101 research outputs found

    Twitter as an innovation process with damping effect

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    Understanding the innovation process, that is the underlying mechanisms through which novelties emerge, diffuse and trigger further novelties is undoubtedly of fundamental importance in many areas (biology, linguistics, social science and others). The models introduced so far satisfy the Heaps' law, regarding the rate at which novelties appear, and the Zipf's law, that states a power law behavior for the frequency distribution of the elements. However, there are empirical cases far from showing a pure power law behavior and such a deviation is present for elements with high frequencies. We explain this phenomenon by means of a suitable "damping" effect in the probability of a repetition of an old element. While the proposed model is extremely general and may be also employed in other contexts, it has been tested on some Twitter data sets and demonstrated great performances with respect to Heaps' law and, above all, with respect to the fitting of the frequency-rank plots for low and high frequencies

    An urn model with local reinforcement: a theoretical framework for a chi-squared goodness of fit test with a big sample

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    Motivated by recent studies of big samples, this work aims at constructing a parametric model which is characterized by the following features: (i) a "local" reinforcement, i.e. a reinforcement mechanism mainly based on the last observations, (ii) a random fluctuation of the conditional probabilities, and (iii) a long-term convergence of the empirical mean to a deterministic limit, together with a chi-squared goodness of fit result. This triple purpose has been achieved by the introduction of a new variant of the Eggenberger-Polya urn, that we call the "Rescaled" Polya urn. We provide a complete asymptotic characterization of this model and we underline that, for a certain choice of the parameters, it has properties different from the ones typically exhibited from the other urn models in the literature. As a byproduct, we also provide a Central Limit Theorem for a class of linear functionals of non-Harris Markov chains, where the asymptotic covariance matrix is explicitly given in linear form, and not in the usual form of a series

    Taylor's law in innovation processes

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    Taylor's law quantifies the scaling properties of the fluctuations of the number of innovations occurring in open systems. Urn-based modeling schemes have already proven to be effective in modeling this complex behaviour. Here, we present analytical estimations of Taylor's law exponents in such models, by leveraging on their representation in terms of triangular urn models. We also highlight the correspondence of these models with Poisson-Dirichlet processes and demonstrate how a non-trivial Taylor's law exponent is a kind of universal feature in systems related to human activities. We base this result on the analysis of four collections of data generated by human activity: (i) written language (from a Gutenberg corpus); (ii) an online music website (Last. fm); (iii) Twitter hashtags; (iv) an online collaborative tagging system (Del. icio. us). While Taylor's law observed in the last two datasets agrees with the plain model predictions, we need to introduce a generalization to fully characterize the behaviour of the first two datasets, where temporal correlations are possibly more relevant. We suggest that Taylor's law is a fundamental complement to Zipf's and Heaps' laws in unveiling the complex dynamical processes underlying the evolution of systems featuring innovation

    Taylor's law in innovation processes

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    Taylor's law quantifies the scaling properties of the fluctuations of the number of innovations occurring in open systems. Urn based modelling schemes have already proven to be effective in modelling this complex behaviour. Here, we present analytical estimations of Taylor's law exponents in such models, by leveraging on their representation in terms of triangular urn models. We also highlight the correspondence of these models with Poisson-Dirichlet processes and demonstrate how a non-trivial Taylor's law exponent is a kind of universal feature in systems related to human activities. We base this result on the analysis of four collections of data generated by human activity: (i) written language (from a Gutenberg corpus); (ii) a n online music website (Last.fm); (iii) Twitter hashtags; (iv) a on-line collaborative tagging system (Del.icio.us). While Taylor's law observed in the last two datasets agrees with the plain model predictions, we need to introduce a generalization to fully characterize the behaviour of the first two datasets, where temporal correlations are possibly more relevant. We suggest that Taylor's law is a fundamental complement to Zipf's and Heaps' laws in unveiling the complex dynamical processes underlying the evolution of systems featuring innovation.Comment: 17 page

    Interacting reinforced stochastic processes: statistical inference based on the weighted empirical means

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    This work deals with a system of interacting reinforced stochastic processes, where each process Xj=(Xn,j)nX^j=(X_n,j)_n is located at a vertex jj of a finite weighted direct graph, and it can be interpreted as the sequence of "actions" adopted by an agent jj of the network. The interaction among the dynamics of these processes depends on the weighted adjacency matrix WW associated to the underlying graph: indeed, the probability that an agent jj chooses a certain action depends on its personal "inclination" Zn,jZ_n,j and on the inclinations Zn,hZ_n,h, with hjh\neq j, of the other agents according to the entries of WW. The best known example of reinforced stochastic process is the Polya urn. The present paper characterizes the asymptotic behavior of the weighted empirical means Nn,j=k=1nqn,kXk,jN_n,j=\sum_k=1^n q_n,k X_k,j, proving their almost sure synchronization and some central limit theorems in the sense of stable convergence. By means of a more sophisticated decomposition of the considered processes adopted here, these findings complete and improve some asymptotic results for the personal inclinations Zj=(Zn,j)nZ^j=(Z_n,j)_n and for the empirical means \overlineX^j=(\sum_k=1^n X_k,j/n)_n given in recent papers (e.g. [arXiv:1705.02126, Bernoulli, Forth.]; [arXiv:1607.08514, Ann. Appl. Probab., 27(6):3787-3844, 2017]; [arXiv:1602.06217, Stochastic Process. Appl., 129(1):70-101, 2019]). Our work is motivated by the aim to understand how the different rates of convergence of the involved stochastic processes combine and, from an applicative point of view, by the construction of confidence intervals for the common limit inclination of the agents and of a test statistics to make inference on the matrix WW, based on the weighted empirical means. In particular, we answer a research question posed in [arXiv:1705.02126, Bernoulli, Forth.

    On the exchange of intersection and supremum of sigma-fields in filtering theory

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    We construct a stationary Markov process with trivial tail sigma-field and a nondegenerate observation process such that the corresponding nonlinear filtering process is not uniquely ergodic. This settles in the negative a conjecture of the author in the ergodic theory of nonlinear filters arising from an erroneous proof in the classic paper of H. Kunita (1971), wherein an exchange of intersection and supremum of sigma-fields is taken for granted.Comment: 20 page

    Central Limit Theorem and Large Deviation Principle for Continuous Time Open Quantum Walks

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    International audienceOpen Quantum Walks (OQWs), originally introduced in [2], are quantum generalizations of classical Markov chains. Recently, natural continuous time models of OQW have been developed in [24]. These models, called Continuous Time Open Quantum Walks (CTOQWs), appear as natural continuous time limits of discrete time OQWs. In particular they are quantum extensions of continuous time Markov chains. This article is devoted to the study of homogeneous CTOQW on Z^d. We focus namely on their associated quantum trajectories which allow us to prove a Central Limit Theorem for the "position" of the walker as well as a Large Deviation Principle