49 research outputs found

    Аdvantages and disadvantages of digitalization of liberal education

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    The relevance of the problem of digitalization of liberal education is caused, on the one hand by the reduction of classroom classes in the humanities (History, Cultural studies, Foreign language, etc.) in higher school and the demand for autonomous students training; оn the other hand there are advantages of digitalization in the global world, which can enrich and diversify traditional education. The article authors consider that this process has problem areas too. Research objectives are: to consider the means and properties of information educational technologies; to analyze the theoretical works about educational digitalization; to determine advantages and disadvantages of the digital technologies use in the learning process. The main research method is the analysis and synthesis of theoretical research, the presentation of provisions about the functional and motivational aspects of digital technologies; about the need for their use in the educational process at the University. The authors propose to study the historical heritage through information and communication technologies, to focus on notable phenomena of world history, to follow the students self-reflection, internal motivation for self-improvement of modern generation, the maximum realization of its potential and high-tech achievements. The empirical material was a long-term experience of teaching the humanities using information and communication technologies at Ogarev Mordovia State University and on postgraduate studies at Research Institute by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. This article differs from the other researches by the universality of the scientific approach, by the conclusions novelty and schematic visualization of scientific results. The authors clearly presented the advantages of digital technologies, which include many different tools for autonomous learning and simplify the holding of the classes. Thus, it is advisable to use the digital technologies in the educational process

    Cancer Biomarker Discovery: The Entropic Hallmark

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    Background: It is a commonly accepted belief that cancer cells modify their transcriptional state during the progression of the disease. We propose that the progression of cancer cells towards malignant phenotypes can be efficiently tracked using high-throughput technologies that follow the gradual changes observed in the gene expression profiles by employing Shannon's mathematical theory of communication. Methods based on Information Theory can then quantify the divergence of cancer cells' transcriptional profiles from those of normally appearing cells of the originating tissues. The relevance of the proposed methods can be evaluated using microarray datasets available in the public domain but the method is in principle applicable to other high-throughput methods. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using melanoma and prostate cancer datasets we illustrate how it is possible to employ Shannon Entropy and the Jensen-Shannon divergence to trace the transcriptional changes progression of the disease. We establish how the variations of these two measures correlate with established biomarkers of cancer progression. The Information Theory measures allow us to identify novel biomarkers for both progressive and relatively more sudden transcriptional changes leading to malignant phenotypes. At the same time, the methodology was able to validate a large number of genes and processes that seem to be implicated in the progression of melanoma and prostate cancer. Conclusions/Significance: We thus present a quantitative guiding rule, a new unifying hallmark of cancer: the cancer cell's transcriptome changes lead to measurable observed transitions of Normalized Shannon Entropy values (as measured by high-throughput technologies). At the same time, tumor cells increment their divergence from the normal tissue profile increasing their disorder via creation of states that we might not directly measure. This unifying hallmark allows, via the the Jensen-Shannon divergence, to identify the arrow of time of the processes from the gene expression profiles, and helps to map the phenotypical and molecular hallmarks of specific cancer subtypes. The deep mathematical basis of the approach allows us to suggest that this principle is, hopefully, of general applicability for other diseases

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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