3,802 research outputs found

    Brightness as an Augmentation Technique for Image Classification

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    Augmentation techniques are crucial for accurately training convolution neural networks (CNNs). Therefore, these techniques have become the preprocessing methods. However, not every augmentation technique can be beneficial, especially those that change the image’s underlying structure, such as color augmentation techniques. In this study, the effect of eight brightness scales was investigated in the task of classifying a large histopathology dataset. Four state-of-the-art CNNs were used to assess each scale’s performance. The use of brightness was not beneficial in all the experiments. Among the different brightness scales, the [0.75–1.00] scale, which closely resembles the original brightness of the images, resulted in the best performance. The use of geometric augmentation yielded better performance than any brightness scale. Moreover, the results indicate that training the CNN without applying any augmentation techniques led to better results than considering brightness augmentation. Therefore, experimental results support the hypothesis that brightness augmentation techniques are not beneficial for image classification using deep-learning models and do not yield any performance gain. Furthermore, brightness augmentation techniques can significantly degrade the model’s performance when they are applied with extreme values

    Investigating the Use of Geometric Semantic Operators in Vectorial Genetic Programming

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    Azzali, I., Vanneschi, L., & Giacobini, M. (2020). Investigating the Use of Geometric Semantic Operators in Vectorial Genetic Programming. In T. Hu, N. Lourenço, E. Medvet, & F. Divina (Eds.), Genetic Programming - 23rd European Conference, EuroGP 2020, Held as Part of EvoStar 2020, Proceedings (pp. 52-67). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12101 LNCS). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44094-7_4 ------- This work was partially supported by FCT, Portugal through funding of LASIGE Research Unit (UID/CEC/00408/2019), and projects PREDICT (PTDC/CCI-IF/29877/2017), BINDER (PTDC/CCI-INF/29168/2017), GADgET (DSAIPA/DS/0022/2018) and AICE (DSAIPA/DS/0113/2019).Vectorial Genetic Programming (VE_GP) is a new GP approach for panel data forecasting. Besides permitting the use of vectors as terminal symbols to represent time series and including aggregation functions to extract time series features, it introduces the possibility of evolving the window of aggregation. The local aggregation of data allows the identification of meaningful patterns overcoming the drawback of considering always the previous history of a series of data. In this work, we investigate the use of geometric semantic operators (GSOs) in VE_GP, comparing its performance with traditional GP with GSOs. Experiments are conducted on two real panel data forecasting problems, one allowing the aggregation on moving windows, one not. Results show that classical VE_GP is the best approach in both cases in terms of predictive accuracy, suggesting that GSOs are not able to evolve efficiently individuals when time series are involved. We discuss the possible reasons of this behaviour, to understand how we could design valuable GSOs for time series in the future.authorsversionpublishe

    Theoretical Isochrones with Extinction in the K Band. II. J - K versus K

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    We calculate theoretical isochrones in a consistent way for five filter pairs near the J and K band atmospheric windows (J-K, J-K', J-Ks, F110W-F205W, and F110W-F222M) using the Padova stellar evolutionary models of Girardi et al. We present magnitude transformations between various K-band filters as a function of color. Isochrones with extinction of up to 6 mag in the K band are also presented. As found for the filter pairs composed of H & K band filters, we find that the reddened isochrones of different filter pairs behave as if they follow different extinction laws, and that the extinction curves of Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS filter pairs in the color-magnitude diagram are considerably nonlinear. Because of these problems, extinction values estimated with NICMOS filters can be in error by up to 1.3 mag. Our calculation suggests that the extinction law implied by the observations of Rieke et al for wavelengths between the J and K bands is better described by a power-law function with an exponent of 1.66 instead of 1.59, which is commonly used with an assumption that the transmission functions of J and K filters are Dirac delta functions.Comment: Published in PASP, 118, 62 (Jan. 2006

    MOS CCDs for the wide field imager on the XEUS spacecraft

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    In recent years the XEUS mission concept has evolved and has been the subject of several industrial studies. The mission concept has now matured to the point that it could be proposed for a Phase A study and subsequent flight programme. The key feature of XEUS will be its X-ray optic with collecting area ~30-100x that of XMM. The mission is envisaged at an orbit around the L2 point in space, and is formed from two spacecraft; one for the mirrors, and the other for the focal plane detectors. With a focal length of 50m, the plate scale of the optic is 6.5x that of XMM, which using existing focal plane technology will reduce the effective field of view to a few arc minutes. Cryogenic instrumentation, with detector sizes of a few mm can only be used for narrow field studies of target objects, and a wide field instrument is under consideration using a DEPFET pixel array to image out to a diameter of 5 arcminutes, requiring an array of dimension 70mm. It is envisaged to extend this field of view possibly out to 15 arcminutes through the use of an outer detection ring comprised of MOS CCD

    Report 1 PHIN-CARE-JRA2-WP3 Second Task: Pulse Shaping

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    This report presents the activity developed on laser pulse shaping argument in years 2004-2005 by Milano-INFN within the framework of CARE /JRA2 \Charge production with Photoinjectors" second task \Pulse Shaping". A dedicated laser system with the relative diagnostic tools have been developed. A liquid crystal programmable spatial light modulator(LCP-SLM) shaper have been studied and set for the generation of di®erent waveforms. The shaper is integrated in the laser system for an automatic generation of the target waveforms via the insetion of a computer which drives the system through the developed software. The system can be programmed to generate any target waveform compatible with the spectral bandwidth of the laser system and some exemples are presented. The following issues are treated: (i) the operation stability as function of perturbations of the set-up parameters, (ii) the design of the shaper for the SPARC project, (iii) a new shaper concept for the generation of long target waveforms and (iiii) the rectangular pulse generation at the second harmonic

    The Distance of the First Overtone RR Lyrae Variables in the MACHO LMC Database: A New Method to Correct for the Effects of Crowding

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    Previous studies have indicated that many of the RR Lyrae variables in the LMC have properties similar to the ones in the Galactic globular cluster M3. Assuming that the M3 RR Lyrae variables follow the same relationships among period, temperature, amplitude and Fourier phase parameter phi31 as their LMC counterparts, we have used the M3 phi31-logP relation to identify the M3-like unevolved first overtone RR Lyrae variables in 16 fields near the LMC bar. The temperatures of these variables were calculated from the M3 logP-logTe relation so that the extinction could be derived for each star separately. Since blended stars have lower amplitudes for a given period, the period amplitude relation should be a useful tool for identifying which stars are affected by crowding. We find that the low amplitude stars are brighter. We remove them from the sample and derive an LMC distance modulus 18.49+/-0.11.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    CCD Photometry of Galactic Globular Clusters. IV. The NGC 1851 RR Lyraes

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    The variable star population of the galactic globular cluster NGC 1851 (C0512-400) has been studied by CCD photometry, from observations made in the B, V, and I bands during 1993-4. Light curves are presented for 29 variables, seven of which are new discoveries. The behavior of the RR lyraes in the period-temperature diagram appears normal when compared to clusters which bracket the NGC 1851 metallicity. Reddening and metallicity are re-evaluated, with no compelling evidence to change from accepted values. Photometry for stars within an annulus with radii 80 and 260 arcsec agrees to better than 0.02 mag in all colors with extensive earlier photometry, to at least V = 18.5. Instability strip boundary positions for several clusters shows a trend for the red boundary to move to redder colors as the metallicity increases.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A.

    Globular Clusters: DNA of Early-Type galaxies?

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    This paper explores if the mean properties of Early-Type Galaxies (ETG) can be reconstructed from "genetic" information stored in their GCs (i.e., in their chemical abundances, spatial distributions and ages). This approach implies that the formation of each globular occurs in very massive stellar environments, as suggested by some models that aim at explaining the presence of multi-populations in these systems. The assumption that the relative number of globular clusters to diffuse stellar mass depends exponentially on chemical abundance, [Z/H], and the presence of two dominant GC sub-populations blue and red, allows the mapping of low metallicity halos and of higher metallicity (and more heterogeneous) bulges. In particular, the masses of the low-metallicity halos seem to scale up with dark matter mass through a constant. We also find a dependence of the globular cluster formation efficiency with the mean projected stellar mass density of the galaxies within their effective radii. The analysis is based on a selected sub-sample of galaxies observed within the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey of the {\it Hubble Space Telescope}. These systems were grouped, according to their absolute magnitudes, in order to define composite fiducial galaxies and look for a quantitative connection with their (also composite) globular clusters systems. The results strengthen the idea that globular clusters are good quantitative tracers of both baryonic and dark matter in ETGs.Comment: 20 pages, 28 figures and 5 table
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