143 research outputs found

    Effect of Thermal Treatment on Corrosion Behavior of AISI 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    The effect of post-processing heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of AISI 316L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is investigated in this work. Produced stainless steel was heat treated in a broad temperature range (from 200 °C to 1100 °C) in order to evaluate the electrochemical behavior and morphology of corrosion. The electrochemical behavior was investigated by potentiodynamic and galvanostatic polarization in a neutral and acidic (pH 1.8) 3.5% NaCl solution. The microstructure modification after heat treatment and the morphology of attack of corroded samples were evaluated by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The fine cellular/columnar microstructure typically observed for additive-manufactured stainless steel evolves into a fine equiaxed austenitic structure after thermal treatment at high temperatures (above 800 °C). The post-processing thermal treatment does not negatively affect the electrochemical behavior of additive-manufactured stainless steel even after prolonged heat treatment at 1100 °C for 8 h and 24 h. This indicates that the excellent barrier properties of the native oxide film are retained after heat treatment

    Unveiling the impact of laser power variations on microstructure, corrosion, and stress-assisted surface crack initiation in laser powder bed fusion-processed Ni-Fe-Cr alloy 718

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    Corrosion and stress-corrosion related failures often compromise the integrity of critical metallic components during their service, raising significant concerns. It is crucial to comprehend the crack initiation mechanism and the impact of alloy microstructure on this crack initiation process. It is known that the introduction of unique microstructures through metal additive manufacturing brings new challenges. This study aims to investigate, for the first time, the effects of microstructural alterations resulting from fluctuations in laser power during laser powder bed fusion on the surface cracking initiation mechanism and electrochemical behaviour of Ni-Fe-Cr alloy 718, which is widely used in applications that require exceptional strength and corrosion resistance. To carry out this investigation, microcapillary electrochemical methods were combined with high-resolution techniques (TEM, SEM, AFM). The findings emphasize the existence of an optimal range of process parameters that effectively mitigate corrosion and crack initiation susceptibility. This work demonstrated that slight deviations in laser power from this optimal value result in diverse alterations at the micro and submicron scales. These alterations include increased subgrain width, porosity, dislocation density, density of nanovoids, and distribution of carbides. Importantly, these changes, particularly in dislocation and nanovoid densities caused by minor variations in process parameters, significantly affect the material's susceptibility to corrosion initiation and stress-assisted surface cracking

    An Arctic strait of two halves: The changing dynamics of nutrient uptake and limitation across the Fram Strait

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    The hydrography of the Arctic Seas is being altered by ongoing climate change, with knock-on effects to nutrient dynamics and primary production. As the major pathway of exchange between the Arctic and the Atlantic, the Fram Strait hosts two distinct water masses in the upper water column, northward flowing warm and saline Atlantic Waters in the east, and southward flowing cold and fresh Polar Surface Water in the west. Here, we assess how physical processes control nutrient dynamics in the Fram Strait using nitrogen isotope data collected during 2016 and 2018. In Atlantic Waters, a weakly stratified water column and a shallow nitracline reduce nitrogen limitation. To the west, in Polar Surface Water, nitrogen limitation is greater because stronger stratification inhibits nutrient resupply from deeper water and lateral nitrate supply from central Arctic waters is low. A historical hindcast simulation of ocean biogeochemistry from 1970 to 2019 corroborates these findings and highlights a strong link between nitrate supply to Atlantic Waters and the depth of winter mixing, which shoaled during the simulation in response to a local reduction in sea-ice formation. Overall, we find that while the eastern Fram Strait currently experiences seasonal nutrient replenishment and high primary production, the loss of winter sea ice and continued atmospheric warming has the potential to inhibit deep winter mixing and limit primary production in the future

    Corrosion challenges towards a sustainable society

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    A global transition towards more sustainable, affordable and reliable energy systems is being stimulated by the Paris Agreement and the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This poses a challenge for the corrosion industry, as building climate-resilient energy systems and infrastructures brings with it a long-term direction, so as a result the long-term behaviour of structural materials (mainly metals and alloys) becomes a major prospect. With this in mind "Corrosion Challenges Towards a Sustainable Society" presents a series of cases showing the importance of corrosion protection of metals and alloys in the development of energy production to further understand the science of corrosion, and bring the need for research and the consequences of corrosion into public and political focus. This includes emphasis on the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions, on the lifetime of infrastructures, implants, cultural heritage artefacts, and a variety of other topics

    shaping the deserving refugee insights from a local reception programme in belgium

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    The sudden increase of asylum applications in the aftermath of the 2015 "refugee crisis", has sparked the debate on the concept of "deservingness" in public discourse. Who deserves to enter into European territory? Who deserves to receive state-funded assistance? This article unpacks the notion of "deservingness" by analysing the rationalities of care underpinning a European-funded local support programme in Antwerp (Belgium). The programme offers special assistance to former unaccompanied minors, recognised as beneficiaries of legal protection, who have recently turned 18. By examining the categories, attitudes and perceptions shaping this local project, we show how the idea of "deservingness", a central notion in wider European discourses on refugee reception, is reproduced and critically implemented by local actors of refugee assistance. Drawing on focus group interviews with five municipal and civil society organizations, we untangle legal, moral and economic dimensions of deservingness and illustrate how these can overlap or contradict each other within stakeholders' perspectives. The analysis of the different stakeholders' perspectives about the assumed characteristics of this "new" category of refugees deserving special care shows the significance of stakeholders' respective organisational backgrounds. On a deeper level, ideas on deservingness reflect stakeholders' different aspirations about the kind of citizens young refugees should become. As such, this chapter contributes to deeper understanding of moralities and rationalities shaping public discourse and local reception of refugees in Europe. It also highlights the role of localities in shaping innovative policies and in the wider debate on refugee assistance

    Segment-Specific Neuronal Subtype Specification by the Integration of Anteroposterior and Temporal Cues

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    To address the question of how neuronal diversity is achieved throughout the CNS, this study provides evidence of modulation of neural progenitor cell “output” along the body axis by integration of local anteroposterior and temporal cues

    Parâmetros metabólicos de pacus alimentados com diferentes fontes de óleo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros metabólicos de pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus) alimentados com dietas com diferentes óleos. O experimento foi conduzido em laboratório, em maio de 2009, durante 28 dias. Foram utilizados 64 pacus com peso inicial de 61 g, mantidos em tanques de 250 L. Os tratamentos foram: dieta controle mais óleo de oliva; dieta controle mais óleo de milho; dieta controle mais óleo de peixe; e dieta controle mais óleo de milho e de peixe. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em arranjo fatorial 4x4 (quatro dietas e quatro tempos de coleta: 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias). Foram avaliados: níveis sanguíneos de colesterol e lipoproteínas, composição química muscular, e atividade de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD) e enzima málica (EM). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, à comparação das médias pelo teste de Tukey, e à análise de regressão. Não houve diferença nos teores musculares de umidade e cinzas, mas foram observadas alterações na deposição lipídica e proteica, conforme os tempos de coleta, em todos os tratamentos. As dietas interferiram nos parâmetros sanguíneos avaliados. A atividade de G6PD é superior à da EM, sendo maior nos animais alimentados com óleo de oliva e milho, o que sugere maior deposição lipídica muscular nestes peixes. Portanto, o metabolismo lipídico do pacu é influenciado pela composição do lipídio da dieta