201 research outputs found

    Clases de lípidos y composición de ácidos grasos en dos copépodos parásitos Peroderma cylindricum y Lernaeocera lusci y sus respectivos peces hospedadores Sardina pilchardus y Merluccius merluccius de aguas tunecinas

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    The present study investigates the detailed lipid classes and their fatty acid (FA) compositions from two parasitic copepods Lernaeocera lusci and Peroderma cylindricum and their respective fish host species Merluccius merluccius and Sardina pilchardus. The lipid classes, including phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylinositol (PI), triacylglycerol (TAG), wax ester/cholesterol ester (WE/CE), mono-diacylglycerol (MDG), and free fatty acids (FFA) were separated by thin layer chromatography. The results revealed that TAG and PC were the major lipid classes in parasites; while WE/CE and PS were the most abundant in hosts. As for FA composition, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9, C20:5n-3, and C22:6n-3 were recurrently found to be dominant in all lipid classes of the different organisms studied. However, some differences concerning the abundance and the distribution of several FAs were observed. Overall, the obtained results highlighted that despite the quite strong trophic connection between the parasites and their respective hosts, the parasites could be distinguished by specific lipid profiles.El presente estudio investiga en detalle las clases de lípidos y sus composiciones de ácidos grasos (AG) de dos copépodos parásitos Lernaeocera lusci y Peroderma cylindricum y sus respectivas especies de peces hospedadores Merluccius merluccius y Sardina pilchardus. Las clases de lípidos incluyen fosfatidilcolina (FC), fosfatidiletanolamina (FE), fosfatidilserina (FS), fosfatidilinositol (FI), triacilgliceroles (TAG), ceras/ésteres de colesterol (C/EC), mono-diacilglicerol (MDG) y ácidos grasos libres (AGL), que fueron separados mediante cromatografía en capa fina. Los resultados mostraron que TAG y FC eran las principales clases de lípidos en los parásitos, mientras que C/EC y FS eran las más abundantes en los hospedadores. En cuanto a la composición de AG, se encontró de forma recurrente que C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9, C20:5n-3 y C22:6n-3 eran dominantes en todas las clases de lípidos de los diferentes organismos estudiados. Sin embargo, se observaron algunas diferencias en cuanto a la abundancia y distribución de varios AGs. En general, los resultados obtenidos destacaron que a pesar de la fuerte conexión trófica entre los parásitos y sus respectivos hospedadores, los parásitos podían distinguirse por perfiles de lípidos específicos

    La Drépanocytose Chez Les Enfants Hospitaliers Au Service De Pédiatrie (CHR El Idriss De Kénitra, Maroc): A Propos De 53 Cas.

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    The objective of this work is to study sickle cell in children 1 to 16 years at El Idrissi regional hospital of Kenitra (Morocco) The study was conducted between March and June 2012. The population includes 53 patients, 39 male and 14 female. The studied parameters were age, sex, socioeconomic status, origin, age of diagnosis and schooling. Data on sickle cell patients was collected from information sheets available from the archives department at the El Idrissi regional hospital of Kenitra and a patient's verbal consent or that of the child's parents. Sickle cell disease is the third leading cause of admission (10.16 % of total admissions). 47.16 % of patients are under the age of 6 years. The diagnosis of disease is made in 32.07 % of the cases around 9 months. In 94.3% of cases, patients are from family whose father has a low and irregular income. The main causes of hospitalization are painful crises (69.81 %), acute anemia (28.30%), and infections (28.30%). As a medical treatment, the rehydration, analgesics, antibiotics and blood transfusions are the most prescribed. The transfusion was performed in 96.22 % of cases. The lack of early detection and socio –economic pressures and environmental conditions seems to put our patients in a vulnerable state.The focus should be on prevention and strengthening the capacity of families

    Contribution à la connaissance des Trichoptères (Trichoptera) du Rif (Nord du Maroc)

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    L´étude de 6376 spécimens des Trichoptères récoltés dans 103 localités de la chaîne rifaine marocaine entre 2006 et 2010 et la compilation des citations bibliographiques concernant ce groupe d´insectes, ont permis l´identification de 41 espèces dans la zone. Cet inventaire faunistique a enrichi la faune du Rif de 7 espèces non citées antérieurement dans cette zone. Une check-list des Trichoptères identifiées est fournie et la distribution géographique à l´intérieur et à l´extérieur des bassins versants Rifains est discutée pour chacune des espèces, ainsi que quelques notes taxonomiques concernant quelques espèces

    The geoenvironmental factors influencing slope failures in the Majerda basin, Algerian-Tunisian border

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    In mountainous regions globally, landslides pose severe threats to both human lives and infrastructure, with the Mediterranean region, in particular, being highly susceptible to these destructive events that result in substantial damage to settlements and infrastructure. In this study, we employ a GIS-based approach to comprehensively characterize terrain instabilities along the Algerian-Tunisian border, recognizing the critical need for effective land planning and disaster mitigation strategies in this context. Our methodology integrates geological, geophysical, and geotechnical reconnaissance techniques and multi-criteria analysis, with a particular focus on geotechnical parameters. Our findings reveal significant slope instability within the study area; it is particularly concentrated in the mid-altitude slopes of the eastern basin, with high and very high susceptibility zones covering 20.89% of the study area. Validation of our model through ROC analysis demonstrates its high accuracy, with an area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.92. Crucially, slope gradients and precipitation emerge as key contributors to landslide occurrence, alongside Triassic lithofacies, which is a significant geological factor influencing susceptibility. These results emphasize the necessity of identifying high-landslide-susceptibility regions for sustainable land management and risk reduction, which will ultimately enhance the resilience of the studied region and mitigate the associated natural hazard risks

    What's important when caring for a loved one? Population-based preference weights for the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for informal carers (ASCOT-Carer) for Austria.

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    PURPOSE: The Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for informal carers (ASCOT-Carer) can be used to assess long-term care-related quality of life (LTC-QoL) of adult informal carers of persons using LTC services. The ASCOT-Carer instrument has been translated into several languages, but preference weights reflecting the relative importance of different outcome states are only available for England so far. In this paper, we estimated preference weights for the German version of the ASCOT-Carer for Austria and investigated the value people place on different QoL-outcome states. METHODS: We used data from a best-worst scaling (BWS) experiment and estimated a scale-adjusted multinomial logit (S-MNL) model to elicit preference weights for the ASCOT-Carer domain-levels. Data were collected using an online survey of the Austrian general population (n = 1001). RESULTS: Top levels in the domains of 'Space and time to be yourself', 'Occupation' and 'Control over daily life' were perceived as providing the highest utility, and states with high needs in the same domains seen as particularly undesirable. 'Personal safety' was the only domain where levels were roughly equidistant. In all other domains, the difference between the top two levels ('ideal state' and 'no needs') was very small. CONCLUSION: The paper provides preference weights for the German version of ASCOT-Carer to be used in Austrian populations. Furthermore, the results give insight into which LTC-QoL-outcomes are seen as particularly (un)desirable, and may therefore help to better tailor services directed at informal carers and the persons they care for

    Exploring Spatial Interaction and Visualization Paradigms for 3D Cadastral Visualization

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    Effective visualization of spatial data, especially in the realm of 3D cadastral visualization, relies on the utilization of optimal interaction techniques and user interfaces for navigating complex datasets and understanding property delineations. This paper synthesizes findings from diverse studies investigating the efficacy of interaction modalities and user interfaces in 3D visualization across various domains. Drawing parallels to the broader field of 3D visualization, particularly in interaction tasks and user interface paradigms, this paper examines the potential for advancing 3D cadastral visualization systems. The study identifies fundamental interaction tasks crucial for effective 3D cadastral visualization, including object manipulation, widget manipulation, and data selection and annotation. It evaluates a range of user interfaces, from traditional input methods to emerging technologies such as gesture-based interfaces and virtual reality (VR) headsets, highlighting their respective strengths and limitations.Embracing insights from comparative analyses of immersive and non-immersive scenarios, this paper reveals significant insights into the effectiveness of immersive environments, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, in enhancing user experience and task performance for 3D cadastral visualization. Additionally, it aims to address key challenges associated with visualizing 3D cadastral data in immersive environments by proposing a comprehensive framework for evaluating the effectiveness and utility of immersive visualization for 3D cadastral purposes

    Cambios en el perfil de ácidos grasos del músculo de Holothuria forskali tras una exposición aguda a mercurio

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    The present study aimed to document the interaction between mercury (Hg), as a model chemical stressor to an aquatic organism, and Fatty acid (FA) profile in the longitudinal muscle of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali. To assess the sensitivity of this species to the toxic effects of Hg, young H. forskali were exposed to gradual doses of Hg (40, 80 and160 µg·L-1) for 96 h. The results showed that following Hg exposure, the FA profile of H. forskali corresponded to an increase in the level of saturated fatty acids, and the decrease in the level of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The most prominent changes in the FA composition were recorded at the lowest dose with noticeable decreases in linoleic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acid levels and an increase of docosahexaenoic acid. The occurrence of a state of oxidative stress induced by Hg contamination was evidenced by the enhanced levels of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxide. Overall, the low concentration of mercury exerted the most obvious effects on lipid metabolism, suggesting that changes in fatty acid composition may be act as an early biomarker to assess mercury toxicity in this ecologically and economically important species.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo demostrar la interacción entre el mercurio (Hg), como modelo de estresor químico para el organismo acuático, y el perfil de ácidos grasos (FA) en el músculo longitudinal del pepino de mar Holothuria forskali. Para evaluar la sensibilidad de esta especie a los efectos tóxicos del Hg, los juveniles de H. forskali fueron expuestos a dosis graduales de Hg (40, 80 y 160 µg·L-1) durante 96 h. Los resultados mostraron que después de la exposición al Hg, el perfil de FA de H. forskali respondió con una tendencia direccional anclada por el aumento en el nivel de ácidos grasos saturados y la disminución en el nivel de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. Los cambios más prominentes en la composición de AG se registraron a la dosis más baja con una disminución notable en los niveles de ácido linoleico, araquidónico y eicosapentaenoico frente a un aumento de ácido docosahexaenoico. La aparición de un estado de estrés oxidativo inducido por la contaminación con Hg se puso de manifiesto por el aumento en los niveles de malondialdehído, peróxido de hidrógeno e hidroperóxido de lípidos. En general, la concentración más baja de mercurio ejerció efectos más obvios sobre el metabolismo de los lípidos, lo que sugiere que los cambios en la composición de los ácidos grasos pueden actuar como un biomarcador anterior para evaluar la toxicidad del mercurio en esta especie de importancia ecológica y económica

    Composición en ácidos grasos de fosfolípidos y triacilgliceroles de la carne del salmonete gris de labios gruesos (Chelon labrosus) que vive en agua geotérmica y agua de mar tunecina: un estudio comparativo

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    This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of rearing conditions on the composition of different phospholipid (PLs) classes and triacylglycerols (TAG) of the thick-lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus), a muscle originating from seawater and geothermal water. The major fatty acids in the examined lipid classes of the two fish groups were palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1n-9), linoleic acid (C18:2n-6), arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6), eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3). The analyses demonstrated that the fatty acid profiles of the PL classes in the seawater fish group were characterized by the predominance of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). By contrast, in geothermal fish, the distribution of PUFA series proportions differed between the phospholipid fractions. It was found PUFA n-3 was particularly abundant in PS and PI, while the n-6 series dominated the PC and PE PUFA group. Nonetheless, it was found that neutral lipid fatty acids were characterized by saturated fatty acids (SFA) followed by monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the seawater fish and by PUFA in the geothermal fish. The results presented here give useful information on the role of lipid classes in the physiological adaptation of C. labrosus which can serve for the optiminzation of these aquaculture systems.Este estudio se llevó a cabo para dilucidar los efectos de las condiciones de cría sobre la composición de diferentes clases de fosfolípidos (PL) y triacilgliceroles (TAG) del músculo de salmonetes de labios gruesos (Chelon labrosus) procedentes de agua de mar y de agua geotérmica. Los principales ácidos grasos en las clases de lípidos examinados de los dos grupos de peces fueron, palmítico (C16:0), esteárico (C18:0), oleico (C18:1n-9), linoleico (C18:2n-6), araquidónico (C20:4n-6), eicosapentaenoico (C20:5n-3) y ácido docosahexaenoico (C22:6n-3). Las determinaciones mostraron que los perfiles de ácidos grasos de los PL, en el grupo de peces de agua de mar, se caracterizaron por el predominio de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 (PUFA). Por el contrario, en los peces geotérmicos, la distribución de las proporciones de las series de PUFA difirió entre las fracciones de fosfolípidos. Se encontró que los PUFA n-3 eran particularmente abundantes en PS y PI, mientras que la serie n-6 dominaba el grupo de PUFA PC y PE. No obstante, se encontró que en lipidos neutros, los mayoritarios son los ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) seguidos de los ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) en el pescado de agua de mar y los PUFA en el pescado geotérmico. Los resultados actuales brindan información útil sobre el papel de las clases de lípidos en la adaptación fisiológica de C. labrosus que puede servir para la optimización de estos sistemas de acuicultura