48 research outputs found


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    The articles presents the review of data about pathogenesis of stress erosive ulcer lesions of mucous coat in gastro-duodenal area. Imbalance between protection factors of mucous coat and aggression factors towards the latter (ischemia of mucous coat, microcirculation disorders in it, activation of free radical oxidation, acidopeptic factor etc) is recognized as a main pathogenic moment. The presented data are discussed from the point of view of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) for nervous trophism and its disorders – neurogenic dystrophia of internal organs caused by stress hyperactivation of SNS and consequent atrophy of its mediator of norepinephrine in the tissue of internal organs. These norepinephrine balance disorders are crucial regarding development of erosive ulcer lesions of mucous coat. Spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia prevent development of numerous post-surgery complications when used during surgery. Представлен обзор данных о патогенезе стрессорных эрозивно-язвенных поражений слизистой оболочки гастродуоденальной зоны. Основным патогенетическим моментом признается дисбаланс между факторами защиты слизистой оболочки и факторами агрессии в пользу последних (ишемия слизистой оболочки, нарушение в ней микроциркуляции, активация свободнорадикального окисления, ацидопептический фактор и т. п.). Представленные данные обсуждаются с точки зрения значения симпатической нервной системы (СНС) для нервной трофики и ее нарушений – нейрогенной дистрофии внутренних органов, вызываемой стрессорной гиперактивацией СНС и последующим истощением ее медиатора норадреналина в тканях внутренних органов. Такие нарушения баланса норадреналина значимы для развития эрозивно-язвенных поражений слизистой оболочки. Применение во время операций спинальной анестезии, эпидуральной анестезии и сочетанной комбинированной спинально-эпидуральной анестезии предупреждает развитие многих послеоперационных осложнений.

    Decay-assisted collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy: Application to neutron-deficient francium

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    This paper reports on the hyperfine-structure and radioactive-decay studies of the neutron-deficient francium isotopes 202206^{202-206}Fr performed with the Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The high resolution innate to collinear laser spectroscopy is combined with the high efficiency of ion detection to provide a highly-sensitive technique to probe the hyperfine structure of exotic isotopes. The technique of decay-assisted laser spectroscopy is presented, whereby the isomeric ion beam is deflected to a decay spectroscopy station for alpha-decay tagging of the hyperfine components. Here, we present the first hyperfine-structure measurements of the neutron-deficient francium isotopes 202206^{202-206}Fr, in addition to the identification of the low-lying states of 202,204^{202,204}Fr performed at the CRIS experiment.Comment: Accepted for publication with Physical Review

    Laser spectroscopy of francium isotopes at the borders of the region of reflection asymmetry

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    The magnetic dipole moments and changes in mean-square charge radii of the neutron-rich 218m,219,229,231Fr^{218m,219,229,231}\text{Fr} isotopes were measured with the newly-installed Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) beam line at ISOLDE, CERN, probing the 7s 2S1/27s~^{2}S_{1/2} to 8p 2P3/28p~^{2}P_{3/2} atomic transition. The δr2A,221\delta\langle r^{2}\rangle^{A,221} values for 218m,219Fr^{218m,219}\text{Fr} and 229,231Fr^{229,231}\text{Fr} follow the observed increasing slope of the charge radii beyond N = 126N~=~126. The charge radii odd-even staggering in this neutron-rich region is discussed, showing that 220Fr^{220}\text{Fr} has a weakly inverted odd-even staggering while 228Fr^{228}\text{Fr} has normal staggering. This suggests that both isotopes reside at the borders of a region of inverted staggering, which has been associated with reflection-asymmetric shapes. The g(219Fr)=+0.69(1)g(^{219}\text{Fr}) = +0.69(1) value supports a π1h9/2\pi 1h_{9/2} shell model configuration for the ground state. The g(229,231Fr)g(^{229,231}\text{Fr}) values support the tentative Iπ(229,231Fr)=(1/2+)I^{\pi}(^{229,231}\text{Fr}) = (1/2^{+}) spin, and point to a πs1/21\pi s_{1/2}^{-1} intruder ground state configuration.Comment: Accepted for publication with Physical Review

    Local protein kinase A action proceeds through intact holoenzymes

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    Hormones can transmit signals through adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) to precise intracellular locations. The fidelity of these responses relies on the activation of localized protein kinase A (PKA) holoenzymes. Association of PKA regulatory (RII) subunits with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) confers location, and catalytic (C) subunits phosphorylate substrates. Single-particle electron microscopy demonstrated that AKAP79 constrains RII-C sub-assemblies within 150 to 250Å of its targets. Native mass spectrometry established that these macromolecular assemblies incorporated stoichiometric amounts of cAMP. Chemical-biology and live-cell imaging techniques revealed that catalytically active PKA holoenzymes remained intact within the cytoplasm. In contrast, little, if any PKA activity was detected in the nucleus. Hence the parameters of anchored PKA holoenzyme action are much more restricted than originally anticipated


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    The articles presents the review of data about pathogenesis of stress erosive ulcer lesions of mucous coat in gastro-duodenal area. Imbalance between protection factors of mucous coat and aggression factors towards the latter (ischemia of mucous coat, microcirculation disorders in it, activation of free radical oxidation, acidopeptic factor etc) is recognized as a main pathogenic moment. The presented data are discussed from the point of view of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) for nervous trophism and its disorders – neurogenic dystrophia of internal organs caused by stress hyperactivation of SNS and consequent atrophy of its mediator of norepinephrine in the tissue of internal organs. These norepinephrine balance disorders are crucial regarding development of erosive ulcer lesions of mucous coat. Spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia prevent development of numerous post-surgery complications when used during surgery