46 research outputs found

    Формування концепції поділу державної влади

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    Процюк І. В. Формування концепції поділу державної влади / І. В. Процюк // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.] ; відп. за вип. М. В. Афанасьєва. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2015. – Вип. 75. – C. 7-16.Статтю присвячено дослідженню формування й розвитку принципу поділу влади. Проаналізовано позиції науковців, які є основоположниками цього принципу. Звернено увагу на необхідність його закріплення як основоположної засади демократичної правової держави в законодавстві та реалізації в державно-правовій практиці.Формирование концепции разделения государственной власти. Статья посвящена исследованию формирования и развития принципа разделения власти. Проанализированы мнения ученых, являющихся основоположниками данного принципа. Обращено вни- мание на необходимость его закрепления как основополагающей основы демократического правового государства в законодательстве и реализации в государственно-правовой практике.Formation of the concept of separation of powers. The article investigates the formation and development of the principle of separation of powers. Analyzed the opinions of scientists, is the founder of this principle. Drawn attention to the need to consolidate it as the fundamental basis of a democratic state of law in the legislation and in the implementation of state-legal practice

    Multitask prediction of organ dysfunction in the intensive care unit using sequential subnetwork routing.

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    OBJECTIVE: Multitask learning (MTL) using electronic health records allows concurrent prediction of multiple endpoints. MTL has shown promise in improving model performance and training efficiency; however, it often suffers from negative transfer - impaired learning if tasks are not appropriately selected. We introduce a sequential subnetwork routing (SeqSNR) architecture that uses soft parameter sharing to find related tasks and encourage cross-learning between them. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the MIMIC-III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care-III) dataset, we train deep neural network models to predict the onset of 6 endpoints including specific organ dysfunctions and general clinical outcomes: acute kidney injury, continuous renal replacement therapy, mechanical ventilation, vasoactive medications, mortality, and length of stay. We compare single-task (ST) models with naive multitask and SeqSNR in terms of discriminative performance and label efficiency. RESULTS: SeqSNR showed a modest yet statistically significant performance boost across 4 of 6 tasks compared with ST and naive multitasking. When the size of the training dataset was reduced for a given task (label efficiency), SeqSNR outperformed ST for all cases showing an average area under the precision-recall curve boost of 2.1%, 2.9%, and 2.1% for tasks using 1%, 5%, and 10% of labels, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The SeqSNR architecture shows superior label efficiency compared with ST and naive multitasking, suggesting utility in scenarios in which endpoint labels are difficult to ascertain

    Results of joint project on linking optical-radio reference frames

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    Results of international co-operation between observatories from China, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine on refinement of linking optical and radio reference frames are discussed. About 300 fields around extragalactic radio sources in the selected fields of extragalactic radio sources from −40 to +70 degrees in declination were observed with CCD ground-based telescopes. The catalogue of optical positions of more than 200 ERS with average accuracy 30 mas in ICRF by using of secondary reference stars from the UCAC2 and USNO-B1.0 catalogues was obtained as a result of this cooperation. The intermediate internal estimation of link between optical and radio reference frames was shown the angle values near zero within an accuracy of about 6 mas by using of secondary reference stars from UCAC2. A comparison of presented results with those of other investigations was made

    Use of deep learning to develop continuous-risk models for adverse event prediction from electronic health records

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    Early prediction of patient outcomes is important for targeting preventive care. This protocol describes a practical workflow for developing deep-learning risk models that can predict various clinical and operational outcomes from structured electronic health record (EHR) data. The protocol comprises five main stages: formal problem definition, data pre-processing, architecture selection, calibration and uncertainty, and generalizability evaluation. We have applied the workflow to four endpoints (acute kidney injury, mortality, length of stay and 30-day hospital readmission). The workflow can enable continuous (e.g., triggered every 6 h) and static (e.g., triggered at 24 h after admission) predictions. We also provide an open-source codebase that illustrates some key principles in EHR modeling. This protocol can be used by interdisciplinary teams with programming and clinical expertise to build deep-learning prediction models with alternate data sources and prediction tasks

    The 999th Swift gamma-ray burst: Some like it thermal: A multiwavelength study of GRB 151027A

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    We present a multiwavelength study of GRB 151027A. This is the 999th GRB detected by the Swift satellite and it has a densely sampled emission in the X-ray and optical band and has been observed and detected in the radio up to 140 days after the prompt. The multiwavelength light curve from 500 s to 140 days can be modelled through a standard forward shock afterglow but requires an additional component to reproduce the early X-ray and optical emission. We present TNG and LBT optical observations performed 19.6, 33.9 and 92.3 days after the trigger which show a bump with respect to a standard afterglow flux decay and are possibly interpreted as due to the underlying SN and host galaxy (of 0.4 uJy in the R band). Radio observations, performed with SRT, Medicina, EVN and VLBA between day 4 and 140, suggest that the burst exploded in an environment characterised by a density profile scaling with the distance from the source (wind profile). A remarkable feature of the prompt emission is the presence of a bright flare 100 s after the trigger, lasting 70 seconds in the soft X-ray band, which was simultaneously detected from the optical band up to the MeV energy range. By combining Swift-BAT/XRT and Fermi-GBM data, the broadband (0.3-1000 keV) time resolved spectral analysis of the flare reveals the coexistence of a non-thermal (power law) and thermal blackbody components. The BB component contributes up to 35% of the luminosity in the 0.3-1000 keV band. The gamma-ray emission observed in Swift-BAT and Fermi-GBM anticipates and lasts less than the soft X-ray emission as observed by Swift-XRT, arguing against a Comptonization origin. The BB component could either be produced by an outflow becoming transparent or by the collision of a fast shell with a slow, heavy and optically thick fireball ejected during the quiescent time interval between the initial and later flares of the burst


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    Double and multiple star systems are thesource of unique information for determining the parame-ters of star formation models and for testing stellar modelsevolution. Therefore observations and measuring of theirmutual configuration parameters is still important.Observations of double and multiple star systems at theResearch Institute “Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory”(RI MAO) were performed with different telescopes since2013. In addition, we also have an observational databaseand proceeding results of the fields in open clusters vicini-ty, which were performed using the KT-50 telescope(D=500mm, F=3000mm) in 2011–2020. All astrometricprocessing was carried out by the Astrometrica softwareusing UCAC4 or GAIA DR2 as reference catalogs. Thecatalogs of stars positions and proper motions in the vicin-ity of open clusters that contain more than 5.6 millionstars were created as results of these observations. Thereare a lot of double and multiple stars in the fields withopen clusters, which, moreover, could be the physicalmember of clusters. With this aim software for search andmeasuring of mutual configuration parameters of the dou-ble and multiple stars from the WDS was created. Oursoftware uses previous reduction data from Astrometricasoftware and allows finding stars from double and multi-ple systems, which are presented in WDS catalog.We determined separations and position angles forpairs of the found WDS systems and checked observa-tional array over 71 nights of 2019. Data of 9679 CCDimages were reduced and 34277 WDS pairs were found in7232 of them. Total numbers of unique pairs are 1504 in1091 systems with average number of pair observationsnear 23. The standard errors of measurements were 0.15"for separations and 0.5° for position angles. The epochdifference between our observations and the last observa-tion in the WDS database is in the range from 2 to 28years. The comparison with the WDS data has shown thatresidual differences and their standard errors are(–0.03±0.24)" in separations and (–0.07±0.88)° in positionangles for close observation periods. The obtained data areof original observations that extend the observation periodof stars from double and multiple systems and can be usedto construct orbits and to determine the masses of compo-nents. The calculated parameters of mutual configurationof the found pairs and estimates of differences in magni-tudes of the components will be sent to the WDS databas


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    Astrometric errors depending on the method of scanning with different spatial resolutions were studied  with commercial scanner such as   Epson Perfection V750 Pro. Accuracy, time of processing, volume of storage were tested using software package described in (Protsyuk, 2014). The best results of scanning were obtained with a resolution of 1200 – 1600 dpi. Astrometric errors depending on the method of scanning with different spatial resolutions were studied  with commercial scanner such as   Epson Perfection V750 Pro. Accuracy, time of processing, volume of storage were tested using software package described in (Protsyuk, 2014). The best results of scanning were obtained with a resolution of 1200 – 1600 dp


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    A new astrometric reduction of oldphotographic astroplates benefiting from integration ofmodern technologies such as the high precision digitizingmachines and the high precision Gaia DR2 cataloguecould be useful to study the orbital motion of Solar systemminor bodies. Based on the newly released Gaia DR2 starcatalogue, the scans of the photographic plates containingimages of Interamnia (704) taken by the Zonal Astrographof Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory (MAO) in 1974-1985 were re-reduced. For our investigation we used 29plates from the UkrVO archive digitized by commercialEPSON scanner with 1600 dpi resolutions. Besides for 2of them were digitized by the high precision digitizingmachine of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of theChinese Academy of Sciences (ShAO) with 2540 dpiresolution. Almost all the plates have 3 exposures with asmall shift. Each of 29 plates was scanned 6 times byEPSON scanner in 0° direction. The ShAO digitizingmachine scanned 2 plates also 6 times but 3 times in 0°direction and 3 times in 90° direction. Totally, 85 asteroidpositions taken from 29 plates were derived. Only 5asteroid positions were calculated from ShAO scans.The full identification was conducted andcoordinates of all objects were obtained with usage ofdifferent options of astrometric reductions. The meaninner accuracy of obtained asteroid positions is 0.03″ inRA and 0.14″ in DEC for EPSON scanner and 0.014″ inRA and 0.013″ in DEC for the ShAO digitizing machinein 0° direction and 0.010″ in RA and 0.011″ in DEC in90° direction. The comparison of the new topocentricasteroid positions with Horizons ephemeris was made forcalculation (O-C) residuals and their RMS. The meanresidual differences between the scan obtained positionsand JPL calculated positions were (0.09 ± 0.16)″ in RAand (-0.09 ± 0.25)″ in DEC for the MAO digitized plates;the calculated differences for the ShAO scans are close tozero. Comparison of the results obtained with previousreductions of these observations with Tycho2 and UCAC4reference catalogues showed that the use of the Gaia DR2reference catalogue does not lead to a significantimprovement in the random and systematic component ofthe residual differences (O-C) for scans with EPSONscanner from the UkrVO archive. The results obtained byprocessing images with the ShAO digitizing machinesuggest that in this case, the re-reduction of allphotographic observations based on the Gaia DR2 couldimprove the accuracy of old photographic observations tothe level of modern ground-based CCD observations


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    In order to calibrate the images of astronomical photographic plates from the archive of UkrVO was created the compiled catalogue of photoelectric UBVR stellar magnitudes. It is based on: the Kornilov catalogue of 13586 WBVR stellar magnitudes (Kornilov at al., 1991), the Mermilliod catalogue of 68540 UBV stellar magnitudes (Mermilliod, 1991) and the Andruk catalogue of 1141 UBVR stellar magnitudes (Andruk at al.,1995). All original coordinates have the different epoch and equinox. We performed the cross reference of stars from these three catalogues with the Tycho2, UCAC4 and XPM catalogues and created a new photometric catalogue on the epoch and equinox of J2000.0