1,582 research outputs found

    Les dones en l'espai públic: les diferents experiències del Nord i del Sud. IV Curs Intensiu Erasmus de Geografia i Gènere, Atenes, abril de 1994

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    Durant els dies 13 a 21 d'abril de 1994 va tenir lloc a Atenes la quarta edició del Curs Intensiu Erasmus de Geografia i Gènere sota el títol: "La dona en l'espai públic: les experiències del Nord i del Sud". Una vegada més, el curs va servir per donar a conèixer els principals treballs que es realitzen des de diferents universitats europees sobre el tema, i va ser un lloc de trobada per a professors i, sobretot, estudiants, per als quals el curs va esdevenir un bon marc per iniciar-se i aprofundir no només en el contingut, sinó també en la discussió i practica d'investigació en geografia i gènere.Durante los dias 13 a 21 de abril de 1994 tuvo lugar en Atenas la cuarta edición del Curso Intensivo Erasmus de Geografia y Género bajo el tema "La mujer en el espacio público: las experiencias del Norte y del Sur". Una vez más, el curso sirvió para dar a conocer los principales trabajos que se realizan desde diferentes universidades europeas en relación a la temática, a la vez que he un lugar de encuentro para profesores y, sobretodo, estudiantes, para los que el curso fue un buen marco para iniciarse y profundizar no sólo en el contenido, sino también en la discusión y práctica de la metodología de investigación en geografia y género.Du 13 au 21 avril 1994, a eu lieu 21 Athenes, la quatrième édition du Cours Erasmus Intensif de Géographie et Genre, sur le theme: "La femme dans l'espace publique: Les expériences du nord et du sud". Une fois de plus, le cours a servi pour faire connaitre les principaux travaux qui se réalisent dans différentes universités européennes sur ce sujet et a constitué un lieu de rencontre pour les professeurs et, surtout, les étudiants. Le cours est un cadre excellent pour qu'ils puissent s'inicier et se perfectionner dans les contenus, mais aussi dans la discusion et la pratique de la méthodologie de recherche en Géographie et Genre.From 13th. to 21st. april 1994, the fourth edition of the Erasmus intensive course on Geography and Gender was held in Athens, Greece. The general topic selected for the course was "Women in public spaces: the experiences of North and South". Once more, the course served as a forum for the main research lines undertaken by several European universities on gender issues, and of a meeting place for interest academics and students. For students, the course represented a good setting to begin and gain understanding on contents and research methodology in geography and gender

    The Mesolithic materials of the Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, l’Alcoià, Alacant)

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    El jaciment arqueològic de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) és conegut des de fa més de trenta anys. L’estudi del sílex i de les restes faunístiques recuperades al jaciment confirmen l’existència d’un nivell mesolític. Els utensilis lítics són tècnicament semblants als d’altres estacions de la regió, i també la fauna ens ofereix informació relacionada amb la seua cronologia holocènica, evidències que amplien la nostra informació sobre el complex cultural mesolític regional. Paraules clau: Holocé. Materials mesolítics. Restes de fauna. País ValenciàThe archaeological site of the Cova del Mas del Gelat in Alcoi (Alacant, Spain) has been known for more than thirty years. The study of flint and faunal remains recovered at the site give us a cultural horizon similar to other Mesolithic sites of the region. We are dealing with lithic tools that are technically close to those from other sites of the Valencian Central region. Faunal remains offer us an interesting information related to their Holocenic chronologies as well. Furthermore, all these new pieces of evidence and the preliminary results give us some more information about the regional trend of these Mesolithic cultural complexes. Key words: Holocene. Mesolithic artifacts. Faunal remains. Valencia Region.El yacimiento arqueológico de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) es conocido desde hace más de treinta años. El estudio del sílex y los restos de fauna recuperados en el yacimiento, confirman la existencia de un nivel mesolítico. Los útiles líticos son técnicamente semejantes a los de otras estaciones de la región, y también la fauna nos ofrece información relacionada con su cronología holocénica, evidencias que amplían nuestra información sobre el complejo cultural mesolítico regional. Palabras clave: Holoceno. Materiales mesolíticos. Restos de fauna. País Valencià

    New method for carbon dioxide mineralization based on phosphogypsum and aluminium-rich industrial wastes resulting in valuable carbonated by-products

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    A new carbon mineralization method was designed based on a sequestration agent synthesised exclusively from industrial wastes. Phosphogypsum waste from the fertiliser industry was dissolved into caustic aqueous waste from the aluminium anodising industry. The resulting precipitate consisted of katoite (Ca3Al2(OH)12, a Si-free hydrogrossular solid solution end-member of the Al-containing hydrogarnet) and thenardite (Na2SO4); the latter easily removed by rinsing with water. The carbonation performance of this katoite-rich sequestration agent was evaluated using two different methods, by bubbling in aqueous media and by weathering. Both procedures yielded high carbonation efficiencies (80% and 100%, respectively), and resulted in a solid precipitate composed primarily of calcite (CaCO3) and aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3). Priority attention was given to the transfer of trace elements and radionuclides of the uranium series typically present in the phosphogypsum. Results confirmed that the traces were transferred to resulting final solid carbonate at concentrations similar to those present in the raw phosphogypsum. In conclusion, these carbonated minerals would trap substantial amounts of CO2 and produce final materials with similar civil engineering uses to those proposed for current phosphogypsum wastes. This work offers new methods for jointly managing specific industrial wastes oriented to more sustainable industrial processes and controlling CO2 emissionsPeer reviewe

    Stability of excited states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap

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    We analyze the stability of non-ground nonlinear states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the mean field limit in effectively 1D (``cigar-shape'') traps for various types of confining potentials. We find that nonlinear states become, in general, more stable when switching from a harmonic potential to an anharmonic one. We discuss the relation between this fact and the specifics of the harmonic potential which has an equidistant spectrum

    A novel mitochondrial Kv1.3-caveolin axis controls cell survival and apoptosis

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    The voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 plays an apparent dual physiological role by participating in activation and proliferation of leukocytes as well as promoting apoptosis in several types of tumor cells. Therefore, Kv1.3 is considered a potential pharmacological target for immunodeficiency and cancer. Different cellular locations of Kv1.3, at the plasma membrane or the mitochondria, could be responsible for such duality. While plasma membrane Kv1.3 facilitates proliferation, the mitochondrial channel modulates apoptotic signaling. Several molecular determinants of Kv1.3 drive the channel to the cell surface, but no information is available about its mitochondrial targeting. Caveolins, which are able to modulate cell survival, participate in the plasma membrane targeting of Kv1.3. The channel, via a caveolin-binding domain (CDB), associates with caveolin 1 (Cav1), which localizes Kv1.3 to lipid raft membrane microdomains. The aim of our study was to understand the role of such interactions not only for channel targeting but also for cell survival in mammalian cells. By using a caveolin association-deficient channel (Kv1.3 CDBless), we demonstrate here that while the Kv1.3-Cav1 interaction is responsible for the channel localization in the plasma membrane, a lack of such interaction accumulates Kv1.3 in the mitochondria. Kv1.3 CDBless severely affects mitochondrial physiology and cell survival, indicating that a functional link of Kv1.3 with Cav1 within the mitochondria modulates the pro-apoptotic effects of the channel. Therefore, the balance exerted by these two complementary mechanisms fine-tune the physiological role of Kv1.3 during cell survival or apoptosis. Our data highlight an unexpected role for the mitochondrial caveolin-Kv1.3 axis during cell survival and apoptosis

    Staphylococcus epidermidis' Overload During Suckling Impacts the Immune Development in Rats

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    Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland occurring in 3-33% of the breastfeeding mothers. The majority of mastitis cases have an infectious etiology. More than 75% of infectious mastitis are caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus and involves breast milk microbiota alteration, which, may have an impact in lactating infant. The aim of this study was to analyze in rats during the suckling period and later in life the impact of a high and a low overload of Staphylococcus epidermidis, similarly as it occurs during the clinical and the subclinical mastitis, respectively. From days 2 to 21 of life, suckling rats were daily supplemented with low (Ls group) or high (Hs group) dose of S. epidermidis. Body weight and fecal humidity were periodically recorded. On days 21 and 42 of life, morphometry, hematological variables, intestinal gene expression, immunoglobulin (Ig) and cytokine profile and spleen cells' phenotype were measured. Although no differences were found in body weight, Ls and Hs groups showed higher body length and lower fecal humidity. Both doses induced small changes in lymphocytes subpopulations, reduced the plasma levels of Ig and delayed the Th1/Th2 balance causing a bias toward the Th2 response. No changes were found in cytokine concentration. The low dose affected the Tc cells intestinal homing pattern whereas the high dose had an impact on the hematological variables causing leukocytosis and lymphocytosis and also influenced the intestinal barrier maturation. In conclusion, both interventions with Staphylococcus epidermidis overload during suckling, affects the immune system development in short and long term

    Characterization of Vitis vinifera L. subspecies sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi in the Ebro river Basin (Spain)

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    A wild grapevine population of 76 vines of Vitis vinifera L. subspecies sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi was found along the Iregua river valley (Northeastern Spain), located in the Ibérica mountain-range. The characterization of this phytogenetic resource was based on an ampelographic description of the male and female individuals and an evaluation of their sanitary state. This shows that the imported North American downy and powdery mildews are the main pathogens, but no symptoms caused by phylloxera on roots were found. Different degrees of infestation caused by Eryophid mites, Colomerus vitis and Calipitrimerus vitis, were also registered on leaves. On the other hand, the red wines obtained show an alcoholic degree situated between 8.5 and 10.8, pH around 3.5 and a high intensity of colour, between 10.2 and, 11.3. The vinegar had only 3.5° of acetic acid. Its phenolic composition is similar to those reported from red and Sherry vinegars produced from cultivars. The genetic analysis based on 18 samples, using 16 nuclear microsatellites, shows a low genetic diversity (He = 0.45). This might be due to inbreeding caused by mating among siblings in this isolated population. The genetic comparison with the allowed cultivars of this Guarantee of Origin showed two distinct gene pools. So it indicated that there is no genetic contribution of these native vines to current instead of actual local varieties. It is necessary to preserve this phytogenetic resource to be used in breeding programs and to restore its destructed habitats by human different impacts.