917 research outputs found
Feature,nilai, Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelangan
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of the features of the value, satisfaction, and customer loyalty; the effect on the value of customer satisfaction and loyalty; influence of satisfaction on customer loyalty. A total of 200 merchant PT. BANK XYZ as respondents was selected randomly. Analyses were performed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The analysis showed that the feature has a significant influence on customer value, but not for customer satisfaction and loyalty. The values has a significant influence on satisfaction, but not on customer loyalty. Satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty. Discussion and conclusions described in the article.
Keywords: features of the value, satisfaction, customer loyalt
Counting Sperma Aktif Menggunakan Metode Otsu Threshold Dan Local Adaptive Threshold
Analisis sperma adalah pemeriksaan awal yang dilakukan pada kasus infertilitas pria, salah satunya adalah menentukan motiliti normal dan abnormal, yang dilakukan oleh ahli. Analisa sperma ini juga dapat dilakukan secara otomatis dengan berbantuan komputer, yaitu dengan cara mengambil per-frame video sperma kemudian dilakukan proses segmentasi. Pada proses segmentasi terdapat beberapa kendala antara lain data video yang diambil mempunyai intensitas yang berbeda, sehingga diperlukan beberapa metode segmentasi. Penelitian ini adalah membandingkan proses Otsu Threshold dan proses Local Adaptive Threshold (LAT), dengan proses preprosessing yang menggunakan segmentasi Otsu dan Local Adaptive, sehingga dari beberapa data frame video sperma yang disegmentasi akan diketahui segmentasi yang harus digunakan. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa intensitas cahaya pada frame sperma yang dianalisis merata, dapat digunakan Otsu Threshold dan jika gambar sperma yang dianalisis intensitasnya tidak merata akan lebih bangus menggunakan Local Adaptive Threshold, dengan demikian untuk melakukan ekstraksi fitur lebih bagus, namun dari beberapa frame (bingkai) sperma yang diujicoba secara acak didapatkan akurasi yang lebih menggunakan proses otsu threshold yaitu 82% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan proses local adaptive threshold yaitu hanya 52%
Counting Sperma Aktif Menggunakan Metode Otsu Threshold Dan Local Adaptive Threshold
Analisis sperma adalah pemeriksaan awal yang dilakukan pada kasus infertilitas pria, salah satunya adalah menentukan motiliti normal dan abnormal, yang dilakukan oleh ahli. Analisa sperma ini juga dapat dilakukan secara otomatis dengan berbantuan komputer, yaitu dengan cara mengambil per-frame video sperma kemudian dilakukan proses segmentasi. Pada proses segmentasi terdapat beberapa kendala antara lain data video yang diambil mempunyai intensitas yang berbeda, sehingga diperlukan beberapa metode segmentasi. Penelitian ini adalah membandingkan proses Otsu Threshold dan proses Local Adaptive Threshold (LAT), dengan proses preprosessing yang menggunakan segmentasi Otsu dan Local Adaptive, sehingga dari beberapa data frame video sperma yang disegmentasi akan diketahui segmentasi yang harus digunakan. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa intensitas cahaya pada frame sperma yang dianalisis merata, dapat digunakan Otsu Threshold dan jika gambar sperma yang dianalisis intensitasnya tidak merata akan lebih bangus menggunakan Local Adaptive Threshold, dengan demikian untuk melakukan ekstraksi fitur lebih bagus, namun dari beberapa frame (bingkai) sperma yang diujicoba secara acak didapatkan akurasi yang lebih menggunakan proses otsu threshold yaitu 82% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan proses local adaptive threshold yaitu hanya 52%
Deteksi Mutasi Gen Gyrase a Porphyromonas Gingivalis Resisten Terhadap Ciprofloxacin Berdasarkan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction
One of resistance mechanisms to ciprofloxacin shown by bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis isolated from periodontitis patients is mutations of genes through changes in DNA topoisomerase. Ciprofloxacin is an effective antimicrobial for Gram-negative bacteria effectively used for clinical infections treatment. The purpose of this research was to determine the gene mutation of P. gingivalis on periodontitis patients in relation to the resistance to ciprofloxacin by using disc diffusion and, followed by RFLP-PCR on P.gingivalis samples. Based on sensitivity tests by diffusion method, it was shown that the sensitive samples (n =13) had the highest inhibition zone diameter (mean= 25 mm), while the intermediate samples (n=1) was 19 mm. Examination using RFLP-PCR for 14 samples did not reveal any mutation of gyrase A gene
Survey on the Potency of Cow Milk Dangke as an Alternative to Buffalo Milk Dangke in Enrekang, South Sulawesi
The scarcity of buffalo milk caused farmers in Enrekang district switch to use cow's milk as a raw material for the manufacture of dangke. This study aims to explore the potential of dangke milk cows from various aspects in the field. Information on population and daily milk production of dairy cows and buffalo, as well as questionnaire data of dangke consumers of Enrekang were obtained in Enrekang district, while data of dangke consumer of not Enrekang were collected with organoleptic tests and questionnaires. Determination of respondents Enrekang with simple random sampling while respondents are not Enrekang with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent two-sample t test and chi squared test. The potential benefits of cow milk dangke compared to cow buffalo dangke is that with the same quality (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH value) cow???s milk dangke has higher raw material availability, cheaper price, easier attainability, widely accepted by Enrekang consumer population, preferred by the non-Enrekang consumer population, and also possess colour and flavor that is preferred by consumers
Pengaruh Pengawasan Komite Audit, Audit Internal, Audit Eksternal Terhadap Kesehatan Keuangan Perusahaan Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi Pada Perusahaan Asuransi Dan Reasuransi Yang Tercatat Di Bei)
Insurance and reinsurance companies are required, to maintain a sound financial standing and comply with the provisions on the companies equity as stipulated by the government. To achieve such equity, the companies must retain their profitability. Under a supervision system supported by the audit committee, internal auditor and external auditor, it is expected that the insurance companies shall be able to fulfill their obligation in complying with all the prevailing regulations. If these companies fail to do so, the companies shall be subject to the supervision by the government. This study was conducted on insurance and reinsurance companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2012 (11 companies). Thirty eight high officials of the top management of the companies were interviewed as respondents. By applying the SPSS program the results showed that there are significant relations among the audit committee, the internal and external auditor in supervising the operations of the insurance companies. There is a positive correlation between the audit committee and the internal auditor; and there is a positive correlation between the audit committee and the external auditor whereas there is also a positive correlation between the internal auditor and the external auditor. Simultaneous influence of the audit committee, the internal audit and the external audit shows a positive effect on the financial soundness. However, external audit has only partial influence on the financial soundness. The simultaneous influence of audit committee, audit internal, audit external and financial soundness shows a significant effect on the profitability. The partial influence on each independent variabel (mentioned above) has a significant effect on the profitability
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