563 research outputs found

    Influence of experimental hypokinesia on gastric secretory function

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    The gastric secretory function of rats was studied in 4, 8, 16 and 30 day hypokinesia. Inhibition of both the gastric juice secretory and acid producing functions was found. The greatest inhibition was observed on day 8 of limited mobility. By days 16 and 30 of the experiment, a tendency of the gastric secretory activity to return to normal was observed, although it remained reduced

    Biological resources of the Hyssopus l on the south of European Russia and prospects of its introduction

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    The south of European Russia (geographically - the southern part of the Central Russian Upland) has large biological and plant genetic resources. There is a concept considering the region as the second anthropogenic microgen center of formation of economically valuable plants. In the south of the Central Russian Upland, the genus Hyssopus L. is represented by two species: Hyssopus cretaceus Dubjan. and Hyssopus officinalis L. Accomplished the study of biological resources of species of the genus Hyssopus L. in vivo and in vitr

    Features of cholinergic cardia regulation under conditions of hypokinesia

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    The features of cholinergic processes in the heart on the 4th, 8th, 16th and 30th days of hypokinesia were studied in experiments on 382 albino rats. It was shown that hypokinesia is attended by increased acetylcholine content in the atria, reduced choline acetyltransferase activity in the atria and ventricles and by increased activity of acetylcholinesterase in the ventricles and of pseudocholinesterase in both parts of the heart. The sensitivity of the heart to exogenic acetylcholine and to stimulation of the vagus nerve increases

    A comparative study of human endogenous retrovirus <i>HERV-E λ 4-1</i> activation in autoimmune pathology

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    Considering the presence of immunomodulatory properties of human endogenous retroviruses, namely (i) the ability to activate the innate immune response by HERVs nucleic acids; (ii) the antigenicity of transcriptionally competent endogenous retroviruses envelope protein molecule, which causes polyclonal activation of lymphocytes; (iii) the absence of HERVs expression and protein production in the thymus during the immune tolerance formation, which allows us to consider these proteins as autoantigens or neoantigens, it seemed relevant to investigate the association of replication-competent human endogenous retrovirus HERV-E λ 4-1 with course of some of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The aim of this work was a comparative study of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-E λ 4-1 activation frequency in blood mononuclear cells in multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as in chronic nervous system non-progressive diseases and the degenerative-dystrophic disease of the musculoskeletal system. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated by the venous blood centrifugation on Ficoll density gradient of 1.078 g/cm3. Expression of the HERV-E λ 4-1 envelope gene was detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. It was found that the HERV-E λ 4-1 envelope gene expression frequency in the chronic non-progressive diseases of nervous system, as well as in degenerative-dystrophic joint disease, is comparable to the expression frequency in conditionally healthy individuals. However, the HERV-E λ 4-1 envelope gene expression frequency in autoimmune diseases significantly exceeded that in conditionally healthy individuals and in non-inflammatory diseases. The maximum values of expression frequency were observed in active multiple sclerosis, significantly higher than in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis in the acute stage. Moreover, the expression frequency in the remission stage of multiple sclerosis was significantly lower than in the acute stage of the relapsing-remitted course, as well as in the progredient course. Estimation of HERV-E λ 4-1 envelope gene expression frequency at different severity levels of multiple sclerosis revealed its maximum rates at III and IV-V severity levels, both in relapsing-remitting and progressive course of multiple sclerosis. Thus, activation of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-E λ 4-1 is associated with the course of autoimmune diseases, namely multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus; it positively correlates with the activity and severity of multiple sclerosis


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    Considering to the data of class I human endogenous retrovirus HERV-Е λ 4-1 subgroup association with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease accompanied by neuroinflammation, changes in the neurotransmitters level, progressive neurological dysfunction, as well as the ability of this retrovirus to replicate and to produce proteins with potential immunomodulatory properties, the aim of this work was a comparative study of the blood immune cells cytokine synthesizing function in conventionally healthy individuals and multiple sclerosis patients under the synthetic 17 – amino acid oligopeptide homologous to the hydrophobic transmembrane protein р15Е HERV-Е λ 4-1 conserved region influence. The 40 patients, 17 male persons aged 38.0 (31.0-47.0) years old and 23 female persons aged 39.0 (31.0-50.0) years old with an established diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (G 35, ICD-10), corresponding to the McDonald 2005, modified in 2010 criteria with a continuously progressive disease course and the disease duration of 17.0 (14.0-18.0) years, and 30 conditionally healthy individuals, 12 male persons aged 32.0 (23.0-43.0) years old and 18 female persons aged 36.0 (29.0-46.0) years old were the objects of the study. An open-label, observational, single-center, cohort, controlled, randomized trial was conducted. It was found that the donor’s blood mononuclear cells IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, IFNγ and IL-2 spontaneous production in culture was stimulated, but that of IL-4 and IL-10 did not change under the retroviral oligopeptide influence. At the same time, the spontaneous and mitogenstimulated production of all studied cytokines did not change under the control oligopeptide influence. The PHA-stimulated donor’s blood mononuclear cells cultivation in presence of the retroviral oligopeptide, as compared to the control one, was accompanied by an increase in the IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα release into the culture supernatant. The multiple sclerosis patients were characterized by IL-1β, IL-6 and IFNγ higher content in the mitogen-unstimulated blood mononuclear cells culture supernatant, compared with conditionally healthy individuals, as well as by a higher production of IL-6 and IFNγ in response to PHA stimulation. The retroviral oligopeptide, in contrast to the control one, stimulated the IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα and IFNγ spontaneous production without altering that of IL-4 and IL-10 in multiple sclerosis patients. The obtained results indicate that the synthetic oligopeptide homologous to the conserved region of the hydrophobic transmembrane protein p15E HERV-Е λ 4-1 has the pro-inflammatory properties, which is probably the one of human endogenous retrovirus HERV-Е λ 4-1 pathological abilities realization mechanism in multiple sclerosis

    The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Antithrombin III In The Pathogenesis of the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

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    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an iatrogenic complication of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH). Its pathogenesis is not clarified yet. In the recent years a number of studies focused on the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and antihtrombin III (AT III) indicators. VEGF is homodimeric, heparin-binding glycoprotein, stimulating vascular permeability. Antithrombin III is protease inhibitor of activated clotting factors. This study aimed at examining the VEGF-A165 and AT III indicators with two OHSS patients. Two methods were used for the determination of the indicators of VEGF-A165 and AT III: ELISA for VEGF and chromogenic assay for ATT III. Kits of R/D Systems and American Diagnostica Inc. were used to estimate VEGF and AT III indicators in serum and plasma. There were higher indicators of VEGF-A165 (180pg/ml) and reduction of AT III indicators (48%) in the patient with a severe form of OHSS than in the control group while these indicators were normal in the patient with a moderate form of OHSS. Our results confirmed some published data concerning the importance of VEGF and AT III in the genesis of OHSS. This study should include a larger group of patients in order tofollow-up statistically and authentically the variations of the indicators of both factors and their importance for OHSS

    Использование учебных видео-материалов в образовательном процессе высшего учебного заведения

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    This article is devoted to the creation and use of educational video clips in higher educational institutions. This article analyzes the results of studies on the impact of video content on listeners, which showed a large degree of positive impact, presents a theoretical analysis of the basics of developing video materials. The purpose of the article is to create a technology for developing instructional videos in a higher educational institution. The authors presented the experience of implementing video materials in the classroom on pedagogical disciplines. The stages of developing video materials were proposed, recommendations for creating video were highlighted, the conditions and tasks of using video materials in the educational process were substantiated. Experience allowed us to identify the possibilities of video materials in the modern learning process, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the teaching activities of the teacher and increase the level of students' perception of the material.Este artículo está dedicado a la creación y uso de videoclips educativos en instituciones de educación superior. Este artículo analiza los resultados de estudios sobre el impacto del contenido de video en los oyentes, que mostraron un alto grado de impacto positivo, presenta un análisis teórico de los conceptos básicos del desarrollo de materiales de video. El propósito del artículo es crear una tecnología para desarrollar videos instructivos en una institución de educación superior. Los autores presentaron la experiencia de implementar materiales de video en el aula sobre disciplinas pedagógicas. Se propusieron las etapas de desarrollo de los materiales de video, se resaltaron las recomendaciones para la creación de video, se confirmaron las condiciones y las tareas de uso de materiales de video en el proceso educativo. La experiencia nos permitió identificar las posibilidades de los materiales de video en el proceso de aprendizaje moderno, lo que puede aumentar significativamente la efectividad de las actividades de enseñanza del maestro y aumentar el nivel de percepción del material por parte de los estudiantes.Данная статья посвящена вопросам создания и использования учебных видео-роликов в высших учебных заведениях. В данной статье проанализированы результаты исследований влияния видео-контента на слушателей, показавшие большую степень положительного воздействия, представлен теоретический анализ основ разработки видео-материалов. Цель статьи состоит в создании технологии разработки обучающего видео в условиях высшего образовательного учреждения. Авторами представлен опыт реализации видео-материалов на занятиях по педагогическим дисциплинам. Были предложены этапы разработки видео-материалов, выделены рекомендации к созданию видео, обоснованы условия и задачи использования видео-материалов в учебном процессе. Опыт позволил выявить возможности видео-материалов в современном процессе обучения, которые позволяют существенно повысить результативность обучающей деятельности преподавателя и увеличить уровень восприятия студентами материала

    Study of forging process by convex dies geometry with severe plastic deformation

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    Для перевірки достовірності отриманих раніше теоретичних досліджень було проведено деформування заготовок вирізними бойками зі скосами на свинцевих зразках. Свинцеві зразки протягувалися в вирізних бойках з кутом вирізу α = 115° і подачею 0,1 D. Порівнювалися експериментальні та теоретичні результати формозміни після протягання на 20 і 40% вирізними бойками, подовження і зміна товщини стінки заготовки в процесі протягання без оправки. Зіставлялися зміни відносного діаметра отвору від ступеня деформації і вплив ступеня деформації на інтенсивність заковування отвору в процесі протягування без оправки.Purpose. An earlier theoretical study by FEM of forging cylinders by dies with bevels possible to establish a rational geometry deforming tool. The purpose of this experimental study - check the validity of the theoretical results on lead samples. Design/methodology/approach. The deformation of workpieces by convex dies with bevels carried out on lead samples. Prepared samples are drawing by die of cut with an angle α = 115° with feed 0,1 D. The experimental and theoretical results forming after drawing 20 and the 40% by convex dies, elongation and change of the wall thickness of the workpiece at process of drawing without mandrel were compared. The change of relative diameter of the holes on the degree of deformation and of influence deformation degree on the intensity closing of holes during drawing process without mandrel were compared. Findings. At increasing degree of deformation during drawing without of mandrel the relative hole diameter decreases, while the intensity of closing increases, i.e. there is a thickening of the wall. The experimental results confirm the results of the theoretical study with the error of 6...12%. Originality/value. As a result, the final form hole in the workpiece during drawing has a slightly different shape than cylindrical, which explains the error of measurements hole diameter workpiece in theoretical studies.Для проверки достоверности полученных ранее теоретических исследований было проведено деформирование заготовок вырезными бойками со скосами на свинцовых образцах. Свинцовые образцы протягивались в вырезных бойках с углом выреза α = 115° и подачей 0,1 D. Сравнивались экспериментальные и теоретические результаты формоизменения после протяжки на 20 и 40% вырезными бойками, удлинение и изменение толщины стенки заготовки в процессе протяжки без оправки. Сопоставлялись изменения относительного диаметра отверстия от степени деформации и влияние степени деформации на интенсивность заковки отверстия в процессе протяжки без оправки

    Учебный ситуационный центр — инструмент интерактивных образовательных технологий в высшей школе

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    The authors, working at universities in various fields, consider the feasibility of educational situation centers in the process of development of natural sciences disciplines.Авторы статьи, работая в вузах различного профиля, рассматривают целесообразность внедрения учебных ситуационных центров (УСЦ) в процесс освоения дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла