340 research outputs found

    Melcion Rosselló, professor de pràctiques

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    Tomografía computerizada en un caso clínico de hemangiosarcoma cutáneo con patrón de distribución atípico

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    En los últimos años, la tomografía computerizada está cobrando mayor importancia, llegando a ser uno de los pilares básicos en el diagnóstico por imagen en medicina veterinaria. En el campo de la oncología, aporta mucha información a la hora de hacer un diagnóstico y pronóstico, siendo también de gran utilidad cuando se plantea un tratamiento quirúrgico, facilitando el abordaje, así como en el empleo de radioterapia, donde es muy importante determinar tanto la localización como las dimensiones del tumor. Este caso clínico muestra un patrón atípico de metástasis de un hemangiosarcoma cutáneo primario a nivel inguinal en un perro, con una sintomatología diferente a la esperada en la evolución de esta patología

    Hydrological and erosion response at micro-plot to -catchment scale following forest wildfire, north-central Portugal

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    Wildfires can have important impacts on hydrological and soil erosion processes, due to the destruction of vegetation cover and changes to soil properties. According to Shakesby and Doerr (2006), these wildfire effects are: i) much better known at small spatial scales (especially erosion plots) than at the scale of catchments; ii) much better studied with respect to overland flow and streamflow (and, then, especially peak discharges) than to soil erosion. Following up on a precursor project studying runoff generation and the associated soil losses from micro-plot to slope-scale in Portuguese eucalypt forests, the EROSFIRE-II project addresses the connectivity of these processes across hillslopes as well as within the channel network. This is done in the Colmeal study area in central Portugal, where the outlet of an entirely burnt catchment of roughly 10 ha was instrumented with a gauging station continuously recording water level and tubidity, and five slopes were each equipped with 4 runoff plots of < 0,5 m2 (“micro-plot”) and 4 slope-scale plots as well as 1 slope-scale sediment fence. Starting one month after the August 2008 wildfire, the plots were monitored at 1- to 2-weekly intervals, depending on the occurrence of rainfall. The gauging station became operational at the end of November 2008, since the in-situ construction of an H-flume required several weeks. A preliminary analysis of the data collected till the end of 2008, focusing on two slopes with contrasting slope lengths as well as the gauging station: revealed clear differences in runoff and erosion between: (i) the micro-plot and slope-scale plots on the same hillslope; (ii) the two slopes; (iii) an initial dry period and a subsequent much wetter period; (iv) the slopes and the catchment-scale, also depending on the sampling period. These results suggest that the different processes govern the hydrological and erosion response at different spatial scales as well as for different periods, with soil water repellency playing a role during the initial post-fire period. The current presentation will review these preliminary results based on the data collected during the first year after the wildfire

    La Universitat literària de Vic i la seva relació amb la de Barcelona (1599-1716)

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    Disseny i propietats psicomètriques del qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives

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    La gestió de qualitat és una estratègia de direcció i gestió utilitzada en tots els sectors inclòs l’esportiu. La seva aplicació es produeix primer en l’àmbit empresarial, a continuació públic i en menor mesura en el teixit associatiu. Davant la inexistència d’un instrument que avaluï la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives es va dissenyar el Qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en entitats esportives, EGCED fonamentat en el Model EFQM (European Foundation Quality Management) i adaptat per a federacions autonòmiques. En el present treball, s’exposa l’anàlisi de les seves propietats psicomètriques (fiabilitat i qualitat de les dimensions). Es va administrar el qüestionari en dues ocasions diferents (test-retest) a un grup petit de federacions esportives, calculant-se l’índex de consistència interna (alfa de Cronbach) amb les dades del test-retest per verificar la fiabilitat, i igualment es va determinar la qualitat de les dimensions en obtenir la distribució de les respostes (moda i variança) i l’índex de discriminació d’aquestes (correlació entre ítem i ítem-total). Els resultats obtinguts demostren que és una mesura fiable (α de Cronbach = 0,988-0,710) per conèixer la qualitat de la gestió de les federacions esportives territorials, i la seva interpretació permet determinar els punts forts, intermedis i febles que cal mantenir o reajustar i proposar estratègies d’actuació per millorar la gestió de l’entitat

    Three-Dimensional Propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Solar Coronal Arcades

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    We numerically investigate the excitation and temporal evolution of oscillations in a two-dimensional coronal arcade by including the three-dimensional propagation of perturbations. The time evolution of impulsively generated perturbations is studied by solving the linear, ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in the zero-beta approximation. As we neglect gas pressure the slow mode is absent and therefore only coupled MHD fast and Alfven modes remain. Two types of numerical experiments are performed. First, the resonant wave energy transfer between a fast normal mode of the system and local Alfven waves is analyzed. It is seen how, because of resonant coupling, the fast wave with global character transfers its energy to Alfvenic oscillations localized around a particular magnetic surface within the arcade, thus producing the damping of the initial fast MHD mode. Second, the time evolution of a localized impulsive excitation, trying to mimic a nearby coronal disturbance, is considered. In this case, the generated fast wavefront leaves its energy on several magnetic surfaces within the arcade. The system is therefore able to trap energy in the form of Alfvenic oscillations, even in the absence of a density enhancement such as that of a coronal loop. These local oscillations are subsequently phase-mixed to smaller spatial scales. The amount of wave energy trapped by the system via wave energy conversion strongly depends on the wavelength of perturbations in the perpendicular direction, but is almost independent from the ratio of the magnetic to density scale heights.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Characterization of Profiles as Management Strategies Based on the Importance and Valuation That Users Give to the Elements of the Golf Courses

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    The main objective of this study was to characterize golfers’ profiles based on the importance and valuation that users give to the elements of golf courses, considering the segmentation as key to making strategic decisions. This was done using a priori segmentation of the traditional style against a post hoc segmentation based on the importance that users concede to variability of elements of golf courses. Moreover, the relationship between the quality attributed to the service dimensions and the golf course global performance was examined for each of the obtained segments. The results have established certain specific characteristics of the typical golf user and two large segments of golfers were identified from Cluster Analysis (Competitives and Socials), they were made up of the following subgroups: Regular-leisure and business and matures-familiar. The causal analysis of covariance structures for each segment revealed partially different interests. This study provides useful information for managers to design management strategies that address the different characteristics, interests, and priorities of their customers and potential customers in order to win them, keep them, satisfy them, and build their loyalty, ensuring the development and sustainability of the entityS

    QGOLF-9 : Escala para la evaluación de la calidad percibida en los clubes de golf

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    The assessment of perceived quality has become important in the management of service providing organizations. The aim of this paper is to develop a brief, easy-to-apply scale with appropriate psychometric properties, which allows the incorporation of users' perceptions of the management of golf clubs. We interviewed 403 users of four 9-hole course golf clubs located in Galicia (316 males and 87 females) aged between 16 and 75 years (Mean = 47.19; SD = 13.91). For data collection, an ad hoc structured questionnaire which had 25 items grouped into 4 dimensions was used. As a result of Exploratory Factor Analysis and a subsequent Confirmatory Factor Analysis, it was possible to obtain a final scale made up of only 15 items, grouped into three dimensions. This scale, as well as being brief and easy-to-apply, has a high degree of validity (as it explains 72% of the perceived performance) and internal consistency (overall a of .91), thus making it a tool of considerable applied interest.La evaluación de la calidad percibida ha cobrado una gran importancia en la gestión de las organizaciones de prestación de servicios. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una escala con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, breve y de fácil aplicación que permita incorporar las percepciones de los usuarios a la gestión de los clubes de golf. Fueron entrevistados 403 usuarios de 4 clubes de golf con campos de 9 hoyos ubicados en Galicia (316 hombres y 87 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y 75 años (Media = 47.19; DE = 13.91). Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado ad hoc que contaba con 25 elementos agrupados en 4 dimensiones. Fruto de un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio inicial y de un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio posterior, ha sido posible obtener una escala final compuesta por tan solo 15 ítems agrupados en tres dimensiones. Dicha escala, además de ser breve y de fácil aplicación, posee un alto grado de validez de criterio (ya que explica el 72% del desempeño percibido del club) y una elevada consistencia interna (con un a global de .91), lo que la convierte en una herramienta de notable interés aplicado