536 research outputs found

    Оптимизация условий очистки полигалитовой руды от галита

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    A study of treatment of polyhalite ore was conducted by the method of washing halite using water as a washing liquid. The optimal conditions for washing halite from polyhalite ore (water consumption and temperature, contact time of the solid and liquid phases, ore grinding degree) were determined, providing the production of pure polyhalite and filtrate close to saturation with sodium chloride at low polyhalite losses.Проведены исследования обогащения полигалитовой руды методом отмывки галита с использованием воды в качестве промывочной жидкости. Определены оптимальные условия отмывки галита из полигалитовой руды (расход и температура воды, время контактирования твердой и жидкой фаз, степень измельчения руды), обеспечивающие получение чистого полигалита и фильтрата, близкого к насыщению по хлориду натрия при низких потерях полигалита

    Совершенствование реагентного режима обогащения полигалитовых руд флотационным методом

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    The effect of foaming agents of different chemical nature (amyl alcohol, glycolic ether, pine oil) on the flotation of halite from polyhalite ores using alkylmorpholine as a collector was investigated. It was established that the combined adding of amyl alcohol with alkylmorpholine and glycolic ether with alkylmorpholine in the process of sodium chloride flotation allows achieving high technological performance and reduces the consumption of expensive alkylmorpholine by 2 times. The use of pine oil as a foaming agent in a mixture with alkylmorpholine has been established to reduce the collector consumption by 2.2 times. Исследовано влияние пенообразователей различной химической природы (амиловый спирт, гликолевый эфир, сосновое масло) на флотацию галита из полигалитовых руд используя алкилморфолин в качестве собирателя. Установлено, что совместное введение как амилового спирта, так и гликолевого эфира с алкилморфолином в процесс флотации хлорида натрия позволяет достичь высоких технологических показателей и снизить расход дорогостоящего алкилморфолина в 2 раза. Установлено, что применение соснового масла в качестве пенообразователя в смеси с алкилморфолином позволяет снизить расход собирателя в 2,2 раза

    Обогащение полигалитовых руд с высоким содержанием галита флотационным методом

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    Studies on the flotation enrichment of polyhalite-halite ore have been carried out. It was determined that the maximum degree of disclosure of polyhalite-halite ore to the components during grinding falls on the fraction (–0.5 mm). It was established that the enrichment of polyhalite-halite ore is possible by the method of reverse flotation using alkylmorpholine as a collector. It was established that high levels of enrichment of polyhalite-halite ore (recovery of halite 95.41 %) are achieved at high dosage of the collector (1600 g/t).Проведены исследования по флотационному обогащению полигалит-галитовой руды. Определено, что максимальная степень раскрываемости полигалит-галитовой руды на компоненты при измельчении приходится на фракцию (–0,5 мм). Установлено, что обогащение полигалит-галитовой руды возможно методом обратной флотации с использованием в качестве собирателя алкилморфолинов. Установлено, что высокие показатели обогащения полигалит-галитовой руды (извлечение галита 95,41 %) достигаются при значительных расходах собирателя (1600 г/т)

    Дикетоны природного происхождения как потенциальные ковалентные лиганды белков SARS-CoV-2: исследование in silico методом докинга

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    Our computer-aided protein-ligand docking test using Autodock Vina software allowed to reveal the potential of few α- and β-diketones from plants and alternative living organisms as covalent ligands for few proteins of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 – a causative agent of COVID-19. It has been established that values for energy of binding (docking score, Ebind, kcal/mol) less than –7.5 and for distances of ligands’ carbonyl groups to side chain nitrogens of arginine residues of some coronaviral enzymes within 0.4 nm have been true for β-diketones 6-gingerdione (Pubchem code CID162952), 8-gingerdione (CID14440537), tetrahydrocurcumine (CID124072) as well as α-diketone wallitaxane E (CID132967478). The in silico revealed interactions are interesting to be verified in vitro and they point out a possibility of investigation of the compounds and related natural materials as tools for struggle against coronaviral infections.Компьютерный докинг, проведенный с использованием программы Autodock Vina, позволил выявить потенциал нескольких α- и β-дикетонов растений и других природных объектов в качестве ковалентных лигандов ряда белков коронавируса SARS-CoV-2 – возбудителя COVID-19. Выявлено, что энергией связывания (docking score, Ebind, ккал/мол) менее –7,5 с колоколизацией карбонильных групп на расстоянии не более 0,4 нм от атомов азота боковой цепи остатков аргинина белков коронавируса. β-Дикетоны 6-гингердион (код структуры по базе данных Pubchem CID162952), 8-гингердион (CID14440537), тетрагидрокуркумин (CID124072), а также α-дикетон валлитаксан E (CID132967478) обладали такими свойствами. Выявленные in silico взаимодействия указывают на возможность обнаружения их в эксперименте и исследования этих веществ или содержащих их природных материалов как средств борьбы с короновирусной инфекцией

    Implementation of 14 bits floating point numbers of calculating units for neural network hardware development

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    An important aspect of modern automation is machine learning. Specifically, neural networks are used for environment analysis and decision making based on available data. This article covers the most frequently performed operations on floating-point numbers in artificial neural networks. Also, a selection of the optimum value of the bit to 14-bit floating-point numbers for implementation on FPGAs was submitted based on the modern architecture of integrated circuits. The description of the floating-point multiplication (multiplier) algorithm was presented. In addition, features of the addition (adder) and subtraction (subtractor) operations were described in the article. Furthermore, operations for such variety of neural networks as a convolution network - mathematical comparison of a floating point ('less than' and 'greater than or equal') were presented. In conclusion, the comparison with calculating units of Atlera was made

    Induced measures in the space of mixed quantum states

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    We analyze several product measures in the space of mixed quantum states. In particular we study measures induced by the operation of partial tracing. The natural, rotationally invariant measure on the set of all pure states of a N x K composite system, induces a unique measure in the space of N x N mixed states (or in the space of K x K mixed states, if the reduction takes place with respect to the first subsystem). For K=N the induced measure is equal to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure, which is shown to coincide with the measure induced by singular values of non-Hermitian random Gaussian matrices pertaining to the Ginibre ensemble. We compute several averages with respect to this measure and show that the mean entanglement of N×NN \times N pure states behaves as lnN-1/2.Comment: 12 latex pages, 2 figures in epsf, submited to J. Phys. A. ver.3, some improvements and a few references adde

    Hall Normalization Constants for the Bures Volumes of the n-State Quantum Systems

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    We report the results of certain integrations of quantum-theoretic interest, relying, in this regard, upon recently developed parameterizations of Boya et al of the n x n density matrices, in terms of squared components of the unit (n-1)-sphere and the n x n unitary matrices. Firstly, we express the normalized volume elements of the Bures (minimal monotone) metric for n = 2 and 3, obtaining thereby "Bures prior probability distributions" over the two- and three-state systems. Then, as an essential first step in extending these results to n > 3, we determine that the "Hall normalization constant" (C_{n}) for the marginal Bures prior probability distribution over the (n-1)-dimensional simplex of the n eigenvalues of the n x n density matrices is, for n = 4, equal to 71680/pi^2. Since we also find that C_{3} = 35/pi, it follows that C_{4} is simply equal to 2^{11} C_{3}/pi. (C_{2} itself is known to equal 2/pi.) The constant C_{5} is also found. It too is associated with a remarkably simple decompositon, involving the product of the eight consecutive prime numbers from 2 to 23. We also preliminarily investigate several cases, n > 5, with the use of quasi-Monte Carlo integration. We hope that the various analyses reported will prove useful in deriving a general formula (which evidence suggests will involve the Bernoulli numbers) for the Hall normalization constant for arbitrary n. This would have diverse applications, including quantum inference and universal quantum coding.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 6 postscript figures. Revised version to appear in J. Phys. A. We make a few slight changes from the previous version, but also add a subsection (III G) in which several variations of the basic problem are newly studied. Rather strong evidence is adduced that the Hall constants are related to partial sums of denominators of the even-indexed Bernoulli numbers, although a general formula is still lackin

    Новые липофильные конъюгаты флуоресцирующего NBD-пиперазина: синтез, in silico взаимодействие с липидным бислоем и цитохромами P450

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    Two new fluorescent NBD-piperazine derivatives with lipophilic substituents of formylcholesterol and hexanoic acid (compounds 2 and 3, respectively) were synthesized. Using in silico calculations, their abilities to permeate through lipid bilayer and to be bound affinely with some cytochromes P450 of human (2 with lanosterol 14α-demethylase CYP51, 3 with drug-metabolizing CYP1A1, CYP2D6, CYP3A4; energy of binding Ebind from –14.4 to –10 kcal/mol) and of mycobacteria (2 with sterol 27-hydroxylase CYP125, 3 with “orphan” CYP164; Ebind from –13.3 to –9.1 kcal/mol) were demonstrated. The synthesized compounds and calculated computational data will contribute to prioritization of in vitro investigations aiming to revealing properties of the proteins.Синтезированы два новых флуоресцирующих производных NBD-пиперазина с липофильными остатками формилхолестерола и гексановой кислоты (соединения 2 и 3 соответственно). Расчетно-теоретическими методами показана их возможность проникать через липидный бислой, а также аффинно связываться с некоторыми цитохромами P450 человека (2 с ланостерол 14α-деметилазой CYP51, 3 c лекарство-превращающими CYP1A1, CYP2D6, CYP3A4; энергия связывания Ebind в диапазоне –14,4…–10 ккал/моль) и микобактерий (2 со стерол-27 гидроксилазой CYP125, 3 с «орфанным» CYP164; Ebind в диапазоне –13,3…–9,1 ккал/моль). Полученные вещества и соответствующие расчетно-теоретические данные будут способствовать приоритезации исследований in vitro для целей исследования функций этих белков

    Injecting drug use predicts active tuberculosis in a national cohort of people living with HIV from 2000 to 2014

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    OBJECTIVES: Tuberculosis (TB) is common in people living with HIV (PLHIV), leading to worse clinical outcomes including increased mortality. We investigated risk factors for developing TB following HIV diagnosis. DESIGN: Adults aged ≥15 years first presenting to health services for HIV care in England, Wales or Northern Ireland from 2000-2014 were identified from national HIV surveillance data and linked to TB surveillance data. METHODS: We calculated incidence rates for TB occurring >91 days after HIV diagnosis and investigated risk factors using multivariable Poisson regression. RESULTS: 95,003 adults diagnosed with HIV were followed for 635,591 person-years (PY); overall incidence of TB was 344/100,000PY (95% confidence interval 330-359). TB incidence was high for people who acquired HIV through injecting drugs (PWID; men 876 [696-1,104], women 605 [528-593]) and black Africans born in high TB incidence countries (644 [612-677]). The adjusted incidence rate ratio (IRR) for TB amongst PWID was 4.79 [3.35-6.85] for men and 6.18 [3.49-10.93] for women, compared to men who have sex with men. The adjusted IRR for TB in black Africans from high-TB countries was 4 27 (3 42-5 33), compared to white UK-born individuals. Lower time-updated CD4 count was associated with increased rates of TB. CONCLUSIONS: PWID had the greatest risk of TB; incidence rates were comparable to those in black Africans from high TB incidence countries. Most TB cases in PWID were UK-born, and likely acquired TB through transmission within the UK. Earlier HIV diagnosis and quicker initiation of ART should reduce TB incidence in these populations

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns