19 research outputs found

    Ultimate performance of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors in the tunneling regime

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    Thanks to their wavelength diversity and to their excellent uniformity, Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (QWIP) emerge as potential candidates for astronomical or defense applications in the very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR) spectral domain. However, these applications deal with very low backgrounds and are very stringent on dark current requirements. In this paper, we present the full electro-optical characterization of a 15 micrometer QWIP, with emphasis on the dark current measurements. Data exhibit striking features, such as a plateau regime in the IV curves at low temperature (4 to 25 K). We show that present theories fail to describe this phenomenon and establish the need for a fully microscopic approach

    Structure of a bacterial ice binding protein with two faces of interaction with ice

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    Ice-binding proteins (IBPs) contribute to the survival of many living beings at subzero temperature by controlling the formation and growth of ice crystals. This work investigates the structural basis of the ice-binding properties of EfcIBP, obtained from Antarctic bacteria. EfcIBP is endowed with a unique combination of thermal hysteresis and ice recrystallization inhibition activity. The three-dimensional structure, solved at 0.84 angstrom resolution, shows that EfcIBP belongs to the IBP-1 fold family, and is organized in a right-handed -solenoid with a triangular cross-section that forms three protein surfaces, named A, B, and C faces. However, EfcIBP diverges from other IBP-1 fold proteins in relevant structural features including the lack of a capping' region on top of the -solenoid, and in the sequence and organization of the regions exposed to ice that, in EfcIBP, reveal the presence of threonine-rich ice-binding motifs. Docking experiments and site-directed mutagenesis pinpoint that EfcIBP binds ice crystals not only via its B face, as common to other IBPs, but also via ice-binding sites on the C face. DatabaseCoordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession number

    Regulatory chromatin landscape in Arabidopsis thaliana roots uncovered by coupling INTACT and ATAC-seq

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    Abstract Background There is a growing interest in the role of chromatin in acquiring and maintaining cell identity. Despite the ever-growing availability of genome-wide gene expression data, understanding how transcription programs are established and regulated to define cell identity remains a puzzle. An important mechanism of gene regulation is the binding of transcription factors (TFs) to specific DNA sequence motifs across the genome. However, these sequences are hindered by the packaging of DNA to chromatin. Thus, the accessibility of these loci for TF binding is highly regulated and determines where and when TFs bind. We present a workflow for measuring chromatin accessibility in Arabidopsis thaliana and define organ-specific regulatory sites and binding motifs of TFs at these sites. Results We coupled the recently described isolation of nuclei tagged in specific cell types (INTACT) and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq) as a genome-wide strategy to uncover accessible regulatory sites in Arabidopsis based on their accessibility to nuclease digestion. By applying this pipeline in Arabidopsis roots, we revealed 41,419 accessible sites, of which approximately half are found in gene promoters and contain the H3K4me3 active histone mark. The root-unique accessible sites from this group are enriched for root processes. Interestingly, most of the root-unique accessible sites are found in nongenic regions but are correlated with root-specific expression of distant genes. Importantly, these gene-distant sites are enriched for binding motifs of TFs important for root development as well as motifs for TFs that may play a role as novel transcriptional regulators in roots, suggesting that these accessible loci are functional novel gene-distant regulatory elements. Conclusions By coupling INTACT with ATAC-seq methods, we present a feasible pipeline to profile accessible chromatin in plants. We also introduce a rapid measure of the experiment quality. We find that chromatin accessibility at promoter regions is strongly associated with transcription and active histone marks. However, root-specific chromatin accessibility is primarily found at intergenic regions, suggesting their predominance in defining organ identity possibly via long-range chromatin interactions. This workflow can be rapidly applied to study the regulatory landscape in other cell types, plant species and conditions