43 research outputs found

    Psychological factors in reducing excess body weight after bariatric surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The relevance of the problem of obesity today is not in doubt. One of the most effective treatments today is bariatric surgery. At the same time, the effectiveness of the surgical method is not always predictable, as it is influenced by various factors, including the psychological state of the patient. AIM: To study the psychological characteristics of patients with obesity before and after surgical (bariatric) treatment and to establish the relationship with weight loss. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study involved 32 patients with morbid obesity before and a year after laparoscopic longitudinal resection of the stomach with an initial body mass index of 45.36 (+54.90; -33.00). Questionnaire used: Symptom Check List-90-R (L.R. Derogatis). Statistical data processing was carried out using the statistical programming language R. RESULTS: The presence or increase in the level of phobic anxiety (a persistent reaction of fear to certain people, situations and places) and psychotism (isolation, interpersonal isolation, avoidance) in a patient can have a negative impact on the success of weight loss in the postoperative period. CONCLUSIONS. The psychological factors affecting the prognosis of weight loss after bariatric surgery have been identified. Psychological testing and determining the patient’s psychotype can be predictive in improving the outcome of surgical treatment of obesity


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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the shielding of leaded rubber plates in superficial radiotherapy of lower lip cancer of stage I–II. Material and methods. A comparison was made of the timing and severity of oral mucosa and alveolar ridge damage in patients who used and did not use personal protective equipment. Experimental studies were carried out using a tissue-equivalent phantom and thermoluminescent detectors LiF activated by Mg and Ti. The summary doses received by the alveolar are calculated. Results and discussion. The total dose of X-ray radiation to the alveolar ridge in the absence of shielding is 64, 38 and 16 Gy for 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 cm thick lip, respectively. The obtained values of the absorbed doses with personal protective equipment indicate a high shielding ability of the lead rubber used in the clinic. The use of shielding devices for superficial radiotherapy of lower lip cancer can improve the quality of life, reduces the duration and severity of radiation damage

    Pulmonary Vascular Thrombosis in COVID-19: Clinical and Morphological Parallels

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    Aim. We aimed to study the histological and thrombotic changes in lung vessels in patients who died with COVID-19, to access the correlation between anticoagulation therapy (ACT) and thrombotic events (TE), treatment results, clinical and laboratory patients' characteristics.Material and Methods. We retrospectively analyzed treatment results of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and lung vessel samples of the deceased patients. Dynamic changes and highest levels of D-dimer and fibrinogen were studied in its correlation with the disease severity according to SOFA score, computer tomographic (CT) results, lung, renal and hepatic dysfunction. The association between different doses of ACT and treatment results, laboratory indicators and thrombotic events was accessed. The histological lung vessels examination was performed using Martius Scarlet Blue (MSB)staining.Results. 313 patients were included in the study (61 patients died). The median age of hospitalized patients was 60 years (IQR 51-66 years). The frequency of the intravitallyconfirmed TE was 4,8%. The strong statistical association was revealed between D-dimer level and 3-4 points SOFA score, patients' mortality, oxygen support requirement, CT3-CT4 pneumonia, glomerular filtration rate and TE. There was no mortality in patients with D-dimer normal references, but in cases with three times elevation reached 13%, 48,5% - in cases with 3-6 times elevation and 64,6% - in cases with more than 6 times elevation. The strong statistical association was registered between fibrinogen and SOFA score, CT 3-4 pneumonia, patients' mortality. D-dimer and fibrinogen levels demonstrated weak correlation. There was no statistical correlation between prophylactic, intermediate and therapeutic ACT and D-dimer and fibrinogen levels, CT results, patients' mortality. MSBstaining was used in 36 deceased patients tissue samples. 1394 lung vessels were analyzed. Lung vessels thrombi persisted in samples of all 36 patients (100%). Vessels with the diameter 3,5-30 mm were thrombosed in 7%, with the diameter 0,034-0,84 mm - in 48%, with the diameter 0,85-3,4 mm - in 45%. The frequency of thrombi persisted 06 hours, 6-12 hours, 12-18hours, 18-24 hours and more than 24 hours was12%, 14%, 62%, 5% and 7% respectively.Conclusion. Thrombi of different ages from fresh to organized were observed in one third of lung vessels in all deceased patients. Lung vessels thrombosis plays an important role in pathogenesis and thanatogenesis of COVID-19. The D-dimer level correlates with lung, renal dysfunction, patients' mortality and doesn't show any correlation with ACT and can be accepted as a criterion of lung vessel thrombotic progression

    Neural network model for predicting the level of residual knowledge of the subjects of study

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    The task is to build a neural network model depending on residual knowledge the trainees with whom they come into the labor market. Neural network model makes it possible with enough precision to predict the level of professional training according to their individual abilities

    Neural network model for predicting the level of residual knowledge of the subjects of study

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    The task is to build a neural network model depending on residual knowledge the trainees with whom they come into the labor market. Neural network model makes it possible with enough precision to predict the level of professional training according to their individual abilities

    Estimation of the systematic error constituents in the calculations of the critical systems by the Monte Carlo method

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    Analysis of factors which influence on systematic error formation in the calculations of the critical systems by the Monte Carlo method for the MCNP and SCALE computer codes is executed. It has been shown that non-linearity of iteration process of calculation and uncertainty in initial neutron sources distributing effect on a systematic error. The estimation of systematic error constituents is executed on example of calculation model from the benchmark problems. Recommendations are resulted to minimization of the calculations systematic error for critical systems by the Monte Carlo method


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    In the article we consider a case of the analysis of the data connected with educational statistics, namely – result of professional development courses students survey with specialized software usage. Need for expanded statistical results processing, the scheme of carrying out the analysis is shown. Conclusions on a studied case are presented