14 research outputs found

    Evolution Equation for Generalized Parton Distributions

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    The extension of the method [arXiv:hep-ph/0503109] for solving the leading order evolution equation for Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) is presented. We obtain the solution of the evolution equation both for the flavor nonsinglet quark GPD and singlet quark and gluon GPDs. The properties of the solution and, in particular, the asymptotic form of GPDs in the small x and \xi region are discussed.Comment: REVTeX4, 34 pages, 3 figure

    Spacetime Properties of ZZ D-Branes

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    We study the tachyon and the RR field sourced by the (m,n)(m,n) ZZ D-branes in type 0 theories using three methods. We first use the mini-superspace approximation of the closed string wave functions of the tachyon and the RR scalar to probe these fields. These wave functions are then extended beyond the mini-superspace approximation using mild assumptions which are motivated by the properties of the corresponding wave functions in the mini-superspace limit. These are then used to probe the tachyon and the RR field sourced. Finally we study the space time fields sourced by the (m,n)(m,n) ZZ D-branes using the FZZT brane as a probe. In all the three methods we find that the tension of the (m,n)(m,n) ZZ brane is mnmn times the tension of the (1,1)(1,1) ZZ brane. The RR charge of these branes is non-zero only for the case of both mm and nn odd, in which case it is identical to the charge of the (1,1)(1,1) brane. As a consistency check we also verify that the space time fields sourced by the branes satisfy the corresponding equations of motion.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures. Clarifications on the principal characterization of ZZ branes added. Reference adde

    Anomalous scaling of a passive scalar advected by the turbulent velocity field with finite correlation time and uniaxial small-scale anisotropy

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    The influence of uniaxial small-scale anisotropy on the stability of the scaling regimes and on the anomalous scaling of the structure functions of a passive scalar advected by a Gaussian solenoidal velocity field with finite correlation time is investigated by the field theoretic renormalization group and operator product expansion within one-loop approximation. Possible scaling regimes are found and classified in the plane of exponents ϵη\epsilon-\eta, where ϵ\epsilon characterizes the energy spectrum of the velocity field in the inertial range Ek12ϵE\propto k^{1-2\epsilon}, and η\eta is related to the correlation time of the velocity field at the wave number kk which is scaled as k2+ηk^{-2+\eta}. It is shown that the presence of anisotropy does not disturb the stability of the infrared fixed points of the renormalization group equations which are directly related to the corresponding scaling regimes. The influence of anisotropy on the anomalous scaling of the structure functions of the passive scalar field is studied as a function of the fixed point value of the parameter uu which represents the ratio of turnover time of scalar field and velocity correlation time. It is shown that the corresponding one-loop anomalous dimensions, which are the same (universal) for all particular models with concrete value of uu in the isotropic case, are different (nonuniversal) in the case with the presence of small-scale anisotropy and they are continuous functions of the anisotropy parameters, as well as the parameter uu. The dependence of the anomalous dimensions on the anisotropy parameters of two special limits of the general model, namely, the rapid-change model and the frozen velocity field model, are found when uu\to \infty and u0u\to 0, respectively.Comment: revtex, 25 pages, 37 figure

    Boundary Shape and Casimir Energy

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    Casimir energy changes are investigated for geometries obtained by small but arbitrary deformations of a given geometry for which the vacuum energy is already known for the massless scalar field. As a specific case, deformation of a spherical shell is studied. From the deformation of the sphere we show that the Casimir energy is a decreasing function of the surface to volume ratio. The decreasing rate is higher for less smooth deformations.Comment: 12 page

    Persistence of small-scale anisotropies and anomalous scaling in a model of magnetohydrodynamics turbulence

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    The problem of anomalous scaling in magnetohydrodynamics turbulence is considered within the framework of the kinematic approximation, in the presence of a large-scale background magnetic field. The velocity field is Gaussian, δ\delta-correlated in time, and scales with a positive exponent ξ\xi. Explicit inertial-range expressions for the magnetic correlation functions are obtained; they are represented by superpositions of power laws with non-universal amplitudes and universal (independent of the anisotropy and forcing) anomalous exponents. The complete set of anomalous exponents for the pair correlation function is found non-perturbatively, in any space dimension dd, using the zero-mode technique. For higher-order correlation functions, the anomalous exponents are calculated to O(ξ)O(\xi) using the renormalization group. The exponents exhibit a hierarchy related to the degree of anisotropy; the leading contributions to the even correlation functions are given by the exponents from the isotropic shell, in agreement with the idea of restored small-scale isotropy. Conversely, the small-scale anisotropy reveals itself in the odd correlation functions : the skewness factor is slowly decreasing going down to small scales and higher odd dimensionless ratios (hyperskewness etc.) dramatically increase, thus diverging in the r0r\to 0 limit.Comment: 25 pages Latex, 1 Figur

    Anomalous scaling of a passive scalar in the presence of strong anisotropy

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    Field theoretic renormalization group and the operator product expansion are applied to a model of a passive scalar field, advected by the Gaussian strongly anisotropic velocity field. Inertial-range anomalous scaling behavior is established, and explicit asymptotic expressions for the n-th order structure functions of scalar field are obtained; they are represented by superpositions of power laws with nonuniversal (dependent on the anisotropy parameters) anomalous exponents. In the limit of vanishing anisotropy, the exponents are associated with tensor composite operators built of the scalar gradients, and exhibit a kind of hierarchy related to the degree of anisotropy: the less is the rank, the less is the dimension and, consequently, the more important is the contribution to the inertial-range behavior. The leading terms of the even (odd) structure functions are given by the scalar (vector) operators. For the finite anisotropy, the exponents cannot be associated with individual operators (which are essentially ``mixed'' in renormalization), but the aforementioned hierarchy survives for all the cases studied. The second-order structure function is studied in more detail using the renormalization group and zero-mode techniques.Comment: REVTEX file with EPS figure

    Interpolation Formulas for Functions of Exponential Type

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