137 research outputs found

    1064 nm rotational Raman lidar for particle extinction and lidar-ratio profiling: cirrus case study

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    For the first time, vertical profiles of the 1064 nm particle extinction coefficient obtained from Raman lidar observations at 1058 nm (nitrogen and oxygen rotational Raman backscatter) are presented. We applied the new technique in the framework of test measurements and performed several cirrus observations of particle backscatter and extinction coefficients, and corresponding extinction-to-backscatter ratios at the wavelengths of 355, 532, and 1064 nm. The cirrus backscatter coefficients were found to be equal for all three wavelengths keeping the retrieval uncertainties in mind. The multiple-scattering-corrected cirrus extinction coefficients at 355 nm were on average about 20–30 % lower than the ones for 532 and 1064 nm. The cirrus-mean extinction-to-backscatter ratio (lidar ratio) was 31 ± 5 sr (355 nm), 36 ± 5 sr (532 nm), and 38 ± 5 sr (1064 nm) in this single study. We further discussed the requirements needed to obtain aerosol extinction profiles in the lower troposphere at 1064 nm with good accuracy (20 % relative uncertainty) and appropriate temporal and vertical resolution

    A new method to retrieve the real part of the equivalent refractive index of atmospheric aerosols

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: S. Vratolis, et al, ‘A new method to retrieve the real part of the equivalent refractive index of atmospheric aerosols’, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 117: 54-62, March 2018. Under embargo until 29 December 2019. The final, published version is available online at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2017.12.013.In the context of the international experimental campaign Hygroscopic Aerosols to Cloud Droplets (HygrA-CD, 15 May to 22 June 2014), dry aerosol size distributions were measured at Demokritos station (DEM) using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) in the size range from 10 to 550 nm (electrical mobility diameter), and an Optical Particle Counter (OPC model Grimm 107 operating at the laser wavelength of 660 nm) to acquire the particle size distribution in the size range of 250 nm to 2.5 μm optical diameter. This work describes a method that was developed to align size distributions in the overlapping range of the SMPS and the OPC, thus allowing us to retrieve the real part of the aerosol equivalent refractive index (ERI). The objective is to show that size distribution data acquired at in situ measurement stations can provide an insight to the physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles, leading to better understanding of aerosol impact on human health and earth radiative balance. The resulting ERI could be used in radiative transfer models to assess aerosol forcing direct effect, as well as an index of aerosol chemical composition. To validate the method, a series of calibration experiments were performed using compounds with known refractive index (RI). This led to a corrected version of the ERI values, (ERICOR). The ERICOR values were subsequently compared to model estimates of RI values, based on measured PM2.5 chemical composition, and to aerosol RI retrieved values by inverted lidar measurements on selected days.Peer reviewe

    Optimized Profile Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from Simulated Spaceborne Multiwavelength Lidar

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    This work is an expanded study of one previously published on retrievals of aerosol microphysical properties from space-borne multiwavelength lidar measurements. The earlier studies and this one were done in the framework of the NASA Aerosol-Clouds-Ecosystems (now the Aerosol Clouds Convection and Precipitation) NASA mission. The focus here is on the capabilities of a simulated spaceborne multiwavelength lidar system for retrieving aerosol complex refractive index (m = mr + imi) and spectral single scattering albedo (SSA(λ)), although other bulk parameters such as effective (reff) radius and particle volume (V) and surface (S) concentrations are also studied. The novelty presented here is the use of recently published, case-dependent optimized-constraints on the microphysical retrievals using three backscattering coefficients (β) at 355, 532 and 1064 nm and two extinction coefficients (α) at 355 and 532 nm, typically known as the stand-alone 3β + 2α lidar inversion. Case-dependent optimized-constraints (CDOC) limit the ranges of refractive index, both real (mr) and imaginary (mi) parts, and of radii that are permitted in the retrievals. Such constraints are selected directly from the 3β + 2α measurements through an analysis of the relationship between spectral dependence of aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratios (LR) and the Ångström exponent of extinction. The analyses presented here for different sets of size distributions and refractive indices reveal that the direct determination of CDOC are only feasible for cases where the uncertainties in the input optical data are less than 15%. For the same simulated spaceborne system and yield than in Whiteman et al., (2018), we demonstrated that the use of CDOC as essential for the retrievals of refractive index and also largely improved retrieval of bulk parameters. A discussion of the global representativeness of CDOC is presented using simulated lidar data from a 24 h satellite track using GEOS model output to initialize the lidar simulator. We found that CDOC are representative of many aerosol mixtures in spite of some outliers (e.g. highly hydrated particles) associated with the assumptions of bimodal size distributions and of the same refractive index for fine and coarse modes. Moreover, sensitivity tests performed using synthetic data reveal that retrievals of imaginary refractive index (mi) and SSA are extremely sensitive to β(355).Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Innovation and Staff Exchange(RISE) GRASP-ACE (grant agreement No 778349

    Effects of systematic and random errors on the retrieval of particle microphysical properties from multiwavelength lidar measurements using inversion with regularization

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    In this work we study the effects of systematic and random errors on the inversion of multiwavelength (MW) lidar data using the well-known regularization technique to obtain vertically resolved aerosol microphysical properties. The software implementation used here was developed at the Physics Instrumentation Center (PIC) in Troitsk (Russia) in conjunction with the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Its applicability to Raman lidar systems based on backscattering measurements at three wavelengths (355, 532 and 1064 nm) and extinction measurements at two wavelengths (355 and 532 nm) has been demonstrated widely. The systematic error sensitivity is quantified by first determining the retrieved parameters for a given set of optical input data consistent with three different sets of aerosol physical parameters. Then each optical input is perturbed by varying amounts and the inversion is repeated. Using bimodal aerosol size distributions, we find a generally linear dependence of the retrieved errors in the microphysical properties on the induced systematic errors in the optical data. For the retrievals of effective radius, number/surface/volume concentrations and fine-mode radius and volume, we find that these results are not significantly affected by the range of the constraints used in inversions. But significant sensitivity was found to the allowed range of the imaginary part of the particle refractive index. Our results also indicate that there exists an additive property for the deviations induced by the biases present in the individual optical data. This property permits the results here to be used to predict deviations in retrieved parameters when multiple input optical data are biased simultaneously as well as to study the influence of random errors on the retrievals. The above results are applied to questions regarding lidar design, in particular for the spaceborne multiwavelength lidar under consideration for the upcoming ACE mission.This work was supported by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through projects CGL2010-18782 and CSD2007-00067, the Andalusian Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299 and P08-RNM-3568, the EU through ACTRIS project (EU INFRA-2010-1.1.16-262254) and the Postdoctoral Program of the University of Granada

    Retrieval of spatio-temporal distributions of particle parameters from multiwavelength lidar measurements using the linear estimation technique and comparison with AERONET

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    The results of the application of the linear estimation technique to multiwavelength Raman lidar measurements performed during the summer of 2011 in Greenbelt, MD, USA, are presented. We demonstrate that multiwavelength lidars are capable not only of providing vertical profiles of particle properties but also of revealing the spatio-temporal evolution of aerosol features. The nighttime 3β + 1α lidar measurements on 21 and 22 July were inverted to spatio-temporal distributions of particle microphysical parameters, such as volume, number density, effective radius and the complex refractive index. The particle volume and number density show strong variation during the night, while the effective radius remains approximately constant. The real part of the refractive index demonstrates a slight decreasing tendency in a region of enhanced extinction coefficient. The linear estimation retrievals are stable and provide time series of particle parameters as a function of height at 4 min resolution. AERONET observations are compared with multiwavelength lidar retrievals showing good agreement

    Optical-microphysical properties of Saharan dust aerosols and composition relationship using a multi-wavelength Raman lidar, in situ sensors and modelling: a case study analysis

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    A strong Saharan dust event that occurred over the city of Athens, Greece (37.9° N, 23.6° E) between 27 March and 3 April 2009 was followed by a synergy of three instruments: a 6-wavelength Raman lidar, a CIMEL sun-sky radiometer and the MODIS sensor. The BSC-DREAM model was used to forecast the dust event and to simulate the vertical profiles of the aerosol concentration. Due to mixture of dust particles with low clouds during most of the reported period, the dust event could be followed by the lidar only during the cloud-free day of 2 April 2009. The lidar data obtained were used to retrieve the vertical profile of the optical (extinction and backscatter coefficients) properties of aerosols in the troposphere. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) values derived from the CIMEL ranged from 0.33–0.91 (355 nm) to 0.18–0.60 (532 nm), while the lidar ratio (LR) values retrieved from the Raman lidar ranged within 75–100 sr (355 nm) and 45–75 sr (532 nm). Inside a selected dust layer region, between 1.8 and 3.5 km height, mean LR values were 83 ± 7 and 54 ± 7 sr, at 355 and 532 nm, respectively, while the Ångström-backscatter-related (ABR<sub>355/532</sub>) and Ångström-extinction-related (AER<sub>355/532</sub>) were found larger than 1 (1.17 ± 0.08 and 1.11 ± 0.02, respectively), indicating mixing of dust with other particles. Additionally, a retrieval technique representing dust as a mixture of spheres and spheroids was used to derive the mean aerosol microphysical properties (mean and effective radius, number, surface and volume density, and mean refractive index) inside the selected atmospheric layers. Thus, the mean value of the retrieved refractive index was found to be 1.49( ± 0.10) + 0.007( ± 0.007)i, and that of the effective radiuses was 0.30 ± 0.18 μm. The final data set of the aerosol optical and microphysical properties along with the water vapor profiles obtained by Raman lidar were incorporated into the ISORROPIA II model to provide a possible aerosol composition consistent with the retrieved refractive index values. Thus, the inferred chemical properties showed 12–40% of dust content, sulfate composition of 16–60%, and organic carbon content of 15–64%, indicating a possible mixing of dust with haze and smoke. PM<sub>10</sub> concentrations levels, PM<sub>10</sub> composition results and SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray) analysis results on sizes and mineralogy of particles from samples during the Saharan dust transport event were used to evaluate the retrieval

    Analysis of Raman Lidar and radiosonde measurements from the AWEX-G field campaign and its relation to Aqua validation

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    Early work within the Aqua validation activity revealed there to be large differences in water vapor measurement accuracy among the various technologies in use for providing validation data. The validation measurements were made at globally distributed sites making it difficult to isolate the sources of the apparent measurement differences among the various sensors, which included both Raman lidar and radiosonde. Because of this, the AIRS Water Vapor Experiment-Ground (AWEX-G) was held in October - November, 2003 with the goal of bringing validation technologies to a common site for intercomparison and resolution of the measurement discrepancies. Using the University of Colorado Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH) as the water vapor reference, the AWEX-G field campaign resulted in new correction techniques for both Raman lidar, Vaisala RS80-H and RS90/92 measurements that significantly improve the absolute accuracy of those measurement systems particularly in the upper troposphere. Mean comparisons of radiosondes and lidar are performed demonstrating agreement between corrected sensors and the CFH to generally within 5% thereby providing data of sufficient accuracy for Aqua validation purposes. Examples of the use of the correction techniques in radiance and retrieval comparisons are provided and discussed
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