3 research outputs found

    Projects as Knowledge Swirls in the Technological Innovation: Romania's Situation

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    The present paper uses as research basis a new way of thinking regarding the relation between innovation and knowledge - the Knowledge Flow Percolation Model (KFPM). In this modelā€™s center, human beings are seen as thinking electrons, both consuming and generating knowledge flows. Through the interdependent actions of individuals, knowledge circulates inside organizations, allowing them to innovate in order to obtain competitive advantages. But there is a wide range of barriers which impede the creation and movement of flows in the model grid and consequently, hinder their change into innovation. The solution proposed by this paper as one of the most adequate instruments to make KFPM more spreadable is the project. On this basis, in an empirical study, we try to demonstrate the hypothesis of the positive influence of projects, as knowledge swirls, on the development of innovative skills which will help solving problems in the organization, creating and widening of knowledge and reducing the barriers in knowledge transfer.This work was supported by the project ā€œPost-Doctoral Studies in Economics: training program for elite researchers ā€“ SPODEā€ co-funded from the European Social Fund through the Development of Human Resources Operational Programme 2007-2013, contract no. POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61755

    Cercetări privind utilizarea ca biomasa a coardelor de viţă de vie rezultate de la tăierea Ć®n uscat a plantaÅ£iilor viticole

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    At the global level, biomass is considered one of the main forms of renewable energy, as it ensures the conservation of the sun's energy in chemical form, being one of the most popular and universal resources on Earth, used for energy purposes since the discovery of fire by man. Today, biomass can be used for different purposes from room heating to the production of electricity and fuel for cars. Biomass is the biodegradable part of agricultural products, waste and residues, including plant and animal substances, forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable part of industrial and urban waste. Considering these elements, we can consider that vine plantations can make a significant contribution to the development of the biomass source, by using the vine ropes resulted from the cuts in the land.The research aimed the determination of the biomass potential of vine plantations, were harvested ropes from wine varieties and at different dates during plant rest to determine the evolution of their humidity. The samples were taken from the didactic resort farm "Vasile Adamachi" plantation of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" of Iasi. The varieties studied were: Busuioaca de Bohotin, Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Neagra, Feteasca Regala, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Petit.After the research carried out, it was found that the humidity of the strings is different, depending on the variety and the date of harvest

    Cercetari privind utilizarea ca biomasa a ramurilor rezultate de la tăierile de fructificare de la diferite specii de pomi fructiferi

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    Biomass is the most abundant renewable resource on the planet. This includes absolutely all the organic material produced by the metabolic processes of living organisms. Biomass can be used in the form of solid or liquid fuels, being used both for direct combustion, for space heating, and for liquid biofuel (bioethanol) for supply the thermal engines. The research carried out had as an objective the collection of the branches resulting from the fruiting cuts from the varieties of apple, hair, cherry and plum, located in the plantations of the Experimental resortfrom the USAMV Iași, Farm ā€œV. Adamachiā€, and the determination of the calorific power for each category of fruit trees. From the analysis of the results it appears that the calorific power is different from one species to another, as well as depending on the variety of the respective species. Also, the energy value of the harvested branches is high, being close to that of firewood, which allows us to specify that they can be valued as biomass, constituting an important renewable source of solid biofuel, which can be used in the form of pellets and lighter