450 research outputs found

    Tests of Two-Body Dirac Equation Wave Functions in the Decays of Quarkonium and Positronium into Two Photons

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    Two-Body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics provide a covariant framework to investigate the problem of highly relativistic quarks in meson bound states. This formalism eliminates automatically the problems of relative time and energy, leading to a covariant three dimensional formalism with the same number of degrees of freedom as appears in the corresponding nonrelativistic problem. It provides bound state wave equations with the simplicity of the nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation. Here we begin important tests of the relativistic sixteen component wave function solutions obtained in a recent work on meson spectroscopy, extending a method developed previously for positronium decay into two photons. Preliminary to this we examine the positronium decay in the 3P_{0,2} states as well as the 1S_0. The two-gamma quarkonium decays that we investigate are for the \eta_{c}, \eta_{c}^{\prime}, \chi_{c0}, \chi_{c2}, \pi^{0}, \pi_{2}, a_{2}, and f_{2}^{\prime} mesons. Our results for the four charmonium states compare well with those from other quark models and show the particular importance of including all components of the wave function as well as strong and CM energy dependent potential effects on the norm and amplitude. The results for the \pi^{0}, although off the experimental rate by 15%, is much closer than the usual expectations from a potential model. We conclude that the Two-Body Dirac equations lead to wave functions which provide good descriptions of the two-gamma decay amplitude and can be used with some confidence for other purposes.Comment: 79 pages, included new sections on covariant scalar product and added pages on positronium decay for 3P0 and 3P_2 state

    Singularity Structures in Coulomb-Type Potentials in Two Body Dirac Equations of Constraint Dynamics

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    Two Body Dirac Equations (TBDE) of Dirac's relativistic constraint dynamics have been successfully applied to obtain a covariant nonperturbative description of QED and QCD bound states. Coulomb-type potentials in these applications lead naively in other approaches to singular relativistic corrections at short distances that require the introduction of either perturbative treatments or smoothing parameters. We examine the corresponding singular structures in the effective potentials of the relativistic Schroedinger equation obtained from the Pauli reduction of the TBDE. We find that the relativistic Schroedinger equation lead in fact to well-behaved wave function solutions when the full potential and couplings of the system are taken into account. The most unusual case is the coupled triplet system with S=1 and L={(J-1),(J+1)}. Without the inclusion of the tensor coupling, the effective S-state potential would become attractively singular. We show how including the tensor coupling is essential in order that the wave functions be well-behaved at short distances. For example, the S-state wave function becomes simply proportional to the D-state wave function and dips sharply to zero at the origin, unlike the usual S-state wave functions. Furthermore, this behavior is similar in both QED and QCD, independent of the asymptotic freedom behavior of the assumed QCD vector potential. Light- and heavy-quark meson states can be described well by using a simplified linear-plus-Coulomb-type QCD potential apportioned appropriately between world scalar and vector potentials. We use this potential to exhibit explicitly the origin of the large pi-rho splitting and effective chiral symmetry breaking. The TBDE formalism developed here may be used to study quarkonia in quark-gluon plasma environments.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Reply Asymptomatic Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: The Road Less Traveled

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    Tracking the evolution of a single composite particle during redox cycling for application in H-2 production

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    Composite materials consisting of metal and metal oxide phases are being researched intensively for various energy conversion applications where they are often expected to operate under redox conditions at elevated temperature. Understanding of the dynamics of composite evolution during redox cycling is still very limited, yet critical to maximising performance and increasing durability. Here we track the microstructural evolution of a single composite particle over 200 redox cycles for hydrogen production by chemical looping, using multi-length scale X-ray computed tomography. We show that redox cycling triggers a centrifugal redispersion of the metal phase and a centripetal clustering of porosity, both seemingly driven by the asymmetric nature of oxygen exchange in composites. Initially, the particle develops a large amount of internal porosity which boosts activity, but on the long term this facilitates structural and compositional reorganisation and eventually degradation. These results provide valuable insight into redox-driven microstructural changes and also for the design of new composite materials with enhanced durability

    Explicit Solution of the Time Evolution of the Wigner Function

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    Previously, an explicit solution for the time evolution of the Wigner function was presented in terms of auxiliary phase space coordinates which obey simple equations that are analogous with, but not identical to, the classical equations of motion. They can be solved easily and their solutions can be utilized to construct the time evolution of the Wigner function. In this paper, the usefulness of this explicit solution is demonstrated by solving a numerical example in which the Wigner function has strong spatial and temporal variations as well as regions with negative values. It is found that the explicit solution gives a correct description of the time evolution of the Wigner function. We examine next the pseudoparticle approximation which uses classical trajectories to evolve the Wigner function. We find that the pseudoparticle approximation reproduces the general features of the time evolution, but there are deviations. We show how these deviations can be systematically reduced by including higher-order correction terms in powers of 2\hbar^2.Comment: 16 pages, in LaTex, invited talk presented at the Wigner Centennial Conference, Pecs, Hungary, July 8-12, 2002, to be published in the Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Classical Optics, June 200

    Heavy Quarkonia in Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    Using the color-singlet free energy F_1 and total internal energy U_1 obtained by Kaczmarek et al. for a static quark Q and an antiquark Qbar in quenched QCD, we study the binding energies and wave functions of heavy quarkonia in a quark-gluon plasma. By minimizing the grand potential in a simplified schematic model, we find that the proper color-singlet Q-Qbar potential can be obtained from the total internal energy U_1 by subtracting the gluon internal energy contributions. We carry out this subtraction in the local energy-density approximation in which the gluon energy density can be related to the local gluon pressure by the quark-gluon plasma equation of state. We find in this approximation that the proper color-singlet Q-Qbar potential is approximately F_1 for T ~ T_c and it changes to (3/4)F_1+(1/4)U_1 at high temperatures. In this potential model, the J/psi is weakly bound above the phase transition temperature T_c, and it dissociates spontaneously above 1.62 T_c, while chi_c and psi' are unbound in the quark-gluon plasma. The bottomium states Upsilon, chi_b and Upsilon' are bound in the quark-gluon plasma and they dissociate at 4.10 T_c, 1.18 T_c, and 1.38 T_c respectively. For comparison, we evaluate the heavy quarkonium binding energies also in other models using the free energy F_1 or the total internal energy U_1 as the Q-Qbar potential. The comparison shows that the model with the new Q-Qbar potential proposed in this manuscript gives dissociation temperatures that agree best with those from spectral function analyses. We evaluate the cross section for sigma(g+J/psi->c+cbar) and its inverse process, in order to determine the J/psi dissociation width and the rate of J/psi production by recombining c and cbar in the quark gluon plasma.Comment: 30 pages, in Late

    Laser Cooling of Optically Trapped Molecules

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    Calcium monofluoride (CaF) molecules are loaded into an optical dipole trap (ODT) and subsequently laser cooled within the trap. Starting with magneto-optical trapping, we sub-Doppler cool CaF and then load 150(30)150(30) CaF molecules into an ODT. Enhanced loading by a factor of five is obtained when sub-Doppler cooling light and trapping light are on simultaneously. For trapped molecules, we directly observe efficient sub-Doppler cooling to a temperature of 60(5)60(5) μK\mu\text{K}. The trapped molecular density of 8(2)×1078(2)\times10^7 cm3^{-3} is an order of magnitude greater than in the initial sub-Doppler cooled sample. The trap lifetime of 750(40) ms is dominated by background gas collisions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic Modification of the Gamow Factor

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    In processes involving Coulomb-type initial- and final-state interactions, the Gamow factor has been traditionally used to take into account these additional interactions. The Gamow factor needs to be modified when the magnitude of the effective coupling constant increases or when the velocity increases. For the production of a pair of particles under their mutual Coulomb-type interaction, we obtain the modification of the Gamow factor in terms of the overlap of the Feynman amplitude with the relativistic wave function of the two particles. As a first example, we study the modification of the Gamow factor for the production of two bosons. The modification is substantial when the coupling constant is large.Comment: 13 pages, in LaTe

    Correction Factors for Reactions involving Quark-Antiquark Annihilation or Production

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    In reactions with qqˉq \bar q production or qqˉq\bar q annihilation, initial- and final-state interactions give rise to large corrections to the lowest-order cross sections. We evaluate the correction factor first for low relative kinetic energies by studying the distortion of the relative wave function. We then follow the procedure of Schwinger to interpolate this result with the well-known perturbative QCD vertex correction factors at high energies, to obtain an explicit semi-empirical correction factor applicable to the whole range of energies. The correction factor predicts an enhancement for qqˉq\bar q in color-singlet states and a suppression for color-octet states, the effect increasing as the relative velocity decreases. Consequences on dilepton production in the quark-gluon plasma, the Drell-Yan process, and heavy quark production processes are discussed.Comment: 25 pages (REVTeX), includes 2 uuencoded compressed postscript figure

    Mapping the Two-Component Atomic Fermi Gas to the Nuclear Shell-Model

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    The physics of a two-component cold fermi gas is now frequently addressed in laboratories. Usually this is done for large samples of tens to hundreds of thousands of particles. However, it is now possible to produce few-body systems (1-100 particles) in very tight traps where the shell structure of the external potential becomes important. A system of two-species fermionic cold atoms with an attractive zero-range interaction is analogous to a simple model of nucleus in which neutrons and protons interact only through a residual pairing interaction. In this article, we discuss how the problem of a two-component atomic fermi gas in a tight external trap can be mapped to the nuclear shell model so that readily available many-body techniques in nuclear physics, such as the Shell Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) method, can be directly applied to the study of these systems. We demonstrate an application of the SMMC method by estimating the pairing correlations in a small two-component Fermi system with moderate-to-strong short-range two-body interactions in a three-dimensional harmonic external trapping potential.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Final versio