37 research outputs found

    Zero-momentum modes and chiral limit in compact lattice QED

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    The influence of zero-momentum gauge modes on physical observables is investigated for compact lattice QED with dynamical and quenched Wilson fermions. Within the Coulomb phase, zero-momentum modes are shown to hide the critical behaviour of gauge invariant fermion observables near the chiral limit. Methods for eliminating zero-momentum modes are discussed.Comment: Talk at Lattice 2000, Bangalore, 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Lattice gluodynamics computation of Landau-gauge Green's functions in the deep infrared

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    We present recent results for the Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators in SU(3) lattice gluodynamics obtained on a sequence of lattices with linear extension ranging from L=64 to L=96 at β=5.70\beta = 5.70, thus reaching "deep infrared" momenta down to 75 MeV. Our gauge-fixing procedure essentially uses a simulated annealing technique which allows us to reach gauge-functional values closer to the global maxima than standard approaches do. Our results are consistent with the so-called decoupling solutions found for Dyson-Schwinger and functional renormalization group equations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. References added, minor changes to match published versio

    Performance studies of the two-step multiboson algorithm in compact lattice QED

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    The performance of the two-step multiboson (TSMB) algorithm is investigated in comparison with the hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) method for compact lattice QED with standard Wilson fermions both in the Coulomb and confinement phases. The restriction to QED allows for extensive measurements of autocorrelation times. Preliminary results show that the TSMB algorithm is at least competitive with standard HMC.Comment: Talk at Lattice2001(algorithms), Berlin, 3 pages, LaTe

    The photon propagator in compact QED_{2+1}: the effect of wrapping Dirac strings

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    We discuss the influence of closed Dirac strings on the photon propagator in the Landau gauge emerging from a study of the compact U(1) gauge model in 2+1 dimensions. This gauge also minimizes the total length of the Dirac strings. Closed Dirac strings are stable against local gauge-fixing algorithms only due to the torus boundary conditions of the lattice. We demonstrate that these left-over Dirac strings are responsible for the previously observed unphysical behavior of the propagator of space-like photons (D_T) in the deconfinement (high temperature) phase. We show how one can monitor the number N_3 of thermal Dirac strings which allows to separate the propagator measurements into N_3 sectors. The propagator in N_3 \neq 0 sectors is characterized by a non--zero mass and an anomalous dimension similarly to the confinement phase. Both mass squared and anomalous dimension are found to be proportional to N_3. Consequently, in the N_3=0 sector the unphysical behavior of the D_T photon propagator is cured and the deviation from the free massless propagator disappears.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Indirect determination of the Kugo-Ojima function from lattice data

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    We study the structure and non-perturbative properties of a special Green's function, u(q), whose infrared behavior has traditionally served as the standard criterion for the realization of the Kugo-Ojima confinement mechanism. It turns out that, in the Landau gauge, u(q) can be determined from a dynamical equation, whose main ingredients are the gluon propagator and the ghost dressing function, integrated over all physical momenta. Using as input for these two (infrared finite) quantities recent lattice data, we obtain an indirect determination of u(q). The results of this mixed procedure are in excellent agreement with those found previously on the lattice, through a direct simulation of this function. Most importantly, in the deep infrared the function deviates considerably from the value associated with the realization of the aforementioned confinement scenario. In addition, the dependence of u(q), and especially of its value at the origin, on the renormalization point is clearly established. Some of the possible implications of these results are briefly discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; v2: typos corrected, expanded version that matches the published articl

    A renormalization group invariant scalar glueball operator in the (Refined) Gribov-Zwanziger framework

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    This paper presents a complete algebraic analysis of the renormalizability of the d=4d=4 operator Fμν2F^2_{\mu\nu} in the Gribov-Zwanziger (GZ) formalism as well as in the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger (RGZ) version. The GZ formalism offers a way to deal with gauge copies in the Landau gauge. We explicitly show that Fμν2F^2_{\mu\nu} mixes with other d=4d=4 gauge variant operators, and we determine the mixing matrix ZZ to all orders, thereby only using algebraic arguments. The mixing matrix allows us to uncover a renormalization group invariant including the operator Fμν2F^2_{\mu\nu}. With this renormalization group invariant, we have paved the way for the study of the lightest scalar glueball in the GZ formalism. We discuss how the soft breaking of the BRST symmetry of the GZ action can influence the glueball correlation function. We expect non-trivial mass scales, inherent to the GZ approach, to enter the pole structure of this correlation function.Comment: 27 page

    Constraints on the nonuniversal Z^\prime couplings from B\to\pi K, \pi K^{\ast} and \rho K Decays

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    Motivated by the large difference between the direct CP asymmetries ACP(Bπ0K)A_{CP}(B^-\to \pi^0 K^-) and ACP(Bˉ0π+K)A_{CP}(\bar{B}^{0}\to \pi^{+} K^{-}), we combine the up-to-date experimental information on BπKB\to\pi K, πK\pi K^{\ast} and ρK\rho K decays to pursue possible solutions with the nonuniversal ZZ^{\prime} model. Detailed analyses of the relative impacts of different types of couplings are presented in four specific cases. Numerically, we find that the new coupling parameters, ξLL\xi^{LL} and ξLR\xi^{LR} with a common nontrivial new weak phase ϕL86\phi_L\sim-86^{\circ}, which are relevant to the ZZ^{\prime} contributions to the electroweak penguin sector C9\triangle C_9 and C7\triangle C_7, are crucial to the observed "πK\pi K puzzle". Furthermore, they are found to be definitely unequal and opposite in sign. We also find that ACP(Bρ0K)A_{CP}(B^-\to \rho^0 K^-) can put a strong constraint on the new ZZ^{\prime} couplings, which implies the ZZ^{\prime} contributions to the coefficient of QCD penguins operator O3O_3 involving the parameter ζLL\zeta^{LL} required.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. References and a note adde

    IR finiteness of the ghost dressing function from numerical resolution of the ghost SD equation

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    We solve numerically the Schwinger-Dyson (SD hereafter) ghost equation in the Landau gauge for a given gluon propagator finite at k=0 (alpha_gluon=1) and with the usual assumption of constancy of the ghost-gluon vertex ; we show that there exist two possible types of ghost dressing function solutions, as we have previously inferred from analytical considerations : one singular at zero momentum, satisfying the familiar relation alpha_gluon+2 alpha_ghost=0 between the infrared exponents of the gluon and ghost dressing functions(in short, respectively alpha_G and alpha_F) and having therefore alpha_ghost=-1/2, and another which is finite at the origin (alpha_ghost=0), which violates the relation. It is most important that the type of solution which is realized depends on the value of the coupling constant. There are regular ones for any coupling below some value, while there is only one singular solution, obtained only at a critical value of the coupling. For all momenta k<1.5 GeV where they can be trusted, our lattice data exclude neatly the singular one, and agree very well with the regular solution we obtain at a coupling constant compatible with the bare lattice value.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures (one new figure and a short paragraph added

    Strong-coupling study of the Gribov ambiguity in lattice Landau gauge

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    We study the strong-coupling limit beta=0 of lattice SU(2) Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory. In this limit the lattice spacing is infinite, and thus all momenta in physical units are infinitesimally small. Hence, the infrared behavior can be assessed at sufficiently large lattice momenta. Our results show that at the lattice volumes used here, the Gribov ambiguity has an enormous effect on the ghost propagator in all dimensions. This underlines the severity of the Gribov problem and calls for refined studies also at finite beta. In turn, the gluon propagator only mildly depends on the Gribov ambiguity.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures; minor changes, matches version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Chiral phase boundary of QCD at finite temperature

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    We analyze the approach to chiral symmetry breaking in QCD at finite temperature, using the functional renormalization group. We compute the running gauge coupling in QCD for all temperatures and scales within a simple truncated renormalization flow. At finite temperature, the coupling is governed by a fixed point of the 3-dimensional theory for scales smaller than the corresponding temperature. Chiral symmetry breaking is approached if the running coupling drives the quark sector to criticality. We quantitatively determine the phase boundary in the plane of temperature and number of flavors and find good agreement with lattice results. As a generic and testable prediction, we observe that our underlying IR fixed-point scenario leaves its imprint in the shape of the phase boundary near the critical flavor number: here, the scaling of the critical temperature is determined by the zero-temperature IR critical exponent of the running coupling.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figure