102 research outputs found

    I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis

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    On June 22, 2012 the First Symposium of Ichthyosis Experts in Spain was held at the Hospital Niño de Jesús in Madrid. It was a one-day symposium for dermatologists, pediatricians, and physicians-in-training interested in this disease, as well as for other health care professionals involved in the care of patients with ichthyosis. The aim of the meeting was to try to structure the care of ichthyosis patients in Spain. As happens in other rare diseases, because of the low prevalence of ichthyosis and the absence of designated referral centers, the number of patients treated in each center is very low and few dermatologists have any real clinical experience with this condition or know how to order diagnostic genetic tests. This article summarizes the presentations given at the symposium and is intended as a reference for anyone interested in the subject.El día 22 de junio de 2012 se celebró en el Hospital Niño Jesús la I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis, una jornada monográfica dirigida a dermatólogos, pediatras y médicos en formación interesados en esta enfermedad, así como al resto de profesionales sanitarios que participan en su atención. El objetivo de la l Jornada de expertos en ictiosis fue intentar estructurar la atención de los pacientes con ictiosis en España. Como ocurre con el resto de las enfermedades raras, su escasa prevalencia y la ausencia de centros de referencia formales diluyen el número de pacientes atendidos en cada centro, y pocos dermatólogos tienen verdadera experiencia clínica o conocen la manera de solicitar diagnóstico genético. En este artículo se resumen las ponencias expuestas en la Jornada para consulta de aquellas personas interesadas en el tema.Pathophysiology of Keratinization Disorders / Ángela Hernández . -- Extracutaneous Manifestations of Ichthyosis / Antonio Torrelo . -- New Clinical Classification of the Ichthyoses / Raúl de Lucas . -- Use of Histologic Diagnosis in Ichthyosis / Fernando Casco . -- Genetic Diagnosis of Ichthyosis / Rogelio González Sarmiento . -- The Multidisciplinary Approach in Ichthyosis: Psychological Care / José Luis Pedreira Massa . -- Collodion Baby and Congenital Erythroderma: Clinical Management and Course / Heiko Traupe . -- Treatment of Ichthyosis / Heiko Traupe . -- Lessons Learned from Experience / Pablo de Unamuno . -- Looking Towards the Future: Humanized Models of Ichthyosis and other Hyperkeratotic Disorders / Fernando Larcher, Marcela del Río . -- What Patients Need / The Leader ship Team of the Spanish Ichthyosis Association . -- Conclusions / Ángela HernándezPublicad

    La historia (económica) interminable del tiempo de Cervantes

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    De generación en generación, el Quijote, heraldo de las esencias patrias, ha sido devotamente releído y reinventado. Del mismo modo, Cervantes y su tiempo fueron recorridos hasta la extenuación por toda suerte de estudiosos dispuestos a arrancar del sepulcro del hidalgo manchego alguna clave explicativa del destino de España. Las páginas que siguen no se aplican a una lectura económica del texto. Desde la que hiciera Piernas Hurtado en 1874 hasta este mismo año, son demasiados los ensayos en tal dirección. Aquí se propone un recorrido alternativo que, partiendo de los doctores salmantinos y a través de los caminos del arbitrismo, de la Ilustración y de la historiografía económica liberal, agota su trayecto en «el tiempo de Pierre Vilar». Al final del viaje no debe desalentar constatar que «todo es según el color del cristal con que se mira»; los progresos ópticos, al corregir las distorsiones de las lentes, acaban por acercar los puntos de vista y suscitar así el acuerdo entre los observadores.Don Quixote, herald of patriotic essences, has been devotedly read and reinvented generation after generation. Likewise, Cervantes and his time have been studied until exhaustion by all kinds of scholars prepared to snatch a key from the grave of the nobleman from La Mancha, which could explain the destiny of Spain. In the following pages, the text will not be interpreted from the point of view of economics. Since the works of Piernas hurtado to this very year of the celebration of the centenary, a fair amount of essays have been produced from that perspective. An alternative analysis is proposed here which, starting with the School of Salamanca and going through Arbitrismo, Enlightenment and the liberal economic historiography, ends at «the time of Pierre Vilar». At the end of the journey one shouldn’t be disappointed at verifying that «all depends on the colour of the glass you look through at this matter». The advances in optics have adjusted the distortions caused by faulty lenses and have hence brought different points of view closer together. Today there is considerable agreement amongst scholars.Publicad

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it


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    Precede al tít.: Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya, Qüestionari núm. 12, tercer sobre Les jornades de la vidaPrecede ó tít.: Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya, Qüestionari núm. 12, tercer sobre Les jornades de la vidaAl final del texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 de setembre de 1921"A fin de texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 de setembre de 1921

    Infancia, adolescencia i joventud

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    En cabecera de texto: Arxiu d'Etnografia i FolkloreEn cabeceira de texto: Arxiu d'Etnografia i FolklorePrecede al tít.: Qüestionari núm. 8, segon sobre Les jornades de la vidaPrecede ó tít.: Qüestionari núm. 8, segon sobre Les jornades de la vidaFin del texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 de setembre de 1919"A fin de texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 de setembre de 1919

    La familia

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    Precede al tít.: Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya, Qüestionari núm. 14, quart sobre Les jornades de la vidaPrecede ó tít.: Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya, Qüestionari núm. 14, quart sobre Les jornades de la vidaAl final del texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 d'abril de 1923"A fin de texto: "Les respostes deuen ésser donades abans del dia 30 d'abril de 1923

    Monitoring the Environmental and Energy Impacts of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking

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    The problem of rating the environmental impact of industrial plants has been widely studied in recent years with a specific focus on CO2 emission and energy consumption. On the contrary, only limited attention has been paid to the evaluation of the resource efficiency and overall environmental impact of industrial plants. This paper presents the first results of the research project entitled “Environmental Impact Evaluation and Effective Management of Resources in the EAF Steelmaking” (EIRES), which aims at a plant-oriented approach with an internal reporting of environmental and energy issues. For this purpose, several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been selected both from literature and operational practices, which can be easily interpreted by plant operators and managers. Furthermore a software tool has been implemented which allows to follow the evolution of these KPIs over time. The tool is not intended to compare the environmental performance of different companies, but to provide a practical support to the personnel of each single steelwork, in order to have an updated overview on the way the processes in the plant are operated from an environmental perspective and in order to identify measures and modifications of operational practices allowing to lower the environmental footprint of the production cycle

    Environmental Impact Evaluation for effective resource Management in EAF Steelmaking

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    The assessment of the environmental impact of steelworks has been intensively discussed in the last decades, especially focusing on CO2 emissions and energy consumptions. Nowadays an increasing attention is paid to the evaluation of the resource efficiency and overall environmental impact; some work groups also focused on the development of various eco-efficiency indicators. ISO Standards are available for the environmental management system (ISO14000) and for GHG emission quantification (ISO14064) together with the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). However, a practical and comprehensive metric to quantify and monitor the different aspects contributing to the overall resource efficiency especially of an electric steelmaking is not yet available. The paper presents first results of the currently running research project entitled "Environmental Impact Evaluation and Effective Management of Resources in the EAF Steelmaking" (EIRES), which receives funding by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). Within this project several Key Performance Indicators were selected in order to monitor the environmental performance of the whole steelmaking process in terms of energy consumption, water and air emissions, by-products and waste management. A tool was implemented in order to follow the temporal evolution of these KPIs on both real and simulated data, and suitable simulation models have been developed for scenario analyses