21 research outputs found

    Effects of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Valproic Acid on Human Pericytes In Vitro

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    Microvascular pericytes are of key importance in neoformation of blood vessels, in stabilization of newly formed vessels as well as maintenance of angiostasis in resting tissues. Furthermore, pericytes are capable of differentiating into pro-fibrotic collagen type I producing fibroblasts. The present study investigates the effects of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor valproic acid (VPA) on pericyte proliferation, cell viability, migration and differentiation. The results show that HDAC inhibition through exposure of pericytes to VPA in vitro causes the inhibition of pericyte proliferation and migration with no effect on cell viability. Pericyte exposure to the potent HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A caused similar effects on pericyte proliferation, migration and cell viability. HDAC inhibition also inhibited pericyte differentiation into collagen type I producing fibroblasts. Given the importance of pericytes in blood vessel biology a qPCR array focusing on the expression of mRNAs coding for proteins that regulate angiogenesis was performed. The results showed that HDAC inhibition promoted transcription of genes involved in vessel stabilization/maturation in human microvascular pericytes. The present in vitro study demonstrates that VPA influences several aspects of microvascular pericyte biology and suggests an alternative mechanism by which HDAC inhibition affects blood vessels. The results raise the possibility that HDAC inhibition inhibits angiogenesis partly through promoting a pericyte phenotype associated with stabilization/maturation of blood vessels

    On functions, holomorphic in a plane with an infinite number of cuts

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    Yeast HMO1: Linker Histone Reinvented

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    Eukaryotic genomes are packaged in chromatin. The higher-order organization of nucleosome core particles is controlled by the association of the intervening linker DNA with either the linker histone H1 or high mobility group box (HMGB) proteins. While H1 is thought to stabilize the nucleosome by preventing DNA unwrapping, the DNA bending imposed by HMGB may propagate to the nucleosome to destabilize chromatin. For metazoan H1, chromatin compaction requires its lysine-rich C-terminal domain, a domain that is buried between globular domains in the previously characterized yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae linker histone Hho1p. Here, we discuss the functions of S. cerevisiae HMO1, an HMGB family protein unique in containing a terminal lysine-rich domain and in stabilizing genomic DNA. On ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and genes encoding ribosomal proteins, HMO1 appears to exert its role primarily by stabilizing nucleosome-free regions or “fragile” nucleosomes. During replication, HMO1 likewise appears to ensure low nucleosome density at DNA junctions associated with the DNA damage response or the need for topoisomerases to resolve catenanes. Notably, HMO1 shares with the mammalian linker histone H1 the ability to stabilize chromatin, as evidenced by the absence of HMO1 creating a more dynamic chromatin environment that is more sensitive to nuclease digestion and in which chromatin-remodeling events associated with DNA double-strand break repair occur faster; such chromatin stabilization requires the lysine-rich extension of HMO1. Thus, HMO1 appears to have evolved a unique linker histone-like function involving the ability to stabilize both conventional nucleosome arrays as well as DNA regions characterized by low nucleosome density or the presence of noncanonical nucleosomes

    Electrostatic effect of H1-histone protein binding on nucleosome repeat length

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    Within a simple biophysical model we describe the effect of electrostatic binding of H1 histone proteins on the nucleosome repeat length in chromatin. The length of wrapped DNA optimizes its binding energy to the histone core and the elastic energy penalty of DNA wrapping. The magnitude of the effect predicted from our model is in agreement with the systematic experimental data on the linear variation of nucleosome repeat lengths with H1/nucleosome ratio (Woodcock C L et al 2006 Chromos. Res. 14 17-25). We compare our model to the data for different cell types and organisms, with a widely varying ratio of bound H1 histones per nucleosome. We underline the importance of this non-specific histone-DNA charge-balance mechanism in regulating the positioning of nucleosomes and the degree of compaction of chromatin fibers in eukaryotic cells. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd