156 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of Sciaridae (Diptera) in Ukraine

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    Sciarids (Diptera, Sciaridae) or black fungus gnats are small, mainly dark coloured insects whose larvae usually develop in rotting plant remains permeated by fungal hyphae. Typical habitats for sciarids are shaded forests and wet meadows, but some species can migrate from natural biotopes to anthropogenic ecosystems and live as synanthropes. We have investigated ecological and chorological features of sciarids in Ukraine since 2012. Within this work, we collected imagoes during expeditions and excursions in different biotopes using the Malaise trap, by the method of sweeping and with exhauster directly from substrate. Collected imagoes were placed into 5 mL vials with 70% ethanol. In the lab fixed material was dehydrated in absolute ethanol and mounted on the slides in Euparal. Previous registrations are based on 6 field collections, two of them were carried out in the XIX century, 4 observations of “army worms” and two pest records. From published material of these collections 78 sciarid species were known from 17 genera in 8 more or less specified localities of Ukraine. Our sciarid study in the country expanded the data on registered sciarids by adding 18 new species and enriched information about the distribution of sciarids by 86 new findings of previously known species in 12 regions (Volyn, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Khmelnytsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne and Ternopil) of Ukraine. The current checklist of Sciaridae of Ukraine contains 96 species from 17 genera in 168 localities. Through comparison with Germany, whose sciarid fauna is studied much better, for Ukraine we can predict the presence approximately 400 sciarid species, so the species diversity of Sciaridae in Ukraine still poorly known for the known species does not exceed 25 percent of presumed existing species here. The majority of sciarid findings are registered in different types of broadleaf forest biotopes, only a few species have been found also in grassland habitats. Some sciarid species show synanthropic attraction and have been registered in anthropogenic habitats, for example Bradysia fenestralis (pest of cultivated plants in greenhouses), Corynoptera dentiforceps, Scatopsciara atomaria and Corynoptera tridentata. Larvae of Bradysia placida develop in rotten wood, also development of Corynoptera membranigera preimaginal phases possibly takes place in the fruit bodies of fungi (Neoboletus luridiformis, Russula sp.) and Mycetozoa (Fuligo septica)

    Dipole nanolaser

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    A "dipole" laser is proposed consisting of a nanoparticle and a two-level system with population inversion. If the threshold conditions are fulfilled, the dipole interaction between the two-level system and the nanoparticle leads to coherent oscillations in the polarization of the particles, even in the absence of an external electromagnetic field. The emitted radiation has a dipolar distribution. It does not need an optical cavity, and has a very small volume, 0.1 mu m(3), which can be important for applications in microelectronics. Estimates of the threshold conditions are carried out for a dipole laser composed of a quantum dot and a silver nanoparticle

    Formation of Professional-Pedagogical Culture оf Future Specialists оf Physical Culture аnd Sports Specialties

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    The results of research showed the need to organize in the institution of higher education conditions and a set of measures aimed at the formation of professional-pedagogical culture of future specialists, which makes it possible to strengthen educational work with them based on the translation of the values of the cultural and sports heritage of the subject of the state, the effective formation of their professionalism and pedagogical culture. The proposed system of professional training of future specialists of physical education and sports on acme-culturological bases directs teachers to improve the quality of training graduates in their future professional activities

    Особливості росту та фітомеліоративні властивості насаджень дуба червоного на рекультивованих землях Черкащини

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    A retrospective analysis of the cultivation of red oak on the territory of Ukraine and Europe, as well as modern scientific researches on the invasiveness of this species has been carried out. We have found that red oak is classified as invasive species due to the high competitiveness of natural regeneration and a significant increase in the renewal of autochthonous species in most European countries. In addition, there is a negative effect on the soil due to increased acidity, but on acid soils, the old arable and degraded lands, red oak has a number of advantages over autochthonous species. It is generalized that the distribution of red oak throughout Ukraine is unsystematic and its largest share is concentrated in the Western Forest-steppe; on the territory of Cherkassy Region only 3 % of plantations grow along with its participation, and within the limits of Yurkivskyi Coal-mining Quarry there are only 2.2 %. We have revealed that red oak as phytomeliorant has the best soil-improving properties comparing to conifers, but worse in comparison with other deciduous ones on the re-cultivated lands of the Yurkiv Coal-mining Quarry. Red oak is presented in 9 plots with a total area of 14.1 hectares in the forest-melioration fund of the Yurkiv Coal-mining Quarry. The share of red oak in the forest stands ranges from 10 to 90 %, as well as in three plots up to 5 %. Trial plots were laid in three of these plantations and a detailed analysis of physical and chemical parameters of soil samples was carried out. For the purpose of biometric analysis of the growth of red oak and common oak on laid trial plots, one model tree was cut down and a detailed analysis of their growth was made. It has been found that in comparison with common oak the model trees of red oak are characterized by higher fullness of the trunk and better indicators of growth and productivity after the third grade of age when the root system does not receive an adequate amount of nutrients. Therefore, red oak is a perspective species for cultivation on degraded lands, but it is necessary to provide a distance at least 500 m from the objects of the nature reserve fund in order to prevent its spread to natural ecosystems.Проведено ретроспективний аналіз вирощування дуба червоного на території України та Європи, а також сучасні наукові дослідження щодо інвазійності цього виду. Виявлено, що для більшості країн Європи дуб червоний віднесено до інвазійних видів через високу конкурентоздатність природного поновлення та значне притінення поновлення автохтонних видів. Окрім цього, відзначено негативний вплив на ґрунт через підвищення кислотності, однак на кислих ґрунтах, староорних і деградованих землях дуб червоний має низку переваг порівняно із автохтонними видами. Узагальнено, що поширення дуба червоного на території України має безсистемний характер і найбільша його частка зосереджена у Західному Лісостепу. На території Черкащини зростає всього 3 % насаджень за його участі, а у межах Юрківського буровугільного кар'єру на насадження дуба червоного припадає тільки 2,2 %. Встановлено, що на рекультивованих землях Юрківського буровугільного кар'єру дуб червоний, як фітомеліорант, має кращі ґрунтополіпшувальні властивості порівняно із хвойними, однак гірші порівняно з іншими листяними видами. Виявлено, що порівняно із дубом звичайним модельні дерева дуба червоного характеризуються вищою повнодеревністю стовбура і кращими показниками росту і продуктивності після ІІІ класу віку, коли коренева система не отримує належної кількості поживних речовин

    Some peculiarities of growth of pine plantations on the recultivated land

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    Проаналізовано ріст соснових культур, створених на рекультивованих землях Юрківського буровугільного кар'єра. Соснові насадження у лісомеліоративному фонді є панівними, займають 47,6 % від загальної площі та досягли V класу віку. Насадження ростуть у складних умовах на малопотужних ґрунтах із вуглистими пісками. Санітарний стан соснових насаджень задовільний, але у більшості деревостанів є ознаки всихання дерев, пригнічених у рості. Частка усихаючих і сухостійних дерев становить 6-9 %, що свідчить про необхідність проведення лісівничих заходів. Соснові деревостани, як чисті, так і мішані – високопродуктивні, характеризуються високими показниками бонітету (І-Іb), однак значення діаметрів та висот нижні, ніж у нормальних деревостанах. Встановлено, що стовбури сосни на рекультивованих землях мають форму, яка відрізняється від стовбурів сосни нормальних насаджень. Здебільшого, за винятком молодняків, твірна деревних стовбурів нормальних насаджень наближається до параболоїда, а в досліджуваних моделях – до конуса, особливо після ІІІ класу віку, що свідчить про сповільнення росту насаджень. Аналіз росту модельних дерев у висоту і динаміки об'ємного поточного приросту також підтверджує зменшення інтенсивності росту сосни звичайної на рекультивованих землях після ІІІ класу віку.The growth of pine stands planted on re-cultivated lands of Yurkivka brown coal mine has been analyzed. Pine stands in the forest-melioration fund are predominant and occupy 47.6 % of the total area and have reached the V age grade. Plantations grow in difficult conditions on low-powered soils with carbonaceous sands. The purpose of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of the growth of pine plantations of different species in the re-cultivated lands, their dynamics and prospects of use. The object of the study is the pure and mixed pine plantations of the IV-V age classes on the re-cultivated lands of the Yurkivka coal-mining quarry. For the purpose of analyzing the growth of pine plantations on re-cultivated lands, 10 trial areas were chosen in accordance with the generally accepted methodology for forest inventory and forest management. The test areas were laid in the same type of forest species, in pure or with a small admixture of other tree species, plantings. The study of the peculiarities of pine plant growth on re-cultivated lands was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the growth of two model pine trees of the usual type. A complete analysis of the growth of model trees involved the definition of diameters and heights for each age class, as well as the volume current growth in absolute and relative units. The sanitary condition of pine plantations is satisfactory, but in most of the tree stands there are signs of drying of trees, depressed in growth. The percentage of declining and dead trees is 6-9 %, which indicates the need for thinning. Pine stands, pure and mixed, high-yielding, are characterized by high site index (I-Ib), but the values ​​of diameters and heights are lower than in normal tree stands. It is established that pine trunks on re-cultivated lands have a shape that differs from the trunks of the pines of normal plantations. In the vast majority of cases, with the exception of young age, the creation of tree trunks of normal plantings is approaching to paraboloid, and in the studied models – to the cone, especially after the third grade of age, indicating a slowdown in planting growth. An analysis of the growth of model trees in height and dynamics of the volume current increment also confirms the decrease in the intensity of pine plant growth in the re-cultivated lands after the third grade of age

    Zeros of Rydberg-Rydberg Foster Interactions

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    Rydberg states of atoms are of great current interest for quantum manipulation of mesoscopic samples of atoms. Long-range Rydberg-Rydberg interactions can inhibit multiple excitations of atoms under the appropriate conditions. These interactions are strongest when resonant collisional processes give rise to long-range C_3/R^3 interactions. We show in this paper that even under resonant conditions C_3 often vanishes so that care is required to realize full dipole blockade in micron-sized atom samples.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    The role of bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism in obesity treatment: a literature review

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    The most frequently performed surgical interventions in the treatment of obesity are the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), laparoscopic greater curve plication (LGCP), laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Along with effective weight loss, these operations lead to changes in the production of appetite-related hormones that play an important role in the endocrine regulation of energy metabolism. Our aim was to learn the role and interaction of the above-mentioned bariatric operations (LSG, LGCP and RYGB) and appetite-related hormones (ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin) metabolism in obesity treatment using scientific literature data with considering famous obesity surgeons’ point of view. Materials and Methods. The current review was conducted by searching the following databases in Internet: PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar, using combination of keywords for the bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism. Results. Our review shows that the above-mentioned surgeries (LSG, LGCP, RYGB), aimed to the treatment of obesity, directly lead to a decrease in body mass index and weight loss and, indirectly, through the adipose tissue function, have different significant effects on energy balance and appetite-related hormones levels. The anatomical and physiological changes described in the review are most likely caused by the above-mentioned surgical procedures. Conclusions. Nowadays LSG, LGCP and RYGB are the most effective operations in obesity treatment with a strong similarity. There is a close interaction between BMI and fat tissue loss, caused by above-mentioned bariatric surgery, with appetite-related hormones levels. However, the surgical effects on this process in each case have been not enough studied and requires further work in this direction

    Comparison of Theory and Experiment for a One-Atom Laser in a Regime of Strong Coupling

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    Our recent paper reports the experimental realization of a one-atom laser in a regime of strong coupling (Ref. [1]). Here we provide the supporting theoretical analysis relevant to the operating regime of our experiment. By way of a simplified four-state model, we investigate the passage from the domain of conventional laser theory into the regime of strong coupling for a single intracavity atom pumped by coherent external fields. The four-state model is also employed to exhibit the vacuum-Rabi splitting and to calculate the optical spectrum. We next extend this model to incorporate the relevant Zeeman hyperfine states as well as a simple description of the pumping processes in the presence of polarization gradients and atomic motion. This extended model is employed to make quantitative comparisons with the measurements of Ref. [1] for the intracavity photon number versus pump strength and for the photon statistics as expressed by the intensity correlation function g2(tau).Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. Added sections on: scaling properties, vacum-Rabi splitting, and optical spectru

    Efficacy and Safety of Oral Anticoagulants in the Treatment of COVID-19

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    Coagulopathy and associated thrombotic complications are common conditions seen in COVID-19. Therefore, anticoagulants are an integral part of the treatment of patients with COVID-19.The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of oral anticoagulants and low molecular weight heparins in the prevention of pulmonary embolism and their safety in terms of major bleeding incidence, as well as to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of using oral anticoagulants in the treatment of COVID-19.Materials and methods. Two stages of patient management were compared: before and after the start of a widespread use of oral anticoagulants (OAC). The incidence of pulmonary embolism and gastrointestinal bleeding during the compared time periods was analyzed to assess the efficacy and safety of anticoagulants. To assess the cost-effectiveness, we compared the cost of anticoagulants per day of treatment and per patient.Results. The incidence of pulmonary embolism and gastrointestinal bleeding did not differ during the compared time periods. Despite the increased frequency of anticoagulant use, the costs per day of treatment and per patient decreased after the start of a widespread use of OACs.Conclusion. According to the results of the study, inclusion of OACs in COVID-19 management protocols allows to reduce treatment costs without compromising its efficacy and safety. However, the short period of comparison does not allow drawing any firm conclusions. Additional large-scale comparative studies are needed

    Photon polarisation entanglement from distant dipole sources

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    It is commonly believed that photon polarisation entanglement can only be obtained via pair creation within the same source or via postselective measurements on photons that overlapped within their coherence time inside a linear optics setup. In contrast to this, we show here that polarisation entanglement can also be produced by distant single photon sources in free space and without the photons ever having to meet, if the detection of a photon does not reveal its origin -- the which way information. In the case of two sources, the entanglement arises under the condition of two emissions in certain spatial directions and leaves the dipoles in a maximally entangled state.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in J. Phys.