1 research outputs found
Drittes Kapitel
- Author
- A Adachi
- A Bonanni
- A Bonanni
- A Soulié
- A study of the tonicity of the sphincter at the duodenal end of the common bile duct. Journ. of Laborat. a
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- A Winkelstein
- Actachirurg
- Adachi
- AJ Carlson
- AP Woskresenski
- AR Cushny
- Arch
- Arthaud
- Arthaud
- Auster
- Auster
- Auster
- Auster
- Auster
- Auster
- AW Downs
- AW Downs
- B Labile
- B Labile
- Babkin
- Babkin
- Bainbridge
- Bainbridge
- Bainbridge and Dale
- Bainbridge and Dale
- Bainbridge and Dale
- Bayliss
- BB Lyon
- Berg
- Bergs Arbeiten waren mir im Original nicht zugänglich. Zit. nach L ö liner
- Billar
- BN Berg
- Boyden
- Boyden
- Boyden
- Boyden
- Boyden
- Boyden
- Boyden
- BP Babkin
- BP Babkin
- Brugsch
- Brugsch
- Bruno
- C Fleig
- C Jacobson
- CC Lieb
- CC Lieb
- Chiary
- Chiray
- Chiray
- Chiray
- Chiray
- Chiray
- Cholecystography
- Cholecystography
- Cohnheim
- Cohnheim
- Cohnheim
- Cole
- Copher
- Copher
- Copher
- Cpt. rend. hebdom. des séances de l
- D Alpern
- D Courtade
- D Stoianoff
- Damade
- Diamond
- Dies
- Dies
- Dies
- Dieselben
- DN Silvermann
- Doyon
- Doyon
- Doyon
- DR Drury
- D’une disposition sphinctere speciale
- E Archibald
- E Goldenberg
- E Goldenberg
- E Neubauer
- E Pflüger
- E Stadelmann
- E Wertheimer
- EA Boyden
- EA Boyden
- EA Boyden
- EA Boyden
- EA Boyden
- EA Boyden
- EA Grahm
- EA Grahm
- EA Grahm
- EA Grahm
- EA Grahm
- Elman
- Elman
- Elman
- Elrnan
- ES Judd
- ES Judd
- F Ishiyama
- F Ishiyama
- F Reach
- F Reach
- F Rost
- F Rost
- F. A. Bainbridge
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- FC Mann
- Foster
- Freeze
- Further observations on the effect of duodenobiliary drainage on the visualized gall bladder. Surg
- GE Burget
- GE Burget
- GE Burget
- GH Copher
- GH Copher
- GH Copher
- GH Copher
- GH Whipple
- GL Mcwhorter
- GM Higgins
- Gopher
- Grahm
- GV Volborth
- H Iwanaga
- H Iwanaga
- H Kalk
- H Kawashima
- HA Abramson
- Halpert
- Heidenhain
- Heidenhain
- Heidenhain
- Hendrickson
- Hendrickson
- Hendrickson
- Herring
- Higgins
- Houssay
- Houssay
- Hutchinson
- Hutchinson
- I Lichterheim
- I Matsuo
- I Munk
- Ishiyama
- Ishiyama
- Ishiyama
- Ishiyama
- J Berg
- J Brand
- J Friedenwald
- J Friedenwald
- J Munk
- J Ott
- J Wood
- J Wood
- J. G. Braga
- J. G. Braga
- J. N. Langley
- JA Freese
- Jacobson
- JC Potter
- JE Sweet
- JG Braga
- JG Braga
- JR Petroff
- JS Diamond
- JW Larimore
- K Klee
- K Nagai
- K Nagai
- K Westphal
- KK Helly
- Klee
- Klee
- Klee und Klüpfel
- Klodnizki
- Klodnizki
- Klodnizki
- L Levyn
- L Löhner
- L Löhner
- La contractilité de la vesicule biliaire. 2. mém
- La contractilité de la vésicule biliaire. 3. mém
- Lieb
- Lieb
- LR Siehe
- LR Whitaker
- LR Whitaker
- LR Whitaker
- LS Auster
- LS Auster
- LS Auster
- LS Auster
- M Chiray
- M Chiray
- M Dobreff
- M Doyon
- M Einhorn
- M Einhorn
- M Tschelzow
- M. Eiger
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mann
- Mayo
- Mcalister
- Mcmaster
- Mcmaster
- Mcmaster
- Meltzer
- Meltzer
- Mouvements spontanés des voies biliaires
- Munk
- N Kusnetzowsky
- NB Taylor
- NW Wesselkin
- O Hammarsten
- O Hammarsten
- O Hammarsten
- P Klee
- P Poirier
- P Rous
- P Rous
- PD Mcmaster
- PD Mcmaster
- Physiologie de la vésicule biliaire Presse méd
- Poirier
- Poirier
- Poirier
- Poirieret
- Potter
- Potter
- R Amade
- R Damade
- R Damade
- R Demel
- R Elman
- R Krimberg
- R Nagai
- R Oddi
- R Oddi
- Rost
- Rost
- Rutheford
- S Kodama
- S Mcmaster
- S. Okada
- SI Meltzer
- Siehe
- Sieheauch
- Sieheauch
- Soulié
- Soulié in Poirier et Charpy
- Studien über die motorische Funktion der Gallenblase
- T Brugsch
- T Brugsch
- T Brugsch
- T Watanabe
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- The action of various salts and other substances on the liver after their introduction into the duodenum
- The experimental production of pancreatitis in animals as the result of the resistance of the common duct sphincter. Surg
- The mechanism of the flow of bile from the liver into the intestines
- Trajet des nerfs extrinsèques de la vésicule biliaire
- V Henri
- W Lintz
- W Stepp
- W Stepp
- W. H. Dickson
- W. H. Gantt
- Watanabe
- Watanabe
- Westphal
- WF Hendrickson
- WF Hendrickson
- WH Cole
- WH Stewart
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- Winkelstein
- WN Boldyreff
- Znaniecki
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1928
- Field of study