309 research outputs found

    Influência do número de camadas na propriedade mecânica de espécimes fabricados com atadura gessada usados para confeccionar splints ortopédicos

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of varying numbers of layers of plaster of Paris bandages on the mechanical properties of specimens used on the construction of orthopedic splints. METHODS: Rectangular plate-shaped and cylinder-shaped specimens were constructed and assigned to two groups simulating plaster slabs and cast and further divided into six subgroups according to the number of layers used: 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 layers. The specimens were subjected to either a three-point bending test (plates/slab) or compressive strength test (cylinders/cast). The following mechanical properties were evaluated: maximum load, elastic limit load and stiffness. Specimen weight was also calculated. Data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and the least significant difference (LSD) tests. RESULTS: Pairwise comparisons of the subgroups 10x12 and 10x14 revealed significant differences for all mechanical properties (p<0.05). The results of this study suggest that when the goal is to construct appliances with high mechanical strength, regardless of weight, such as serial plaster slabs splints for stimulating tissue growth through the application of gradual load, splints made with plaster of Paris bandages with 12 or 14 layers should be preferred. For orthotic devices such as positioning orthotics, the use of 10 layers plaster bandages slab splints is advisable as they were found to have better correlation between mechanical strength and weight in comparison to those made wtih 6 or 8 layers. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of this study, we suggest the use of 10 layers of plaster of Paris for the construction of orthopedic splints.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as propriedades mecânicas de amostras fabricadas a partir de ataduras de gesso que são utilizadas em órteses ortopédicas e que variam quanto ao número de camadas. MÉTODOS: Foram confeccionados espécimes em forma de placa retangular e em forma cilíndrica, divididos em dois grupos que simulavam splint e gesso circular, os quais foram divididos em seis subgrupos de acordo com o número de camadas utilizadas, ou seja, três, seis, oito, dez, 12 e 14 camadas. Os espécimes foram submetidos a um teste de inclinação de três pontos (placas/splint) ou teste de resistência à compressão (cilindros/gesso circular). As seguintes propriedades mecânicas foram avaliadas: carga máxima e carga no limite de elasticidade e rigidez. O peso da amostra foi calculado. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e diferença mínima significativa (DMS). Comparações pareadas entre os subgrupos 10x12 e 10x14 revelaram diferenças significativas para todas as propriedades mecânicas (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Os resultados sugerem que, quando o objetivo é construir aparelhos com alta resistência mecânica, independente do peso, tais como órteses seriadas de posicionamento para simular força gradual aplicada no tecido para a melhoria da amplitude de movimento, talas de 12 ou 14 camadas devem ser preferidas. Para os aparelhos ortopédicos que irão ser submetidos a esforços de baixa intensidade, aconselha-se a utilização de dez camadas para as órteses, porque houve uma melhor correlação entre a resistência mecânica e peso para as amostras fabricadas com dez camadas de atadura gessada comparadas com aquelas confeccionadas com seis ou oito camadas. CONCLUSÂO: Baseado nos achados deste estudo, sugere-se a utilização de dez camadas na confecção de órteses ortopédicas

    Preventing Phosphorylation of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein 1a by MAP-Kinases Protects Mice from Fatty Liver and Visceral Obesity

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    The transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP)-1a plays a pivotal role in lipid metabolism. Using the SREBP-1a expressing human hepatoma cell line HepG2 we have shown previously that human SREBP-1a is phosphorylated at serine 117 by ERK-mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). Using a combination of cell biology and protein chemistry approach we show that SREBP-1a is also target of other MAPK-families, i.e. c-JUN N-terminal protein kinases (JNK) or p38 stress activated MAP kinases. Serine 117 is also the major phosphorylation site in SREBP-1a for JNK. In contrast to that the major phosphorylation sites of p38 MAPK family are serine 63 and threonine 426. Functional analyses reveal that phosphorylation of SREBP-1a does not alter protein/DNA interaction. The identified phosphorylation sites are specific for both kinase families also in cellular context. To provide direct evidence that phosphorylation of SREBP-1a is a regulatory principle of biological and clinical relevance, we generated transgenic mice expressing mature transcriptionally active N-terminal domain of human SREBP–1a variant lacking all identified phosphorylaton sites designed as alb-SREBP-1aΔP and wild type SREBP-1a designed as alb-SREBP-1a liver specific under control of the albumin promoter and a liver specific enhancer. In contrast to alb-SREBP–1a mice the phosphorylation–deficient mice develop no enlarged fatty livers under normocaloric conditions. Phenotypical examination reveales a massive accumulation of adipose tissue in alb-SREBP-1a but not in the phosphorylation deficient alb-SREBP-1aΔP mice. Moreover, preventing phosphorylation of SREBP-1a protects mice also from dyslipidemia. In conclusion, phosphorylation of SREBP-1a by ERK, JNK and p38 MAPK-families resembles a biological principle and plays a significant role, in vivo

    Homogenization of weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations with fast switching rates

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    We consider homogenization for weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations with fast switching rates. The fast switching rate terms force the solutions converge to the same limit, which is a solution of the effective equation. We discover the appearance of the initial layers, which appear naturally when we consider the systems with different initial data and analyze them rigorously. In particular, we obtain matched asymptotic solutions of the systems and rate of convergence. We also investigate properties of the effective Hamiltonian of weakly coupled systems and show some examples which do not appear in the context of single equations.Comment: final version, to appear in Arch. Ration. Mech. Ana

    High-energy scissors mode

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    All the orbital M1 excitations, at both low and high energies, obtained from a rotationally invariant QRPA, represent the fragmented scissors mode. The high-energy M1 strength is almost purely orbital and resides in the region of the isovector giant quadrupole resonance. In heavy deformed nuclei the high-energy scissors mode is strongly fragmented between 17 and 25 MeV (with uncertainties arising from the poor knowledge of the isovector potential). The coherent scissors motion is hindered by the fragmentation and B(M1)<0.25  μN2B(M1) < 0.25 \; \mu^2_N for single transitions in this region. The (e,e)(e,e^{\prime}) cross sections for excitations above 17 MeV are one order of magnitude larger for E2 than for M1 excitations even at backward angles.Comment: 20 pages in RevTEX, 5 figures (uuencoded,put with 'figures') accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Gain Components in Autler-Townes Doublet from Quantum Interferences in Decay Channels

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    We consider non-degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy of V-systems under conditions such that interference among decay channels is important. We demonstrate how this interference can result in new gain features instead of the usual absorption features. We relate this gain to the existence of a new vacuum induced quasi-trapped-state. We further show how this also results in large refractive index with low absorption.Comment: Total 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Drug-induced activation of SREBP-controlled lipogenic gene expression in CNS-related cell lines: Marked differences between various antipsychotic drugs

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    BACKGROUND: The etiology of schizophrenia is unknown, but neurodevelopmental disturbances, myelin- and oligodendrocyte abnormalities and synaptic dysfunction have been suggested as pathophysiological factors in this severe psychiatric disorder. Cholesterol is an essential component of myelin and has proved important for synapse formation. Recently, we demonstrated that the antipsychotic drugs clozapine and haloperidol stimulate lipogenic gene expression in cultured glioma cells through activation of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) transcription factors. We here compare the action of chlorpromazine, haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone and ziprasidone on SREBP activation and SREBP-controlled gene expression (ACAT2, HMGCR, HMGCS1, FDPS, SC5DL, DHCR7, LDLR, FASN and SCD1) in four CNS-relevant human cell lines. RESULTS: There were marked differences in the ability of the antipsychotic drugs to activate the expression of SREBP target genes, with clozapine and chlorpromazine as the most potent stimulators in a context of therapeutically relevant concentrations. Glial-like cells (GaMg glioma and CCF-STTG1 astrocytoma cell lines) displayed more pronounced drug-induced SREBP activation compared to the response in HCN2 human cortical neurons and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, indicating that antipsychotic-induced activation of lipogenesis is most prominent in glial cells. CONCLUSION: Our present data show a marked variation in the ability of different antipsychotics to induce SREBP-controlled transcriptional activation of lipogenesis in cultured human CNS-relevant cells. We propose that this effect could be relevant for the therapeutic efficacy of some antipsychotic drugs

    The Impairment of ILK Related Angiogenesis Involved in Cardiac Maladaptation after Infarction

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    Background: Integrin linked kinase (ILK), as an important component of mechanical stretch sensor, can initiate cellular signaling response in the heart when cardiac preload increases. Previous work demonstrated increased ILK expression could induce angiogenesis to improved heart function after MI. However the patholo-physiological role of ILK in cardiac remodeling after MI is not clear. Method and Results: Hearts were induced to cardiac remodeling by infarction and studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. Until 4 weeks after infarction, ILK expression was increased in non-ischemic tissue in parallel with myocytes hypertrophy and compensatory cardiac function. 8 weeks later, when decompensation of heart function occurred, ILK level returned to baseline. Followed ILK alternation, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) was significantly decreased 8 weeks after MI. Histology study also showed significantly microvessel decreased and myocytes loss 8 weeks paralleled with ILK down-regualtion. While ILK expression was maintained by gene delivery, tissue angiogenesis and cardiac function was preserved during cardiac remodeling. Conclusion: Temporally up-regulation of ILK level in non-ischemic myocytes by increased external load is associated with beneficial angiogenesis to maintain infarction-induced cardiac hypertrophy. When ILK expression returns to normal, this cardiac adaptive response for infarction is weaken. Understanding the ILK related mechanism of cardiac maladaptatio

    Chirality of Matter Shows Up via Spin Excitations

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    Right- and left-handed circularly polarized light interact differently with electronic charges in chiral materials. This asymmetry generates the natural circular dichroism and gyrotropy, also known as the optical activity. Here we demonstrate that optical activity is not a privilege of the electronic charge excitations but it can also emerge for the spin excitations in magnetic matter. The square-lattice antiferromagnet Ba2_2CoGe2_2O7_7 offers an ideal arena to test this idea, since it can be transformed to a chiral form by application of external magnetic fields. As a direct proof of the field-induced chiral state, we observed large optical activity when the light is in resonance with spin excitations at sub-terahertz frequencies. In addition, we found that the magnetochiral effect, the absorption difference for the light beams propagating parallel and anti-parallel to the applied magnetic field, has an exceptionally large amplitude close to 100%. All these features are ascribed to the magnetoelectric nature of spin excitations as they interact both with the electric and magnetic components of light