117 research outputs found

    Nongaussianity from Tachyonic Preheating in Hybrid Inflation

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    In a previous work we showed that large nongaussianities and nonscale-invariant distortions in the CMB power spectrum can be generated in hybrid inflation models, due to the contributions of the tachyon (waterfall) field to the second order curvature perturbation. Here we clarify, correct, and extend those results. We show that large nongaussianity occurs only when the tachyon remains light throughout inflation, whereas n=4 contamination to the spectrum is the dominant effect when the tachyon is heavy. We find constraints on the parameters of warped-throat brane-antibrane inflation from nongaussianity. For F-term and D-term inflation models from supergravity, we obtain nontrivial constraints from the spectral distortion effect. We also establish that our analysis applies to complex tachyon fields.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Comments added to introductio

    On a homeomorphism between orbit spaces of linear systems and matrix polynomials

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    AbstractThe orbit space of controllable systems under system similarity and the orbit space of matrix polynomials with determinant degree equal to the order of the state matrix under right equivalence are proved to be homeomorphic when the quotient compact–open topology is considered in the latter. As a consequence, the variation of the finite and left Wiener–Hopf structures under small perturbations of matrix polynomials with fixed degree for their determinants is described

    Local Wiener–Hopf factorization and indices over arbitrary fields

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    AbstractIn this paper, a generalization to arbitrary fields of the usual Wiener–Hopf equivalence of complex valued rational matrix functions is given and the left local Wiener–Hopf factorization indices defined in our previous work [A. Amparan, S. Marcaida, I. Zaballa, Local realizations and local polynomial matrix representations of systems, Linear Algebra Appl. 425 (2007) 757–775] are proved to form a complete system of invariants for this equivalence relation. For the case when the field is algebraically closed a reduced form of a controllable matrix pair under the feedback equivalence is presented for which the controllability indices can be written as sums of the local controllability indices [A. Amparan, S. Marcaida, I. Zaballa, On the existence of linear systems with prescribed invariants for system similarity, Linear Algebra Appl. 413 (2006) 510–533]

    An Interpretation of Rosenbrock\u27s Theorem via Local Rings

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    Triangularizing Quadratic Matrix Polynomials

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    Mental health trajectories among the general population and higher-risk groups following the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland, 2021-2023.

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    Mental health deteriorated in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, but improved relatively quickly as restrictions were eased, suggesting overall resilience. However, longer-term follow-up of mental health in the general population is scarce. We examined mental health trajectories in 5624 adults (58 % women; aged 18-97 years) from the Specchio-COVID19 cohort, using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale-2 and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2, administered each month from February to June 2021, and in Spring 2022 and 2023. Depressive and anxiety symptoms declined during a pandemic wave from February to May 2021 (ÎČ = -0.06 [-0.07, -0.06]; -0.06 [-0.07, -0.05]), and remained lower at longer-term follow-up than at the start of the wave. Loneliness also declined over time, with the greatest decline during the pandemic wave (ÎČ = -0.25 [-0.26, -0.24]). Many higher-risk groups, including socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, those with a chronic condition, and those living alone had poorer mental health levels throughout the study period. Women and younger individuals had a faster improvement in mental health during the pandemic wave. Loneliness trajectories were associated with mental health trajectories throughout the study period. We cannot definitively conclude that the observed changes in mental health were due to experiences of the pandemic. While there was a need for additional mental health support during stricter policy responses to COVID-19, overall, mental health improved relatively soon after measures were eased. Nevertheless, the persistence of mental health disparities highlights the need for further efforts from the government and healthcare practitioners to support vulnerable groups beyond the pandemic

    Fields Annihilation and Particles Creation in DBI inflation

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    We consider a model of DBI inflation where two stacks of mobile branes are moving ultra relativistically in a warped throat. The stack closer to the tip of the throat is annihilated with the background anti-branes while inflation proceeds by the second stack. The effects of branes annihilation and particles creation during DBI inflation on the curvature perturbations power spectrum and the scalar spectral index are studied. We show that for super-horizon scales, modes which are outside the sound horizon at the time of branes collision, the spectral index has a shift to blue spectrum compared to the standard DBI inflation. For small scales the power spectrum approaches to its background DBI inflation value with the decaying superimposed oscillatory modulations.Comment: First revision: minor changes, the background spectral index is corrected, new references are added. Second revision: minor changes, new references are added, accepted for publication in JCA

    Non-Gaussianities in two-field inflation

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    We study the bispectrum of the curvature perturbation on uniform energy density hypersurfaces in models of inflation with two scalar fields evolving simultaneously. In the case of a separable potential, it is possible to compute the curvature perturbation up to second order in the perturbations, generated on large scales due to the presence of non-adiabatic perturbations, by employing the ÎŽN\delta N-formalism, in the slow-roll approximation. In this case, we provide an analytic formula for the nonlinear parameter fNLf_{NL}. We apply this formula to double inflation with two massive fields, showing that it does not generate significant non-Gaussianity; the nonlinear parameter at the end of inflation is slow-roll suppressed. Finally, we develop a numerical method for generic two-field models of inflation, which allows us to go beyond the slow-roll approximation and confirms our analytic results for double inflation.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures. v2, comparison with previous estimates. v3, JCAP version; Revisions based on Referee's comment, corrected typos, added few eqs and refs, conclusions unchange
