709 research outputs found

    Modeling a high mass turn down in the stellar initial mass function

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    Statistical sampling from the stellar initial mass function (IMF) for all star-forming regions in the Galaxy would lead to the prediction of ~1000 Msun stars unless there is a rapid turn-down in the IMF beyond several hundred solar masses. Such a turndown is not necessary for dense clusters because the number of stars sampled is always too small. Here we explore several mechanisms for an upper mass cutoff, including an exponential decline of the star formation probability after a turbulent crossing time. The results are in good agreement with the observed IMF over the entire stellar mass range, and they give a gradual turn down compared to the Salpeter function above ~100 Msun for normal thermal Jeans mass, M_J. The upper mass turn down should scale with M_J in different environments. A problem with the models is that they cannot give both the observed power-law IMF out to the high-mass sampling limit in dense clusters, as well as the observed lack of supermassive stars in whole galaxy disks. Either there is a sharper upper-mass cutoff in the IMF, perhaps from self-limitation, or the IMF is different for dense clusters than for the majority of star formation that occurs at lower density. Dense clusters seem to have an overabundance of massive stars relative to the average IMF in a galaxy.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, Astrophysical Journal, Vol 539, August 10, 200

    The initial stellar mass function from random sampling in hierarchical clouds II: statistical fluctuations and a mass dependence for starbirth positions and times

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    Observed variations in the slope of the initial stellar mass function are shown to be consistent with a model in which the protostellar gas is randomly sampled from hierarchical clouds at a rate proportional to the square root of the local density. RMS variations in the IMF slope around the Salpeter value are +/- 0.4 when only 100 stars are observed, and +/- 0.1 when 1000 stars are observed. The hierarchical-sampling model also reproduces the tendency for massive stars to form closer to the center of a cloud, at a time somewhat later than the formation time of the lower mass stars. The assumed density dependence for the star formation rate is shown to be appropriate for turbulence compression, magnetic diffusion, gravitational collapse, and clump or wavepacket coalescence. The low mass flattening in the IMF comes from the inability of gas to form stars below the thermal Jeans mass at typical temperatures and pressures. Consideration of heating and cooling processes indicate why the thermal Jeans mass should be nearly constant in normal environments, and why it might increase in some starburst regions. The steep IMF in the extreme field is not explained by the model, but other origins are suggested.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, scheduled for ApJ vol. 515, April 10, 199

    Multifractal Scaling, Geometrical Diversity, and Hierarchical Structure in the Cool Interstellar Medium

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    Multifractal scaling (MFS) refers to structures that can be described as a collection of interwoven fractal subsets which exhibit power-law spatial scaling behavior with a range of scaling exponents (concentration, or singularity, strengths) and dimensions. The existence of MFS implies an underlying multiplicative (or hierarchical, or cascade) process. Panoramic column density images of several nearby star- forming cloud complexes, constructed from IRAS data and justified in an appendix, are shown to exhibit such multifractal scaling, which we interpret as indirect but quantitative evidence for nested hierarchical structure. The relation between the dimensions of the subsets and their concentration strengths (the "multifractal spectrum'') appears to satisfactorily order the observed regions in terms of the mixture of geometries present: strong point-like concentrations, line- like filaments or fronts, and space-filling diffuse structures. This multifractal spectrum is a global property of the regions studied, and does not rely on any operational definition of "clouds.'' The range of forms of the multifractal spectrum among the regions studied implies that the column density structures do not form a universality class, in contrast to indications for velocity and passive scalar fields in incompressible turbulence, providing another indication that the physics of highly compressible interstellar gas dynamics differs fundamentally from incompressible turbulence. (Abstract truncated)Comment: 27 pages, (LaTeX), 13 figures, 1 table, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Cost-effectiveness and budget impact analyses of a colorectal cancer screening programme in a high adenoma prevalence scenario using MISCAN-Colon microsimulation model

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    This economic evaluation showed a screening intervention with a major health gain that also produced net savings when a long follow-up was used to capture the late economic benefit. The number of colonoscopies required was high but remain within the capacity of the Basque Health Service. So far in Europe, no other population Colorectal Cancer screening programme has been evaluated by budget impact analysis

    First direct constraints on Fierz interference in free neutron ÎČ\beta decay

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    Precision measurements of free neutron ÎČ\beta-decay have been used to precisely constrain our understanding of the weak interaction. However the neutron Fierz interference term bnb_n, which is particularly sensitive to Beyond-Standard-Model tensor currents at the TeV scale, has thus far eluded measurement. Here we report the first direct constraints on this term, finding bn=0.067±0.005stat−0.061+0.090sysb_n = 0.067 \pm 0.005_{\text{stat}} {}^{+0.090}_{- 0.061}{}_{\text{sys}}, consistent with the Standard Model. The uncertainty is dominated by absolute energy reconstruction and the linearity of the beta spectrometer energy response

    Measurement of the neutron lifetime using an asymmetric magneto- gravitational trap and in situ detection

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    The precise value of the mean neutron lifetime, τn\tau_n, plays an important role in nuclear and particle physics and cosmology. It is a key input for predicting the ratio of protons to helium atoms in the primordial universe and is used to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. There is a 3.9 standard deviation discrepancy between τn\tau_n measured by counting the decay rate of free neutrons in a beam (887.7 ±\pm 2.2 s) and by counting surviving ultracold neutrons stored for different storage times in a material trap (878.5±\pm0.8 s). The experiment described here eliminates loss mechanisms present in previous trap experiments by levitating polarized ultracold neutrons above the surface of an asymmetric storage trap using a repulsive magnetic field gradient so that the stored neutrons do not interact with material trap walls and neutrons in quasi-stable orbits rapidly exit the trap. As a result of this approach and the use of a new in situ neutron detector, the lifetime reported here (877.7 ±\pm 0.7 (stat) +0.4/-0.2 (sys) s) is the first modern measurement of τn\tau_n that does not require corrections larger than the quoted uncertainties.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Status of the UCNτ experiment

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    The neutron is the simplest nuclear system that can be used to probe the structure of the weak interaction and search for physics beyond the standard model. Measurements of neutron lifetime and ÎČ-decay correlation coefficients with precisions of 0.02% and 0.1%, respectively, would allow for stringent constraints on new physics. The UCNτ experiment uses an asymmetric magneto-gravitational UCN trap with in situ counting of surviving neutrons to measure the neutron lifetime, τ_n = 877.7s (0.7s)_(stat) (+0.4/−0.2s)_(sys). We discuss the recent result from UCNτ, the status of ongoing data collection and analysis, and the path toward a 0.25 s measurement of the neutron lifetime with UCNτ

    Participation in faecal immunochemical testing-based colorectal cancer screening programmes in the northwest of Europe

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    Objective: This study compared the participation in four faecal immunochemical testing-based screening programmes for colorectal cancer in Flanders, France, Basque country and the Netherlands, to identify factors to further optimize faecal immunochemical testing programmes. Method: Background information and data on performance indicators were collected and compared for the four programmes. Results: Invitation method, reminders, funding, faecal immunochemical testing cut-off and follow-up after positive faecal immunochemical testing differed in the four programmes. In France, only an invitation letter is sent by mail, while the sample kit must be collected from the general practitioner. In the other programmes, an invitation letter including the sample kit is sent by mail. Participation rates vary substantially according to the method of invitation, with the highest participation rates in the Netherlands (73.0%) and Basque country (72.4%), followed by Flanders (54.5%) and France (28.6%). Basque country (92.8%) a
