70 research outputs found

    The Main Tendencies of Spontaneous Prose in the Stories of John McGregor

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    The principles and techniques of spontaneous prose in the stories of the modern English writer J. McGregor are considered. The novelty of the research is determined by the insufficient study of the specifics of spontaneous prose in modern literature in general and the principles of spontaneity in the stories of J. McGregor, in particular. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the new narrative forms that take place in the works of modern literature require close study, the development of special decoding methods. It is shown that spontaneous prose provides the writer with an opportunity for various kinds of experiments that relate to both the form of the narrative and the content of the work. It is concluded that the main tendencies of spontaneity, which are realized in the stories of J. McGregor, are the following elements: polyphony, the presence of a second implicit narrative plan, imitation of the stream of consciousness in the external and internal speech of characters, creation of sketch images of heroes, description of events in the form of sketches, a narrative collage technique reminiscent of a series of snapshots or still frames. It is proved that all of the above techniques provoke many implications, give rise to various associations and are aimed at involving the reader in the process of interpreting the work, his active co-creation

    Kazuo Ishiguro’s Idiostyle (Novel “Klara and the Sun”)

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    Interpretations of the multidimensional concept of “writer’s idiostyle” are presented in the framework of the study of its various characteristics, in particular, in the context of the study of a linguistic personality, from the point of view of the linguotypology of a literary text, from the standpoint of a communicative-activity approach. The relevance of studying the idiostyle of a particular author is due to the fact that its characteristic features and original ways of implementing the author’s intention are the most important elements of the characterization of the literary process in a certain era. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that the new novel by the British writer of Japanese origin K. Ishiguro “Klara and the Sun” has not yet become the subject of study by literary critics. Particular attention is paid to the international aspect, which occupies a leading position in his work. The implementation of such key elements of the writer's idiostyle as genre form, type of narration, chronotope, images of characters, ideological and thematic component, leading stylistic means is analyzed. They are compared with the characteristic features of other works of the author. It is shown that in the novel “Klara and the Sun” literary devices typical for Kazuo Ishiguro’s work continue to develop, however, they receive new development and original implementation, the author’s tasks are solved in a new way, the system of images and interpretation of the main themes and ideas are built in a slightly different way

    Fragmentation of Modern Artistic Narrative (English-Language Prose)

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    The question of the role, forms and functions of fragmentation of modern artistic narra tive is considered. The results of the analy sis of the fragmentary narrative of the works of contemporary  English-speaking  authors (J.   Barnes,   D.   Mitchell,   M. Cunningham, I. Banks, J. Franzen, S. Faulks, J. Eugenides, A. Smith, J. McGregor and others) are presented. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the modern literature of the postmodernist direction, nonlinearity of narration, deliberate mixing of temporal, local, descriptive and other layers are becoming widespread, practically becoming the norm. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the fragmentation of a literary text is studied at different levels — compositional, content-thematic, plot, ideological-figurative, genre, narrative, chronotopic. It has been proved that the forms of implementation of fragmentariness are quite diverse: irregular division of the text, heterogeneity of themes and ideas, lack of linear development of the plot, combination of elements of different genres, the presence of internal polystylism, the use of different types of narration and narrator, violation of the unity of the chronotope. The analysis of specific material showed that the functions of a fragmentary narrative are determined by each specific context, the leading ones being the impact on the reader, the management of his attention, the placement of accents according to the writer's intention, the creation of the impression of authenticity and reliability

    A Case of Diabetes Mellitus after COVID-19 Vaccination in a Patient with Impaired Glucose Metabolism

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    Scientific relevance. The clinical features of COVID-19 in patients with comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus(DM), have already been discussed in the medical literature. However, the available data on blood glucose levels in patients with DM during SARS-CoV-2 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination are clearly insufficient to estimate the importance of the changes taking place.Aim. The study aimed to show that patients with DM or impaired glucose metabolism need glycaemic monitoring during COVID-19 disease and after COVID-19 vaccination, drawing on the example of a clinical case.Materials and methods. The study analysed the medical records of a 58-year-old male patient newly diagnosed with DM. He received inpatient and outpatient treatment after COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection in February–November 2021. In 2014, the patient was diagnosed with impaired glucose metabolism, including fasting hyperglycaemia (≤ 9 mmol/L), which was corrected by diet.Results. After vaccination with Gam-COVID-Vac component 1 in February 2021, the patient developed polydipsia, polyuria, and arterial hypertension. His laboratory findings were as follows: blood glucose, 25 mmol/L; glycated haemoglobin, 10.7%; fasting insulin, 28.4 μIU/mL; calcium, 2.45 mmol/L; and 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 21 ng/mL. The patient was diagnosed with new-onset type 2 DM, admitted to the endocrinology department of a multidisciplinary hospital, and discharged when his condition stabilised after 14 days of treatment. After vaccination with Gam-COVID-Vac component 2, the patient’s glucose levels did not change. In November 2021, the patient was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Even though all symptoms had resolved within 3 days, the virus persisted in the blood for 12 days without clinical manifestations of the disease. This was confirmed by repeated polymerase chain reaction testing. The patient had moderate hyperglycaemia despite antidiabetic treatment; his glucose levels were restored to normal without hospitalisation.Conclusions. Timely vaccination against COVID-19 in patients with DM, hypertension, and obesity contributes to a mild course of COVID-19 and helps avoid complications in the lungs and other organs. For patients with DM or glucose metabolism disorders, blood glucose monitoring is advisable for detecting and correcting possible hyperglycaemia after vaccination and/or recovery from COVID-19

    Application of the Case Method and Information and Communication Technologies in the Process of Targeted Training, Retraining and Advanced Training of Physical Culture and Sports Specialists

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    Приоритетная задача системы профессионального образования в сфере физической культуры и спорта - обеспечение высокого уровня компетентности будущих специалистов путем формирования практико-ориентированных навыков, которые будут способствовать быстрой адаптации специалиста на рабочем месте. В связи с этим возрастает роль инновационных методов и технологий в преподавании физкультурно-спортивных дисциплин. Этой злободневной теме посвящена данная статья, в которой обосновывается актуальность применения кейс-метода и информационно-коммуникативных технологий на примере изучения анатомии.The priority task of the system of professional education in the field of physical culture and sports is to ensure a high level of competence of future specialists through the formation of practice-oriented skills that will contribute to the rapid adaptation of a specialist in the workplace. In this regard, the role of innovative methods and technologies in the teaching of physical culture and sports disciplines is increasing. This topical topic is the subject of this article, which substantiates the relevance of the use of the case method and information and communication technologies on the example of the study of anatomy

    Contamination of Postmodernist and Post-Postmodernist Tendencies in the Works by J. Franzen

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    В статье рассматриваются признаки основных литературных направлений - постмодернизма и пост-постмодернизма - в романах американского писателя Дж. Франзена.The study focuses on the manifestation of the main literary trends - postmodernism and post-postmodernism- in the novels of the contemporary American writer J. Franzen

    Occupational Safety Culture

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    В данной статье поднимается актуальная проблема культуры безопасности труда. Даются определения двум взаимосвязанным понятиям: охрана труда и культура охраны труда. Приводится краткая история появления концепции культуры безопасности труда. В работе говорится о современном состоянии общества и качестве охраны труда, а также о перспективах развития данного направления. На основе изученных данных были выявлены 2 составляющие культуры безопасности труда, методы и способы ее внедрения и реализации в современные предприятия.This article raises the actual pr oblem of occupational safety culture. Definitions of two interrelated concepts are given: occupational health and safety culture. A brief history of the emergence of the concept of occupational safety culture is given. The paper deals with the current stat e of society and the quality of labor protection, as well as the prospects for the development of this area. On the basis of the studied data, 2 components of the occupational safety culture, methods and methods of its implementation and implementation in modern enterprises were identified

    The Incidence of Cervical Disease in Women of Different Age Groups in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of cervical disease in women of different age groups in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Materials and Methods: The cytological material of the cervix of 7,600 women aged between 18 and 88 years was analyzed in the laboratory of pathomorphology, histology and cytology. The material of the cytological study consisted of smears of cervical mucosa and the cervical canal, stained according to the method of Romanovsky-Giemsa. The study was conducted with subjects grouped according to age: Group 1 (18-29), Group 2 (30-44), Group 3 (45-59), and Group 4 (60-74). Results: According to the results of cytological analysis, inflammatory diseases of the cervix uteri were diagnosed in 4,629/61% cases. Among age groups, the highest rate of inflammatory diseases of the cervix uteri was registered in Group 1 and Group 2. Benign cervical lesions were found in 563/7.4% cases with the highest incidence in Groups 1 and 2. The most frequently diagnosed pathology was squamous cell metaplasia with maximum frequency in Group 2 and Group 1. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (or dysplasia) (CIN) was detected in 359/4.7% cases. CIN I, CIN II and CIN III were registered in 220/61.3%, 84/24.5%, and 38/10.6% women, respectively. At the same time, the maximum frequency of dysplasia was noted in Group 1 and Group 2. Thus, results obtained indicate a high incidence of cervical disease in women of reproductive age

    Modern Techniques for Cervical Cancer Radiotherapy

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    Cervical cancer is a socially significant illness often impacting women of reproductive and working age. The patients’ young age and social activity warrant the development of effective and safe therapies.The past decades have witnessed the novel radiation techniques to contain cervical cancer: 3DCRT-3D, IMRT, and VMAT, adaptive radiotherapy, CT/MRI-guided intracavitary radiation, combined interstitial and intracavitary radiation, abandoning intracavitary intervention for external beam delivery with sequential or concurrent cervical dose escalation, under brachytherapy unfeasible.Modern equipment and treatment planning systems allow a high dose delivery to the tumour and intracavitary treatment with visual control of the target and organs at risk. Combining of intracavitary and interstitial radiotherapy enables a better dose coverage of the target at a minimal radiation impact on organs at risk.Phasing-out of intracavitary for external radiotherapy may enable a cancericide dose delivery to the tumour under intractable intracavitary treatment.The major goal of technic novelties is the establishment of personalised radiotherapy for improving treatment outcomes and reducing the incidence and/or severity of radiation side effects. The article overviews the radiotherapy techniques for cervical cancer treatment and routes of their development

    Генетические изменения в линии Рпоч1-КК cветлоклеточного рака почки человека

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    Continuous cell line Рпоч1-КК from the сollection of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center refers to the kidney clear cell carcinoma subtypе. It is useful for study of carcinogenesis and molecular targets for targeted therapy.Objective. Analysis of the genetic alterations in a stable cell culture Рпоч1-КК to characterize this model cell line.Results. Alterations in VHL (exons 1, 2 and 3) and TP53 genes (exons 6–10) were identified by amplification of genomic DNA followed by fragment analysis polymerase chain reaction and direct Sanger sequencing. An extended deletion in exon 1 in combination with mutation in exon 7 of VHL gene and 2 polymorphisms in exon 4 of TP53 gene were reveated. Such simultaneous alterations in 2 suppressor genes maight be one of the causes of aggressive tumor growth and its resistance to standard therapy.Перевиваемая клеточная линия Рпоч1-КК из коллекции РОНЦ им. Н. Н. Блохина относится к подтипу светлоклеточного рака почки и может использоваться для исследования механизмов канцерогенеза, а также определения молекулярных мишеней таргетной терапии.Цель исследования – анализ генетических изменений в стабильной культуре клеток Рпоч1-КК для характеристики этой модельной линии.Результаты. Изменения в генах VHL (экзоны 1, 2 и 3) и ТР53 (экзоны 6–10) идентифицировали путем амплификации геномной ДНК с последующим фрагментным анализом продуктов полимеразной цепной реакции и прямым секвенированием по Сэнгеру. Выявлена протяженная делеция в экзоне 1 гена VHL в сочетании с мутацией в экзоне 7 и 2 полиморфизмами в экзоне 4 гена ТР53. Такие cопряженные нарушения в генах- супрессорах могут быть одной из причин агрессивного роста опухоли и ее резистентности к стандартной терапии