69,321 research outputs found

    Low temperature electron-phonon resonance in dc-current-biased two-dimensional electron systems

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    Effects of resonant acoustic phonon scattering on magnetoresistivity are examined in two-dimensional electron systems at low temperatures by using a balance-equation magnetotransport scheme direct controlled by the current. The experimentally observed resonances in linear resistivity are shown to result from the conventional bulk phonon modes in a GaAs-based system, without invoking leaky interface phonons. Due to quick heating of electrons, phonon resonances can be dramatically enhanced by a finite bias current. When the electron drift velocity increases to the speed of sound, additional and prominent phonon resonance peaks begin to emerge. As a result, remarkable resistance oscillation and negative differential resistivity can appear in nonlinear transport in a modest mobility sample at low temperatures, which is in agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Photodetachment of H−^{-} near a partial reflecting surface

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    Theoretical and interpretative study on the subject of photodetachment of H−^{-} near a partial reflecting surface is presented, and the absorption effect of the surface is investigated on the total and differential cross sections using a theoretical imaging method. To understand the absorption effect, a reflection parameter KK is introduced as a multiplicative factor to the outgoing detached-electron wave of H−^- propagating toward the wall. The reflection parameter measures, how much electron wave would reflect from the surface; K=0 corresponds to no reflection and K=1 corresponds to the total reflection.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Gluon recombination in high parton density QCD: inclusive pion production

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    We argue that the collinear factorization of the fragmentation functions in high energy hadron and nuclei collisions breaks down at transverse momenta kT < Qs/g due to high parton densities in the colliding hadrons and/or nuclei. We calculate, at next-to-leading order in projectile parton density and to all orders in target parton density, the double-inclusive cross section for production of a pair of gluons in the scalar J^(PC)=0^(++) channel. Using the low energy theorems of QCD we find the inclusive cross section for pi-meson production.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Controlling the spin orientation of photoexcited electrons by symmetry breaking

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    We study reflection of optically spin-oriented hot electrons as a means to probe the semiconductor crystal symmetry and its intimate relation with the spin-orbit coupling. The symmetry breaking by reflection manifests itself by tipping the net-spin vector of the photoexcited electrons out of the light propagation direction. The tipping angle and the pointing direction of the net-spin vector are set by the crystal-induced spin precession, momentum alignment and spin-momentum correlation of the initial photoexcited electron population. We examine non-magnetic semiconductor heterostructures and semiconductor/ferromagnet systems and show the unique signatures of these effects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, resubmitte

    Gluon multiplicity in coherent diffraction of onium on a heavy nucleus

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    We derive the cross section for the diffractive gluon production in high energy onium-nucleus collisions that includes the low-x evolution effects in the rapidity interval between the onium and the produced gluon and in the rapidity interval between the gluon and the target nucleus. We analyze our result in two limiting cases: when the onium size is much smaller than the saturation scale and when its size is much larger than the saturation scale. In the later case the gluon multiplicity is very small in the quasi-classical case and increases when the low-x evolution effects in onium become significant. We discuss the implications of our result for the RHIC, LHC and EIC phenomenology.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Spin mapping, phase diagram, and collective modes in double layer quantum Hall systems at ν=2\nu=2

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    An exact spin mapping is identified to simplify the recently proposed hard-core boson description (Demler and Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett., to be published) of the bilayer quantum Hall system at filling factor 2. The effective spin model describes an easy-plane ferromagnet subject to an external Zeeman field. The phase diagram of this effective model is determined exactly and found to agree with the approximate calculation of Demler and Das Sarma, while the Goldstone-mode spectrum, order parameter stiffness and Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in the canted antiferromagnetic phase are computed approximately.Comment: 4 pages with 2 figures include

    Absolute Negative Conductivity in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Associated with Acoustic Scattering Stimulated by Microwave Radiation

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    We discuss the feasibility of absolute negative conductivity (ANC) in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) stimulated by microwave radiation in transverse magnetic field. The mechanism of ANC under consideration is associated with the electron scattering on acoustic piezoelectric phonons accompanied by the absorption of microwave photons. It is demonstrated that the dissipative components of the 2DES dc conductivity can be negative (σxx=σyy<0\sigma_{xx} = \sigma_{yy} < 0) when the microwave frequency Ω\Omega is somewhat higher than the electron cyclotron frequency Ωc\Omega_c or its harmonics. The concept of ANC associated with such a scattering mechanism can be invoked to explain the nature of the occurrence of zero-resistance ``dissipationless'' states observed in recent experiments.Comment: 7 pager, 2 figure

    Dynamics of Solitons and Quasisolitons of Cubic Third-Order Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    The dynamics of soliton and quasisoliton solutions of cubic third order nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation is studied. The regular solitons exist due to a balance between the nonlinear terms and (linear) third order dispersion; they are not important at small α3\alpha_3 (α3\alpha_3 is the coefficient in the third derivative term) and vanish at α3→0\alpha_3 \to 0. The most essential, at small α3\alpha_3, is a quasisoliton emitting resonant radiation (resonantly radiating soliton). Its relationship with the other (steady) quasisoliton, called embedded soliton, is studied analytically and in numerical experiments. It is demonstrated that the resonantly radiating solitons emerge in the course of nonlinear evolution, which shows their physical significance

    Higher-order vortex solitons, multipoles, and supervortices on a square optical lattice

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    We predict new generic types of vorticity-carrying soliton complexes in a class of physical systems including an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate in a square optical lattice (OL) and photonic lattices in photorefractive media. The patterns include ring-shaped higher-order vortex solitons and supervortices. Stability diagrams for these patterns, based on direct simulations, are presented. The vortex ring solitons are stable if the phase difference \Delta \phi between adjacent solitons in the ring is larger than \pi/2, while the supervortices are stable in the opposite case, \Delta \phi <\pi /2. A qualitative explanation to the stability is given.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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