9 research outputs found

    Issledovanie vlijanija raznykh stepenejj ochishhenija stochnykh vod na prisutstvie jaic kishechnykh gel'mintov

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    The examinations carried out in a big settlement showed in 1 ml of row sewage the presence of 30 Ascaris and 25 Trichuris eggs. Afier being passed through all degrees of purification the sewage still contained 5% of eggs. The soil from the site of sewage outflow exhibited on average 33 Ascaris and 25 Trichuris eggs. In 200 g of partially fermented and dried soil there were 771 Ascaris, 237 Trichuris and 13 Taenia eggs. The report is part of studies on the survival rate of intestinal parasites under various environmental conditions

    Chastota pojavlenija parazitov pishhevaritel'nogo trakta pri ostrojj bakterijjnojj dizenterii

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    In 133 men suffering from acute bacterial dysentery, intestinal parasites were found in 22 cases (16.54%): they were as follows: Trichocephalus - 13, Enterobius - 6, Ascaris lumbricoides - 5 and Lamblia in 3 cases. Among the enumerated cases, 5 ones showed concomitant infection with two parasites (Trichocephalus + Enterobius - 2 times and Trichocephalus + Enterobius - 3 times). Higher infection rate, statistically significant, was found in young persons, up to 24 years of age