20 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Kerentanan Longsor Daerah Muara Sungai Bone Kota Gorontalo

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    In Gorontalo City there have been 11 landslides in 2017 which are spread in 3 sub-districts namely Hulonthalangi, Kota Barat, and Dumbo Raya. While in 2018 there was a landslide in Tenda village which claimed two lives. The research site is located in coordinate 00°29\u2700" - 00°31\u2751" N and 123°3\u2700" - 123°5\u2727" E with the wide of area 2,531 Ha consisting of 1,745 Ha of the mainland and 786 Ha of the sea. The research area administratively is located in Dumbo Raya Sub-district, Gorontalo city, Gorontalo Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of landslide susceptibility in the study area and make zonation maps of landslide prone area. This research method applied in this study was integration of field survey and GIS analysis. The parameters which influence the landslide are lithology, precipitation, slope, lineament density, type of soil, and the land use. Based on the analysis of landslide susceptibility, the level of susceptibility in the research site consists of 3 classes; low, moderate, and high. The low class of landslide susceptibility has the area of 217.46 Ha, the moderate class of landslide susceptibility has the area of 338.93 Ha with the biggest spread is in Leato Selatan village; 102.68 Ha. The high class of landslide susceptibility has the area of 1,188.70 Ha with the biggest spread in Leato Selatan Village; 288.66 Ha

    Seleksi Induk Kambing Peranakan Etawah Berdasarkan Nilai Indeks Produktivtas Indukpada Bobot Sapih di Desa Dadapan Kecamatan Sumberejo Kabupaten Tanggamus

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    Doe productivity index (DPI) on wean weight refers to doe capability to wean kid in specificweight per year. So it's parameter could be used as selection tool to find the best doe as maternalresource. On that purpose, record of 30 PE doe in Dadapan Village, Sumberejo SubdistrictTanggamus Municipal, Lampung Province, were evaluated to determine doe productivity index.Evaluation were done in October-November 2013, which are included data ; Doe age. Kid bornweight, Type of offcpring, and corrected weaning weight. Parameters involved are: average weanweight (AWW), most probable producing ability (MPPA), reproduction efficiency (RE), and doeproductivity index (DPI), respectively.Data calculation show that AWW (kg), MPPA (kg), RE (%), and DPI (kg) are: 22,75±1,94 kg;22,75±0,15 kg; 94,78±8,80%, and 21,56±1,97 kg, respectively. On the other side, the best five DPIwere resulted by doe Q1 (26,66 kg), H1 (26,52 kg), O2 (24,23 kg), J1 (24,06 kg), and A1 (24,03kg). Based on the result, it concluded that those five doe could be used as main maternal resources inDadapan Village, Sumberejo Subdistrict Tanggamus Municipal, Lampung Province

    Studi Fasies Formasi Endapan Danau untuk Menentukan Lingkungan Pengendapan Danau Limboto

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    The research area located in the lowland zone and the corrugated hilly zone which is dominated by sedimentary rocks. Therefore, this study aims to determine the geological features of the research area and the study of depositional environmental facies of the Lake Deposits Formation as an analysis of the depositional environment of Limboto Lake. The research method used is the surface geological mapping, measuring a section of stratigraphic and laboratory analysis. Field data consists of stratigraphical features of the research area. Laboratory analysis consists of petrography and stratigraphy-sedimentology analysis. It can be concluded facies and stratigraphy of research from older to youngest, consists of clastic limestones unit formed in Late Miocene-late Early Pliocene age, reef limestones formed in Late Miocene-early Late Pliocene age, sandstones unit formed in Late Pliocene-Pleistocene age, clay unit, and sandy clay unit are deposited in Holocene. Overall the study site consisted of marine, transitional and terrestrial deposition environment with Lake Deposits Formation facies is lake margin clastic deposits and meandering-stream environment deposits


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: tanggapan konsumen mengenai Store Atmosphere di Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung, tanggapan konsumen mengenai Product Assortment di Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung, tanggapan konsumen mengenai Keputusan Pembelian di Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung, serta untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tanggapan konsumen mengenai pengaruh Store Atmosphere dan Product Assortment terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung, dengan total sampel 100 responden. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan sekunder. Data analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, korelasi berganda, dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Store Atmosphere, Product Assortment, dan Keputusan Pembelian Toko Buku Rumah Buku Bandung dapat dikatakan baik. Berdasarkan analisis koefisien determinsi menunjukkan bahwa Store Atmosphere dan Product Assortment memberikan kontribusi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian konsumen sebesar 59,4% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 40,6% merupakan pengaruh dari variabel lain. Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh Store Atmosphere dan Product Assortment terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, namun besarnya Store Atmosphere terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dalam penelitian ini lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pengaruh Product Assortment terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Kata kunci : Store Atmosphere, Product Assortment, Keputusan Pembelia

    Karakteristik Alterasi dan Mineralisasi Hidrotermal Daerah Hulawa, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Gold is one of the precious metals with high economic value, so the exploration process becomes an important stage to find new resources so that gold production remains optimal. The research was aimed at investigating the geological condition and characteristics of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization developed in the research site. The research site was included in the area CoW of PT. Gorontalo Sejahtera Mining exactly lied in Hulawa Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia. This research integrated the fieldwork with laboratory tests and analysis, including petrography, Analytical Spectral Devices, and mineragraphy. Based on data that had been conducted and data analysis results, it can be concluded that the research site consisted of lithology in the form of Oligocene granodiorite and Pliocene rhyodacite and diatreme breccia that rolled as host rock\u27s mineralization. Normal right-slip fault directing E-W is interpreted as a pre-mineralization structure, while normal left-slip fault directing NNE-SSW is interpreted as syn-mineralization structure or controlling structure during alteration and mineralization process. Alteration developed in research area consisted of the phyllic zone (sericite + quartz ± pyrite ± montmorillonite ± chlorite ± carbonate), argillic zone (illite + kaolinite ± smectite ± montmorilonite), and chloritic zone (chlorite + carbonate + pyrite ± quartz ± illite ± sericite ± montmorillonite). Hydrothermal deposits controlled by geological structure and volcanic mechanism. Mineralization in the research site was found in stockwork quartz veins and hydrothermal breccia, and some were found in dissemination with ores such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite, bornite, covelite, gold, and electrum. Based on its alteration and mineralization characteristics, the epithermal deposits in the research site was the type of low sulphidation deposite in-depth level in the model of open-vein and breccia

    Persistence of Antibody Response Against SARS-CoV-2 After Vaccination

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    SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the disease known as COVID-19. COVID-19 is spreading very fast around the world. One of the immune responses that play a role in against SARS-CoV-2 infection is the production of antibodies, which is 3 weeks after infection. Where within 3 weeks after infection, antibodies will be produced against RBD and the S1 and S2 domains in glycoprotein S and nucleocapsid protein N. The ability of an antibody to inhibit viral infection is determined by its level or titer. This study aims to determine the description of antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. This type of research is descriptive research. Measurement of antibody levels for SRBD SARS-CoV-2 was carried out using the CLIA method using the MAGLUMI tool. Of the 30 respondents, 23 people had received the third vaccine. The results of this study showed that the average level of SRBD antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in respondents with 2 doses of vaccine (1.063,786 BAU/mL) was higher than in respondents with 3 doses of vaccine (535.651 BAU/mL). Vaccine intervals of more than 6 months (908.338 BAU/mL) have higher antibody levels than respondents with vaccine intervals of 1-6 months (228.006 BAU/mL). The conclusion of this study is the highest antibody titers are produced >6 months after vaccination, antibody titers are still detectable after 12 months of vaccination, and for further research, it can be measured antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 from people who have got vaccination for a duration of 2 years or more

    Karakteristik Alterasi dan Mineralisasi Hidrotermal Daerah Hulawa, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Gold is one of the precious metals with high economic value, so the exploration process becomes an important stage to find new resources so that gold production remains optimal. The research was aimed at investigating the geological condition and characteristics of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization developed in the research site. The research site was included in the area CoW of PT. Gorontalo Sejahtera Mining exactly lied in Hulawa Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia. This research integrated the fieldwork with laboratory tests and analysis, including petrography, Analytical Spectral Devices, and mineragraphy. Based on data that had been conducted and data analysis results, it can be concluded that the research site consisted of lithology in the form of Oligocene granodiorite and Pliocene rhyodacite and diatreme breccia that rolled as host rock\u27s mineralization. Normal right-slip fault directing E-W is interpreted as a pre-mineralization structure, while normal left-slip fault directing NNE-SSW is interpreted as syn-mineralization structure or controlling structure during alteration and mineralization process. Alteration developed in research area consisted of the phyllic zone (sericite + quartz ± pyrite ± montmorillonite ± chlorite ± carbonate), argillic zone (illite + kaolinite ± smectite ± montmorilonite), and chloritic zone (chlorite + carbonate + pyrite ± quartz ± illite ± sericite ± montmorillonite). Hydrothermal deposits controlled by geological structure and volcanic mechanism. Mineralization in the research site was found in stockwork quartz veins and hydrothermal breccia, and some were found in dissemination with ores such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite, bornite, covelite, gold, and electrum. Based on its alteration and mineralization characteristics, the epithermal deposits in the research site was the type of low sulphidation deposite in-depth level in the model of open-vein and breccia

    Quantifying Killing of Orangutans and Human-Orangutan Conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Human-orangutan conflict and hunting are thought to pose a serious threat to orangutan existence in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. No data existed prior to the present study to substantiate these threats. We investigated the rates, spatial distribution and causes of conflict and hunting through an interview-based survey in the orangutan's range in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Between April 2008 and September 2009, we interviewed 6983 respondents in 687 villages to obtain socio-economic information, assess knowledge of local wildlife in general and orangutan encounters specifically, and to query respondents about their knowledge on orangutan conflicts and killing, and relevant laws. This survey revealed estimated killing rates of between 750 and 1800 animals killed in the last year, and between 1950 and 3100 animals killed per year on average within the lifetime of the survey respondents. These killing rates are higher than previously thought and are high enough to pose a serious threat to the continued existence of orangutans in Kalimantan. Importantly, the study contributes to our understanding of the spatial variation in threats, and the underlying causes of those threats, which can be used to facilitate the development of targeted conservation management

    Planning for megafauna recovery in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra

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    Human-induced forest loss has had devastating impacts on biodiversity. Mammal populations in the tropics have been hit particularly hard by the resulting habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, as well as by overhunting which often goes hand-in-hand. While declines in these populations are generally well documented, few studies offer a pathway for their recovery. Here, we test the association between changes in forest habitat and occupancy trends of Sumatran megafauna (elephant and tiger) and key tiger prey species (wild boar and sambar) in the Leuser Ecosystem: a large forest landscape on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. For elephant and tiger, we develop additional occupancy models to predict their respective spatial distribution under different scenarios of forest loss and gain (through restoration and increased connectivity) to provide a blueprint for avoiding future species loss and assisting with their population recovery. From 2000 to 2019, 254,722 ha (6.7%) of natural forest was converted, primarily to plantations and shrubs. The species-specific responses over the study period revealed that the occurrence of elephant declined along the west, with a range shift to the northeast of Leuser, whereas wild boar underwent a dramatic widespread decline and although sambar experienced losses around the forest edge, it remained widespread in the interior forest, while tiger occupancy remained stable. Modelling habitat loss and fragmentation led to an unsurprising demise of Sumatran megafauna, whereas strategic investments that reconnected several forest patches provided disproportionately large benefits for their recovery through the recolonization of former parts of their range. Indonesia has achieved six consecutive years of declining forest loss rates, and our study’s findings can build off this conservation success by supporting improved provincial spatial planning and field-based restoration efforts that avoid declines of threatened megafauna species and act as a catalyst for rewilding a landscape of global importance

    Comparison of ultrasound therapy and local steroid injection in rotator cuff tendinitis

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasound therapy compared with local steroid injection for pain relief and movement limitation in rotator cuff tendinitis.Methods: Patients with rotator cuff tendinitis at the rheumatology and rehabilitation outpatient clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital were enrolled in a parallel randomized trial, in which each eligible patient were randomly assigned to one of two groups: one group received 10 sessions of ultrasound therapy given in 2 weeks, the other received a single dose of local steroid injection. Evaluation of the visual analog scale(VAS) was performed in 10 days (5 days for each week: day 1–5 and 8–12), while evaluation of the abduction as well as external and internal rotation range of motion(ROM) was performed twice a week (day 2, 5, 9, and 12). Change in the variables between the two groups at the end of the second week (day 12) was then compared. Results: Thirty patients, divided into two groups consisting of 15 patients each, were recruited in the study. Significant decrease in VAS during the followups was obtained in both groups, slightly earlier in the steroid injection group (day 2; p = 0.041) comparedwith the ultrasound group (day 3; p = 0.001). Significant increase in abduction ROM was achieved at the same rate (beginning at day 5) in both groups. Significant increase in internal rotation ROM was achieved at day 9 in the ultrasound group (p = 0.043) and day 12 in steroid injection group (p = 0.044). The increase in external rotation ROM in both groups was not found to be statistically signifi cant. At the end of the second week, signifi cant difference between the two groups was only shown in the abduction ROM, with higherincrease in the steroid group.Conclusions: Ultrasound therapy provided a comparable effectiveness to steroid injection inalleviating pain and improving ROM in patients with rotator cuff tendinitis