22 research outputs found


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    Treatment of intraocular retinoblastoma is challenging. It requires a multidisciplinary personalized approach that includes focal treatments, chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. Today, the focus of therapy has shifted to eye preservation with the major aim to save the child’s life and to preserve the eyeball as a functioning organ of vision with minimal complications. One of the most promising therapy approaches is selective intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC), by which a cytostatic agent is given directly into the eye. This treatment modality has been shown to provide survival benefit and improvement of quality of life, reducing toxicity and minimizing side effects.Лечение интраокулярной ретинобластомы является непростой задачей, требующей от врача-онколога мультидисциплинарного, персонализированного подхода, сочетающего в себе лекарственные, хирургические и лучевые методы. Анализ результатов различных научных исследований показывает, что данная проблема не является окончательно решенной, что дает основание считать изучение данного вопроса актуальным. Основное направление сегодня – органосохраняющее лечение, при котором главная цель врача фокусируется не только на спасении жизни ребенка, но и на сохранении глазного яблока как функционирующего органа зрения при минимальных осложнениях. Целенаправленная доставка химиопрепарата в глаз путем селективной интраартериальной химиотерапии (СИАХТ) показала многообещающие результаты. Работы зарубежных авторов показывают, что данный способ лечения обеспечивает повышение выживаемости, увеличение количества сохраненных глаз и улучшение качества жизни, снижая токсичность и минимизируя побочные эффекты

    The effect of magnetic field on the two superconducting gaps in MgB2

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    Double-gap superconductivity in an epitaxial MgB2 film has been studied by means of point-contact spectroscopy in magnetic field up to 8 Tesla. The relatively fast disappearance of the feature associated with the pi-band gap at a field around 1 T is caused by the line broadening due to strong pair breaking rather than to a collapse of the double-gap state. This pair breaking was found to increase linearly with field. Field dependences of the order parameters Delta_pi and Delta_sigma in the pi and sigma bands were measured in field applied parallel and perpendicular to the film, at T = 4.2 K. In perpendicular field, both order parameters survive to a common Hc2, which is about 6.5 T for this direction. In parallel field, the decrease of Delta_sigma is much more gradual, consistent with the Hc2 being about 4 times greater in this ori-entation. The difference in Delta_pi measured in the two field orientations is however smaller than the difference of Delta_sigma. We compare these results with the data on tunnelling spectroscopy and specific heat measurements of MgB2 single crystals and find consistency between the different experimental approaches.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures Revised: discussion of the distribution of gap value

    Superconducting gap structure and pinning in disordered MgB2 films

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    We have performed a comparative study of two thin films of magnesium diboride (MgB2) grown by different techniques. The critical current density at different temperatures and magnetic fields was evaluated from magnetisation curves, the structure of superconducting order parameter was obtained from point-contact spectroscopy, and the scattering rates were evaluated by fitting the temperature dependent normal-state resistivity to the two-band model. The films have similar critical temperatures close to 39 K, but the upper critical fields were different by a factor of 2 (5.2T and 2.5 T at 20 K). We have found that the film with higher Hc2 also had stronger scattering in the sigma band and smaller value of the superconducting gap in this band. As the scattering in sigma band is primarily due to the defects in boron plane, our results are consistent with the assumption that disordering the boron planes leads to enhanced Hc2 and better pinning properties in magnetic field.Comment: Paper presented at EUCAS'0

    Epitaxial MgB2 thin films on ZrB2 buffer layers: structural characterization by synchrotron radiation

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    Structural and superconducting properties of magnesium diboride thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on zirconium diboride buffer layers were studied. We demonstrate that the ZrB2 layer is compatible with the MgB2 two step deposition process. Synchrotron radiation measurements, in particular anomalous diffraction measurements, allowed to separate MgB2 peaks from ZrB2 ones and revealed that both layers have a single in plane orientation with a sharp interface between them. Moreover, the buffer layer avoids oxygen contamination from the sapphire substrate. The critical temperature of this film is near 37.6 K and the upper critical field measured at Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory up to 20.3 T is comparable with the highest ones reported in literature.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Supercond. Sci. and Techno

    Point-Contact Spectroscopy in MgB_2: from Fundamental Physics to Thin-Film Characterization

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    In this paper we highlight the advantages of using point-contact spectroscopy (PCS) in multigap superconductors like MgB_2, both as a fundamental research tool and as a non-destructive diagnostic technique for the optimization of thin-film characteristics. We first present some results of crucial fundamental interest obtained by directional PCS in MgB_2 single crystals, for example the temperature dependence of the gaps and of the critical fields and the effect of a magnetic field on the gap amplitudes. Then, we show how PCS can provide useful information about the surface properties of MgB_2 thin films (e.g. Tc, gap amplitude(s), clean or dirty-limit conditions) in view of their optimization for the fabrication of tunnel and Josephson junctions for applications in superconducting electronics.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; Proceedings of 6th EUCAS Conference (14-18 September 2003, Sorrento - Italy

    Чрескожная необратимая электропорация при местно-распространенном раке поджелудочной железы – обзор литературы и клинический случай

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    Background. The results of local destruction methods in locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPCa) are contradictory. Radiation therapy is the most commonly used. Other methods are used much less frequently, irreversible electroporation (IRE) is one of them. Most authors indicate an acceptable level of complications and mortality, but without an improvement in long-term results. The results of two meta-analyses have been published, the authors indicate the possibility of using the IRE in selected patients. The authors also point out that minimally invasive methods of using the IRE be preferred. Some experience has been gained in the use of percutaneous access for IRE in LAPCa. Computed tomography, ultrasound guidance can be used for navigation. The level of complications can reach 50 %. Mortality with percutaneous access, as a rule, is absent or does not exceed 5 %. Long-term results are the same with the results of open IRE.Aim. To share authors experience of using percutaneous irreversible electroporation in pancreatic cancer, because there are no references to the use of percutaneous IRE in LAPCa in Russia.Materials and methods. The IRE was performed for 53-year female patient with LAPCa after successful induction therapy. A step-by-step pulse effect of electrodes installed under ultrasound control on the tumor infiltrate was carried out. Magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and other types of studies were used for diagnostic purposes.Results. The involvement of the common hepatic artery and portal vein remained after the induction therapy, which did not allow performing pancreatoduodenal resection. Ultrasonic navigation and flat-detector computed tomography allowed to install the electrodes adequatly and safely. The impact zone almost completely blocked the infiltrate zone, a more optimal location of the electrodes was limited by the wide network of venous collaterals. Magnetic resonance imaging data performed before and after the procedure showed no progression of the disease within more than three months after the procedure, including in the affected area. Tumor shrinkage was noted as a partial response.Conclusion. The first experience confirmed the safety and the absence of subsequent complications when using the percutaneous access method of IRE for LAPCa. Follow-up monitoring of the patient will allow to say more correctly about the possibility of the method to provide long-term local control.Введение. Результаты применения методов локального воздействия при местно-распространенном раке поджелудочной железы (МРРПЖ) противоречивы, наиболее частым методом является лучевая терапия. Другие методы воздействия применяются реже, один из них – необратимая электропорация (НЭП). Большая часть авторов указывают на приемлемый уровень осложнений и летальности, но без улучшения отдаленных результатов. Результаты двух метаанализов указывают на целесообразность применения метода у отобранных пациентов. Акцентируется внимание на том, что следует отдавать предпочтение малоинвазивным способам использования метода, поскольку накоплен определенный опыт применения чрескожного доступа для НЭП при МРРПЖ. Для навигации могут использоваться компьютерная томография, ультразвуковое наведение. Уровень осложнений достигает 50 %. Летальность при чрескожном доступе отсутствует или не превышает 5 %, отдаленные результаты не отличаются от результатов НЭП, выполненной во время лапаротомии.Цель исследования – оценка авторского опыта применения чрескожной НЭП при раке поджелудочной железы в виду отсутствия подобного опыта у коллег в России.Материалы и методы. Процедура чрескожной НЭП при раке поджелудочной железы выполнена у пациентки 53 лет по поводу МРРПЖ после успешной индукционной терапии. Осуществлялось поэтапное импульсное воздействие с помощью установленных под ультразвуковым контролем электродов на опухолевый инфильтрат. В диагностических целях применялись магнитно-резонансная томография, компьютерная томография и другие виды исследований.Результаты. Отмечено уменьшение размеров опухолевого инфильтрата после индукционной терапии при сохранении вовлечения общей печеночной артерии и полного блока воротной и верхней брыжеечной вен с развитием коллатералей, что не позволило выполнить панкреатодуоденальную резекцию. Ультразвуковая навигация с неоднократным контролем расположения электродов с помощью плоскодетекторной компьютерной томографии позволила адекватно и безопасно их установить, а в последующем – убедиться в отсутствии осложнений. Результаты магнитно-резонансной томографии, выполненной до и после процедуры, показали отсутствие прогрессирования заболевания в течение 3,5 мес после процедуры, в том числе в зоне воздействия. Отмечено уменьшение опухоли в рамках частичного ответа.Заключение. Подтверждены безопасность и отсутствие последующих осложнений при применении метода чрескожного доступа для НЭП при МРРПЖ. Наблюдение за пациенткой позволит более корректно высказаться о возможности метода обеспечить длительный локальный контроль заболевания при МРРПЖ

    Diagnostic and conservative treatment nuances in patients with obstructive jaundice: in the wake of Russian consensus

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    Treatment of intraocular retinoblastoma is challenging. It requires a multidisciplinary personalized approach that includes focal treatments, chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. Today, the focus of therapy has shifted to eye preservation with the major aim to save the child’s life and to preserve the eyeball as a functioning organ of vision with minimal complications. One of the most promising therapy approaches is selective intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC), by which a cytostatic agent is given directly into the eye. This treatment modality has been shown to provide survival benefit and improvement of quality of life, reducing toxicity and minimizing side effects