5,906 research outputs found

    Softly Broken Supersymmetric Desert from Orbifold Compactification

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    A new viewpoint for the gauge hierarchy problem is proposed: compactification at a large scale, 1/R, leads to a low energy effective theory with supersymmetry softly broken at a much lower scale, \alpha/R. The hierarchy is induced by an extremely small angle \alpha which appears in the orbifold compactification boundary conditions. The same orbifold boundary conditions break Peccei-Quinn symmetry, leading to a new solution to the \mu problem. Explicit 5d theories are constructed with gauge groups SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1) and SU(5), with matter in the bulk or on the brane, which lead to the (next-to) minimal supersymmetric standard model below the compactification scale. In all cases the soft supersymmetry-breaking and \mu parameters originate from bulk kinetic energy terms, and are highly constrained. The supersymmetric flavor and CP problems are solved.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, corrected values for A parameter

    Dependence of the intrinsic spin Hall effect on spin-orbit interaction character

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    We report on a comparative numerical study of the spin Hall conductivity in two-dimensions for three different spin-orbit interaction models; the standard k-linear Rashba model, the k-cubic Rashba model that describes two-dimensional hole systems, and a modified k-linear Rashba model in which the spin-orbit coupling strength is energy dependent. Numerical finite-size Kubo formula results indicate that the spin Hall conductivity of the k-linear Rashba model vanishes for frequency ω\omega much smaller than the scattering rate τ−1\tau^{-1}, with order one relative fluctuations surviving out to large system sizes. For the k-cubic Rashba model case, the spin Hall conductivity does not depend noticeably on ωτ\omega \tau and is finite in the {\em dc} limit, in agreement with experiment. For the modified k-linear Rashba model the spin Hall conductivity is noticeably ωτ\omega \tau dependent but approaches a finite value in the {\em dc} limit. We discuss these results in the light of a spectral decomposition of the spin Hall conductivity and associated sum rules, and in relation to a proposed separation of the spin Hall conductivity into skew-scattering, intrinsic, and interband vertex correction contributions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Perturbation Theory for a Repulsive Hubbard Model in Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors

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    We investigate pairing symmetry and a transition temperature in a quasi-one-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model. We solve the Eliashberg equation using the third-order perturbation expansion with respect to the on-site repulsion UU. We find that when the electron number density is shifted from the half-filled, a transition into unconventional superconductivity is expected. When one dimensionality is weak, a spin-singlet state is favorable. By contrast, when one dimensionality is strong and electron number density is far from the half-filled, a spin-triplet state is stabilized. Finally, we discuss the possibility of unconventional superconductivity caused by the on-site Coulomb repulsion in β\beta-Na0.33_{0.33}V2_2O5_5.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Phase diagram of S=1/2 XXZ chain with NNN interaction

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    We study the ground state properties of one-dimensional XXZ model with next-nearest neighbor coupling alpha and anisotropy Delta. We find the direct transition between the ferromagnetic phase and the spontaneously dimerized phase. This is surprising, because the ferromagnetic phase is classical, whereas the dimer phase is a purely quantum and nonmagnetic phase. We also discuss the effect of bond alternation which arises in realistic systems due to lattice distortion. Our results mean that the direct transition between the ferromagnetic and spin-Peierls phase occur.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Renormalization Group Technique Applied to the Pairing Interaction of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductivity

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    A mechanism of the quasi-one-dimensional (q1d) superconductivity is investigated by applying the renormalization group techniques to the pairing interaction. With the obtained renormalized pairing interaction, the transition temperature Tc and corresponding gap function are calculated by solving the linearized gap equation. For reasonable sets of parameters, Tc of p-wave triplet pairing is higher than that of d-wave singlet pairing due to the one-dimensionality of interaction. These results can qualitatively explain the superconducting properties of q1d organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6 and the ladder compound Sr2Ca12Cu24O41.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Phase diagram of S=1 XXZ chain with next-nearest neighbor interaction

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    The one dimensional S=1 XXZ model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction α\alpha and Ising-type anisotropy Δ\Delta is studied by using a numerical diagonalization technique. We discuss the ground state phase diagram of this model numerically by the twisted-boundary-condition level spectroscopy method and the phenomenological renormalization group method, and analytically by the spin wave theory. We determine the phase boundaries among the XY phase, the Haldane phase, the ferromagnetic phase and the N\'{e}el phase, and then we confirm the universality class. Moreover, we map this model onto the non-linear σ\sigma model and analyze the phase diagram in the α\alpha ≪\ll -1 and Δ\Delta ∼\sim 1 region by using the renormalization group method.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Classical and quantum radiation from a moving charge in an expanding universe

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    We investigate photon emission from a moving particle in an expanding universe. This process is analogous to the radiation from an accelerated charge in the classical electromagnetic theory. Using the framework of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, we demonstrate that the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation leads to the Larmor formula for the rate of the radiation energy from a moving charge in an expanding universe. Using exactly solvable models in a radiation-dominated universe and in a Milne universe, we examine the validity of the WKB formula. It is shown that the quantum effect suppresses the radiation energy in comparison with the WKB formula.Comment: 16 pages, JCAP in pres

    Theory of Transport Properties in the p-wave Superconducting State of Sr2RuO4 - A Microscopic Determination of the Gap Structure -

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    We provide a detailed quantitative analysis of transport properties in the p-wave superconducting state of Sr2RuO4. Specifically, we calculate ultrasound attenuation rate and electronic thermal conductivity within the mean field approximation. The impurity scattering of the quasi-particles are treated within the self-consistent T-matrix approximation, and assumed to be in the unitarity limit. The momentum dependence of the gap function is determined by solving the Eliashberg equation for a three-band Hubbard model with the realistic electronic structure of Sr2RuO4. On the basis of the microscopic theory, we can naturally expect nodal structures along the c-axis on the cylindrical Fermi surfaces, even if we assume the chiral pairing state (i.e., \Delta(k) \sim k_x \pm {\rm i} k_y). Consequently, we obtain the temperature dependence of the transport coefficients in agreement with the experimental results. We can clarify that actually the thermal excitations on the passively superconducting bands contribute significantly to the thermal conductivity in a wide temperature range, in contrast to the case of other physical quantities.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Superconductivity in Sr2_2RuO4_4 Mediated by Coulomb Scattering

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    We investigate the superconductivity in Sr2_2RuO4_4 on the basis of the three-dimensional three-band Hubbard model. We propose a model with Coulomb interactions among the electrons on the nearest-neighbor Ru sites. In our model the intersite Coulomb repulsion and exchange coupling can work as the effective interaction for the spin-triplet paring. This effective interaction is enhanced by the band hybridization, which is mediated by the interlayer transfers. We investigate the possibility of this mechanism in the ground state and find that the orbital dependent spin-triplet superconductivity is more stable than the spin-singlet one for realistic parameters. This spin-triplet superconducting state has horizontal line nodes on the Fermi surface.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
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