7 research outputs found

    Genotypes and Subtypes of Hepatitis B Virus Isolates in the Territory of Siberia

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    Identified are the occurrence, serotypic and genotypic variations of Hepatitis B virus isolates (HBV) among the Novosibirsk region inhabitants (n=2000), native population of the Alarsk District of the Irkutsk Region (n=487) and Shuryshkarsk Township of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (n=657). Occurrence rate of hepatitis В surface antigen (HBsAg) among different groups of the Novosibirsk Region population varied within the limits of 3,6-35,0 %. It was 8,2 % in Alarsk District, and 3,2 % in Shuryshkarsk Township. HBV isolates of D genotype (92-97 %) prevail among the population of Siberia; few are the cases of A (1,7 %) and C (1,2-8 %) genotypes. The identified varying occurrence of HBV sub-genotypes and HBsAg subtypes in two aboriginal groups of Siberia (D3 sub-genotype and ayw2 subtype - in the Alarsk District, D2 and ayw3 - in Shuryshkarsk Township) suggests the existence of, at least, two isolated HBV virus populations, circulating among different groups of Siberia native population


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    The water condition in cages of the paste of chlorella was investigated by the method of thermogravimetric analysis. With increasing heating rate endothermic effect corresponding to the dehydration process is shifted towards higher temperatures. Temperature intervals of chlorella dehydration are defined at rate of heating 2 К/min - 308-368 K, 5 К/min - 323-403 K, and 10 К/min - 348-403 K. Quantitative characteristics of kinetic unequal water in chlorella have been received for each step (∆, ∆Т, a mass fraction (w), energy of activation (Еа)). This process is similar to the process of the dehydration in ion exchange membranes. The derived kinetic characteristics give the possibility to define an optimum temperature interval and rate of drying microalgae for the purpose of increase of periods of storage in the form of paste or a solid substance for the further use as the bioadditive. In addition the presence of three types of water chlorella in a cell set according to NMR with pulsed magnetic field gradient. Since free water is involved in biochemical, chemical and microbiological processes, it is desirable to remove during drying of the preparation. The resulting temperature range of 323-343 K (step 2) at a heating rate of 2 K / min corresponds to a temperature range of drying the chlorella in a production environment. It should be noted that the highest number of algae in a tightly-water (the last stage). Apparently, this is determined by a unique cell structure. Temperature ranges dehydration process are not clear and vary depending on the heating rate, which is fully in line with previous studies of thermal analysis for grains, vegetables and bakery products

    Применение GLAD-ПЦР-анализа для изучения метилирования ДНК в регуляторных областях генов-онкосупрессоров при раке молочной железы

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    Hypermethylation of the RcgY sites is shown for many cancer diseases. such aberrant methylation, suppressing the gene activity, occurs at early stages of carcinogenesis. Recently, using glad-pcR assay, we have detected aberrantly methylated RcgY sites, which can be considered to be epigenetic markers of colorectal, lung, and gastric cancers. in breast cancer, methylation of the regulatory regions of ALX4, BMP2, CCND2, CDH13, CDX1, FOXA1, GALR1, GATA5, GREM1, HIC1, HMX2, HS3ST2, HOXC10, ICAM5, LAMA1, RARB, RASSF1A, RUNX3, RXRG, RYR2, SFRP2, SOX17, TERT, and ZNF613 tumor-suppressor genes is reported. in the present work, we determined aberrantly methylated RcgY sites in the regulatory regions of these genes in dNa preparations from breast cancer tissues. the study of dNa samples from 30 tumor and 22 normal mammary tissue samples demonstrates a high diagnostic potential of selected R(5mc)gY sites in regulatory regions of CCND2, BMP2, GALR1, SOX17, HMX2, and HS3ST2 genes with total index of sensitivity and specificity for R(5mc)gY detection in tumor dNa 90.0 % and 100.0 %, respectively.Аберрантное метилирование ДНК на начальных стадиях канцерогенеза приводит к инактивации ряда генов и показано для многих онкологических заболеваний. Ранее с помощью метода glad-ПЦР анализа нами были выявлены аберрантно метилированные сайты R(5mc)gY, которые могут рассматриваться как эпигенетические маркеры при диагностике колоректального рака, рака легкого и рака желудка. При раке молочной железы, по литературным данным, наблюдается метилирование регуляторных участков генов ALX4, BMP2, CCND2, CDH13, CDX1, FOXA1, GALR1, GATA5, GREM1, HIC1, HMX2, HS3ST2, HOXC10, ICAM5, LAMA1, RARB, RASSF1A, RUNX3, RXRG, RYR2, SFRP2, SOX17, TERT и ZNF613. В настоящей работе было проведено определение аберрантно метилированных сайтов RcgY в регуляторных участках данных генов в препаратах ДНК из тканей рака молочной железы. Анализ образцов ДНК из операционного материала опухолей (n=30) и морфологически неизмененных тканей молочной железы (n=22) показал высокую диагностическую эффективность панели маркеров, включающей сайты R(5mc)gY в составе генов CCND2, BMP2, GALR1, SOX17, HMX2 и HS3ST2: суммарные показатели чувствительности и специфичности составляют 90,0 и 100,0 % соответственно