoto, Shibata, (1987) Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 257 A, p. 155Zhdanov, (1980) FIAN preprint no. 45, , Lebedev Physical Institute, MoscowSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 76, p. 111Nikolsky, (1975) Izv. Akad. Nauk. USSR Ser. Fis., 39, p. 1160Burner, Energy spectra of cosmic rays above 1 TeV per nucleon (1990) The Astrophysical Journal, 349, p. 25Takahashi, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceRen, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Alner, The UA5 high energy simulation program (1987) Nuclear Physics B, 291 B, p. 445Bozzo, Measurement of the proton-antiproton total and elastic cross sections at the CERN SPS collider (1984) Physics Letters B, 147 B, p. 392Wrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 56. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CWrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 328. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CMukhamedshin, (1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 142. , Nauka, Moscow, [in Russian]Dunaevsky, Pluta, Slavatinsky, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 143. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandKaidalov, Ter-Martirosyan, (1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 141. , Nauka, MoscowShabelsky, (1985) preprints LNPI-1113Shabelsky, (1986) preprints LNPI-1224, , Leningrad [in Russian]Hillas, (1979) Proc. 16th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Kyoto, 6, p. 13. , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoBorisov, (1987) Phys. Lett., 190 B, p. 226Hasegawa, Tamada, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, p. 111Ren, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Dynaevsky, Zimin, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interaction, p. 93. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandDynaevsky, (1990) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, France(1989) FIAN preprint no. 208, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 8, p. 259. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaHasegawa, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9, , Inst. for Cosmic-Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, (1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaTamada, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9(1981) Proc. 17th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Paris, 5, p. 291(1990) Proc. Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 267. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1989) Inst. Nucl. Phys. 89-67/144, , preprint, Inst. Nucl. Phys., Moscow State UnivSmilnova, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Sym. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 42. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandGoulianos, (1986) Proc. Workshop of Particle Simulation at High Energies, , University of Wisconsin, Madison, USAIvanenko, (1983) Proc. 18th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Bangalore, 1983, 5, p. 274. , Tata Inst. Fundamental Research, Bombay, IndiaIvanenko, (1984) Proc. Int. Symp. on Cosmic-Rays and Particle Physics, p. 101. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1988) 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 180. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, Poland(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 251. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1991) Izv. AN USSR No. 4, , to be publishedNikolsky, Shaulov, Cherdyntseva, (1990) FIAN preprint no. 140, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, [in Russian](1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 326. , Nauka, Mosco
Observation Of A High-energy Cosmic-ray Family Caused By A Centauro-type Nuclear Interaction In The Joint Emulsion Chamber Experiment At The Pamirs
An exotic cosmic-ray family event is observed in the large emulsion chamber exposed by the joint at the Pamirs (4360 m above sea level). The family is composed of 120γ-ray-induced showers and 37 hadron-induced showers with individual visible energy exceeding 1 TeV. The decisive feature of the event is the hadron dominance: ΣEγ, ΣE(γ) h, 〈Eγ, 〈E(γ) h〉, 〈Eγ·Rγ〉 and 〈E(γ)·Rh〉 being 298 TeV, 476 TeV, 2.5 TeV, 12.9 TeV, 28.6 GeV m and 173 GeV m, respectively. Most probably the event is due to a Centauro interaction, which occured in the atmosphere at ∼700 m above the chamber. The event will constitute the second beautiful candidate for a Centauro observed at the Pamirs. © 1987.1901-2226233Bayburina, (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151(1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 1Borisov, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 3. , TokyoRen, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 317. , La JollaYamashita, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 364. , La JollaTamada, (1977) Nuovo Cimento, 41 B, p. 245T. Shibata et al., to be publishedHillas, (1979) 16th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 13. , KyotoBattiston, Measurement of the proton-antiproton elastic and total cross section at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV (1982) Physics Letters B, 117, p. 126UA5 Collab., G.J. Alner et al., preprint CERN-EP/85-62Taylor, (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Burnett, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 468. , Toky
ICP-MS determination of heavy metal content and isotopic composition of lead in the Altai glaciers
The Altai glaciers are natural collectors of global and regional atmospheric pollution. The purpose of this
study is to determine the occurrence of heavy metals in high-mountain unexplored glaciers of the Attai and to make
attempt to identify a source of lead pollution using its isotopic ratios. Concentrations of heavy metals and isotopic
composition of Pb in high-mountain firn from Western Plateau of the Katun' ridge were determined by ICP-MS.
The obtained occurrence of heavy metals is comparable with the data on Alpine region. Pronounced variations in
concentrations within centimeter depth scales are associated with relative contributions from the different natural
and anthropogenic sources of heavy metals fallouts. Measured isotopic ratios of Pb confirm anthropogenic origin of
the lead pollution of the Altai high-mountainous region
Ко-інфекція туберкульоз/ВІЛ у госпіталізованих пацієнтів фтизіопульмонологічного профілю: частота, форми ураження, особливості діагностики (за даними високоспеціалізованого закладу)
Objective — to clarify the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive inpatients of the TB hospital for 2014—2018 and features of its diagnosis in the affection of the chest cavity organs.Materials and methods. The method of retrospective analysis was used to process medical records of the Institute’s clinic for the period 2014—2018. A database has been formed that includes all patients with HIV infection treated in the hospital, from which a group of patients with a final clinical diagnosis of co-infection tuberculosis and HIV was subsequently selected.Among them were 195 (68.9 %) men and 88 (31.1 %) women. The average age of men was (37.0 ± 0.5), women — (38.0 ± 1.2) years. Separate subgroups of patients were selected, taking into account the localization of the tuberculous process in the chest cavity. The general clinical data of patients, the presence of comorbidities, diagnostic methods, localization and prevalence of the tuberculous process were taken into account.Results and discussion. Among 496 hospitalized HIV-positive patients with various pathologies of the chest cavity, the diagnosis of tuberculosis, that is, the presence of HIV-TB co-infection, was established in 283 (57.1 %) cases. In 46 (16.3 %) cases the diagnosis of HIV infection was established for the first time during hospitalization. Comorbid pathology was present in 184 (65.0 %) patients.Specific lung damage prevailed, 123 (44 %) cases, most often infiltrative tuberculosis (48.8 %). In 33 % of cases, there was a widespread tuberculous lesion — pulmonary and extrapulmonary (pleura or lymph nodes were involved). Isolated pleural lesion was diagnosed in 13 % of cases. The main methods of laboratory diagnostics were classical bacteriological methods — simple direct light microscopy and MBT culture, the positive results of which were obtained in only half of all studies, as well as molecular-genotypic tests. Prevalence of multidrug-resistant MBT strains was found (66.7 %).In about half of the cases, (44.9 %), additional mini-invasive procedures or surgical interventions with therapeutic and diagnostic purposes were performed. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 92 % of cases, whereas in the absence of signs of tuberculosis, diagnoses of other opportunistic diseases were most often specified/established.Conclusions. In HIV-positive inpatients of a phthisiopulmonary profile, tuberculosis infection prevails in the structure of opportunistic morbidity, 57.1 %. The largest proportion of patients consist cases with pulmonary tuberculosis (44 %), is also a large group (33 %), formed by patients with the extended lesion of the organs of the chest cavity.Positive results of traditional bacteriological studies were obtained in approximately half of the cases, which required an expansion of the diagnostic algorithm with the implementation of mini-invasive diagnostic procedures with biopsy of the affected tissues and subsequent histological examination.Analysis of the results of laboratory diagnostics of tuberculosis in cases of TB/HIV co-infection showed that the use of not only different microbiological research methods is most effective, but an important component in the diagnostic search is the histological examination of biopsy material.Цель работы — уточнение распространенности туберкулезной инфекции у госпитализированных ВИЧ-позитивных пациентов фтизиопульмонологического стационара за 2014—2018 гг. и особенностей ее диагностики при поражении органов грудной полости.Материалы и методы. Методом ретроспективного анализа обработана медицинская документация клиники Института за период 2014—2018 гг. Сформирована база данных, включающая всех пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией, пролеченных в стационаре, из которой в дальнейшем была отобрана группа больных с заключительным клиническим диагнозом «ко-инфекция туберкулез/ВИЧ». Среди них было 195 (68,9 %) мужчин и 88 (31,1 %) женщин. Средний возраст мужчин составил (37,0 ± 0,5), женщин — (38,0 ± 1,2) года. Выделены подгруппы пациентов с учетом локализации туберкулезного процесса в грудной полости. Учитывали общие клинические данные пациентов, наличие сопутствующей патологии, методы диагностики, локализацию и распространенность туберкулезного процесса.Результаты и обсуждение. Среди 496 госпитализированных ВИЧ-позитивных пациентов с различной патологией органов грудной полости диагноз туберкулеза, то есть наличие ко-инфекции ВИЧ-ТБ, был установлен в 283 (57,1 %) случаях. В 46 (16,3 %) случаях диагноз ВИЧ-инфекции установлен впервые во время госпитализации. Коморбидная патология присутствовала у 184 (65,0 %) пациентов.Преобладало специфическое поражение легких — 123 (44 %) случая, чаще всего — инфильтративная форма (48,8 %). В 33 % случаев имело место распространенное туберкулезное поражение — легочное и внелегочное (с вовлечением плевры или лимфатических узлов). В 13 % случаев диагностировано изолированное поражение плевры. Основными методами лабораторной диагностики были классические бактериологические методы — простая микроскопия и культуральный посев, положительные результаты которых были получены только в половине всех исследований, а также молекулярно-генотипические тесты. Установлено преобладание мультирезистентных штаммов микобактерий туберкулеза (66,7 %).Приблизительно в половине случаев (44,9 %) дополнительно выполнены малоинвазивные процедуры или оперативные вмешательства с лечебно-диагностической целью. Гистологическое исследование подтвердило диагноз туберкулеза в 92 % случаев, при отсутствии морфологических признаков были уточнены/установлены диагнозы других оппортунистических заболеваний.Выводы. У госпитализированных ВИЧ-позитивных пациентов фтизиопульмонологического профиля в структуре оппортунистической заболеваемости преобладает туберкулезная инфекция — 57,1 %. Наибольший удельный вес составляют больные с туберкулезом легких (44 %), достаточно большую группу (33 %) формируют пациенты с распространенным поражением органов грудной полости.Положительные результаты традиционных бактериологических исследований были получены приблизительно в половине случаев, что потребовало расширения диагностического алгоритма с выполнением малоинвазивных диагностических процедур с биопсией пораженных тканей и последующим гистологическим исследованием.Анализ результатов лабораторной диагностики туберкулеза в случаях ко-инфекции ТБ/ВИЧ показал, что наибольшую результативность обеспечивает применение не только разных методов микробиологических исследований, но важной составляющей в диагностическом поиске является гистологическое исследование биопсийного материала.Мета роботи — визначення поширеності туберкульозної інфекції в госпіталізованих ВІЛ-позитивних пацієнтів фтизіопульмонологічного стаціонару за 2014—2018 рр. та особливостей її діагностики при ураженні органів грудної порожнини.Матеріали та методи. Методом ретроспективного аналізу опрацьовано медичну документацію клініки Інституту за період 2014—2018 рр. Сформовано базу даних, яка охоплює всіх пацієнтів з ВІЛ-інфекцією, пролікованих у стаціонарі, з якої надалі було відібрано групу хворих із заключним клінічним діагнозом «ко-інфекція туберкульоз/ВІЛ». Серед них було 195 (68,9 %) чоловіків та 88 (31,1 %) жінок. Середній вік чоловіків складав (37,0 ± 0,5), жінок — (38,0 ± 1,2) року. Виокремлено підгрупи пацієнтів з урахуванням локалізації туберкульозного процесу в грудній порожнині. До уваги брали загальні клінічні дані пацієнтів, наявність супутньої патології, методи діагностики, локалізацію та поширеність туберкульозного процесу.Результати та обговорення. Серед 496 госпіталізованих ВІЛ-позитивних пацієнтів із різною патологією органів грудної порожнини діагноз туберкульозу, тобто наявність ко-інфекції ВІЛ/ТБ, був установлений у 283 (57,1 %) випадках. У 46 (16,3 %) випадках діагноз ВІЛ-інфекції встановлено вперше під час госпіталізації. Коморбідна патологія визначена у 184 (65,0 %) пацієнтів.Переважало специфічне ураження легень — 123 (44 %) випадки, найчастіше — інфільтративна форма (48,8 %). У 33 % випадках мав місце розповсюджений туберкульозний процес — у легенях та позалегенево (із залученням плеври або лімфатичних вузлів). У 13 % випадків діагностовано ізольоване ураження плеври. Основними методами лабораторної діагностики були класичні бактеріологічні методи — проста мікроскопія та культуральний посів, позитивні результати яких були отримані лише в половині усіх досліджень, а також молекулярно-генотипові тести. Встановлено переважання мультирезистентних штамів мікобактерій туберкульозу (66,7 %).Приблизно в половині випадків (44,9 %) додатково проводили малоінвазивні процедури або оперативні втручання з лікувально-діагностичною метою. Гістологічне дослідження підтвердило діагноз туберкульозу в 92 % випадків, при відсутності морфологічних ознак були уточнені/встановлені діагнози інших опортуністичних захворювань.Висновки. У госпіталізованих ВІЛ-позитивних пацієнтів фтизіопульмонологічного профілю в структурі опортуністичної захворюваності переважає туберкульозна інфекція — 57,1 %. Найбільшу питому вагу складають хворі на туберкульоз легень (44 %), також досить велику групу (33 %) формують пацієнти з розповсюдженим ураженням органів грудної порожнини.Позитивні результати традиційних бактеріологічних досліджень були отримані приблизно в половині випадків, що вимагало розширення діагностичного алгоритму з проведенням малоінвазивних діагностичних процедур з біопсією уражених тканин та подальшим гістологічним дослідженням.Аналіз результатів лабораторної діагностики туберкульозу у випадках ко-інфекції ТБ/ВІЛ показав, що найбільшу результативність забезпечує застосування не тільки різних методів мікробіологічних досліджень, але важливою складовою діагностичного пошуку є гістологічне дослідження біопсійного матеріалу
Рассмотрены математические модели конкурентного взаимодействия между двумя государствами, определены оптимальные значения объемов экспортируемой и импортируемой продукции для каждого государства, с учетом выбора тарифов в международной торговле. The mathematical models of two states competitive interaction are considered. The optimal values of the volumes of exported and imported products for each state are determined, taking into account the preferable tariff of international trade
Assessment of contamination of the Issyk-Kul' valley natural waters with uranium mine wastes
The Lake Issyk-Kul' of the central Tyan-Shan is characterized by increased natural uranium content.
Uranium-carbon deposit situated on the southern bank of the Lake can be the reason of chemical and radioactive
contamination of this unique basin by exploitation wastes. ln order to estimate possible danger, a project
“Assessment and prognosis of environmental changes in Lake Issyk-Kul' (Kyrghyzstan)” was developed and
supported by the Program ofthe European Commission “Copernicus-2” (2001-2003). According to this project the
water assays were sampled from different depths near the banks of the Lake and from low-debit sources draining the
dumping grounds of the uranium-carbon deposit. Elemental and isotopic examinations of these water samples were
performed using an ELEMENT HR-ICP-MS (Finnigan Mat). The results obtained are the evidence that the
ecological status of the Lake Issyk-Kul'is not damaged at present. Wastewaters from the uranium-carbon mine do
not make decisive contribution into the natural radioactive background
Multidrug-resistanthypervirulentklebsiellapneumoniaefound persisting silently in infant gut microbiota
© 2020 I. Y. Vasilyev et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Since the spread of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (MDRKP) strains is considered as a challenge for patients with weakened or suppressed immunity, the emergence of isolates carrying determinants of hypervirulent phenotypes in addition may become a serious problem even for healthy individuals. The aim of this study is an investigation of the nonoutbreak K. pneumoniae emergence occurred in early 2017 at a maternity hospital of Kazan, Russia. Ten bacterial isolates demonstrating multiple drug resistance phenotypes were collected from eight healthy full-term breastfed neonates, observed at the maternity hospital of Kazan, Russia. All the infants and their mothers were dismissed without symptoms or complaints, in a satisfactory condition. Whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing was performed with the purpose to track down a possible spread source(s) and obtain detailed information about resistance determinants and pathogenic potential of the collected isolates. Microdilution tests have confirmed production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) and their resistance to aminoglycoside, β-lactam, fluoroquinolone, sulfonamide, nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim, and fosfomycin antibiotics and Klebsiella phage. The WGS analysis has revealed the genes that are resistant to aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, sulfonamides, chloramphenicols, tetracyclines, and trimethoprim and ESBL determinants. The pangenome analysis had split the isolates into two phylogenetic clades. The first group, a more heterogeneous clade, was represented by 5 isolates with 4 different in silico multilocus sequence types (MLSTs). The second group contained 5 isolates from infants born vaginally with the single MLST ST23, positive for genes corresponding to hypervirulent phenotypes: yersiniabactin, aerobactin, salmochelin, colibactin, hypermucoid determinants, and specific alleles of K- and O-antigens. The source of the MDRKP spread was not defined. Infected infants have shown no developed disease symptoms
Functional deficit of sperm and fertility impairment in men with antisperm antibodies
Autoimmune reactions against the sperm cells play an ambiguous role in fertility impairment. The objective of this study was to characterize functional deficit of sperm conditioned by antisperm immune response in normozoospermic men. This was a multi-centric, cross-sectional, case-control study. The study subjects were 1060 infertile normozoospermic men and 107 fertile men. The main outcome measures were clinical examination, semen analysis including MAR test for antisperm antibodies (ASA), computer-aided sperm analysis, acrosome reaction (AR) detected with flow cytometry, DNA fragmentation measured with sperm chromatin dispersion, reactive oxygen species (ROS) assessed using the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence method. 2% of the fertile men had MAR-IgG ≥ 50%, but all subjects with MAR-IgG ≤ 12% were outliers; 16% infertile men had MAR-IgG ≥ 50% (p< 0.0001). There was a direct correlation between the infertility duration and MAR-IgG (R= 0.3; p< 0.0001). The ASA-positive infertile men had AR disorders 2.1 times more frequently (p< 0.02), predominantly inductivity disorders. We found signs of hyperactivation proportionate to the ASA level (p< 0.001). DNA fragmentation was more highly expressed and was 1.6 and 1.3 times more frequent compared with the fertile and the ASA-negative patients, respectively (p< 0.001 and p< 0.05). We found signs of oxidative stress (OS): ROS generation by washed ASA-positive spermatozoa was 3.7 times higher than in the fertile men (p< 0.00001) and depended on the ASA levels (R = 0.5; p< 0.0001). The ASA correlation with ROS generation in native sperm was weak (R = 0.2; p< 0.001). We concluded that autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa are accompanied by a fertility decrease in normozoospermia. This results from AR and capacitation disorders and DNA fragmentation. The pathogenesis of sperm abnormalities in immune infertility is associated with the OS of spermatozoa. © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd