2,193 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of an Educational Program based on Psychodrama to Develop Social Interaction Skills and Mental Toughness of a Sample of Victimized Children of Wars and Crisis

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    The present study aimed to explore the effectiveness of an educational program based on psychodrama to develop social interaction skills and mental toughness of a sample of victimized children of wars and crisis. The study sample consisted of 52 male and female students from primary school who have experienced wars and crisis. Additionally, the researcher used both social interaction skills scale and mental toughness scale for the study sample. The results of the study showed statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on the mental toughness scale and social interaction skills scale for the experimental group. Overall, the researcher suggested that the intervention program contributed to the improvement of social interaction skills and mental toughness of the experimental group

    Factors affecting stakeholder management in construction projects in the Gaza Strip

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    One of the major emerging concerns in the management of construction projects is the recognition and management of project stakeholders, since the stakeholders are a major source of uncertainty in construction projects. The construction industry in the Gaza Strip has involved a diverse range of stakeholders. This research aims to evaluate the most common factors affecting the stakeholder management process in construction projects. A literature review was conducted on topics related to stakeholder management. A questionnaire survey was carried out among professionals in the construction industry. Ninety-eight questionnaires were distributed to experts from government, municipality, and non-government organizations. Sixty-seven questionnaires were received, with a 68% response rate. The mean and relative importance index were used to analyse the questionnaire results. The main factors affecting the

    Electron-Induced Dissociation of Glycosaminoglycan Tetrasaccharides

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    Electron detachment dissociation (EDD) Fourier transform mass spectrometry has recently been shown to be a powerful tool for examining the structural features of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The characteristics of GAG fragmentation by EDD include abundant cross-ring fragmentation primarily on hexuronic acid residues, cleavage of all glycosidic bonds, and the formation of even- and odd-electron product ions. GAG dissociation by EDD has been proposed to occur through the formation of an excited species that can undergo direct decomposition or ejects an electron and then undergoes dissociation. In this work, we perform electron-induced dissociation (EID) on singly charged GAGs to identify products that form via direct decomposition by eliminating the pathway of electron detachment. EID of GAG tetrasaccharides produces cleavage of all glycosidic bonds and abundant cross-ring fragmentation primarily on hexuronic acid residues, producing fragmentation similar to EDD of the same molecules, but distinctly different from the products of infrared multiphoton dissociation or collisionally activated decomposition. These results suggest that observed abundant fragmentation of hexuronic acid residues occurs as a result of their increased lability when they undergo electronic excitation. EID fragmentation of GAG tetrasaccharides results in both even- and odd-electron products. EID of heparan sulfate tetrasaccharide epimers produces identical fragmentation, in contrast to EDD, in which the epimers can be distinguished by their fragment ions. These data suggest that for EDD, electron detachment plays a significant role in distinguishing glucuronic acid from iduronic acid

    Latent effect of gamma irradiation on reproductive potential and ultrastructure of males' testes of Culex pipiens (Diptera; Culicidae)

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    AbstractLaboratory male pupae of Culex pipiens were exposed to 23, 41, 74 and 128 Gy doses of gamma radiation according to the LD25, LD50, LD75 and LD90 calculation, respectively. The inherited deleterious effects of gamma radiation were observed in the F1, F2 and F3 generations. Levels of sterility index in the F1 and F2 were higher than those of untreated control but in the F3 generation there was a semi-sterility compared with the control. Ultrastructure of normal males' testes of C. pipiens was studied using transmission electron microscopy. Histopathological responses were observed in the irradiated testes of C. pipiens. Gamma radiation had greatly affected the testes, such as (i) rupture, necrosis, degeneration and small vacuoles were reported in the testicular wall (ii) an abnormal distribution of the developmental stages of spermatogonia and spermatocytes leading to a general decrease in the rate of spermatogenesis; and (iii) deformity of sperm inhibitting the movements and the fertility of the sperm led to the decrease in the reproductive potential of C. pipiens. Consequently, these radiation doses are consistent with those used in the already established Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) programmes against Culex pipiens

    Multiphase Diagenetic Processes and Their Impact on Reservoir Character of the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) Kingriali Formation, Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan

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    Multiple episodes of dolomitization of the shallow marine carbonates of the Late Kingriali Formation resulted in regional scale mappable dolostone geobodies in the Kohat and Potwar sub-basins. With the exception of few unaltered patches of the host limestone, more than 90% of the carbonates of the studied formation are diagenetically altered by replacive dolomites with associated dolomite cementation. Petrographical and geochemical data interpretation reveals that during the initial stage of dolomitization, the precursor limestone was significantly modified by the fabric-retentive replacive dolomite (RD-I) and produced bulk dolostones with non-planar-a to planar-s crystals. Neomorphic recrystallization (RD-II) was observed as an overgrowth of the already formed RD-I dolomite crystals during progressive dolomitization. The seawater at shallow depths is enriched with Fe-ions due to its interaction with Fe-rich beds within the studied formation. The modified seawater actively participated in the formation of ferroan replacive dolomites (RD-III). Stable isotopic composition of the unaltered Echinoderm plates, calcite cement (CC-I), and RD-I demonstrates signatures of δ18O and δ13C within the limit of late Triassic marine seawater or modified seawater. Depletion in the stable oxygen isotopic composition (from −0.99‰ to −3.75‰ V-PDB) demonstrates that RD-II and RD-III were formed in a sequence with progressively higher temperature fluids than normal seawater. Precipitation of dolomite cements as cavity filling rhombs (DC-I) and crystal overgrowth (DC-II) with highly depleted δ18O values (−5.44‰ to −7.45‰ V-PDB) illustrates dolomite cementation at higher temperatures and greater depths. The highly depleted values of δ18O (up to −9.16‰ V-PDB) and (up to 0.42‰ V-PDB) for δ13C of saddle dolomite (SD-I) indicate the precipitation of SD-I as a cavity filling dolomite at considerable depth. Calcite cementation and calcitization actively participated in the early, middle, and late diagenetic modifications as interpreted from their petrographic and stable isotopic studies. Porosity enhancement is clearly demonstrated by dissolution, stylolization, fracturing, and replacement dolomitization. Dolomite and calcite cementation had a negative impact on the reservoir character and occluded the dolostone porosity to a greater extent. © 2022 by the authors.</p

    Pelatihan Teknik Cinematic sebagai Media Bantu Promosi Digital

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    In the world of beauty service business, the increasingly competitive competition encourages entrepreneurs to improve the quality of their services and products so they can compete in the market. Salon Bricela, a beauty salon specifically for women, offers various types of grooming services to attract consumers. However, with the emergence of many salons and spas in the city of Mataram, Bricela Salon needs to find a different way to promote its products and increase its presence. One of the solutions chosen is to make promotional videos that use cinematic techniques to attract consumer interest. The purpose of this thesis is to make a promotional video that introduces Salon Bricela's Spa care products that are not well known in the wider community. The result of this research is a promotional video using Cinematic Techniques as a Media for Digital Promotion which displays the types of treatments and beauty products used in the Bricela salon. It is hoped that by using this technique, the promotional video for Bricela Salon will become more attractive and easily understood by consumers, so it can increase the existence of Bricela Salon in the city of Mataram

    Prenatal and Neighborhood Correlates of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

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    This study investigates the link between prenatal exposure to alcohol and drugs, parental perceptions of neighborhood safety and support, and the diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) among a nationally representative sample of youth. A subset of variables from a larger study, the 2001–2004 National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A), as well as its supplemental parental surveys, was analyzed in this study. This study used a specific selection of 5,924 adolescents and their parents from the NCS-A. Results suggest a correlation between prenatal caffeine use and a subsequent ODD diagnosis in female adolescents. Overall correlations between neighborhood drug use/sales and minority status and a subsequent diagnosis of ODD in adolescents were also found. Social, environmental, and professional implications of these findings are also discussed
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