301 research outputs found

    Specializing and profiling of journalistic practice in the terms of multimedia reality

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    In this article specializing and profiling of journalistic practice are examined as effective media management instruments. The author draws attention to the process of transformation of these elements to multimedia level.Специализация и профилизация журналиста рассматриваются в статье в качестве эффективных инструментов медиаменеджмента. Особое внимание обращается на процесс трансформации этих элементов в условиях мультимедийности

    The Role of Journalistic Education in Forming the Professional Culture of «Non-Professionals»

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    Автор статьи рассматривает проблему профессиональной культуры журналиста с точки зрения создания единого профессионального стандарта. При этом показано, что данный стандарт должен учитывать и так называемых «непрофессионалов». Автор считает, что журналистское образование способно адаптировать представителей этой категории к требованиям журнализма. В качестве примера представлен собственный опыт создания и проведения тематического вебинара.The author analyzes the problem of journalist’s professional culture in terms of forming common professional standard. It is shown that this standard should also consider the group of “non-professionals”. The author believes that a journalistic education may help “non-professionals” to adapt to the journalism culture. As an example, the author shows his own experience of creating and organizing the thematic webinar

    Workshop as an alternative teaching method for journalism education

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    Система журналистского образования в России сегодня часто подвергается критике со стороны студентов и журналистов. Одна из объективных проблем — неактуальность ряда методов преподавания журналистики. Автор статьи рассматривает воркшоп как один из альтернативных методов обучения, который имеет большой потенциал.Students and journalists often criticize the current system of journalism education in Russia. One of the objective problems is that some teaching methods used in journalism education are not relevant. The author discusses the workshop as an alternative teaching method that possesses big potential

    Universalization of Chief Editor Activity Under the Influence of Digital Technologies

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    В статье рассматривается процесс универсализации деятельности главного редактора под воздействием цифровых технологий. На сегодня существует три альтернативных роли редактора. Автор показывает, какая из них является наиболее релевантной и перспективной.The paper analyzes the process of universalization of chief editor activity under the influence of digital technologies. There are three alternative roles of an editor today. The author shows which of these roles is more relevant and future-oriented

    Continuous Modeling of Arterial Platelet Thrombus Formation Using a Spatial Adsorption Equation

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    In this study, we considered a continuous model of platelet thrombus growth in an arteriole. A special model describing the adhesion of platelets in terms of their concentration was derived. The applications of the derived model are not restricted to only describing arterial platelet thrombus formation; the model can also be applied to other similar adhesion processes. The model reproduces an auto-wave solution in the one-dimensional case; in the two-dimensional case, in which the surrounding flow is taken into account, the typical torch- like thrombus is reproduced. The thrombus shape and the growth velocity are determined by the model parameters. We demonstrate that the model captures the main properties of the thrombus growth behavior and provides us a better understanding of which mechanisms are important in the mechanical nature of the arterial thrombus growth

    The RNA helicase ​Aquarius exhibits structural adaptations mediating its recruitment to spliceosomes.

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    Aquarius is a multifunctional putative RNA helicase that binds precursor-mRNA introns at a defined position. Here we report the crystal structure of human Aquarius, revealing a central RNA helicase core and several unique accessory domains, including an ARM-repeat domain. We show that Aquarius is integrated into spliceosomes as part of a pentameric intron-binding complex (IBC) that, together with the ARM domain, cross-links to U2 snRNP proteins within activated spliceosomes; this suggests that the latter aid in positioning Aquarius on the intron. Aquarius's ARM domain is essential for IBC formation, thus indicating that it has a key protein-protein-scaffolding role. Finally, we provide evidence that Aquarius is required for efficient precursor-mRNA splicing in vitro. Our findings highlight the remarkable structural adaptations of a helicase to achieve position-specific recruitment to a ribonucleoprotein complex and reveal a new building block of the human spliceosome

    Сорбенты для экстракорпорального удаления токсических веществ и молекул с нежелательной биологической активностью (обзор)

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    The review devoted to sorbents and sorbentbased medical devices used in clinical practice for extracorporeal detoxification using a hemoperfusion technique. Clinical data have confirmed the effectiveness of this approach for removal of bacterial endotoxins, lowdensity lipoproteins, and bilirubin. Other studies demonstrated successful application of sorbents to treat autoimmune diseases. Special attention is paid to hemoperfusion in as a possible treatment for severe sepsis and septic shock. The review justifies importance of development and application of novel multimodal sorbents, which combine both properties of selective and nonselective sorbents. The review discusses clinical efficacy of hemoperfusion and key molecular interactions between the sorbent and circulating molecules pathogenetically relevant to developing critical illness and severe diseases. The reference list: 137.В обзоре рассмотрены сорбенты и медицинские изделия на их основе, применяемые в клинической практике для экстракорпоральной детоксикации с помощью процедуры гемосорбции. Представлены данные исследователей, свидетельствующие об эффективности такого подхода с целью удаления бактериальных эндотоксинов, липопротеинов низкой плотности, билирубина, а также при лечении аутоиммунных заболеваний. Основное внимание уделено применению гемосорбции при лечении тяжелого сепсиса и септического шока. Обосновывается необходимость разработки и применения новых «мультимодальных» сорбентов, сочетающих свойства как «селективных», так и «неселективных» сорбентов. В обзоре приведены сведения о клинической эффективности гемосорбции и молекулярном взаимодействии сорбента с циркулирующими молекулами, патогенетически значимыми для развития критических состояний и тяжелых заболеваний. Библиография — 137 ссылок

    Modeling of Local Hematocrit for Blood Flow in Stenotic Coronary Vessels

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    This mainly theoretical work is devoted to the study of the contribution of the cell-free layer (CFL) near the vessel wall to hemodynamics in a large coronary artery with stenosis to assess the relevance of CFL modeling to the needs of interventional cardiology. An Euler–Euler model considering blood as a two-component fluid with a discrete phase of erythrocytes and a liquid plasma phase was applied to a simple 2d vessel with 65% stenosis. It was found that both the CFL thickness and the local contribution of the CFL thickness to hemodynamics are inhomogeneous along the vessel. The effects of CFL on the velocity profiles, vortex formation, hematocrit, viscosity, and wall shear stresses in the area of stenosis were determined. To demonstrate the significance of CFL modeling for prognostic purposes, the same hemodynamic conditions, analyzed using a one-component model, were also considered. A comparison analysis showed that the existence of CFL resulted in a significant overestimation (up to over 100%) of the main hemodynamic characteristics of the flow obtained using the model based on the Carreau equation. © 2023 by the authors.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-71-10071This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 22-71-10071)

    Numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of osteotomies of the first metatarsal bone

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    Deviation of the first toe to the outside, interconnected with the deviation of the first metatarsal bone to the inside, occurs in 46% of patients of the older age group and is called valgus deformity of the first toe. The negative impact of this pathology on the quality of life of patients is the reason for seeking medical help, the gold standard of which is surgical correction, and the basic surgical technique is osteotomy (sawing the bone and fixing its fragments with implants) of the first metatarsal. At the same time, an ideal osteotomy should provide initial stability in the early postoperative period. However, a large number of ways to perform osteotomy, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of the surgical techniques, do not allow to consider one of them as the most successful. In this regard, the aim of the work was to develop and validate a biomechanical model of osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone to analyze its stability and reliability depending on the type of osteotomy, the degree of displacement of bone fragments, as well as the number of fastening screws. In this study, biomechanical modeling of the most commonly used variants of osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone of the foot in the surgical treatment of its valgus deformity was carried out. For this purpose, 10 models of osteotomies of a separate first metatarsal bone were created, which were then subjected to static loading to analyze their stress-strain state and assess their success. Successful (stable and reliable) treatment options were identified, as well as unsuccessful ones. Two of the ten options considered were unsuccessful – scarf type osteotomies with displacement of bone fragments by 2/3 of its diameter and fixed with a single screw. It was revealed that osteotomies of the chevron type showed higher stability in comparison with scarf osteotomies. As a result, we note that in this study, numerical experiments were conducted for the first time to compare the stability and strength of the most commonly used variants of osteotomies based on a single bone model. A biomechanical model of scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone has been developed and validated on the basis of mechanical experiments