560 research outputs found

    Motivasi Kejehatan Repetitif Residivis Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pati

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    Kejahatan merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia di dunia. Salah satu perbuatan yang menyimpang dari norma pergaulan hidup manusia, kejahatan (tindak pidana) merupakan masalah sosial. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif fenomenologi. Sampel terdiri dari tiga orang berjenis kelamin laki-laki telah menjalani minimal 2 kali/lebih tahanan hukumandi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa, para residivis digerakkan olehfaktor internal meliputi kontrol diri lemah, ketagihan, habbit/kebiasaan, niat, keahlian/skill serta gaya hidup, sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi kondisi lingkungan/environment, adanya pengaruh orang lain, dan adanya faktor ekonomi, Penyebab-penyebab individu melakukan kejahatan berulang tersebut meliputi bagaimana hasil yang diperoleh sangat sesuai dengan keinginan subjek. Melakukan kejahatan tersebut dikarenakan niat dan jobseeker. Bebas dari Lapas para mantan narapidana masih mendapatkan stigma masyarakat yang menganggap mantan narapidana sebagai individu yang berbahaya jika kembali ke masyarakat.Ketiga subjek memiliki motivasi ketika melakukan tindak kejahatannya. Motivasi tersebut berbeda-beda dari tiap subjek. Subjek melakukan tindak kejahatan repetitif dikarenakan subjek sudah ahli, ketagihan dan kebiasaan. Motivasi melakukan tindak kejahatan tersebut menurut subjek adalah baik karena ingin membahagiakan keluarganya. Motivasi kejahatan repetitif tersebut dilakukan subjek karena adanya keinginan atau USAha untuk mencari uang dengan cepat dengan waktu yang singkat, hal ini yang disebut mentalitas instant

    Synthesis and Characterization of Superabsorbent Polymer Composites Based on Acrylic Acid, Acrylamide and Bentonite

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    Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) is a hydrogel material which is capable of absorbing and or storing liquid up to a hundred times of its dry weight. SAP was synthesized from monomers of acrylic acid and acrylamide. Beside that a superabsorbent polymer composite (SAPC) was also made by grafting the SAP with bentonite. The polymerization processes were carried out using a chemical method of a ammonium persulphate (APS) as chemical initiator and N,N-methylene bisacrylamide (MBA) as crosslink forming materials at temperature of 70 oC in the 500 mL round flask. The homogeneity of the mixture was achieved by an adjustable magnetic stirrer. The result of polymer formed was identified using a FT-IR spectroscopy and the characteristic of absorption was studied using demineral water and 0.9 % NaCl solution. The maximum absorption capacity obtained fromSAP is 339 g/g in water and 65 g/g in NaCl solution, while themaximumabsorption rate obtained from SPAc is 19.43 g/min in water and 7.3 g/min in NaCl solution. It is interesting to note the absorption characteristic of SAP and SAPc above, the SAP is better in capacity of absorption while the SAPC is better in the rate of absorption. This phenomenon is supported by the result of morphology identification of SEM that shows the micro porous structure of SAP is bigger in number but smaller in pore sizes, while the micro porous structure of SAPC is smaller in number but bigger pore sizes

    Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Associated with the Aedes Aegypti Larvae Presence Based on the Type of Water Source

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    Aedes aegypti is the vector of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) disease. Containers are breeding places for DHF vector and the most commonly found larvae in the bath water containers. The presence of Aedes aegypti larvae in a container could be affected by the type of water source besides the container\u27s color, material, location, lid existence and the container\u27s drain frequency. This study was conducted to determine the associate of water source type with larvae presence and the additional factors. This study used observational analytic with case control design. The case group consisted of households using well water and the control group consisted of households using tap water with a sample size of 130 households for each group. The sample was collected by proportional random sampling in five villages. The data was analyzed using a regression logistic test. The significant variables associated with the presence of larvae were the water source type (OR=1.923), container\u27s color (OR=2.345), container\u27s location (OR=2.241), container\u27s lid existence (OR=2.122) and the container\u27s drain frequency (OR=2.260). This study did not consider the significant association of the container\u27s material. The dominant variable associated with the presence of larvae was the container\u27s drain frequency which was controlled by the water source type, container\u27s color and container\u27s location

    Dinamika Perberasan di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The research aimed to know dynamics of rice related to rice system in South East Sulawesiwas done in September to Oktober 2004 in Kendari regency (Uepai, Amonggedo,Pondidaha and Abuki district). This research used survey methode involved 40 responden.The data used secundary data having the caracter of time series and primary data. Theresulth showed that wet paddy production was very fluctuantive. Their productivity wasrelated stable at 3,5 – 3,8 t/ha. Dry land paddy was wide enough used by farmer especialyin area that had poor paddy field, but wide area and its production had overtime trendwhile production increased. That productivity was still lower than national productivity of2,52 t/ha. Although main production more increase in the latest of 10 years, but thegovernment represented by Bulog still brought rice from out side South East Sulawesiespecially from South Sulawesi. Rice farming system was showed R/C > 1 value. Than,exchange value of benefict on cost, the use of cost was still dominated by labour. Thebenefict used for labour was 29 %. Rice farming system contributed around 75 % of totalhousehould income, besides that, farmer also obtained income from the other farmingsystem, livestock and off-farm

    Dengue fatality prediction using data mining

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    Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus is life-threatening. In Malaysia, although necessary control measures have been carried out, the number of dengue fever cases keeps increasing. Among the measures, dengue vector control appears to be the most effective way to control the spread of the dengue virus particularly in Malaysia. The aim of this research is to study the current implementation of dengue outbreak control in Malaysia and predict dengue fever cases using data mining techniques. Real data on dengue fever and weather are collected from the Ministry of Health in its Perak Tengah district office and Perak Meteorological office respectively. Different data mining classification techniques are applied onto these data with the performance of each technique is measured. The results highlight the best performance among techniques used.Keywords: data mining; prediction; dengue; classification

    Drying Characteristics of Roselle: Study of the Two-term Exponential Model and Drying Parameters

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    Thin-layer drying experiments with Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa .L) were carried out in a constant temperature and humidity chamber. Four temperatures (35, 45, 55, and 65°C) and five relative humidities (30, 35, 40, 45, and 50%RH) were tested. Statistical analysis on twelve thinlayer drying model proved the superiority of two-term exponential model. The objectives of this work were to evaluate and validate the two-term exponential model; besides, examine the effects of the drying conditions on the drying rate and constant. Validation of the developed model was done using two criterions, plotting of the predicted against experimental moisture contents and the residual versus predicted moisture content. The average values of the drying constant (k) and coefficient (a) were 0.009167 and 0.776132, respectively

    Drying characteristics of Roselle (1): Mathematical Modeling and Drying Experiments

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    The effects of drying conditions on the drying behavior of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa .L) and the applicability of twelve thin-layer drying models to predict the drying curves of Roselle were studied. The experiments were conducted in Constant Temperature and Humidity Chamber. Four temperatures (35, 45, 55 and 65°C) and five relative humidities (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%RH) were studied. Drying air temperature was found to be the main factor affecting the drying kinetics of Roselle; raising the drying temperature from 35°C to 65°C dramatically reduced the drying times. The effect of the relative humidity was lower than that of temperature; increasing the relative humidity resulted on longer drying times. Higher equilibrium moisture contents were obtained with high relative humidities and low temperatures. Furthermore, drying was observed only in the falling-rate period. Statistical analysis was carried out and comparison among drying models was made to select the best-fitted model for the drying curves. Among twelve tested models, the two-term exponential model was found to be superior to the other models in terms of fitting performance

    Dynamic Economic Dispatch Menggunakan Quadratic Programming

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    Economic dispatch (ED) dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah penjadwalan pembangkit secara optimal ekonomi, namum jika digunakan pada sistem dengan beban dalam rentang waktu tertentu, akan ada beberapa pembangkitan yang melewati batas dari parameter ramp rate pembangkit. Dengan parameter ramp rate, ED tidak dapat diselesaikan pada satu level beban. Dynamic economic dispatch (DED) merupakan pengembangan dari economic dispatch konvensional karena memperhitungkan batasan ramp rate dari unit pembangkit. DED dapat digunakan untuk menentukan pembagian pembebanan unit pembangkit secara ekonomis dalam rentang waktu tertentu tanpa melanggar batasan ramp rate dari unit pembangkit. Pada tugas akhir ini digunakan quadratic programming untuk menyelesaikan dynamic economic dispatch. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa quadratic programming yang digunakan dapat menyelesaikan DED tanpa melanggar parameter ramp rate yang ditentukan. Pada percobaan dengan 3-unit pembangkit pada 4 profil beban berbeda dan percobaan dengan 10-unit pembangkit menujukkan bahwa parameter ramp rate menyebabkan pembagian pembebanan pada satu waktu tertentu akan mempengaruhi pembagian pembebanan pada waktu lain serta terdapat variasi pembangkitan yang berbeda antara economic dispatch dan dynamic economic dispatch. Parameter ramp rate juga menyebabkan total biaya pembangkitan pada dynamic economic dispatch menjadi lebih mahal jika dibandingkan dengan economic dispatch
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