40 research outputs found

    Bimodule structure of the mixed tensor product over Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1) and quantum walled Brauer algebra

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    We study a mixed tensor product 3m3n\mathbf{3}^{\otimes m} \otimes \mathbf{\overline{3}}^{\otimes n} of the three-dimensional fundamental representations of the Hopf algebra Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1), whenever qq is not a root of unity. Formulas for the decomposition of tensor products of any simple and projective Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1)-module with the generating modules 3\mathbf{3} and 3\mathbf{\overline{3}} are obtained. The centralizer of Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1) on the chain is calculated. It is shown to be the quotient Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n} of the quantum walled Brauer algebra. The structure of projective modules over Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n} is written down explicitly. It is known that the walled Brauer algebras form an infinite tower. We have calculated the corresponding restriction functors on simple and projective modules over Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n}. This result forms a crucial step in decomposition of the mixed tensor product as a bimodule over Xm,nUqs(21)\mathscr{X}_{m,n}\boxtimes U_{q} s\ell(2|1). We give an explicit bimodule structure for all m,nm,n.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Development of a Method for Determination of brucella suis Biovars Using Multilocus Real-time PCR

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    The aim of the study was to develop a methodological approach to determination of Brucella suis biovars through multilocus PCR with real-time registration of results.Materials and methods. We used 16 strains of B. suis of various biovars, B. neotomae and B. canis – 2 strains of each. Determination of the taxonomic affiliation of Brucella strains was carried out according to the Bruce-ladder, Suis-ladder, BRU-DIF protocols. The selection of primers and probes was performed using the software on the website www.genscript.com and the GeneRanner 6.5.52 program. Fragment sequencing according to Sanger was performed on a 3500 XL genetic analyzer in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Nucleotide sequence homology was assessed using the BLAST algorithm and the GenBank NCBI database.Results and discussion. An analysis of the structural organization of IncP and GI-3 genomic islands has been carried out in B. suis strains of various biovars. It has been established that in strains of B. suis II, IV biovars and B. canis, the terminal part of the BRA0368 gene, comprising 21 nucleotides (repeated in the BRA0367 gene) and the “TAA” stop codon, as well as almost the entire sequence of the BRA0367 gene were lost, owing to homologous recombination in the IncP genome island. A 21-nucleotide direct repeat and the “TGA” stop codon of the BRA0367 gene replaced the analogous region of the BRA0368 gene which resulted in the deletion the size of 185 bp. No differences have been noted in the structure of GI-3 in biovars. The evidence obtained made it possible to develop the approach (SuisDIF) for differentiating B. suis biovars, based on the amplification of genes located in the IncP and GI-3 genomic islands using real-time PCR. Its specificity was confirmed in the study of B. suis strains from the fund of the State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria of the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe”. The conducted studies expand and supplement the data on the genetic heterogeneity of Brucella species and biovars. The proposed method for differentiating biovars of B. suis using multilocus PCR with real-time registration of results enhances the capacities for Brucella identification using molecular-genetic methods

    Possibilities of using branched-chain amino acids for the treatment and prevention of sarcopenia in elderly and old patients (literature review)

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    Due to the high prevalence of sarcopenia among elderly and old patients, early prevention and treatment of sarcopenia and its complications are relevant. Protein supplements can be used to maintain muscle strength and mass during aging. The possibility of using branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in the treatment and prevention of sarcopenia in geriatric patients is of scientific interest. BCAAs promote the synthesis and inhibit the degradation of muscle tissue proteins, are involved in the regulation of tissue sensitivity to insulin, ammonia utilization, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, etc.Search strategy. The search for scientific articles for literature review was carried out in the PubMed and PubMed Central databases. The selection criterion was scientific articles published up to December 2022. We used the following search keywords: “branched-chain amino acids”, “BCAA”, “body composition”, “sarcopenia”, “aging”. The 2019 European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWGSOP2) Consensus was included in the list of articles.Conclusions. The possibility of using BCAAs in elderly and old patients for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia is a relevant topic that continues to be actively studied. The effectiveness of BCAA supplementation in the diet is debatable as long as sufficient protein is consumed daily. On the other hand, BCAA supplementation may be justified in cases where it is not possible to consume enough high-quality protein in the diet. More research is needed on this topic

    Development and Research of a Promising Pumpless Liquid Cooling System for Reciprocating Compressors

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    A new pumpless liquid cooling system for a single-stage two-cylinder reciprocating compressor has been developed from the analysis of work processes and cooling systems of reciprocating compressors, where one piston compresses and moves gas and coolant in the cooling system. The intensification of the coolant movement increases in the machine, which can reduce the temperature of the cylinder–piston group and increase the indicator efficiency and the compressor feed rate. A mathematical model of working processes in a reciprocating compressor and its cooling system has been developed on the basic fundamental laws of conservation of energy, mass and motion. A prototype was developed and tested to obtain new knowledge about the processes in the machine and confirm the assumptions made while developing the mathematical model. After a series of experiments, the influence of cooling on the working processes in a reciprocating compressor, the technical work carried out in each working process, the energy and consumption characteristics of a reciprocating compressor with a developed cooling system were established. There was a validation performed of the developed mathematical model of work processes in the machine and the assumptions made. According to the developed mathematical model of work processes, a numerical experiment was carried out, which established: the coolant flow rate decreases with an increase in discharge pressure and increases with an increase in the crankshaft speed when the discharge pressure changes from 0.4 MPa to 0.8 MPa, a decrease in the indicator isothermal efficiency due to the leakage and non-isothermal nature of the compression process, as well as a decrease in the return work in the process of reverse expansion, leading to a decrease in the indicator isothermal efficiency of more than 15%; due to the equalization of pressures in the gas cavities with an increase in discharge pressure, the coolant consumption is reduced by (15 ± 17)%; with an increase in the angular speed of the crankshaft from 800 rpm to 1500 rpm, the coolant flow rate increases by more than 2.5 times, this increase in coolant flow rate is due to an increase in hydraulic resistance due to an increase in gas velocity; in the range from 1000 to 1200 rpm, a maximum of the indicator isothermal efficiency and compressor feed rate is observed; maximum indicator isothermal efficiency and the supply ratio is observed at a coolant flow rate in the range from 800 mL/min to 900 mL/min

    Development of Complex Genotyping Algorithm and Methods of Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of Plague and Cholera Agents Natural Strains

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    Present review summarizes the literary data on applying the modern molecular genetic methods to analyze the diversity of natural strains of plague and cholera agents. Chosen was the complex of most perspective methods on the basis of which was developed the algorithm of gene-diagnostic analysis of Yersinia pestis and Vibrio cholerae strains

    Elderly Patient Management Problems: Antithrombotic Therapy Selection Features. Clinical Case

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    The growing population of elderly people is the main «antithrombotic drugs consumer» because there is higher prevalence of thromboembolic diseases (acute coronary syndrome, venous thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation) among them than among younger people. Elderly people have high risks of both thromboembolic and bleeding complications associated with antithrombotic drugs using. Antithrombotic drug choice is based on individual careful estimation of the «risk/benefit» ratio. Sometimes real clinical practice gives us problems and questions, having no answers in any guidelines. Such a difficult clinical case of elderly patient management is presented in this article

    Hematologic Features of Children and Adolescent Patients with Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions on Drugs and Food

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    Hematological parameters and blood biochemical markers were measured in 131 children and adolescent patients (70 boys) aged 2 to 17 years with acute hypersensitivity reactions induced by food (59 patients) and medicines (72 patients) in order to establish differences in clinical manifestations and hematological parameters in children with food and drug hypersensitivity and to elaborate the hematological criteria for differentiating the possible pathophysiological mechanisms of various types of hypersensitivity. Both groups of patients had comparable clinical symptoms with a predominance of skin lesions. The significant differences between the groups with drug- and food-induced hypersensitivity reactions were found in their red blood characteristics. In patients with hypersensitive reactions to drugs, significantly lower levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin were found, while the median values of these parameters did not exceed the limits of reference values. These differences persisted also in the analysis of hemoglobin values, analyzed with accounting for the age and sex of patients. The reduction of hemoglobin was not accompanied by an increase in bilirubin in these patients. Thus, this fact does not support the assumption about the drug-induced hemolysis as a main effect influencing the hematological parameters. Hemogram evaluation performed during 7–10 days after admission demonstrated a higher level of hemoglobin in both groups. The biochemical markers were not significantly distinguished except bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase which were higher in patients with food-induced hypersensitivity