619 research outputs found

    Field induced evolution of regular and random 2D domain structures and shape of isolated domains in LiNbO<sub>3</sub> and LiTaO<sub>3</sub>

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    The shapes of isolated domains produced by application of the uniform external electric field in different experimental conditions were investigated experimentally in single crystalline lithium niobate LiNbO3 and lithium tantalate LiTaO3. The study of the domain kinetics by computer simulation and experimentally by polarization reversal of the model structure using two-dimensional regular electrode pattern confirms applicability of the kinetic approach to explanation of the experimentally observed evolution of the domain shape and geometry of the domain structure. It has been shown that the fast domain walls strictly oriented along X directions appear after domain merging

    Fatigue effect in ferroelectric crystals: Growth of the frozen domains

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    The model of the fatigue effect during cyclic switching caused by growth of the frozen domain area with charged domain walls has been proposed. It was claimed on the basis of the previous experimental results that for switching in increasing field the frozen domain area started to grow at the given sub-threshold field value and stopped at the threshold field. The influence of the shape and frequency of the field pulses used for cyclic switching has been considered. The uniaxial ferroelectric stoichiometric lithium tantalate single crystals produced by vapor transport equilibration with record low value of coercive field have been chosen as a model material for experimental verification of the model. The formation of the charged domain walls as a result of cyclic switching has been revealed by analysis of the domain images obtained by optical and Raman confocal microscopy. It has been shown that the fatigue degree is equal to the fraction of the frozen domain area. The experimental dependence of the switched charge on the cycle number has been successfully fitted by modified Kolmogorov-Avrami formula. The experimentally observed frequency independence of fatigue profile for rectangular pulses and frequency dependence for triangular pulses has been explained by proposed model. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Polarization reversal and jump-like domain wall motion in stoichiometric LiTaO 3 produced by vapor transport equilibration

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    The polarization reversal and domain structure evolution has been studied in stoichiometric lithium tantalate prepared by vapor transport equilibration process. The first in situ visualization of domain kinetics has demonstrated the jump-like motion of few strictly oriented plane domain walls, which leads to short isolated current pulses in the switching current data. The proposed model of jump-like domain wall motion caused by interaction with pinning centers representing the areas with increased value of the threshold field is based on the effect of retardation of bulk screening. The derived formulas were applied successfully for analysis of the field dependence of the total switching time. The durations of wall jumps and wall stays (rest times) extracted from the switching current data are analyzed separately. The deceleration of the wall motion velocity during jump is controlled by the trail of residual depolarization field produced by bound charges and screening charges in the area behind the wall. The duration of the rest time is governed by the bulk screening of residual depolarization field. The value of Hurst exponent 0.75 obtained by fractal analysis of the switching current data has confirmed the essential influence of prehistory on the domain wall motion. The measurements of the coercive field by switching in bipolar triangular pulses in wide range of the field ramp rate have allowed us to extract the record low value of coercive field 60 V/mm for quasi-static polarization reversal. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Formation of dendrite domain structures in stoichiometric lithium niobate at elevated temperatures

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    Formation of the dendrite-type self-organized domain structures during polarization reversal at elevated temperatures (above 230°C) has been revealed and studied in stoichiometric lithium niobate LiNbO3 single crystals. Optical, confocal Raman, scanning electron, and piezoelectric force microscopy have been used for domain visualization. It has been shown experimentally that formation of the dendrite-like structures has been attributed to correlated nucleation caused by a field distribution in the vicinity of the charged domain walls. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Static conductivity of charged domain wall in uniaxial ferroelectric-semiconductors

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    Using Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory we calculated numerically the static conductivity of both inclined and counter domain walls in the uniaxial ferroelectrics-semiconductors of n-type. We used the effective mass approximation for the electron and holes density of states, which is valid at arbitrary distance from the domain wall. Due to the electrons accumulation, the static conductivity drastically increases at the inclined head-to-head wall by 1 order of magnitude for small incline angles theta pi/40 by up 3 orders of magnitude for the counter domain wall (theta=pi/2). Two separate regions of the space charge accumulation exist across an inclined tail-to-tail wall: the thin region in the immediate vicinity of the wall with accumulated mobile holes and the much wider region with ionized donors. The conductivity across the tail-to-tail wall is at least an order of magnitude smaller than the one of the head-to-head wall due to the low mobility of holes, which are improper carries. The results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental data for LiNbO3 doped with MgO.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendi