34 research outputs found

    Evolución de la deformación y los fluidos durante el tránsito dúctil-frágil del basamento cristalino Paleozoico de la Cadena Litoral Catalana.

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    El Turó de les Forques es un horst aislado de la Cadena Litoral Catalana, formado principalmente por filitas ordovícicas, caracterizado por una intensa fracturación que abarca desde el Hercínico al Neógeno. La deformación Hercínica está representada por una foliación muy penetrativa y por venas de quarzo-clorita sinesquistosas y tardiesquistosas de carácter dúctil. La extensión Mesozoica está definida por venas y brechas cementadas por las asociaciones albita-cuarzo-clorita±titanita-rutilo y dolomita-clorita-cuarzo y marca el cambio hacia condiciones de deformación frágiles. La compresión Paleógena genera cabalgamientos y fracturas cementadas por calcita-barita. Finalmente la extensión Neógena está representada por fallas normales que generan harinas de falla y fracturas cementadas por calcita. Tanto la deformación Hercínica como la Mesozoica están relacionadas con un flujo de fluidos local ligados al metamorfismo de bajo grado. En cambio, durante las dos siguientes fases deformativas, el flujo de fluidos se da a nivel de cuenca. La localización de este bloque a lo largo de la evolución de la Cadena Costero Catalana tuvo que jugar un control principal en la formación de las fracturas y paragénesis exclusivas del Turó de les Forques

    Fluid composition changes in crystalline basement rocks from ductile to brittle regimes

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    The relationships between deformation and fluid flow have been investigated in the Paleozoic basement of an isolated horst of the Catalan Coastal Ranges. A structural, petrological and geochemical study has been performed in a complex fracture network that resulted from a long-lived tectonic history (from Carboniferous to Miocene). Nine fracture types, developed from a ductile regime in the greenschist facies to a shallow brittle regime, have been characterized in order to establish P, T and fluid compositions during the evolution of the horst. Syncleavage and late-cleavage quartz veins (qtz1-chl1 ± mu and late qtz2-chl2-dol1) formed during the Hercynian ductile deformation. These minerals precipitated from metamorphic fluids, possibly evolved from seawater, at temperatures between 240 and 340 °C. En-echelon albite vein arrays (ab-qtz3-chl3 ± ti-an) and NE-SW normal faults generating breccias mark the change from ductile to brittle, from compression to extension and from a closed to an open hydrologic regime. This paragenesis precipitated from the mixing of metamorphic and magmatic fluids at temperatures between 180 and 290 °C during the early Permian extension. Dolomite veins (dol2-chl4-qtz4), precipitated at 210-280 °C from the mixing of previous fluids with hypersaline oxidizing external brines, possibly during the late stage of the early Permian extension. Reverse faults and calcite veins (Cc1-ba) formed either during the Paleogene compression or during the Langhian to early Serravallian minor compression. Calcite and barite precipitated from meteoric or marine waters in an open hydrological system at temperatures below 50 °C. The Miocene extension is represented by NE-SW normal faults with fault gouges and NNW-SSE normal faults cemented by calcite 2 that precipitated at temperatures below 50 °C from meteoric fluids in an open basin-scale hydrological system. The studied horst was part of a relay zone between two segments of the NNW-SE Llobregat fault during the early Permian, explaining the high fracture density and the fast upflowing of hydrothermal fluids at that time, thus controlling the development of albite veins exclusively in this area

    Petrophysical and petrothermal dataset of the sedimentary succession in the Oliana anticline (Southern Pyrenees)

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    The petrophysical and petrothermal characterization of the sedimentary succession of the Oliana anticline in the Southern Pyrenees has been performed on the basis of mineral density, connected porosity, permeability, P-wave velocity and thermal conductivity measurements of rock samples distributed along this anticline. This dataset was used to explain: (I) the variability of petrophysical rock properties along the Oliana anticline, (II) the distribution of thermal conductivity along the sedimentary units of the anticline, (III) the relationships between the fold and petrology concerning the mineral density, connected porosity, permeability, P-wave velocity and thermal conductivity of rocks and (IV) the tectonic and diagenetic controls underlying the observed relationships, as described in the research article: 'Petrological, petrophysical and petrothermal study of a folded sedimentary succession: the Oliana anticline (Southern Pyrenees), outcrop analogue of a geothermal reservoir - Global and Planetary Change Journal (2023)". This contribution presents here the raw and statistical datasets used to discuss the potential of the Oliana anticline as a geothermal reservoir analogue and also includes an extended methodological section that proposes a new procedure to measure the thermal conductivity of highly heterogeneous coarse-grained sedimentary rocks using the Modified Transient Source Plane (MTPS) method on a TCi C-Therm thermal analyzer. These complete datasets can be used to better discuss and understand the principal limitations of outcrop analogue studies applied to unconventional geothermal reservoirs in foreland basins on the basis of the analysis of rock petrophysical and petrothermal properties. Furthermore, the data obtained in the Oliana anticline can be used to understand the structural, diagenetic and petrological factors that can modify the petrophysical and petrothermal properties of rocks and to discuss the potential of foreland basin margins to be used as geothermal reservoirs, comparing the data obtained in Oliana with studies developed in similar geological settings worldwide.</p

    Petrological, petrophysical and petrothermal study of a folded sedimentary succession: the Oliana anticline (Southern Pyrenees), outcrop analogue of a geothermal reservoir

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    The Oliana anticline (Southern Pyrenees) has been characterized as an outcrop analogue of a geothermal reservoir using field data (stratigraphy and fracturing) and petrological, petrophysical and petrothermal analyses. Five lithofacies were established including conglomerates, hybrid arenites, lithic arenites, carbonates and evaporites. Petrophysical measurements indicate widely dispersed values of bulk density, connected porosity, permeability and velocity of compressional acoustic waves. Connected porosity is the factor that mostly influences bulk density, compressional wave velocity and permeability. In turn, diagenetic processes (such as dissolution and cementation) and fracturing, coupled with petrological features such as mineral composition, matrix content and grain size, are the most critical factors controlling rock porosity along the Oliana anticline. Thermal conductivity measures reveal a compositional control on the thermal properties of rocks. Thermal characterization of the structure reveals a low conductive area that matches the carbonate and evaporite succession of the anticline core and a highly conductive zone associated with the detrital succession of the fold limbs. The Oliana anticline has been classified as a petrothermal system due to the low permeability values of the studied sedimentary succession. Despite such classification, this contribution provides a useful exploration tool for future studies of non-conventional geothermal and CO2 storage sites located in folded sedimentary successions in the proximal domain of foreland basins

    Distribución de cementos de calcita en un sistema fluvial: el anticlinal de Puig-reig (Pirineos Surorientales)

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    El cemento de calcita, como mineral autigénico predominante, tiene un efecto muy significativo en la potencial calidad como reservorio del anticlinal de Puig-Reig, que constituye un excelente análogo para el estudio de la distribución de cementos en diferentes facies sedimentarias gracias a la cantidad y calidad de los afloramientos. Tras un exhaustivo estudio estratigráfico y de recogida muestras, se han realizado análisis petrográficos de facies y sus cementos con microscopio óptico y de cátodo-luminiscencia. Se han identificado dos generaciones principales de cementación calcítica que se desarrollaron durante y después del crecimiento del anticlinal, aunque la mayor parte del cemento cristalizó de manera simultánea a su formación. La distribución del cemento está controlada por la posición estructural dentro del pliegue y por las facies y litofacies de la roca encajante. Los depósitos de canales fluviales en la cresta del anticlinal, de grano especialmente grueso, tienden a desarrollar más cementación. Es necesario profundizar en el estudio de las características de la cementación de calcita para obtener mejores estimaciones sobre la calidad de los reservorios y para guiar las actividades de exploración de hidrocarburos o el almacenamiento geológico de CO2 en estructuras subterráneas similares

    U-Pb dating and geochemical dataset of fracture-filling calcite veins from the Bóixols-Sant Corneli anticline (Southern Pyrenees)

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    U-Pb dating and geochemical analyzes (δ18O, δ13C, Δ47, 87Sr/86Sr and elemental composition) have been applied to fracture-filling calcite veins and host carbonates from the Bóixols-Sant Corneli anticline, which developed along the front of the Bóixols thrust sheet in the Southern Pyrenees. This robust dataset is used to determine: (i) the absolute timing of fracturing and mineralization from fluid flow; (ii) the age and duration of fold evolution; and (iii) the variations and implications of fluid behavior across the anticline, as has been described in the article “Spatio-temporal variation of fluid flow behavior along a fold: The Bóixols-Sant Corneli anticline (Southern Pyrenees) from U–Pb dating and structural, petrographic, and geochemical constraints – Marine and Petroleum Geology (2022) (Muñoz-López et al., 2022). In this new contribution, we present the raw data that have been analyzed and discussed in the related research article and, also, the whole elemental and REE composition of calcite veins and host carbonates that has not been published yet. These data may be used to unravel the age and origin of veins, to understand their sequential evolution in orogenic belts and to compare our results with those obtained in similar settings worldwide.</p

    From Early Contraction to Post-Folding Fluid Evolution in the Frontal Part of the Bóixols Thrust Sheet (Southern Pyrenees) as Revealed by the Texture and Geochemistry of Calcite Cements

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    Structural, petrological and geochemical (δ13C, δ18O, clumped isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr and ICP-MS) analyses of fracture-related calcite cements and host rocks are used to establish a fluid-flow evolution model for the frontal part of the Bóixols thrust sheet (Southern Pyrenees). Five fracture events associated with the growth of the thrust-related Bóixols anticline and Coll de Nargó syncline during the Alpine orogeny are distinguished. These fractures were cemented with four generations of calcite cements, revealing that such structures allowed the migration of different marine and meteoric fluids through time. During the early contraction stage, Lower Cretaceous seawater circulated and precipitated calcite cement Cc1, whereas during the main folding stage, the system opened to meteoric waters, which mixed with the connate seawater and precipitated calcite cement Cc2. Afterwards, during the post-folding stages, connate evaporated marine fluids circulated through newly formed NW-SE and NE-SW conjugate fractures and later through strike-slip faults and precipitated calcite cements Cc3 and Cc4. The overall paragenetic sequence reveals the progressive dewatering of Cretaceous marine host sediments during progressive burial, deformation and fold tightening and the input of meteoric waters only during the main folding stage. This study illustrates the changes of fracture systems and the associated fluid-flow regimes during the evolution of fault-associated folds during orogenic growth

    Associations between eating speed, diet quality, adiposity, and cardiometabolic risk factors

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    Objective: To assess the associations between eating speed, adiposity, cardiometabolic risk factors, and diet quality in a cohort of Spanish preschool-children. Study design: A cross-sectional study in 1371 preschool age children (49% girls; mean age, 4.8 ± 1.0 years) from the Childhood Obesity Risk Assessment Longitudinal Study (CORALS) cohort was conducted. After exclusions, 956 participants were included in the analyses. The eating speed was estimated by summing the total minutes used in each of the 3 main meals and then categorized into slow, moderate, or fast. Multiple linear and logistic regression models were fitted to assess the β-coefficient, or OR and 95% CI, between eating speed and body mass index, waist circumference, fat mass index (FMI), blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, and lipid profile. Results: Compared with participants in the slow-eating category, those in the fast-eating category had a higher prevalence risk of overweight/obesity (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.8-4.4; P < .01); larger waist circumference (β, 2.6 cm; 95% CI, 1.5-3.8 cm); and greater FMI (β, 0.3 kg/m2; 95% CI, 0.1-0.5 kg/m2), systolic blood pressure (β, 2.8 mmHg; 95% CI, 0.6-4.9 mmHg), and fasting plasma glucose levels (β, 2.7 mg/dL, 95% CI, 1.2-4.2 mg/dL) but lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet (β, −0.5 points; 95% CI, −0.9 to −0.1 points). Conclusions: Eating fast is associated with higher adiposity, certain cardiometabolic risk factors, and lower adherence to a Mediterranean diet. Further long-term and interventional studies are warranted to confirm these associations

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research