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    In Elementary Education Curriculum of 1994, Artistry Education in Elementary School referred as subject of Handicraft and Artistry. Artistry Education in Elementary School comprises the fine arts, artistic of music, and dance art. That third of item coverage have to be mastered and taught by a teacher of Elementary School. In consequence, a teacher of elementary school at least knowing and comprehending three things of related to study of Artistic drama dance, (2) learning of artistic drama dance as education media in elementary school, and (3) the learning function of artistic drama dance in elementary school. The congeniality of artistic drama dance is the beauty, which has been expressed by body rhythmic movements in a room, having storied, player, author and audience elements. There are two basically matter in learning of artistic drama dance in elementary school that is (1) to become the actor candidate and (2) for the maturation of student, constructing growth esthetics, and (3) assisting the life completion. Keywords : learning, artistic, dance, drama, and elementary school

    The Increased Incidence of Nausea and Vomiting Due to Anxiety in Paclitaxel Carboplatin Chemotherapy in a 48 Years Old Female Patient with Cervical Cancer: a Case Report

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    Nausea and vomiting was the frequently side effects in chemotherapy.Uncontrolled nausea and vomiting can cause weakened body condition, reduced appetite and drinking, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, reduced nutritional status so the patient refused to undergo further chemotherapy. Anxiety is one of the factors that increase the risk of nausea and vomiting. We reported the case of the woman 48 years old, height 150 cm, weight 51 kg, occupation housewife, diagnosed non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma cervical cancer stage-IIB and received paclitaxel carboplatin for three cycles of chemotherapy. She experienced anxiety, acute nausea vomiting on the third cycle of chemotherapy and delayed nausea and vomiting of the three cycles of chemotherapy


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    Maintaining language in particular mother tongue in a community is cumpulsory because it shows identity and attitude of appreciation toward the ancestors’ inheritance. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which aims at investigating the language maintenance of Balinese mother tongue. The research aims to find out whether the habit of telling story (mesatua)(mesatua)is still done in Batu Bulan Village of Gianyar Regency. This research applies Hoffman’s framework; interview and questionnaires were used as the technique in collecting the data. It can be found that the habit of storytelling (mesatua) is rarely done due to the development of modern world and technology. There is a tendency of language shift by parents in conducting storytelling to their children; shifting from mother tongue to national language. The activities were usually done orally by the parents or grandparents. There are many story told to the children and major stories told were I Lutung jak I Kakua, Siap Selem serta I Bawang jak I Kasun

    Ergonomic Redesign of Computer Laboratory to Improve Electric Power Performance and Working Efficiency

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    The current problems in the Computer Laboratory of Udayana UniversityTechnical Engineering Faculty include non-standard room temperature of 28 0 C, nonstandardlight intensity average in the room of 110 lux, seat height of 43 cm and tableheight of 74,50 cm being not adapted to the workers' anthropometric measurements, anddazzling white-colored curtains. Baseline data on six students after 3-hour workingrevealed the following findings: eye fatigue 81%' and general fatigue 88%;musculoskeletal complaints 51%; average learning achievement 59.5%, performance16.25%, and efficiency 10.09%. In an effort to improve the working conditions, a totalexperimental ergonomic intervention in the form of redesigning the Computer Laboratorywas introduced.In this study 30 subjects were recruited. The data collected were analyzed by usingdesriptive statistics, normality test, comparability test, and paired-simple t-test with asignificant level of 5%.Total ergonomic intervention has resulted in a decrease of room temperature from280 C to 25.830 C (p<0.05), increase in light intensity from 110 lux to 136.67 lux, decreasein eye fatigue from 81% to 23% (p<0.05), decrease in general fatique 88% to 41%,decrease in musculoskeletal complaints from 51% to 11% (p<0.05), increase in learningachievement score from 59.5% to 89.5% (p<0.05), increase in performance from 16.25%to 41.25%, and increase in efficiency from 10.09% to 75.09% (p<.05).The results of this study revealed that appropriate total ergonomic intervention in acomputer laboratory had succeeded in improving the quality of working and performanceof the workers

    The Concept and Development of Land Value Assessment

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    Problem in land acquisition increasingly complex, this problem can be related directly to the land acquisition process from planning to project delivery, as well as indirect effects of the reasonableness of the value of the land. Land value is expected to accommodate attributes as physical development and infrastructure projects in a more comprehensive city, thus the value of the land can represent a reasonable condition and can be estimated in accordance with the development that is influenced by multiple attributes (discrete and continuous) as well as the spatial effect of the gradient measured geographical. Based on a review of empirical, conceptual and literature, the value of land is affected by several variables that can be explaned as follows: supply and demand ; highest and best use ; phisic, legal, social and economic. The method can combine the data value of the land and the land characters are more accurate and spatially, it is necessary to use Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) and Geographic Information System (GIS

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Peredaran Minuman Beralkohol tanpa Label Edar (Studi di Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Bali)

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang upaya penegakan hukum terhadap peredaran minuman beralkohol tanpa label edar yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Bali dan Kepolisian Resor Buleleng, diambil dasar dalam pasal 10 Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali Nomor 5 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengendalian Peredaran Minuman Beralkohol yang mewajibkan setiap minuman beralkohol yang beredar harus dicantumkan label edar. Akan tetapi di daerah Buleleng masih banyak pengusaha yang belum melaksanakan pelabelan minuman beralkohol, terbukti dari banyaknya jumlah kasus yang yang ditangani Polres Buleleng terhadap peredaran minuman beralkohol, bahkan banyaknya peredaran minuman beralkohol ilegal telah menimbulkan korban nyawa akibat minuman beralkohol oplosan. Artikel ini juga membahas kendala yang dihadapi Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Bali dan Polres Buleleng dalam penegakan hukum terhadap peredaran minuman beralkohol tanpa label edar serta solusi yang dapat dilakukan.Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah yuridis kriminologis, jenis dan sumber data primer diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan, terjun langsung ke obyek penelitian diantaranya adalah pengusaha minuman beralkohol, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Bali, Kepolisian Resor Buleleng dan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Buleleng dan data sekunder diambil dari bahan kepustakan, berupa dokumen-dokumen, buku-buku, hasil-hasil penelitian yang berupa laporan, artikel, internet, jurnal hukum dan pasal-pasal dalam peraturan Perundang-undangan.Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bentuk upaya yang dilakukan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan dengan melakukan pengendalian dengan pencetakan label edar dan melakukan pengawasan dengan membentuk tim terpadu, kendala internal diakibatkan oleh kuantitas anggota dinas yang minim, dan kendala eksternal akibat sulitnya mendapat respon dari pengusaha. Upaya yang dilakukan Polres Buleleng dilakukan secara preventif dengan sosialisasi ke masyarakat melalui lembaga pendidikan maupun forum masyarakat, upaya represif dengan cara penindakan langsung melalui razia dan pemusnahan minuman beralkohol. Kendala internal yang dihadapi Polres Buleleng diakibatkan pengetahuan anggota yang minim dan kurangnya kordinasi dengan Satpol PP, kendala eksternal diakibatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan hukum masyarakan yang masih minim.Kata Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Minuman Beralkoho
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