327 research outputs found

    VIP and PACAP receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptors [64, 65]) are activated by the endogenous peptides VIP, PACAP-38, PACAP-27, peptide histidine isoleucineamide (PHI), peptide histidine methionineamide (PHM) and peptide histidine valine (PHV). VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors display comparable affinity for the PACAP peptides, PACAP-27 and PACAP-38, and VIP, whereas PACAP-27 and PACAP-38 are >100 fold more potent than VIP as agonists of most isoforms of the PAC1 receptor. However, one splice variant of the human PAC1 receptor has been reported to respond to PACAP-38, PACAP-27 and VIP with comparable affinity [29]. PG 99-465 [115] has been used as a selective VPAC2 receptor antagonist in a number of physiological studies, but has been reported to have significant activity at VPAC1 and PAC1 receptors [35]. The selective PAC1 receptor agonist maxadilan, was extracted from the salivary glands of sand flies (Lutzomyia longipalpis) and has no sequence homology to VIP or the PACAP peptides [116]. Two deletion variants of maxadilan, M65 [180] and Max.d.4 [117] have been reported to be PAC1 receptor antagonists, but these peptides have not been extensively characterised

    VIP and PACAP receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptors [65, 66]) are activated by the endogenous peptides VIP, PACAP-38, PACAP-27, peptide histidine isoleucineamide (PHI), peptide histidine methionineamide (PHM) and peptide histidine valine (PHV). VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors display comparable affinity for the PACAP peptides, PACAP-27 and PACAP-38, and VIP, whereas PACAP-27 and PACAP-38 are >100 fold more potent than VIP as agonists of most isoforms of the PAC1 receptor. However, one splice variant of the human PAC1 receptor has been reported to respond to PACAP-38, PACAP-27 and VIP with comparable affinity [30]. PG 99-465 [117] has been used as a selective VPAC2 receptor antagonist in a number of physiological studies, but has been reported to have significant activity at VPAC1 and PAC1 receptors [36]. The selective PAC1 receptor agonist maxadilan, was extracted from the salivary glands of sand flies (Lutzomyia longipalpis) and has no sequence homology to VIP or the PACAP peptides [118]. Two deletion variants of maxadilan, M65 [183] and Max.d.4 [119] have been reported to be PAC1 receptor antagonists, but these peptides have not been extensively characterised

    RGS2 expression predicts amyloid-β sensitivity, MCI and Alzheimer's disease: genome-wide transcriptomic profiling and bioinformatics data mining

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most frequent cause of dementia. Misfolded protein pathological hallmarks of AD are brain deposits of amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and phosphorylated tau neurofibrillary tangles. However, doubts about the role of Aβ in AD pathology have been raised as Aβ is a common component of extracellular brain deposits found, also by in vivo imaging, in non-demented aged individuals. It has been suggested that some individuals are more prone to Aβ neurotoxicity and hence more likely to develop AD when aging brains start accumulating Aβ plaques. Here, we applied genome-wide transcriptomic profiling of lymphoblastoid cells lines (LCLs) from healthy individuals and AD patients for identifying genes that predict sensitivity to Aβ. Real-time PCR validation identified 3.78-fold lower expression of RGS2 (regulator of G-protein signaling 2; P=0.0085) in LCLs from healthy individuals exhibiting high vs low Aβ sensitivity. Furthermore, RGS2 showed 3.3-fold lower expression (P=0.0008) in AD LCLs compared with controls. Notably, RGS2 expression in AD LCLs correlated with the patients' cognitive function. Lower RGS2 expression levels were also discovered in published expression data sets from postmortem AD brain tissues as well as in mild cognitive impairment and AD blood samples compared with controls. In conclusion, Aβ sensitivity phenotyping followed by transcriptomic profiling and published patient data mining identified reduced peripheral and brain expression levels of RGS2, a key regulator of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling and neuronal plasticity. RGS2 is suggested as a novel AD biomarker (alongside other genes) toward early AD detection and future disease modifying therapeutics

    Characterisation of the Mouse Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor Type 2 Gene, Vipr2, and Identification of a Polymorphic LINE-1-like Sequence That Confers Altered Promoter Activity

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    The VPAC(2) receptor is a seven transmembrane spanning G protein-coupled receptor for two neuropeptides, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP). It has a distinct tissue-specific, developmental and inducible expression that underlies an important neuroendocrine role. Here, we report the characterisation of the gene that encodes the mouse VPAC(2) receptor (Vipr2), localisation of the transcriptional start site and functional analysis of the promoter region. The Vipr2 gene contains 12 introns within its protein-coding region and spans 68.6 kb. Comparison of the 5′ untranslated region sequences for cloned 5′-RACE products amplified from different tissues showed they all were contained within the same exon, with the longest extending 111 bp upstream of the ATG start site. Functional analysis of the 3.2-kb 5′-flanking region using sequentially deleted sequences cloned into a luciferase gene reporter vector revealed that this region is active as a promoter in mouse AtT20 D16:16 and rat GH4C1 cell lines. The core promoter is located within a 180-bp GC-rich region proximal to the ATG start codon and contains potential binding sites for Sp1 and AP2, but no TATA-box. Further upstream, in two out of three mice strains examined, we have discovered a 496-bp polymorphic DNA sequence that bears a significant identity to mouse LINE-1 DNA. Comparison of the promoter activity between luciferase reporter gene constructs derived from the BALB/c (which contains this sequence) and C57BL/6J (which lacks this sequence) Vipr2 promoter regions has shown three-fold difference in luciferase gene activity when expressed in mouse AtT20 D16:16 and αT3-1 cells, but not when expressed in the rat GH4C1 cells or in COS 7 cells. Our results suggest that the mouse Vipr2 gene may be differentially active in different mouse strains, depending on the presence of this LINE-1-like sequence in the promoter region

    VIP Enhances Phagocytosis of Fibrillar Beta-Amyloid by Microglia and Attenuates Amyloid Deposition in the Brain of APP/PS1 Mice

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    Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a multifunctional neuropeptide with demonstrated immunosuppressive and neuroprotective activities. It has been shown to inhibit Amyloid beta (Aβ)-induced neurodegeneration by indirectly suppressing the production and release of a variety of inflammatory and neurotoxic factors by activated microglia. We demonstrated that VIP markedly increased microglial phagocytosis of fibrillar Aβ42 and that this enhanced phagocytotic activity depended on activation of the Protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway. In addition, VIP suppressed the release of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and nitric oxide(NO) from microglia activated by combined treatment with fibrillar Aβ42 and low dose interferon-γ (IFN-γ). We utilized an adenovirus-mediated gene delivery method to overexpress VIP constitutively in the hippocampus of APPswPS1 transgenic mice. The Aβ load was significantly reduced in the hippocampus of this animal model of Alzheimer's disease, possibly due to the accumulation and activation of cd11b-immunoactive microglial cells. The modulation of microglial activation, phagocytosis, and secretion by VIP is a promising therapeutic option for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease(AD)

    HP1 Recruits Activity-Dependent Neuroprotective Protein to H3K9me3 Marked Pericentromeric Heterochromatin for Silencing of Major Satellite Repeats

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    H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) is a histone posttranslational modification (PTM) that has emerged as hallmark of pericentromeric heterochromatin. This constitutive chromatin domain is composed of repetitive DNA elements, whose transcription is differentially regulated. Mammalian cells contain three HP1 proteins, HP1α, HP1β and HP1γ These have been shown to bind to H3K9me3 and are thought to mediate the effects of this histone PTM. However, the mechanisms of HP1 chromatin regulation and the exact functional role at pericentromeric heterochromatin are still unclear. Here, we identify activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP) as an H3K9me3 associated factor. We show that ADNP does not bind H3K9me3 directly, but that interaction is mediated by all three HP1 isoforms in vitro. However, in cells ADNP localization to areas of pericentromeric heterochromatin is only dependent on HP1α and HP1β. Besides a PGVLL sequence patch we uncovered an ARKS motif within the ADNP homeodomain involved in HP1 dependent H3K9me3 association and localization to pericentromeric heterochromatin. While knockdown of ADNP had no effect on HP1 distribution and heterochromatic histone and DNA modifications, we found ADNP silencing major satellite repeats. Our results identify a novel factor in the translation of H3K9me3 at pericentromeric heterochromatin that regulates transcription

    Stable Mutated tau441 Transfected SH-SY5Y Cells as Screening Tool for Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Candidates

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    The role of hyperphosphorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau in the pathological processes of several neurodegenerative diseases is becoming better understood. Consequently, development of new compounds capable of preventing tau hyperphosphorylation is an increasingly hot topic. For this reason, dependable in vitro and in vivo models that reflect tau hyperphosphorylation in human diseases are needed. In this study, we generated and validated an in vitro model appropriate to test potential curative and preventive compound effects on tau phosphorylation. For this purpose, a stably transfected SH-SY5Y cell line was constructed over-expressing mutant human tau441 (SH-SY5Y-TMHT441). Analyses of expression levels and tau phosphorylation status in untreated cells confirmed relevance to human diseases. Subsequently, the effect of different established kinase inhibitors on tau phosphorylation (e.g., residues Thr231, Thr181, and Ser396) was examined. It was shown with several methods including immunosorbent assays and mass spectrometry that the phosphorylation pattern of tau in SH-SY5Y-TMHT441 cells can be reliably modulated by these compounds, specifically targeting JNK, GSK-3, CDK1/5, and CK1. These four protein kinases are known to be involved in in vivo tau phosphorylation and are therefore authentic indicators for the suitability of this new cell culture model for tauopathies

    Intranasal delivery bypasses the blood-brain barrier to target therapeutic agents to the central nervous system and treat neurodegenerative disease

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    Intranasal delivery provides a practical, non-invasive method of bypassing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to deliver therapeutic agents to the brain and spinal cord. This technology allows drugs that do not cross the BBB to be delivered to the central nervous system within minutes. It also directly delivers drugs that do cross the BBB to the brain, eliminating the need for systemic administration and its potential side effects. This is possible because of the unique connections that the olfactory and trigeminal nerves provide between the brain and external environment. Intranasal delivery does not necessarily require any modification to therapeutic agents. A wide variety of therapeutics, including both small molecules and macromolecules, can be targeted to the olfactory system and connected memory areas affected by Alzheimer's disease. Using the intranasal delivery system, researchers have reversed neurodegeneration and rescued memory in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Intranasal insulin-like growth factor-I, deferoxamine, and erythropoietin have been shown to protect the brain against stroke in animal models. Intranasal delivery has been used to target the neuroprotective peptide NAP to the brain to treat neurodegeneration. Intranasal fibroblast growth factor-2 and epidermal growth factor have been shown to stimulate neurogenesis in adult animals. Intranasal insulin improves memory, attention, and functioning in patients with Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment, and even improves memory and mood in normal adult humans. This new method of delivery can revolutionize the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and other brain disorders

    Severity dependent distribution of impairments in PSP and CBS: Interactive visualizations

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    BACKGROUND: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) -Richardson's Syndrome and Corticobasal Syndrome (CBS) are the two classic clinical syndromes associated with underlying four repeat (4R) tau pathology. The PSP Rating Scale is a commonly used assessment in PSP clinical trials; there is an increasing interest in designing combined 4R tauopathy clinical trials involving both CBS and PSP. OBJECTIVES: To determine contributions of each domain of the PSP Rating Scale to overall severity and characterize the probable sequence of clinical progression of PSP as compared to CBS. METHODS: Multicenter clinical trial and natural history study data were analyzed from 545 patients with PSP and 49 with CBS. Proportional odds models were applied to model normalized cross-sectional PSP Rating Scale, estimating the probability that a patient would experience impairment in each domain using the PSP Rating Scale total score as the index of overall disease severity. RESULTS: The earliest symptom domain to demonstrate impairment in PSP patients was most likely to be Ocular Motor, followed jointly by Gait/Midline and Daily Activities, then Limb Motor and Mentation, and finally Bulbar. For CBS, Limb Motor manifested first and ocular showed less probability of impairment throughout the disease spectrum. An online tool to visualize predicted disease progression was developed to predict relative disability on each subscale per overall disease severity. CONCLUSION: The PSP Rating Scale captures disease severity in both PSP and CBS. Modelling how domains change in relation to one other at varying disease severities may facilitate detection of therapeutic effects in future clinical trials

    Rare disruptive variants in the DISC1 Interactome and Regulome : association with cognitive ability and schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ), bipolar disorder (BD) and recurrent major depressive disorder (rMDD) are common psychiatric illnesses. All have been associated with lower cognitive ability, and show evidence of genetic overlap and substantial evidence of pleiotropy with cognitive function and neuroticism. Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) protein directly interacts with a large set of proteins (DISC1 Interactome) that are involved in brain development and signaling. Modulation of DISC1 expression alters the expression of a circumscribed set of genes (DISC1 Regulome) that are also implicated in brain biology and disorder. Here we report targeted sequencing of 59 DISC1 Interactome genes and 154 Regulome genes in 654 psychiatric patients and 889 cognitively-phenotyped control subjects, on whom we previously reported evidence for trait association from complete sequencing of the DISC1 locus. Burden analyses of rare and singleton variants predicted to be damaging were performed for psychiatric disorders, cognitive variables and personality traits. The DISC1 Interactome and Regulome showed differential association across the phenotypes tested. After family-wise error correction across all traits (FWERacross), an increased burden of singleton disruptive variants in the Regulome was associated with SCZ (FWERacross P=0.0339). The burden of singleton disruptive variants in the DISC1 Interactome was associated with low cognitive ability at age 11 (FWERacross P=0.0043). These results identify altered regulation of schizophrenia candidate genes by DISC1 and its core Interactome as an alternate pathway for schizophrenia risk, consistent with the emerging effects of rare copy number variants associated with intellectual disability.Peer reviewe