51 research outputs found


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    Remediation over mercury-contaminated areas become major concern and needs to be solved. Recently, various parts of ecosystem were contaminated because of increase of mercury emission into environment. Methyl-mercury is the most toxic form, which commonly found in contaminated area. This pollutant was rapidly increased due to uncontrolled emission of mercury from power plan, gold mining process and from other sources. The one possible and reasonable method in mercury bioremediation is by using genetically modified plant expressing bacterial-mercury resistance gene. Group of Mer gene was characterized encode mercury transporter and mercury detoxification protein in bacteria. On this study, Blast search on database based on known Mer protein sequence, it shows that these proteins were conserved among bacteria. These groups of genes are potentially to be cloned and transformed into plant for phytoremediation purposes. In order to enhance mercury uptake and reduce its toxicity, multiple genes transformation are considered to be effective approach for transgenic plant construction. This transgenic plant should survive in medium with high concentration of mercury and it should have activities in mercury uptake, detoxification, and Volatilization

    Characterization of α-Amylase Activity from Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Bora Hot spring, Central Sulawesi

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    α-Amilase (EC merupakan salah satu jenis enzim yang sangat penting dalam bioteknologi. Enzim ini sering diaplikasikan pada berbagai sektor industri, seperti industri deterjen, tekstil, kertas, roti, alkohol, dan pati. Termostabilitas dari α-Amilase merupakan sifat utama dari enzim yang dibutuhkan pada industri pemerosesan pati. α-Amilase dengan sifat termostabil dapat diperoleh dari bakteri termofilik yang secara alami dapat diisolasi dari mata air panas. Mata air panas Bora merupakan salah satu habitat yang paling berpotensi dalam mengisolasi bakteri termofilik karena memiliki suhu air yang sangat tinggi hingga mencapai 90,1°C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter aktivitas α-Amilase dari bakteri termofilik lokal isolat mata air Bora, Sulawesi Tengah. Terdapat 13 (dari 18 isolat) bakteri termofilik isolat mata air panas Bora yang mampu menghasilkan α-Amilase yang berhasil diisolasi dari sampel sedimen. Dari 13 isolat tersebut, 3 isolat terpilih dideskripsikan pada tulisan ini, yakni BR 001, BR 006, and BR 012. Ketiga isolat tersebut memiliki karakter: nilai indeks amilolitik berkisar 0,78 – 1,44; aktivitas α-Amilase berkisar berkisar 3,67 U/ml – 7,6 U/ml; konsentrasi protein berkisar 0,02 mg/ml – 0,14 mg/ml; aktivitas spesifik enzim kasar α-Amilase berkisar 54,83 U/mg – 308,45 U/mg; α-Amilase yang aktif pada kisaran suhu 32°C – 80°C; dan α-Amilase yang aktif pada kisaran pH 5 – 7 dan memiliki pH optimum pada kisaran 6,5 – 7. Adanya aktivitas enzim pada suhu yang tinggi dari α-Amilase yang diproduksi oleh isolat bakteri termofilik lokal dari mata air panas Bora menunjukkan adanya potensi dalam aplikasi enzim lokal pada sektor industri di masa depan, khususnya pada industri pemerosesan pati

    Potensi Tumbuhan Melastoma malabathricum L. Sebagai Bahan Antibakteri Salmonellosis

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    Penelitian tentang potensi tumbuhan Melastoma malabathricum L. sebagai bahan antibakteri Salmonellosis telah dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai Desember 2016. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu a) untuk mendeskripsikan morfologi tumbuhan M. malabathricum L. yang berasal dari Desa Lero, b) mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun M. malabathricum L. dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Salmonella typhi dan c) mengetahui konsentrasi yang efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. typhi. Metode survei digunakan untuk memperoleh tumbuhan, metode deskriptif digunakan untuk determinasi tumbuhan dan metode eksperimental untuk melihat kemampuan antibakteri yang disusun berdasarkan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dengan pemberian konsentrasi ekstrak daun 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% serta antibiotik amoxicillin 2% sebagai kontrol positif dan Na-CMC 1% sebagai kontrol negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhan M. malabathricum L. yang berasal dari Desa Lero merupakan tumbuhan yang sejenis dengan tumbuhan yang dideskripsikan oleh Van Valkenburg and Bunyapraphatsara (2002), dengan perbedaan morfologi pada tumbuhan M. malabatricum L. meliputi tinggi batang dan ukuran daun. Pada uji daya hambat, konsentrasi ekstrak daun 60% menghasilkan zona hambat dengan diameter paling besar yaitu 20,6 mm, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun M. malabathricum L. memiliki daya hambat yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi ekstrak daun 10%, 20% dan 40

    Pertumbuhan Organ Tanaman Buah Naga(Hylocerus undatus) Pada Medium Ms Dengan Penambahan Bap Dan Sukrosa

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    Dragon fruit (Hylocyrus undatus) is a commercial-cultivated plant that has a high economic value and believed to be a healthy-food. Propagation of seedling by tissue culture technique is challenging step during cultivation of these plant. This research was aimed to determine the efeect of sucrose and BAP concentration in the dragon fruit (H. undatus). This experiment was arranged in completely randomized  design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatmnts were : MS0 + 0,5 ppm BAP + 35 g/L sucrose (A1), MS0 + 0,5 ppm BAP + 405 g/L sucrose (A2), MS0 + 0,5 ppm BAP + 45 g/L sucrose (A3), and MS0 + 0,5 ppm BAP + 50 g/L sucrose (A4). The results showed that all medium tested were suitable medium in inducing organs, including emerge of buds, thorns and roots. The best medium in inducing organogenesis of the plant were MS0 + 0,5 ppm BAP + 50 g/L sucrose


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    Research onorganogenesisof Grape (Vitis viniferaL.) on MS medium supplemented with IAA and various sconcentrations of BAP, was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry Untad Palu, during periode of Januari and April 2012.This research was aimed to obtain the best combination ofIAA and BA Pin MS medium that stimulate organogenesis of Grape. This experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications.The treatmentswere: MS medium+ 0.1ppm IAA+ 0.1 ppm BAP(B1), MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA +0.3 ppm BAP (B2), MS medium + 0.1ppm IAA + 0.5ppm BAP(B3) and MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA+0.7BAP(B4). Parameters observed in this study were the days appear of shoots, the days appear of leaves, percentage of explant producing shoots (%), and the presence or absence of roots. The results showedthat MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA+0.7ppm BAP(B4) gived the best results in speedupof shootsandleaves,in 7 days after induction

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Gulma Di Area Persawahan Desa Karya Mukti Kecamatan Dampelas Kabupaten Donggala

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    Penelitian dengan judul “ Keanekaragaman Jenis Gulma Di Area Persawahan Desa Karya Mukti Kecamatan Dampelas Kabupaten Donggala” dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari sampai Maret 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis-jenis gulma yang ada di area persawahan, menggunakan metode petak ganda yang dengan subplot 2x2 m sebanyak 10 plot yang diletakan secara diagonal. Setiap jenis gulma di koleksi untuk pembuatan spesimen herbarium, identifikasi dilakukan di Laboratorium Biodiversity Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Tadulako, Analisis data yaitu menghitung keanekaragaman menggunakan rumus Shannon Whiener index H’ = -Σ (ni/N) ln (ni/N). dan menentukan index nilai penting (INP) dari setiap jenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di lokasi penelitian ditemukan 14 jenis tumbuhan gulma dengan jumlah 1.385 individu, terdiri atas 7 famili. Jenis yang paling dominan adalah Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.F.) C. Persal dengan nilai INP 43,04%, sedangkan jenis yang memiliki nilai INP terendah yaitu pada jenis Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk dengan INP sebesar  1,75%.  indeks keanekaragaman jenis pada penelitian ini tergolong sedang yaitu 2,1


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    Research on the description of the patient's BMI (body mass index) of tuberculosis (TB) in the positive treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis at the unit of integrated movement prevention of tuberculosis Undata Hospital Palu has been implemented since April until September 2015. This research aimed to look at the dynamics of BMI of patients during treatment. The method used was the retrospective design patients who present within 2014, which qualified as research sample. There are 45 respondents of eligible subjects complete data up to the end of treatment. The results showed a changeof each category of BMI from the early phase to the final phase of treatment. In theearly phase of treatment, is very thin and thin BMI were 30 respondents fromcategory 1 and category 2, its hows that most patients with early diagnosis of tuberculosis have a BMI below normal. While in the early phase until the end of treatment showed a significant frequency changes in norma lBMI reaches 24.5% categorized 1 and 0.1% incategory 2. This is due to irregular treatment undergone by the patient from the early phase to the final phase of treatment. This indicates that the category 1 more treatment success which is marked by the increasing quality of BMI’s Patients return to normal. While in Category 2 does not show the amount of success, because with drawing treatment

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Kirinyuh (Chromolaena Odorata (L.) R. M. King Dan H. Rob) Sebagai Herbisida Alami Terhadap Perkecambahan Biji Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata (L.) R.Wilczek) Dan Biji Karuilei (Mimosa Invisa Mart. ex Colla)

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    Penelitian uji efektivitas daun kirinyuh (chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H.Rob) sebagai herbisida alami terhadap perkecambahan biji kacang hijau (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) dan biji karuilei (Mimosa invisa Mart. Ex Colla) dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai September 2016, di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Tadulako. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan dengan konsentrasi ekstrak P0 = 0% P1 = 15% P2 = 20% P3 = 25% P4 = 30% P5 = 35%. Variabel pengamatan meliputi daya kecambah (persentase perkecambahan), laju perkecambahan, panjang hipokotil dan berat basah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun kirinyuh Chromolaena odorata berpengaruh dalam menghambat perkecambahan biji kacang hijau Vigna radiata dan biji karuilei Mimosa invisa. Pengambatan perkecambahan biji karuilei M. invisa dan kacang hijau V. radiata dimulai dari konsentrasi 15% sampai 35%. Hasil skrining fitokimia daun C. Odorata positif mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder, yaitu saponin, tanin, flafonoid, alkaloid dan fenilok


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    Kakao's seed that can result same plant better with it superior parent indispensable. One of alternative is with utilize vegetative organ origin seed that resulting through network culture tech by processes embriogenesis somatik. This research constitute startup phase in embriogenesis which is plant callus induction kakao. Research was performed on month of March until August 2013 at Network culture Laboratory, kehutanan's faculty. Tadulako's university. Eksplan who is utilized as staminodia of kakao's flower part Sulawesi clone 1. attempt it is arranged bases fledged Random Design (RAL) with 4 conducts and 3 time replicate. Each one unit experimentaling to utilize 10 eksplan. Conduct that dicobakan which is MS0 + 1ppm 2,4 - D. + 0,1ppm BAP + Coconut Water 15% (KW 1 ), MS0 + 1 ppm 2,4 - D. + 0,2ppm BAP + Coconut Water 15% (KW 2 ), MS0 + 2 ppm 2,4 - D. + 0,1ppm BAP + Coconut Water 15% (KW 3 ) and MS0'S medium + 2 ppm 2,4 - D. + 0,2ppm BAP + Coconut Water 15% (KW 4 ). Observed parameter is while its appearance callus, eksplan's percentage that results callus, and callus morphology. Preserve is done at dark place on temperature 26 ºC. Result observationaling to point out all conduct that dicobakan that menginduksi can kakao's callus. MS0'S medium + 2 ppm 2,4 - D. + 0,1ppm BAP + Coconut Water 15% (KW 3 ) constituting best media for menginduksi callus that marked by its appearance chromatic callus turns white, get intermediet's type, greater relative callus mass, uniform and active clefts to begin 14 days culture afterses. Keywords: MS, 2,4 - D., BAP, Coconut water, Callus induction, Staminodia, Theobroma cacao L

    Diversity of Cerambycid Bettles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Cacao Plantation in Three Different Land Types

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    This research is to determine diversity Cerambycid beetles on cacao plantation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) based on three different land types. The research was carried out from June 2017 to April 2018. Sample were collected using Atrocarpus trap at three types of cocoa plantations i.e. cocoa plantation in margin of the forest (Omu Village), not cultivated cocoa plantion (Wombo Village) and cultivated cocoa plantation (Sibowi Village). Total of 381 Cerambycid beetles belonging to 5 tribes, 7 genera and 13 species were obtained during the study. The highest of diversity (H') and Eveness (E) indices was found in the not cultivated cacao plantation (KTT). The Bray-Curtis similarity indices (IBC) was showing a similarity between cocoa plantation in margin of the forest (KPH) with cultivated cocoa plantation (KT). The result of  this study was showing that three types of cacao plantations in this research, very supported the existence of Cerambycidae bettles and hasn’t significant effect on their life
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